Rumor: Possible Rendering of the Palm Treo 700?

Yet another new Treo rumor this week. The CoolTechTimes has published an image of what appears to be another possible next generation Palm Treo smartphone. Read on for more details.

Rumored: Palm Treo 700 has posted this image of what they are calling the Palm Treo 700. The details gleamed from the picture indicate a much more rounded body with a new smaller antenna design. The article claims it will have a 1.3 megapixel digital camera with 8x zoom, CDMA EVDO high speed data support and a 320x320 pixel screen.

Though inconclusive from a rendering, the unit appears to run the Palm OS given the home and menu navigation buttons.

Update: This image is very likely a photoshopped creation. The Palm Treo 700w has been released, and there are rumors of a forthcoming Treo 700p.

Thanks to Gaurav for the tip.

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Sticking out aerials are bad design

fishtastic @ 8/12/2005 2:23:24 PM # Q
What is with this sticking out aerial stuff. Palm listen for once, NO STICKING OUT AERIALS.

Sticking out aerials are bad design, making them rounded doesn't help. Make the damn thing internal, there is plenty of space in there.

If Nokia could do it during the last century, you should be able to do it in this century.


RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
twizza @ 8/12/2005 2:57:40 PM # Q
Actually, its the carrier request for the external antenna (mos def Sprint and VZW, Cingular probably doesnt care, neither does Orange and Rogers).

And if you havent noticed, cell phones are not designed for you, they are designed for carriers to be sold to you. We have some pull, but not a lot. Carriers are the customers there.

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
fishtastic @ 8/12/2005 4:21:44 PM # Q
twizza said
'Actually, its the carrier request for the external antenna'

Actually it's an American carrier request. This is because they believe Americans are dumb and if the aerial sticks out then it must get better reception. Now bigger can mean better, but the Treo's reception is not a patch on Nokia phones that are not only smaller but have internal aerials.

I rememeber when at least one manufacturer made a phone with a sticking out aerial for the US market, fake because on the Euro models the aerial was internal. It was just a bit of plastic.

twizza said
'And if you havent noticed, cell phones are not designed for you'

Really, I'm shocked, I must remember that for the future.

The crap sticking out aerial is one of the reason that the Treo range didn't do well in Europe. It looked like crap, old-fashioned and backwards.

If Palm want to sell worldwide then they should have a crap model for the US with a huge aerial and a world model that doesn't look like it stepped out of a time machine from 1996.


RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
twrock @ 8/12/2005 9:09:48 PM # Q
And if you havent noticed, cell phones are not designed for you, they are designed for carriers to be sold to you. We have some pull, but not a lot. Carriers are the customers there.

From all this stuff I hear about the US carriers, I really think you people are getting seriously jerked around. Fortunately Americans have enough disposable income to be "taken to the cleaners" and still be happy about it.

I'm still waiting for the mythical "color HandEra."

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
ocspub @ 8/13/2005 12:57:47 AM # Q
> This is because they believe Americans are dumb and
> if the aerial sticks out then it must get better reception.

No, it's so we know what side has to point up.


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RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
fierywater @ 8/13/2005 9:12:15 AM # Q
Huh. My Audiovox XV-6600 on Verizon doesn't have an aerial.

I guess they thought I was a smart American.

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
triggahead @ 8/14/2005 4:48:15 PM # Q
What's up with that antenna? WHYYYYYYYYY?!?!? Antennas provide NO what-so-ever advantages - reception is not better and it makes devices uncomfortable in (pant) pockets. Ericsson insisted on antennas and it almost ruined them and forced them into a merger with Sony. And FINALLY they understood that ANTENNAS DON'T SELL and removed them. Since then SonyEricsson devices have been a success in the marketplace (that together with a total rebranding, repositioning and redesign of phones and UI...).

PalmSource has screwed up, and now Palm(One) is doing it too? A Treo RUNNING WINDOWS? PalmLinux will be an orgie in delays transforming the (Win)Treo670 to the only viable alternative in 12 months or so. In >2 years time finally PalmLinux arrives - with an equally warm response from "the market", i.e. Palm(One) basically, as Cobalt received. In other words, in 2 years time there won't be any PalmOS devices left on the market.

How could the original Palm screw this up so much?

