Rumor: Treo 610 Mention In Research Note

In an article about speculation on a component switch for the modem in the palmOne Treo 600, the Treo 610 is mentioned twice by a research analyst. The piece also indicates the device is expected to be launched on the Verizon network soon.

The article is about a rumor that palmOne has decided on a different supplier for the wireless mode in the CDMA Treo 600. palmOne currently uses Sierra Wireless. The article states, "Sierra's modem business with PalmOne may not be sustainable at its current rate, as we are hearing that PalmOne has plans to move away from Sierra Wireless for models following the Treo 600 and 610."

No hard details about the Treo 610 are mentioned. Any specifications being reported on the device are based on pure speculation. The article goes on to mentions the Treo 610 is expected to launch on the Verizon network. Verizon's website recently posted a teaser saying that the Treo 600 was coming soon, after being reported the company took down the notice.

palmOne stated in early March that they were working with Verizon to deliver the Treo 600. The company plans to launch the Treo 600 with 4-5 new strategic carriers during 2004, including Verizon.

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Treo Vs h6300

Alric @ 4/25/2004 10:05:40 PM #
It will be an exciting summer!

RE: Treo Vs h6300
LiveFaith @ 4/26/2004 4:41:47 PM #
RE: Treo Vs h6300
theharmonyguy @ 5/1/2004 10:33:23 PM #
Looks photoshoped to me. And no keyboard? I doubt it.

specs or speculation?

a3 @ 4/25/2004 10:07:43 PM #
Add on: Hi-res screen, 32Mb, bluetooth and no antenna.

only time will tell...

Current fan of a 320x480 tablet shaped Palm with built in BT+Wifi for less than US$450

So... what about the new Zires?

rory @ 4/26/2004 4:18:56 AM #
PIC seems to be the only place that has not done a story on the Zire 72 and 31. Lots of photos to be seen here:

Visor Deluxe > iPod > Clie SJ33 > Zire 71 > Newton MessagePad 2000 (with WiFi)
RE: So... what about the new Zires?
JonathanChoo @ 4/26/2004 4:39:29 AM #
They are probably bound by an NDA agreement with Palm. I am sure they probably even have the units with them or will very soon.

PDAs: Psion 5> Vx > m505 > N770C > T625C > NR70V > e310 > T/T > HP h2210 > T/T3 & h4150
Mobiles: StarTac > T28m > T39m > T68m > T610 > T630
DigiCam: DiMage E323
RE: So... what about the new Zires?
a3 @ 4/26/2004 9:29:49 AM #
Probably they already have it and are currently preparing a review to be posted the official launch date at midnight (just as they did with the TT3).

Current fan of a 320x480 tablet shaped Palm with built in BT+Wifi for less than US$450
RE: So... what about the new Zires?
rory @ 4/26/2004 12:43:57 PM #
Good point :) I hope they do a review soon the Zire 72 looks really neat.

Visor Deluxe > iPod > Clie SJ33 > Zire 71 > Newton MessagePad 2000 (with WiFi)
RE: So... what about the new Zires?
LiveFaith @ 4/26/2004 4:34:15 PM #
Whoa, look how thin the 72 is. Back the thinness of the V! I would drop my T3 for this in a heartbeat if she had 320x480. I originally thought it was a little boring by the spec sheet only. Everything improved, but I only saw the front look on This looks atractive & compact ... except for the arcane silkscreen. :-)

Pat Horne;


sub_tex @ 4/26/2004 10:10:22 AM #
It's possible that the 610 is nothing more than a 600 with Verizon specific tweaks or something. SE released the t610 and the t616. And the t616 was for AT&T only and I think added another US GSM band for better reception.

Considering how well the 600 is doing, I find it hard to believe that a new model would debut on any network other than Sprint.

RE: Possible
Xian @ 4/26/2004 12:33:59 PM #
The SE T610 supports GSM 900, 1800, and 1900Mhz frequencies. T616, sold by Cingular and AT&T Wireless, supports 850, 1800, and 1900Mhz.
RE: Possible
Snerdy @ 4/26/2004 1:07:24 PM #
Sprint isn't a likely carrier for the debut of a model featuring Bluetooth, though.
RE: Possible
sub_tex @ 4/26/2004 3:26:31 PM #
The SE T610 supports GSM 900, 1800, and 1900Mhz frequencies. T616, sold by Cingular and AT&T Wireless, supports 850, 1800, and 1900Mhz.

Thank you for the correction. I knew it was something with the bands.

Sprint isn't a likely carrier for the debut of a model featuring Bluetooth, though.

Good point.

RE: Possible
theharmonyguy @ 4/26/2004 3:33:43 PM #
Bluetooth requires FCC approval, does it not? So far there's been no documentation indicating a Bluetooth model is forthcoming. If the 610 really is BT, then we've still got a good wait ahead of us.

RE: Possible
bcombee @ 4/26/2004 6:01:13 PM #
Remember that the requestor can ask the FCC to defer announcing their device approval until the launch date. The leaks in the past from the FCC site were mainly due to this oversight, either from the start, or due to a changed date not being communicated to the FCC.

Ben Combee - PDA programmer weblog
RE: Possible
dennya @ 4/26/2004 10:22:45 PM #
Not to mention any cell phone requires FCC approval, Bluetooth or not.

If the Treo 610 has Bluetooth, I'm 85% likely to get one.

If it has Bluetooth, a hi-res screen, and a removable battery, I'm there!

RE: Possible
Dr Opinion @ 4/29/2004 11:37:27 AM #
> "...If it has Bluetooth, a hi-res screen, and a removable battery, I'm there!..."

If it has Bluetooth, a hi-res screen, and a removable battery, it's a Treo 700.

Come on guys. Get a grip. ;)

"...I looked up "antediluvian", and they had a picture of a Pocket PC." ;)



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