Rumor: More Details on the m125 Leaked
A source known only as Steve-O has provided a datasheet with a fairly complete picture of the upcoming Palm m125. The device will have a 33 MHz Dragonball VZ processor and 8 MB of RAM. The U.S. version will have 2 MB of mask ROM and the international version will have 4 MB. The use of mask ROM rather than flash ROM means the OS can't be fully upgraded.
As discussed earlier, it will have an SD expansion slot and use Palm's Universal Connector. The m125 will cost $250 and should be available near August 24.
It will be 4.7 by 3.1 by .7 inches and weigh 6.1 oz. As a comparison, the rest of the m100 series is the exact same size but it weighs only 4.4 oz.
Its shape will have more in common with the rest of the m100 series than was previously expected. While there will be changes, the m125 will still be able to use flip covers designed for the m100 series. However, it will be different enough to require a new stylus.
It isn't yet clear whether the m125 has the m100 series' smaller screen, but there are several clues to indicate that it does. The information sheet on the device says, "These new products maintain the philosophy of style, value, ease of use and ruggedness at the lowest cost." One of the reasons Palm used the smaller screen in the m100 series was to increase its ruggedness. Also, the fact that the m100 series' flip covers fit and the handhelds are the same size are good indications.
Update: Steve-O has confirmed that the m125's screen is the same size as the m100's. In fact, the whole front of the device is almost identical to the m100 and m105. Naturally the back, with its Universal Connector, is different. The flip cover looks like polished metal with a black strip around the outside, which Palm is calling the Race Stripe.
The m125 comes with a USB cradle which is the same one as comes with the m500 series. Because the m125 runs on two AAA batteries, it doesn't include the AC adapter the m500 series needs, though if an m125 is placed in a cradle with the power adapter hooked up, no harm will come to it.
To clear up any possible confusion, the m125 and m500 series will be able to share the same peripherals. As the datasheet says, "A user who purchases a new Palm modem will be able to use this accessory with their m500 or their m125."
It has an infrared port but lacks the vibrating and flashing alarms from the m500 series.
Operating System
Palm OS 4.0 has been modified slightly for the m125. While Web Clipping will still be available on the CD, it won't be preinstalled on the device. Neither will the Mail app. The Network HotSync option will no longer be available. These changes are likely made to allow the operating system to fit into the 2 MB ROM. There are also various fixes to the Card Info, Note Pad, and the Clock applications and to IrDA
It will come with Palm Reader, MGI PhotoSuite 2.21, and Dataviz Documents To Go 3.002.
As mentioned earlier, they have updated Note Pad. Enhancements include the ability to make notes private, undo the last drawing mark or erase stroke, clear all drawing marks from an existing note, and delete notes in Edit view. The maximum number of notes will be limited only by memory.
Web Clipping
m125 users will be able to access the Web with the Mobile Connectivity Software (MCS) available on CD. However, it has been slightly modified to make it easier for new users. Users will have access to the MyPalm WebPortal.
Thanks to Steve-O for all this great info.
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RE: Still not price competitive
RE: Still not price competitive
Btw, at PCexpo, I asked ALL the sony reps if they had any memorystick non memory modules in development, and they all said they aren't aware of any. Sounds like memorystick will just end up on the shelf of different flash memory.
OH my god...becky, look at her....Prism.
RE: Still not price competitive
Expansion Card I/O
Sony absolutely will not discuss unannounced products, at least not with the likes of me. All I can get from the Sony rep was that they are on track to release some MemStick peripherals this year and some next year.
Palm has been showing off that group of SD prototypes for many moons. They are waiting for the SD Assoc. to approve the SDIO standard and then they will begin to appear. The Bluetooth one will almost certainly be first.
In the expansion card I/O peripheral race, I'd say both companies are neck and neck.
News Editor
Palm Infocenter
RE: Still not price competitive
BTW: don't take "anything" in the literal sense, please
I love my Palm . . . do you?
RE: Still not price competitive
Speaking of MemorySticks...
prc/pdb files to the memory stick and then move them to my Clie. Of course it can also act as a high capacity drive to trasfer off an to the memorystick. It costs $90 and can work with the Mac. I know it's
more expensive than getting a Travel Kit but if you are into getting a new optical mouse, i think with the memorystick reader, it's a good bundle. It's made by Sony so I would assume that it could read future higher capacity memorysticks (some Mac users have reported that they can't read 128MB memorysticks on a generic reader).
