Make Your Data Secure with PDA Restrictor
It isn't news to most savvy Palm users that the security built into the OS isn't very robust. The recent announcement by @Stake that anyone with developer tools can access data on Palm handhelds that have been locked with a password just brought this to the attention of a wider audience. However, IS/Complete's PDA Restrictor goes a long way towards closing the gaping holes. It is the only security program to pass Palm's Platinum testing program.
There is an enterprise version available now for $30. A consumer version will be released later this year.
Many IT professionals are wary of allowing PDA's into the workplace because of security issues and support. With PDA Restrictor an IT professional can set up a User Profile on the Palm and allow only the administrator to change the settings. The administrator can limit applications, force the user to use their password each time, delay locking, disable the IR port and also disable the HotSync function. The administrator can also push the program down, already configured, to users via programs like HotSync Server by Palm, Inc. When the user performs a HotSync they will not only have PDA Restrictor enabled but also have the profile set up from the administrator.
This is just one security option. If you have an alternate that you like, please tell us about it below. -Ed
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RE: ReadThis & Padlock Plus
I have since moved to eWallet which meets all my needs perfectly.
PS Is a Palm supposedly "locked" by JotLoc also susceptible to those security "holes"?
Last year PGP announced PGP for the Palm. I didn't see anything on the site and called and no one I'd talked to seem to know what a Palm was. NAI has a PGP Wireless for Palm 1.0 but I'm not sure what it does exactly.
I use TealLock myself for general Palm Security but it's susceptable to the problems pointed out by @stake. I wrote them a letter and they're working a solution.
two cents
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ReadThis & Padlock Plus
1. Padlock Plus (the hack) to provide log on security for my Palm. This I recognize has limitations. I set the delay to an hour: any time the Palm has been off that long, PP asks for a startup password. I'm not sure whether you could sync to a fresh Palm Desktop without the password though.
2. For any really sensitive information (account numbers, passwords), I use ReadThis! (application and hack). I like the flexibility: it can encrypt part or all of any text in any field. I use it in attached Notes and in Memo pad. One concern, though: how hard would it be to crack? I've been assuming the NSA and any good cryptographer with time and computing cycles can do it, but that's not my primary threat. ;-) I wouldn't like to think any cracker can do it with some downloaded warez.