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
svrontis @ 8/14/2005 10:39:56 PM # Q
Bad design or not, the marketing people over at Redmond must be filling their pants over this.

No doubt they will retaliate with yet another FUD campaign here at PIC.

They're desperate, so who knows what sort of lies we will be subjected to next.

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
AdamaDBrown @ 8/15/2005 3:43:54 AM # Q
(Rolling eyes)

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
jackpipe @ 8/15/2005 9:24:41 AM # Q
I agree - not only is the sticking out aerial a bad idea, but palm really need to get some design cues from the rest of the world - europe, actually.
Americans and corps may be happy with the clunky design, but it just doesn't cut it in polite company.

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
twizza @ 8/15/2005 12:10:44 PM # Q
I am no more happy with antenni than any one else here (my SE T616 is quite the proof). I just know (from asking the sources why, and getting answers). Are American dumber - your call, but I say yes and I am one :) Are carriers taking advantage of people that are afriad to do a lil bit of homework and actually make an informed purchase - I'd say yes there too.

COntrary to what I 'want to believe' this view of the 700 seems more realistic. Whether it is or not, I dont know (and when I will know I wont be able to say). Maybe chopping this rounded one in half will appease a few more folks; but who knows? We all care more about what is under the hood than what sticks out of it (I hope).

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
Scott R @ 8/15/2005 12:20:50 PM # Q
I think the antenna might have something to do with the extra radiation that Sprint phones put out.
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RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
fishtastic @ 8/15/2005 2:46:12 PM # Q
The reason why I I believe Palm has to lose the aerial is that by bringing out a WinMob phone it is going head to head with other WinMob hardware. It had to be better than the others if it expects to sell.

How does the Treo stand up against wizard/galaxy/universal?

Well with a big aerial, and I guess no wifi, it's going to look like the hick-redneck-ginger-haired-cousin.


RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
jamesgood72 @ 8/15/2005 2:48:34 PM # Q
Does anyone have any scientific information on why antennas are not required? Any radio engineers?

I would prefer not to have one on my T650, but assumed Palm knew more about the complexities of antennas than me. So I didn't make sure rash comments as others above are making. :)


RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
Patrick @ 8/15/2005 2:50:35 PM # Q
If it is really the carriers insisting upon it, then it is up to us to complain to them that their phones have these awkward and unnecessary external antennae. According to what I've read, the Moto Razr has excellent reception so that can't serve as the excuse.

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
twizza @ 8/15/2005 3:52:25 PM # Q
I bought my ladi the Moto Razr and its ok. Not the greatest, but ok. I do much better with my older, still no antenna weilding T616.
RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
ChiA @ 8/15/2005 4:17:56 PM # Q
Palm knew more about the complexities of antennas than me

That may be true but the point is RIM, HP, Qtek and E-Ten seem to know more about the complexities of antennas than Palm, as they're making devices similar in function to the Treos but with internal antennas.

I have feeling that there was a time when external aerials provided better transmission and reception than internal aerials (maybe because of other electronics in the phone causing interference?) but now there's little or no difference because of improvements made in electronics.

"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
PenguinPowered @ 8/15/2005 4:38:16 PM # Q
antennas are required. The question is whether an internal antenna is sufficient or an external antenna is required. It's not really so much about reception as it is about battery life. An internal antenna is somewhat less efficient as a transmit antenna than an external one. Normally, this doesn't matter much, since there are plenty of other sources of loss, but occassionally, it means that the phone will have to use more power to achieve an acceptable signal at the tower. This cuts battery life.

All else being equal, a well designed external antenna is more efficent as a transmit antenna than an internal antenna. It's rare that all else is equal, so it's difficult to do head-to-head comparisons.

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
LiveFaith @ 8/15/2005 4:42:15 PM # Q
It's not really a matter of antenna vs no antenna. They all have antennas. The question is, "do the engineers build the antenna into the design or outside it"?

Tear you S/E or Nokia "antennaless" phone down and you'll see that the antenna is nomally housed in the upper portion of the casing above the display. Unlike most flip phones (usually a pull out antenna) with a small space above the screen, the "antennaless" candy bar phones usually have a little extra up there. That space is usually where the antenna resides with plenty of room so as not to hinder transmission/reception. Maybe they'll put a speaker, power button or Ir port up there, but usually plenty of air too.

