TealDoc 5.00 Includes Document Converter

TealPoint Software has released TealDoc 5.00, the latest version of its document reader. The new version adds TealDoc Maker, a Windows converter program that creates Palm-readable documents from text files, HTML files, clipboard text, and even previously-created Palm-format documents. Other additions include antialiased fonts, document notes, and bookmark support for documents on external storage cards. It is available now for $17.

TealDoc is a reader for standard Palm OS doc files and enhanced TealDoc files. Features include screen rotation, smooth scrolling, full screen mode, beaming, a bonus tiny font, and direct support for docs and plain text files stored on external VFS-compatible memory cards such as SD/MMC, Compact Flash, and Memory Stick.

It also supports enhanced documents with HTML-like tags for inserting TealPaint pictures, oversized scrolling bitmaps, hyperlinks, hidden bookmarks, and stylized headers.

TealDoc includes support for the high resolution screens and jog wheels on the HandEra 330 and Sony Clié handhelds. It also supports full-screen mode on the Samsung I300.

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I don't like it

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/7/2002 3:16:20 PM #
This program doesn't look promising. I'll stick with Wordsmith... It can read and write!
RE: I don't like it
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/7/2002 3:28:33 PM #
Please, I love my Wordsmith but TealDoc is a great reader and it's vfs support is great. For those times you just want to read agood book this great.
RE: I don't like it
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/7/2002 3:43:14 PM #
Wow, amazing insight considering they are 2 different categories of products!

TealDoc is designed to display content, not type up the next great novel. Wordsmith does make a really good reader (I am registered user of both) but comparing it with TealDoc is not fair for either product. WordSmith doesn't support secure documents, content protection, embedded images, etc...

RE: I don't like it
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/7/2002 4:48:44 PM #
Oh, gimme a break. WordSmith is a WORD PROCESSOR! Yes, it can read DOC files, but it SUCKS as a DOC reader. Try loading a large file like the text of "Lord Of The Rings" or "Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy" into WordSmith. These files are huge, at about 1000Kb each. TealDoc and QuickWord will happily open them without any question. WordSmith chokes, sayting there isn't enough free memory. I have over 1200kb free, and I don't have enough memory?!? I just want to read the damn thing, not edit it!!!

WordSmith is a GREAT word processor, but as a DOC reader, it has a long way to catch up.

RE: I don't like it
paulkbiba @ 6/7/2002 5:00:37 PM #
I was a long time supporter of TealDoc, but not any more. It doesn't support anti-aliased fonts or full screen display on the NR70. I emailed them, and they said there are no plans to do this in the near future.

Even though I paid for TealDoc, I switched to DeepReader.

RE: I don't like it
Kaitou @ 6/7/2002 5:42:38 PM #
I use Wordsmith for memos and word processing and iSilo for doc reading, for me the two have been the best combination

RE: I don't like it
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/7/2002 6:18:54 PM #
Same here, I switched to Isilo because Tealdoc doesn't support NR70's 320x480 full screen, Bye bye , Tealdoc.
RE: I don't like it
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/7/2002 8:03:41 PM #
Where can I download Lord Of The Rings in palm Doc format?
RE: I don't like it
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/7/2002 8:38:13 PM #
You can't just simply download it. It's not legally available in Palm doc format.
RE: I don't like it--BUT Quickword...
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/8/2002 12:03:23 AM #
I like Quickword for read ebooks. With verson6 I read all my latest Lord of the Rings - and it loads fastest fine. Wordsmith is to slow.
RE: I don't like it
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/8/2002 6:33:26 AM #
>You can't just simply download it. It's not legally available in Palm doc format.

But a previous poster cites opening it on Wordsmith and Wordsmith can only open Word files and Palm Doc.

RE: I don't like it
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/8/2002 9:28:57 AM #
QVadis still has the best Doc converter program for Windows. Their Palm reader is useable though lacks some of newer rich text functions, but really, I use QVadis for their converter program.
RE: I don't like it
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/8/2002 10:39:11 AM #
LotR has been availble on PalmDoc format but it is illegal. I have seen it and its garbed up. Really messy - you won't want to read it. Buy the book or wait for a legal proper e-book version (PalmReader or Mobipocket).
RE: I don't like it
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/8/2002 11:28:14 AM #
Actually Qvadis's desktop software is more than just a converter for text, Word and HTML -- you can edit with it too. Ergo, no switching between Word and FrontPage etc and a Doc converter to edit the source material. It ain't Word, but for my money its the best desktop Doc viewer + converter + editor out there. I agree, though, their Palm program could stand some updating.
RE: I don't like it
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/9/2002 3:01:34 AM #
"I was a long time supporter of TealDoc, but not any more. It doesn't support anti-aliased fonts or full screen display on the NR70. I emailed them, and they said there are no plans to do this in the near future.

Even though I paid for TealDoc, I switched to DeepReader."

How far into the niche market do you want them to go? How many will adopt the res format for the NR70? They're not going to do it in the 'immediate future'. Relax. It took long enough for apps to support 320x on the other Sony PDAs.

TealDoc is supeior if you do not need to edit documents

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/7/2002 9:03:52 PM #
I have tried Wordsmith, Quickword and TealDoc. At least one thing TealDoc is superior to the other two - it enables me to read both English and Chinese Novels without any fault. Wordsmith has promised to support Asian language. Up to present moment, the suppport is limited. I can read and edit Chinese at the time of SmartDoc. These functions were lost with the colour version of Quickword.
RE: TealDoc is supeior if you do not need to edit documents
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/8/2002 12:02:01 AM #
Quickword work fine for me here with Mandarin.
You have old version?
RE: TealDoc is supeior if you do not need to edit documents
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/8/2002 2:17:47 AM #
I can see Chinese with Quickwork V5.64 in Palm505, but the dispaly is ugly. The size of character cannot be adjusted. For the newest version 6.0, I can see very tiny characters only (size cannot be adjusted) with Sony T615.

The Teal Point limitations

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/9/2002 11:29:16 AM #
For all the trial version of TealPoint softwares, are there any limitations other than the little reminder for regestration?


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