Jeff Hawkins Forecasts Future Brainstorms

The Electrical Engineering Times has published an extensive interview with Jeff Hawkins, Palm Computing founder and current CTO of palmOne. The interview talks about the latest breakthroughs he is working on. He also speaks on upcoming for palmOne work and a huge new way to think about intelligent computing.

His latest book On Intelligence, discusses Hawkins theory of how the human brain works and explains his thoughts on why computers today are not intelligent and how, based on this new theory, we can begin to build intelligent machines.

The hardcover edition of On Intelligence is now available via and at local bookstores. [Affliate link]

EE Times: Jeff Hawkins thinks he is on the verge of two breakthroughs. As chairman of the Redwood Neuroscience Institute (, where he spends half his time, Hawkins has helped prototype a novel computer vision system using an algorithm based on his theory of how the neocortex works. That algorithm could serve a wide array of applications and spawn a new direction in electronics, Hawkins believes.

EET: You say the next big thing will be machines that work like brains. Why?

Jeff Hawkins: It was clear to me 25 years ago that the brain works on a set of principles different from our everyday computers. Those principles produce amazing behaviors. Flies can fly better than any machine we ever made and are just that big [pinches fingers together]. [...] But as always in technology, when you come out with a whole new computing paradigm, it will blossom into a gazillion things people never thought of before

EET: And the larger goal?

Hawkins: I am on a mission to get an industry started and create a movement. I want a movement that's both academic and industrial, much like what happened with artificial intelligence, but based on the right science.

EET: How do you see your job as CTO for PalmOne?

Hawkins: I'm really a product guy. I tend to focus on the next big thing.

I was very involved in the Treo 600. I was almost not involved at all in the Treo 650. [Now] I am working on something else which is completely different. My value is trying to figure out how to get the next thing going.

Thanks to MountainLogic for the tip.

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Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck

Gekko @ 1/13/2005 10:28:55 PM # Q

This prick hasn't done a lick of real work at P1 in many years. He's too busy with his hobbies. I bet the prick rarely even shows up at the office. He's sucked enough money out of the company. Sharholders and Customers say - Do some real work or get the f**k off the payroll. Granted, he was the pioneer - but what have you done for me lately? Hawkins fiddles while Palm burns.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
hkklife @ 1/13/2005 10:39:44 PM # Q
The ship is going down around him and yet Hawkins continues to talk about the "next big thing" and peddle his book. Dean Kamien he is not. Get back into the lab or keep the beancounters at bay so that '05 isn't PalmXXXX's swansong.

P.S. He wants computers to think like they have brains in 25 years? Well, he's been plugging away with the Palm OS for almost half that time and we have very little progress to show for it. How can he preach that he is a visionary one moment, then call himself a "product guy" the next all the while standing around idly while his once-proud hardware company continues to churn out one rubbish retread after another?

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
Gekko @ 1/13/2005 10:51:31 PM # Q
RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
hkklife @ 1/13/2005 11:20:59 PM # Q
Wow. Verrry telling numbers indeed! Nice find, Gekko.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
svrontis @ 1/14/2005 12:30:47 AM # Q
That's funny. I've heard the same complaints about Mr Gates and Mr Jobs too.

Anyway, these sort of complaints just prove my general theory - those who can DO; those who can't WHINE.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
ReneeRoberts @ 1/14/2005 12:50:38 AM # Q
I agree about the whiner comment wholeheartedly. Jeff Hawkins is an extremely thoughtful person. This is someone who has no hesitation to sit down next to a stranger and help them with a problem. He very strongly believes in computational neuroscience research. It has been a passion of his since before Palm. So, all you whiners out there... if you own a PalmOS handheld, thank the man for crying out loud. Without him, you wouldn't have your toy. And for those who don't, realize that an entire industry is now based on his vision.

Just because he is a good businessman and money manager is no reason to be rude to him.

And for God-sake, stop the whining! Grow up!

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
tfftruoa @ 1/14/2005 12:54:49 AM # Q
Every week he is selling 7,692 shars of palmone stock. He started out with 3,200,000 odd shares. That works out to 400ish weeks until he is fully divested of his stake in palmone. Considering all these transactions are automatic (probbaly schedualed by time rather than selling price) it looks like he's just using his shares as a source of additional personal income. Perfectly reasonable considering he has over 8 years until he runs out of shares. Hell, if I could get $300,000 a week for over 8 years, I would grab that up in a heartbeat.

