Sony Clie TH55 Organizer Update v1.01
Sony has released an update to the Clie Organizer application found in the TH55 handheld.
The program updates the Clie Handheld Organizer application components from version 1.0 to v1.01. It updates the Application Launcher, Date Book, Memo Pad and To Do List.
The update is only for the TH55 handheld sold in the United States, Canada or Latin America. It requires 1.2 MB of free space to install. Installation instructions and the download are on Sony Support.
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Putting aside the issues these patches correct, if I had bought this on release I would have had all my files and programs nicely snuggled the way I want in RAM and on MStick.
Then along comes Sony, tapping me on the shoulder (actually bludgeoning me on the head -- ah, you stalkers like *that* image, eh?), saying "Please kick over a megabyte of those files *out* of RAM to make room for the things we have to fix!"
My question is, will TH55's coming off the production line *now* already *include* these fixes in ROM? Hello, Sony, care to comment?
Trust me, they build quickly. You'll have another two for the TH55 issued by next quarter, taking up another meg. Lucky if not three.
NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616
RE: Elbow-ROM?
I really would like to want to upgrade from my SJ33 to the TH55, but now I wonder if I won't just sit tight and wait to see what they put out next in this form factor. Is is extremely cool.
One nice thing about staying "old school" (OS4x), what is there is there, and ain't much to worry about.
SJ33 system update: 3k
Everything working with no (or few) hassles: priceless.
Honestly though, I don't know why ppl that don't even own the TH-55 are complaining. It's not like anybody is forcing you to upgrade your PDA even if you owned one.
Besides, the Clie Organizer is easily one of the best apps on the Palm anyway (or at least one of the most useful).
RE: Sony haters???
What we all are saying is: wasting RAM for a "ROM" update sucks big time. Do I (we) need a Sony device to know that? :)
So, no harm, no foul. I'm not going to download the patch; it's a fringe upgrade. Unless they remaster and add a TON of stuff to make CO a fully-fledged PIM, it's got nothing on DateBk5.
And really... if you don't own a TH55; quit yer b!tchin'. I have one, it fits my every need quite well, I have all the RAM available for my own use, and it only cost me $311. I think I got more than my money's worth.
It is useless to write the entire ROM just for a few updates. Some companies may wait for LOTS of updates before they release a single patch like PPC.
Personally, I would much rather have little bugs fixed by patches quickly rather than wait two years for a ROM update.
But ... I guess readers here expect SONY to be different than any other PDA manufacturer just because its SONY.
In the last month, HP released free new ROMs for the 1945 and the 2210.
Today, Toshiba announced that there would be a free update to the latest version WM2003 for the E800 series.
There have been a number of others also, but these are units that I have so I paid attention.
Perhaps it would be better to ask when has Sony recently released a ROM update since it appears that just about every other manufacturer already has.
And it's not a rewrite of the whole ROM. It's a part of the ROM that has the problem that has been rewritten, while the rest of it remains the same and is just reflashed.
The Federation for the Responsible Use of Acronyms
Must insist
I was JUST saying that wasting RAM to update ROM is ... well, a waste. No more, no less! Now, why is that so easy to take as an offense? :) Would be the same waste no matter if the culprit was Sony, Palm, whoever!
Owners only club?
The patch being in RAM has one big advantage, you can quickly and easily uninstall it (literally takes seconds). Being that not all pathces are good, and some patches produce incompatabilities and problems, it's certainly safer to have RAM patch then a ROM. Don't like it, don't install it, simple as that.
Actually, while I see your point about being annoyed by it, he/she has the right to free speech, whether it annoys you or not. That would mean, yes, he has the right to complain about a patch regardless of device ownership. Whether you should/will consider such a complaint credible is your right to decide. You should remember that rights are conferred by God alone, not persons or governments. Those are priveledges.
>"...The patch being in RAM has one big advantage, you can quickly and easily uninstall it (literally takes seconds). Being that not all pathces are good, and some patches produce incompatabilities and problems, it's certainly safer to have RAM patch then a ROM."<
You make a good point that highlights the fact that there are trade-offs no matter how you implement it. I personally would prefer a ROM patch that backs up the original ROM so you can re-flash it back if you don't like the results of applying the patch. The trade-off, however, is that you cannot quickly change back on the road, or without your PC. Handera had this problem handled nicely with the ability to place ROM updates on the CF card and run them from that location.
Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.
Issue here is ppl whining and complaining about a patch they know nothing about, for a device they have no experience with.
If they actually knew what they were talking about (ie owned the device and applied the patch), they would know that this is an incredibly minor update (primarily fixes the alarm problem). Moreover Clie Organizer is a Non-Essential app (You don't have to use it). Certainly, not worth reflashing your ROM over.
If this was an OS upgrade or a major upgrade from Clie Organizer 1.0 to 2.0 then ROM would be better, but for an extremely minor upgrade from 1.0 to 1.01 a RAM upgrade is much safer and convient, esp since all the problems that the patch fixes you can fix without the patching.
If this guy ever offers you Kool-Aid, don't drink it.
It's massive. Massive.
A waste is just a waste. Why advertise 32Mb ROM as a selling feature of your PDA if you are never going to make use of a flashable ROM? Last I heard masked ROM is cheaper than flashable ROM. Wouldn't Sony save money by using cheaper ROM?
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DigiCam: DiMage E323
Moreover, it's for Clie Organaizer; which is not essential (many ppl just use third-party apps which they think is better).
It's by no means worth a ROM upgrade. It's far more responsible to make this a RAM upgrade instead of dealing with the risks involved with reflashing your ROM. If you run out of space just uninstall it (you can remove it like any other program), or don't install it to begin with. It certainly isn't a waste, if you have problems with space just buy a Memory Stick (there was a 256MB MS Pro of sale after rebate for $50 last week).
This is so funny. Please tell me when ANY of the PDA manufacturers gave a ROM patch update for something. Little patch updates or little bug fixes happen on ANY platform and are NEVER given as ROM. Example was when Palm updated the sound quality bug for the T2. Was THAT a ROM update. No it wasnt.
It is useless to write the entire ROM just for a few updates. Some companies may wait for LOTS of updates before they release a single patch like PPC.
Personally, I would much rather have little bugs fixed by patches quickly rather than wait two years for a ROM update.
But ... I guess readers here expect SONY to be different than any other PDA manufacturer just because its SONY.
Um.. What do you call the v1.1 update from tapwave that came out not long ago? It's a rom update. I used it on my zodiac a few days ago. Fixes some bugs and adds some features. And no, its not useless to write a tiny fix to rom. If the unit has enough free rom it just makes sense to use that free space than ram which is scarce.
Zodiac 1.1 patch;
Honestly, I don't know why so many ppl that don't own the TH-55 are having hissy fits over this patch. Nobody is putting a gun to your head to install the patch (even if you actually owned the device), and you can fix the alarm problem without the patch (no memory required).
Still Lanscape Mode?
Duke University Class of 2007
RE: Still Lanscape Mode?
*Which I wouldn't buy, 'cause you know there'll be a lot of 'upgrades' after it hits the market to smooth out the bumps of rushing it.
RE: Still Lanscape Mode?
*Which I wouldn't buy, 'cause you know there'll be a lot of 'upgrades' after it hits the market to smooth out the bumps of rushing it.
RE: Still Lanscape Mode?
If it were that easy or cheap, Sony would have done it by now.
This is a hardware issue.
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