InfoWorld Reviews the Mojo SDK

palm dev icon mojo InfoWorld has published a first look review of the Palm webOS Mojo SDK. The author goes through the Mojo SDK tools and general webOS development process. The author concludes that the SDK has enormous potential but still has a work in progress feel to it being such a new and emerging platform.

It's worth noting that WebOS development will not be simple for everyone who can build a good-looking Web page. You'll need to know JavaScript and be familiar with the idea of creating a layout by instantiating objects, not putting tags in the right order. This is still a job for real programmers, not Web designers. The WebOS offers a structure that will be easy for any programmer who's been working on AJAX Web applications, but this won't be enough for some.

Palm Mojo SDK Screenshot

The author goes on to say that Palm has only begun to scratch the potential of a Web-based operating system, and there are many fertile avenues for development. He rightly recommends that Palm should also work to more easily incorporate other Javascript frameworks such as jQuery and its huge library of extensions.

Thanks to Slashdot for the tip.

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