ThinkOffice Combines Spreadsheet, Doc Reader, Calculator

thinkingBytes, developer of ThinkDB, has released the ThinkOffice application suite. It includes ThinkSheet, ThinkWord, ThinkChart, ThinkCalc, and ThinkDBExchange. With ThinkOffice, users can access, create, modify and print Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and charts as well as Word documents on their handhelds. It is available now for $40.

ThinkSheet is a spreadsheet application while ThinkChart allows ThinkSheet's data to be displayed in charts and graphs. ThinkDBExchange is a converter that turns ThinkSheet spreadsheets into ThinkDB databases and vice versa.

ThinkWord is a text editor that allows users to access, create, modify, and share files in the standard Doc format. ThinkCalc is a scientific and financial calculator that supports all ThinkSheet built-in functions.

ThinkSheet and ThinkWord files can be printed directly from the handheld with PrintBoy for ThinkOffice, which is $20.

In a related story, the company has released an upgrade for ThinkDB, its database application. Improvements in version 2.5 include increased storage capabilities, speed increases, and more.

ThinkingBytes' PR department appears to have fallen down on the job and I just heard about these from a reader. No one from the company has returned my emails so, frankly, I have no idea when they released them. Oh yeah, thanks to Aaron Smith for the tip. -Ed

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iPAQ background?

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/19/2001 2:24:56 PM #
anybody notice the hompeage bacgroun on the right has an ipaq picture? subliminal message?

RE: iPAQ background?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/19/2001 2:38:58 PM #
There's a Palm on the left-hand side...

ThinkDB exchange

jamuka @ 9/19/2001 3:10:06 PM #
I wrote to their support and asked if the ThinkDB Exchange prog would be included with ThinkDB--they said it would not, that it was a part of the ThinkOffice suite and not available otherwise. This is pretty crummy news for people who've already bought QuickOffice (which, in my opinion, is a much better product) because the program can be used to convert ThinkDB databases into spreadsheets and vice-versa.

However, the full version of the ThinkDB exchange program is available with the Demo of ThinkOffice, and the file will continue to work unregisted, and after all other components of ThinkOffice are removed. I confirmed this with their support.


RE: ThinkDB exchange
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/19/2001 6:27:19 PM #
You can get QuickData for converting QuickSheet spreadsheets into HanDBase databases. Not much solace if you are a thinkdb devotee though.

ThinkOffice? Man. What marketing team negotiated that name?

RE: ThinkDB exchange
jamuka @ 9/19/2001 8:08:46 PM #
Not much a fan of HanDbase.

ThinkDB rocks as far as I'm concerned, but their marketing and support... don't. Neither does ThinkOffice.

MiniOffice = ThinkOffice

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/19/2001 9:57:48 PM #
er... is it just me or is ThinkOffice a repackage of MiniOffice (solutionsinhand) plus the converter.
Don't get me wrong I think both are great, but... I wonder???

RE: MiniOffice = ThinkOffice
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/20/2001 3:59:06 AM #
Yes you are right. I'm surprised that thinkingbytes didn't say nothing about !

MiniCalc = thinkSheet
MiniWrite = thinkWord
McCacl = thinkCalc

Tested ThinkOffice

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/20/2001 1:17:19 AM #
This version of ThinkWord lags behind QuickWord and WordSmith in many aspects (ex. speed and feature.) A new version of QuickWord will be out soon, and the screenshots tell pretty much about its new features; very exciting! It will probably overtake WordSmith's #1 position as a leading doc editor.

As for ThinkSheet, it's pretty functional. It also has ThinkChart like QuickChart. If you already have QuickOffice like I do, you will probably want to stick with it.

I'm a registered user for ThinkDB, and I tend to agree with those posts about their marketing stratgy (ex. pricing; free upgrade for 1 year only.)

RE: Quickword
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/20/2001 7:06:13 AM #
screenshots? Where?

screenshot link and m125 review
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/20/2001 8:22:39 AM #

this link was provided by PalmInfoCenter, if you noticed the Quickies news down below:)

also, a m125 review:



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