Here's the link:
PS: If a few more of my office co-workers would get the same mouse, then we can replace floppies and use memorysticks to share large files. :)
RE: Still not price competitive
RE: Still not price competitive
RE: Still not price competitive
RE: Still not price competitive
Article with picture of Bluetooth MemStick card:
News Editor
Palm Infocenter
RE: Still not price competitive
RE: More Peripherals
Here's the article that talks about the non-working mock-ups of planned SD devices:
News Editor
Palm Infocenter
RE: Still not price competitive
RE: Still not price competitive
Sony is a VERY large corporation composed of independent companies and divisions; if you ask a random group of Sony representatives about products that they are not directly involved with, they probably don't know any more about it than you do.
RE: Still not price competitive
BUT, the COOLEST module that they had been working on in one of their R/D divisions that they (Sony rep) was showing off on the floor was the "Thumb-Print Scanner" MS module!
Yes, you read correctly - Sony was displaying a working prototype of a "Thumb-Print Scanner" MS module. The use of this MS modules course would be for security purposes - IE you couln't use the Sony Clie without it first recognizing your thumb-print. Other uses could involve securing documents, private records, etc.
What amazed me was that this MS module was a working! Sony reps had to modify the CLIE that they were using in order for it to accept the module, but it was exactly the same lenght and width as a standard MS module. The only thing I wasn't too thrilled about was that they now had a copy of my thumb-print - who knows what they might use that for! :) Conspiracy Theories abound!
On a last note, the Sony rep also showed me and other Industry reps about how Sony was working on a SMALLER MS module - 1/2 the lenght of the current MS modules - basically an MMC/SD module - that was/is to be there FUTURE MS module sizes. They even had an adapter created so one could use these new MS modules in the older style (read current style) MS module compatable CLIE and Sony laptops.
All in all, I was pretty impressed with what Sony was displaying and working on, and had working for the show (Comdex). I stopped by the Palm area, but all they had were the standard MMC/SD modules we've seen here on PIC - the GPS, Digital Camera, Electronic Screwdriver SD modules, etx... :{ - NO working modules to play with - what a bummer!
But the best thing about ALL of this is that ALL these things are being developed on the PALM OS platform. Gosh everyone, Be Happy!
Peace - Dave Adonius
RE: Fingerprint module
News Editor
Palm Infocenter
RE: Still not price competitive
we might see cheaper msticks with competitive prices. (even with the new sony pricecuts..)
here in the UK its still like 2squid for a 1mb... so 648mb stick cost about 120squid...
(i just need to finish hacking Mstick support for Frotz mmmm and add mstick support to Sarien... mmm kingsquest 4 agi on memory stick on a palm! yay!)
RE: Still not price competitive
The "half-sized" Memory Stick is called the Memory Stick DUO. It will probably replace current MSs in the years to come, so SD will lose one of its main features: smaller form factor. It is difficult to imagine storage getting smaller than MMC/SD/DUO size. Too easy to lose!
Lead Weights
Palm needs to reduce the price of the m500. Perhaps they were expecting a repeat of the days when a mono unit could generate juge hype and profit for them, but those days are over, as Handspring found out. Drop the price to $300, and take the lead weights out of the m125.
Syncplicity. Redefining Simple.
RE: Lead Weights
RE: Lead Weights
"If you really want to, you can practice Esperanto, but in the land of pronto, the wind it tastes like gasoline." - Frank Black, Llano del Rio.
Syncplicity. Redefining Simple.
RE: Lead Weights
Your attempt in humor and valid argument is quite pathetic...
As newer palms come out and as they all include a colored screen, universal connector and expansion capabilities the only main difference is form. It should be quite interesting how the m125 will look like. I doubt it will be the skywalker prototype although many indications point to that.
One aspect of the m125 which is discouraging is the fact that it broke the 6 oz barrier. The last time Palm came out with a unit over 6 oz was the IIIc. On the palm timeline that was eons ago. I know we are just talking about ounces but these things are suppose to get lighter not heavier...
RE: Lead Weights
Where's the Datasheet w/ Pictures?
It's not a rumor folks
RE: It's not a rumor folks
RE: It's not a rumor folks
News Editor
Palm Infocenter
RE: It's not a rumor folks
More of the same.
aren't they all the same? why can't we have something radically different and exciting? Ok, the price is great, but for ...helllooooo....we want more memory? you know, bigger app, music and stuff?
Attention Kmart buyer
(Is it me or this product is geared toward non gear head to push SD card? Does anybody care? This model is going directly to Walmart discount bin along with disposable calculators)
Blooth and GPRS support in Palm?
RE: Blooth and GPRS support in Palm?

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Still not price competitive