Sharp Wizard-->Handspring Visor "Deluxe"-->Sony Clie SJ30-->Palm Tungsten T3 w/ SE T68i
RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
svrontis @ 1/14/2005 4:22:54 AM # Q
> How can he preach that he is a visionary one moment, then call himself a "product guy" the next all the while standing around idly while his once-proud hardware company continues to churn out one rubbish retread after another?

hklife, you have made a good point. But remember this - those 'rubbish retreads' are MAKING MONEY. This is because p1 are producing units which customers are happy to take in exchange for their hard-earned shekels.

Contrast this with the performance of others. Sony, for instance, were able to produce lots of new models with clever gimmicks. Geeks like us called this: innovation. So what? Sony are history, because they always lost money. They lost money, because people didn't want to buy such 'innovation'. What's the point of innovation which people don't want? Isn't such innovation just a 'solution without a problem'?

Look at it this way - p1 has achieved innovation of a kind which the likes of Sony could only dream about - p1 have discovered a way to make palmpilots for a PROFIT. What a radical idea!

Ergo, p1 is innovative enough where it counts - in the local computer store and on the bottom line.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
PilotMad @ 1/14/2005 7:03:25 AM # Q
I for one am glad he is still involved with his visions. Along with Bill Gates and others a true company needs it's thinkers. While i believe the company has some issues to sort out, quality, innovation and listening to its customers. One would assume there is a good team behind him to handle such details.

He has built an industry around some of his visions. A company needs charismatic leaders and pioneers.

Its true the company may currently have problems and may fall by the way to peer competition. That would be sad. But it is a reality of the industry. The concept/product hopefully will be carried on by some other company.

Apple is for example of a company steadily on the rise again.

Just my thoughts.

Palm Nirvana or bust!

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
LiveFaith @ 1/14/2005 10:45:42 AM # Q
those who can DO; those who can't WHINE.

Whew. That says it all!

Pat Horne;

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
Rome @ 1/14/2005 11:08:19 AM # Q

I hope your comments were meant to be funny in a sarcastic way, because I really don't think that you are that ignorant. Jeff can probably make a lot more money if he ever decides to leave P1 and work elsewhere, even on a part-time basis. Treo 600 single-handedly made Palm cool again, and his contribution on the brain research front is simply invaluable.

He is not just concerned with making money these days, but he is also trying to make a difference in our life with his brain research. For that, I salute him.

Hawkins is EARNING his P1 Paycheck
RhinoSteve @ 1/14/2005 1:12:54 PM # Q
Gekko, let me guess. You think the Socialist Police should also grab all of his assets and return it to the workers as some Stalinist-middle man pockets "service fees" like a lot of charities do right now in the name of "social justice." That was tried for seventy years with one third of the world and it failed miserably. China is not really socialist anymore. It is more of a facist, one party state with private enterprises that support the party a la Nazi Germany. But I digress ...

Ten years ago, Jeff was doing ok and living in a modest home with small children after his first independantly developed PDA, the Zoomer, crashed and burned. Before that, he left a good paying job at GRiD (yes, I still know how to spell that company right!) when Tandy didn't want to market any more tablet computers.

He has just a million dollars left in capital (and that is not much when you have two dozen salaries to meet), all the big company interest was gone and you had one more shot before you start to look for another job. He came up with the Pilot PDA that was made of the cheapest injection mold design he could get and a very inexpensive, almost obsolete, CPU that runs off a pair of AAA batteries.

Low and behold, the recipe was right and the product took off when all the fat cooks were gone!

Here we are ten years later, he is at the top of the game in Silicon Valley and up there with the ranks of Jobs and Grove. While I do not agree with all of his theories in "On Intelligence" at all, he deserves ever cent he makes.

Remember -- Fortune favors the brave!

Gekko, how about you getting away from these newsgroups, get to work on an idea, make a product, market it and see if you have manakas to make it. I bet good money, ten years from now you will be in the same winey and bitter position you are now bitching about someone else making it big.


RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
Gekko @ 1/14/2005 2:38:03 PM # Q

RhinoNerd - I've already made it big. I don't begrudge Hawkins for cashing out stock from the company he helped build. What I DO begrudge is the fact that that company is putting out poor quality, non-innovative products while the "Chief Technology Officer" is spending 99% of his time on hobbies and AWAY from the job that he collects a PAYCHECK for and shareholders and customers get screwed. Shareholders especially want a CTO that is ENGAGED and is 100% FOCUSED on COMPANY PRODUCTS. Look at the T5 and the T650 - They're GARBAGE. HAWKINS OWES SHAREHOLDERS A FULL DAYS WORK FOR A FULL DAYS PAY. PERIOD.

RE: Hawkins is EARNING his P1 Paycheck
RhinoSteve @ 1/14/2005 3:24:12 PM # Q
I don't agree with you at all. PalmOne is a consumer electronics company, not a technology company. The T5 is selling well to those that matter and not techno-nerds like you.

As far as if you "made it", I dare you to post your portfolio on line.
RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
Take1 @ 1/14/2005 4:14:27 PM # Q
I agree with Gekko on this one. I wouldn't have said it as bluntly as he's done, but the sentiment is there.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
Gekko @ 1/14/2005 4:16:41 PM # Q

1. You may be a "Techno-Nerd" but I'm not.
2. $1M+.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
RhinoSteve @ 1/14/2005 4:43:40 PM # Q
Ok, I guess this is going to be a appendage whipping talk now.

That is not a portfolio, that is a claim. I want to see the URL listing your assets. Hey, I can make a claim to be worth over one million too. So can anyone else on this. Seems you are the one that needs to provesomething here.

FYI, unvested stock options or vested stock options that are untradeable don't count.

Also, I guess you don't know who I am or you wouldn't be acting like such a winer.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
Rome @ 1/14/2005 4:55:05 PM # Q
Not into comparing finance porfolios, because a person's true worth is not measured by his/her financial status.

My wife and I both own and use the Treo 650, and I must say that we both love our Treos. Gekko, you are entitled to your opinions, but Palmone has two very happy customers here.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
mikecane @ 1/14/2005 4:59:34 PM # Q
Gekko is dreaming. If I had $1M+ in *wealth*, I wouldn't be spending time posting here.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
Gekko @ 1/14/2005 5:33:39 PM # Q

Believe what you want to believe. I made my points. Good night.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
mikecane @ 1/14/2005 5:52:54 PM # Q
Oooh, feeling insulted are ya? People with thin skins aren't usually rich. Unless they won a lottery. So, which six numbers got you yours?

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
Admin @ 1/14/2005 6:29:54 PM # Q
this thread is golden :P
RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
SeldomVisitor @ 1/14/2005 8:06:42 PM # Q
I did a very brief search and found no compensation words for Hawkins though he theoretically is an executive officer - I believe such a disclosure has to be somewhere public.

With respect to net worht of a million bucks, though, you're kidding, right?

Over here on the East coast it has been trivially easy to become a paper millionaire - e.g., my house is worth three times what I bought it for about 10 years ago - poof! Instant almost-millionaire form that alone.

A million bucks is not interesting anymore...sigh.

(of course, a million bucks every three weeks ala Hawkins stock sales - now THAT'S interesting!)

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
Strider_mt2k @ 1/14/2005 11:24:43 PM # Q
If I had all that dough, I'd still be posting here but on a really really nice machine. -But that's me.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
T. @ 1/15/2005 12:30:48 AM # Q
There are several truths I have learned in life:

1) If it ain't a Harley it ain't worth riding.
2) Most people who feel they they need to tell you they have a million dollars.....either don't or got it from their dad.
3) People who drive a Lexus (or say they do) .......who cares, it's a Toyota.
4) A 1/4 of a billion dollar payroll doesn't win you the world series (or even the ALCS for that matter).

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
pmjoe @ 1/15/2005 9:20:43 AM # Q
> I for one am glad he is still involved with his visions. Along with Bill Gates and
> others a true company needs it's thinkers. [...] He has built an industry around
> some of his visions. A company needs charismatic leaders and pioneers.

