Sony Releases Additional Clie Updates
Sony has released updates and patches for the TH55, TJ37 and TJ27 handhelds. The system updates address Wi-Fi connection issues and a memory stick power drain bug.
Clie TJ37 and TJ27 System Update
Sony has released a system update for the TJ37 and TJ27 handhelds. The update resolves a application error and a potential power draining issue when removing a memory stick when the unit is turned off. The update also corrects a sound issue on the TJ37 that could cause it to confuse the speaker sounds. The update requires 52K of available memory.
TH55 and TJ37 Wireless Update
Sony has also released a patch that resolves a few issues when using certain WiFi wireless access points with the TH55 and TJ37. These models may experience network performance problems when power save mode is enabled. The system update requires 640K of free memory.
A patch was made available last week for The Clie Organizer software on the TH55.
All of the above updates and installation instructions are available from Sony's Clie support page.
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On the wishful thinking side, I'd love to see all of these fixes included in a ROM update under the Garnet OS umbrella (not I expect there to be a lot of fallout and subsequent patches released when it finally hits the streets).
any similarity with Microsoft is just plain coincidence...
Current fan of a 320x480 tablet shaped Palm with built in BT+Wifi for less than US$450
ROM Updates too risky?
1. People could potienialy destroy their device
2. The ROM will be available to the public, and could be used in POSE.
The last ROM updates that I remember were for the Palm V series.
RE: ROM Updates too risky?
RE: ROM Updates too risky?
Great stuff from Palm, goos support is always welcomed.
RE: ROM Updates too risky?
RE: ROM Updates too risky?
RE: ROM Updates too risky?
Personally, I'd like to see PDA manufacturers release patches as RAM-based, but if these patches take too much space, then an ROM-based flasher should be included.
RE: ROM Updates too risky?
Well, then that's because they designed them that way deliberately; this isn't rocket science, an Sony knows how to produce updatable hardware: you have a tiny boot PROM that knows how to download a Flash image over USB.
But why should they make their hardware upgradable and fixable without problems if we just buy new stuff every year anyway? They are making lots of money the way it is.
The Wireless update only requires 297KB of RAM not 640k, and the Clie Organizer 1.01 patch only takes 596KB of RAM not 1200KB.
In the instructions it does say; 'Verify the "Free Space" value shown is greater than 640 KB.'; which is where I think this article's figure is from, and which might be what the machine needs in the installation process; but patch itself takes only 297KB of RAM.
I'm in the camp that prefers ROM updates to patches, both because IMO it can potentially fix a problem better, and because the fix is permanent, and because it dosen't waste RAM. (Plus we might as well take advantage of having flashable ROM in higher-end handhelds).
RE: infrared?
Just saw this last night. And the T3 has had issues too :(
The good thing is, it sounds like this may be more of a software issue than a hardware one.
Not for Europe?
Does anyone know if this means that the fix was already made in the Europe devices? Or is there another reason?
CLIE UX-100: Hurry up, Sony!
It's just too big.
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