IMO, the "antennaless" design of my S/E T637 is far superior to the protruding type like the Treos. I really was hoping Palm would catch a clue and design the next gen this way, but I guess not.

The real innovation was done by Hawkins and Co at Handspring. If Palm releases this "700", then it will cement the fact that they are hanging desperately to market share for today's $$$, at the expense of tommorrow's survival.

"Antennaless" ... is that a word?

Pat Horne;

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
fishtastic @ 8/15/2005 8:14:33 PM # Q
The thing is that the RF performance of a Treo 600, for example, is inferior to that of a Nokia with an internal aerial. This is despite the SAR scores which are rather scary compared to Nokia.

Next time you have your Treo open have a look at the aerial and then tell me it needs to stick out like it's got wood....


Presenting the ultimate phone-centric smartphone design:
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 8/15/2005 10:55:32 PM # Q
IMO, the "antennaless" design of my S/E T637 is far superior to the protruding type like the Treos. I really was hoping Palm would catch a clue and design the next gen this way, but I guess not.


And you can add the Sony Ericsson T608 to the list of phones with internal antennae and (much) better reception than the Treo.

I think your antennaless Treo design is the best I've seen so far for a smartphone:

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

The Palm Economy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
LiveFaith @ 8/16/2005 12:37:11 AM # Q
Ahhhh, the Treo 800g ... Palm would have absorbed M$, S/E & Nokia already had they released her. Man that has to be the killer device of the decade.

Pat Horne;
RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
jackpipe @ 8/16/2005 7:23:22 AM # Q
I have a treo 600 i'm prepared to hack. I'm thinking of maybe removing the external antenna - I believe smallish flat (fractal?) antennas are available. Anyone tried this, or have any ideas why this may or may not work ?
The reception is already pretty terrible, I can't see it getting any worse by replacing the antenna with a real phone company's (eg nokia) one ...

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
LiveFaith @ 8/16/2005 10:22:23 AM # Q
Hack it and get one of those stckers that goes on the back for recpeption increase. :-D

Or go the safe route and just get the 480v!

Pat Horne;

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
jackpipe @ 8/16/2005 2:08:41 PM # Q
I was thinking of saving some cash, and just painting an antenna pattern onto the cover with a silver marker pen :)

RE: Sticking out aerials are bad design
zook @ 9/1/2005 12:47:33 PM # Q
aaa.... major check, the main argument is that palm is no maker of mobile phones. How many phones have they made so far? 2? hahhhahah.... to me thats a hell of experience...(sarcasm)

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Horrible Photoshop job

Scott R @ 8/12/2005 2:42:11 PM # Q
I can't believe this one's getting so much play. This is a horrible Photoshop job. The rounded corners are the work of the airbrush tool in the hands of an unskilled user.

And let's hope that the next Treo device is a bit more interesting and different than simply rounding some corners.
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RE: Horrible Photoshop job
twizza @ 8/12/2005 2:56:33 PM # Q
Hey, we all know its a PS job. The ironic part is that its a BELIEVABLE PS job. And who knows, if it runs something other than Garnet, it would be worth getting :)
RE: Horrible Photoshop job
ocspub @ 8/12/2005 3:06:05 PM # Q
> I can't believe this one's getting so much play. This is a
> horrible Photoshop job. The rounded corners are the work of
> the airbrush tool in the hands of an unskilled user.

Horrible photoshop job or not, the question is whether this is a "mockup" from Palm or some hoax.


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RE: Horrible Photoshop job
MonkeyMike @ 9/6/2005 6:04:10 PM # Q
Well, the statistics say there's a 99% chance it's a hoax... And they really need to lose the external antenna. I'm looking to replace my zire 72 and k700 with one device, but it won't be something with an external antenna...

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No news

interlard @ 8/12/2005 3:26:00 PM # Q
It's a bad picture that looks too much like a Treo 650 to be worth reporting as a possible design for a Treo 700. I wouldn't have thought this worthy of publication.

Perhaps there is no real news today? At least Palm didn't change its name again, or have another CEO quit.

RE: No news
LiveFaith @ 8/12/2005 5:02:46 PM # Q
... and if Palm announces it Jan. 10th, then you'll post the following I'm sure ...

