CitySync USA Springboard Released

Lonely Planet has just launched CitySync USA, its first Springboard module. It comes preloaded with guides to New York City, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles. You 'll get a bonus city of your choice to load on your Visor when you registering the module. It is available now for $50.

CitySyncUSA provides information compiled by professional travel writers and offers independent, critical and subjective information on places to stay, eat and visit. No advertising is accepted in any Lonely Planet product.

Users can search and sort popular attractions and hotels, shops and restaurants. Additionally, most CitySync listings link directly with the Visor's Date Book, so users can add vital information to their calendar with the single tap of the stylus. CitySync also lets users keep their own travel notes.

Unique to CitySync are scrollable maps integrated with the text. Each site highlighted within the text is identified on street-level maps. Users can scroll around Neighborhood Maps by dragging their stylus across the screen. There are also City Maps that give an overview of the city and identify the individually mapped neighborhoods.

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