Rumor: Clie NX Series Can Use CF Memory?
ClieTokyo, a new website covering the Clie scene in Tokyo in English, is reporting that the new expansion slot in the NX series will support third party memory storage cards with clie specific drivers.
Several Sony Clie Marketing and Hardware/Software engineers were at a clie demonstration at a WiFi equipped McDonald's (!?!) in Japan.
ClieTokyo reports, "We got a chance to ask some of the engineers some questions that have been tossed around on the various CLIE forums including the big question about whether the CF slot will accept other third party STORAGE cards. And the answer was that the Clie uses a standard CF bus so that if the manufacturers create a driver for their respective memory CF cards, we should be able to use those 256MB and 512MB memory CF cards and even the 1GB microdrive!"
The Sony Clie NX70V and NX60 run Palm OS 5 on a 200mhz ARM CPU (Intel XScale PAX250). They have a high-Resolution TFT 320x480 screen, 16 MB RAM, 16 MB ROM, a new wireless expansion slot, Memory Stick slot, a built-in voice recorder, MP3 player and an internal mini keyboard. The handhelds have the similar folding clamshell design from the Sony NR series.
The NX-70V is priced at $599, and the NX60 retails for $499 USD. Both will be available in the US around the beginning of November, SonyStyle lists them as shipping on or before Oct. 28. They have just started to show up on store shelves in Asia and Japan this weekend.
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RE: Great! :]
"Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity..."
RE: Great! :]
here's a first review of this sony.
RE: Great! :]
RE: Great! :] OUCH!
Phew! Whats that smell!?! Did someone Zire in here? Buy Palm's only a nickle.
RE: Great! :]
RE: Great! :]
A persistent thread is how all the "hires+" apps that were developed for the NR- series aren't working.
Sony used proprietary graphics extensions for the NR-series and a number of developers updated or created some very cool apps to take advantage of this, BUT it's a developmental dead end. The "hi-res+" apps should really be called "NR-only".
Sony's NX-series uses the new OS5 graphic APIs. Does anyone truly believe that developers aren't going to be updating / creating apps for this device??
It's probably a wise move to wait until there are a few more reviews posted before coming to any conclusions. :-)
RE: Great! :]
Yes, some of the apps don't run properly. But we'll see many developers upgrading their apps for OS 5 and the new NX's. Palm DOESN'T even have a hires+ PDA... Sony had to write a lot of their own software API's and get Palm to endorse some of them.
Would you be using a Palm device today if it weren't for Sony, seriously?
Just what we suspected
RE: Just what we suspected
I think that being able to develop drivers is going to depend very much on how much information Sony are willing to provide to other device manufacturers.
Hoepefully, current pressure will mean that "Sony always intended to help others develop drivers" :)
RE: Just what we suspected
One ClieTokyo member commented that SanDisk hinted that MemStick was on the way out. Did anyone else pick up on that?
This is amazing.
Particularly at the prices they charge.
First they include Hi-resolution screens, and can't be bothered to patch the included software to use them. Then this. What next, they don't include an operating system?
If a third party writes drivers for the CF slot, you'll be lucky if Sony dosen't sue them into oblivion.
RE: Just what we suspected
Just my 2 cents.
RE: Just what we suspected
IBM microdrive
Nothing to kill or die for.
RE: IBM microdrive
RE: IBM microdrive
I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. We're in space.
RE: IBM microdrive
I use a 64MB CF card (twice a day swaped with a CF 56k Modem) on Handera and the battery last for a week, at least.
my 0.02€
RE: IBM microdrive
It would be nice to see 3rd parties come out and make viable battery solutions for the NR series. I'd LOVE to see someone make a 2400 ma battery which comes with it's own backplate which can replace the original one. It would take about 10 min. to open the unit, unplug the batttery, plug in the new battery and reassemble.
RE: IBM microdrive
What would be interesting is if someone came out with software that could change the clockspeed of the processor depending on the application. Reducing the clockspeed could have a big effect on the battery life, and some of the basic apps don't need 200Mhz.
RE: IBM microdrive
Go check it out!
Memory Stick Sales
Are you Proactive .... Or Reactive?
Geeze, Ryan...
RE: Geeze, Ryan...
RE: Geeze, Ryan...
I'm still not sure what effect this will have. i.e. Will we actually see lots of devices with drivers for the Clie. Hope so, but not sure yet.
RE: Geeze, Ryan...
You know they can do it, but it may not be in their interest to do it.
RE: Geeze, Ryan...
You are wrong. We did not know that the CF - slt that Sony calls a 'wireless' slot - had the capability to support true CF accessories beyond Sony' wi-fi card. They explicitly stated that it was only for this purpose and - although there was speculation here on PIC that it **might** be able to be used for standard CF if drivers were written AND if it contained all the pins of a CF slot. So - we did know. perhaps you just want to complain - but this is important to anybody thinking about plunking down $600 bucks on an NX series device - we want to know what the deal is with the CF slot. So we get an anwser to an obvious technical question - and this bothers you for some reason???!? I don't understand.....
RE: Geeze, Ryan...
This whole idea of pushing some kind of "lead story" to the top is BAD, since it causes people to not see other new news items.
RE: Geeze, Ryan...
> anybody thinking about plunking down $600 bucks on an NX series device -
> we want to know what the deal is with the CF slot.
Anyone who bases their purchase of an NX series device on this "story" would be an idiot. It tells you nothing more than you knew a week ago. I have plenty of hardware lying around that could do this, that or the other thing if somebody wrote driver X, Y or Z to prove it.
The fact that this story might somehow influence your decision to buy an NX series device only makes my point all the more clear. When there actually are drivers for this device, then that would be a "lead story".
RE: Geeze, Ryan...
Just like the brightness function for the m505 - that deserves a lead story and is news. Well, so does this. :)
O/T Mod
RE: Geeze, Ryan...
>return of the "Lead Story" being anchored at the
>top... to serve the mere 5% of Palminfocenter readers
>that prefer it!
Where do you get 5% from? If the Discussion Forum is anything to go by an overwhelming number of PIC readers want to hear (and discus) Sony products and issues.
>After some more thought about this, there is no way
>that what some Sony boob at McDonalds said might be >possible should be a "lead story" over the DataViz >and AlphaSmart stories.
>This whole idea of pushing some kind of "lead story" >to the top is BAD, since it causes people to not see >other new news items.
Knowing the culture there is no doubt that this type of Sony roadshow would have been staffed by more than just a 'boob' or two.
Since when did PIC push "lead stories" as opposed to just putting them in date order? I think this is just nit picking, then again if scrolling down a page to scan articles for interest is too difficult . . .
RE: Geeze, Ryan...
That would make it more clear that it is "floating above" the other stories; otherwise, a quick glance at the first story confuses me into thinking that no new stories have been posted, even though new stories have appeared below the lead.
My two cents.
RE: except...
RE: except...
RE: except...
RE: except...

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Great! :]
Look just to the possibilities: Faster speed, digital camera compatibility...
If it's true, nice move Sony... :]