"It seemed a bad picture that looked too much like a Treo 650 to be worth reporting as a possible design for a Treo 700. I wouldn't have thought this worthy of publication. Perhaps, I thot, there was no real news that day? At least Palm didn't change its name again, or have another CEO quit.

Nevertheless, PalmInfocenter showed us all why we love it so much. They were able to navigate through all the rumors, hoaxs and spy photos to bring us the Treo 700 over 4 months before this Palm press release was reported by CNet and others. Thanks Ryan for taking the risk back then and furthermore for having the expertise to "seperate the sheep from the goats" concerning Palm rumors.

By the way, I'm sending $100 to your PayPal account as a token of my appreciation".


Pat Horne;

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More than 32MB RAM?

Gekko @ 8/12/2005 5:30:40 PM # Q

I hope that they put more than 32MB RAM (~24MB Usable) in this puppy.

"32MB RAM ain't good enough for anybody."

RE: More than 32MB RAM?
vesther @ 8/13/2005 7:59:49 PM # Q
At least 64MB (56MB Useable) or 128MB (120MB Useable) Ram would be nice.

Now give the Treo a well-polished, smooth-touch Anodized Aluminum Metal Casing so that the insides of the Treo can cool down. Plastic traps heat and no one can afford to see the insides fry apart thanks to plastic. Treos need to use cooling metal cases to cool the insides of the handheld (especially the Battery) in a hurry.

Powered by Palm OS since March 2002

RE: More than 32MB RAM?
grg @ 8/13/2005 10:25:53 PM # Q
Well, there are 217 1280x1024 photos left so you could do the math ;-)

I've given up the idea of ever having the device of my dreams sinceI have been too eclectic. No mater how much money I am going to give, I would end up most likely with a crap device. There are no companies for niche markets. Anyway:

- No aerial.
- Tungsten/Aluminium/Titatinum/Whateverium instead of cheapish plastic.
- Better battery life - it's time to ditch those power hungry Intel cpus.
- Better than 32MB RAM. Start with 128MB minimum.
- Standard minijack headphones socket. On the top of the device, please.
- WiFi AND Bluetooth.
- Better camera, marginally.
- New OS. 5.x looks so old now. We need new APIs and more developers. Multitasking (it should help somewhere), Unicode, Java, ...

RE: More than 32MB RAM?
joad @ 8/14/2005 1:21:03 AM # Q
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... memory.... good idea. I wonder what it would be like to have a Treo with a reasonable amount of RAM - bet you could actually USE some of those fancy programs like Handmark Express, Documents to Go, IBM Websphere, etc that are too much struggle to fit and work on the 650 and before (unless that's ALL you use)....

If they blow it again on the next PalmOS Treo and put in only 64 or less of RAM, perhaps since the specs for Windoze mobile require 128+ there will come a Shadowmite to hack the PalmOS into the 670 hardware and THEN we will finally have a decently built Treo for 2006...? You can change firmware, but when you build lousy hardware you're pretty well hosed from the beginning. MAYBE Palm has finally learned something... we'll see on the next release...

RE: More than 32MB RAM?
AdamaDBrown @ 8/14/2005 4:09:53 AM # Q
WM doesn't require 128 MB RAM, it can make do with 32. In any event, if you assume that the average size of the photos is 200-250 KB, then multiply by 217, and take the next standard RAM figure above that (allowing for overhead), then this image depicts a device with 64 MB of memory.

RE: More than 32MB RAM?
PenguinPowered @ 8/14/2005 4:22:35 AM # Q
I've got a Linux distro running on an ARM device that uses 4MB of ROM for the file system and just under 3MB of ram for the footprint of a running system. Nice, fast, useful.

RE: More than 32MB RAM?
sr4 @ 8/14/2005 4:41:02 AM # Q
You're not implying that Garnet is bloated, are you?


RE: More than 32MB RAM?
fishtastic @ 8/14/2005 9:40:51 AM # Q
AdamaDBrown said
"WM doesn't require 128 MB RAM, it can make do with 32."

Hhmmm, the Moto MPX(300) proved that your can take a nicely designed phone and cripple it with 32 MB of ram. Every review of it said nice phone needs more memory, (and a faster cpu). In the end it got canned mainly because it was unuseable with that little memory.

64MB is the real minimum for WM, obviuosly WM5 has is interesting because you need to get the mix of flash and real memory right.


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