Always annoys me when people give credit where credit isn't due. Bill Gates was never a pioneer in the computer/technology industry. Any "visions" he has had are refitted/rebadged/resold products from other pioneers/visionaries. Bill Gates is a brilliant, shrewd, etc. businessman in the tech industry (like Michael Dell and others), but please don't equate that to vision and innovation.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
PilotMad @ 1/16/2005 11:50:18 AM # Q
Everything's relative. I didn't necessarily equate Bill gates with innovation in the traditional sense of near revolutionary product leaps. He is brilliant, and a genius (or extremely lucky) in terms of business strategy, history will tell.But I do not doubt for one moment that Microsoft would not be able to satisfy that innovation criteria with ease. They have both the financial muscle and the necessary influence. Their innovation is more subtle but has been growing steadily. I believe in the development tools area and growing database arena (where i work, Oracle,DB2) they are slowly becoming impressive.

Gate's company took steps in embracing certain key technology directions at various points (e.g. internet)and standardised it by virtue of a monopoly. There is much of their software which although i take for granted, is simply superior. I have the knowledge that it will mostly work with almost all of the other software i have. Not always technically briliant or cutting edge brilliant, but at least not 'bleeding edge'.

No one should deny that Microsoft has taken some technologies forward or pushed other companies to do so (e.g. Open Standards)in their desperation to compete. A considerable amount of Microsoft's budget as with IBM, Sun and Oracle is spent on research.

Gate's vision of 'Windows Everywhere' is for the moment the one that many of us are following, voluntarily or involuntarily. How many microsoft products do you own?

Ultimately though, true research and innovation is done through universities, governments (esp. through the military), specialist companies, sometimes years/decades before anyone really knows how to exploit it or what to do with it.

This is a long piece but there are many ways to look at innovators and visionaries. It's usually done through contribution, history and hindsight. Bill gates has already put his mark down in the history of computing.

One day i will probably swap over to a Pocket PC, if palmOne/PalmSource loses their way. I did indeed own a HP Jornada Windows CE machine at one time which i loved.

I am now about to purchase my very first Mac which i have always admired but considered too expensive. The new cheaper Mac Mini. Not just because of the seemingly superior graphics interface, but mainly because it's a unix box which i have used at work daily for years with Oracle. I will probably retire my very old 586 Linux box.

I do not forsee dumping Microsoft or Palm. They will all co-habit happily in my computer graveyard which i call my home.

Again, just my thoughts.

Palm Nirvana or bust!

Microsoft Vs. The World. And the winner is...
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 1/16/2005 4:18:52 PM # Q
"Wild" Bill Gates is both brilliant and an incredible businessman, but the monopolies he's achieving are staggering. We really need to do whatever we can to support competing technologies/companies before we wake up one day and find Windows Everywhere. Wait a minute... too late.

Linux, CrApple's Mac, other Unix flavors, PalmOS, Firefox, Opera, Quicken... the list of software that can legitimately compete with Microsoft is getting smaller every year. Where are Netscape, WordPerfect, OS/2 and the hundreds of other competitors Microsoft used to have? All dead. Or bought out (Like they did with Visio and tried to do with Quicken). Even Java has been targeted by Microsoft (thank God!). While I generally don't believe in governments controlling the free market, Microsoft is on a rampage and this can't be good in the long run. Looks like the DOJ blew it.

Five years from now every computer product you own may be running a Microsoft OS + Microsoft software, with the hardware made in China and technical non-support handled in India (or an even poorer country once workers there start asking for more than $2/hour pay). Don't like it? Tough.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
Calroth @ 1/16/2005 5:50:57 PM # Q
I have one thing to say.

I don't care whether Hawkins is stealing his PalmOne paycheck or not. If he can get away with it, good for him, let him do so. The fact is that you can do nothing about it, apart from whine on Internet messageboards. If you really cared about the issue, you'd invest in PalmOne stock and have a say about how the company is run. Or anything else that MATTERS.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
PilotMad @ 1/16/2005 5:56:17 PM # Q
Going back off-topic to Microsoft for the moment.

I dont think even Microsoft believes it could have anything like a total monopoly. From a company perspective it would be very hard to avoid a break up (Standard Oil did not escape) or harsh penalties from either ther DOJ or the European Commission. Or maybe even backlash from its customers with a perceived anti-sentiment towards it. IT and technology has a way of policing itself. For companies you're only as good as your last product(s) which has an all too limited shelf life. A sea of change can leave you behind. We all know the IBM/Microsoft story. IBM thought hardware and Microsoft thought software...

There is now an accepted fundamental requirement for open standards which is a double-edged sword to all companies. Add to that the dissemination/freedom of open source/standards via the internet and hostile user communities (who are customers). These are issues that can seriously cripple any company who gets sentiment wrong or fails to get the balance right between open and proprietary code/products.(Sony pleas take note...)

I believe Microsoft came to an arrangement/collaboration with Apple about the one of the Apple's issues and pumped quite a large sum of money into the company. Also i believe there was another collaboration recently with Sun about which involved another injection of money.

The key thing here is learning to coexist with open standards promoting/supporting it while at the same time ensuring your software if not the best available, is the cheapest and most readily available with the least problems.

For example if you can run Linux or any easily under Windows VM software (e.g. Services For Unix and the like). Then you may still be inclined to stay with Microsoft for all your other needs.

Discussion is healthy. Even 'whining' sometimes. There are often little things of merit from even extreme views which might spark something in one person or succession of people to something revolutionary. At the very least one can always 'switch off' and read something else.

I am very interested in PalmSource and their moves towards Linux. After all Steve Jobs and Apple did essentially the same with the BSD flavor of unix (I believe). It was a start. Now look at them.


In one of my other posts, i should have said that many of Microsoft's innovations, improvements, revolutions would not necessarily be immediately visible to most people who would look look at end products. They are after all a company who principle work involves software technology that works behind the scenes e.g. Operating systems and the like.

Palm Nirvana or bust!

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
SeldomVisitor @ 1/16/2005 6:02:24 PM # Q
Actually, if one believes that whatever Hawkins is or isn't doing is not cost-effective (I've seen no recent evidence that Hawkins is paid anything worth noticing, BTW) then SHORTING PLMO would probably be the way to go.

Since PLMO is uber-volatile that doesn't seem like a prudent investment to me (yes, a short CAN be an investment!). Of course, IMHO neither is a long...

Voice of Idiocy
mikecane @ 1/16/2005 9:02:05 PM # Q
Enjoy your new StinkPad, pal. Enjoy your upcoming RSI. That keyboard is made to induce RSI.

The Mac Mini is going to start biting billg in his a**. Just think of all those lost Mac Word sales -- because who wants that C-RAP when you can use Apple's Pages?

I have to move from Win98SE to something better. Do I really want XP after all the firsthand woes I've experienced from 98? Hell no. I'm sick of running Ad-Aware and Spybot after every net session.

And, gee, look at those iPod sales. After HOW many MP3 players have been thrown against the wall, only the iPod has stuck.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
twrock @ 1/16/2005 11:26:23 PM # Q
Yes, is not that Mac Mini one of the most tempting computers to come down the pipe lately?

I love how everyone is comparing it to the "equivalent Windows PC" and saying it costs $100 more. There is no "equivalent Windows PC" because this thing runs Mac software. That IS the point. I think this is a very smart move by Apple.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
AdamaDBrown @ 1/16/2005 11:31:50 PM # Q
Mike, take it from somebody who held on to Win98 for an eternity--XP is lightyears better. No crashes. No hassles. Use a good browser like Opera or Firefox and you won't even have to worry about spyware. Get a Mac if you like, but I'm just saying.

Is Microsoft getting screwed? Apparently.
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 1/17/2005 2:01:59 AM # Q
I believe Microsoft came to an arrangement/collaboration with Apple about the one of the Apple's issues and pumped quite a large sum of money into the company. Also i believe there was another collaboration recently with Sun about which involved another injection of money.

Collaboration? Arrangement? Get serious.

First of all, the $150 million Gates gave Apple was in an effort to keep Apple alive in order to minimize Microsoft's future risk in (inevitable) antitrust suits. Microsoft NEEDS the presence of another (feeble) OS so they can avoid being a true monopoly. Plus Gates knew he'd get a lot of the money back anyway.

The multibillion dollar lawsuit brought against Microsoft by the DOJ and the various states opened the floodgates and the company has now become an easy target for anyone looking to make a quick buck. All anyone has to do is mention the "A" word (antitrust) and they walk away with millions.

$1.1 billion to settle California lawsuit: (January, 2003) The other states were another couple billion!

After becoming the top dog, Microsoft now is being sued by countles mangy curs that the company had routed over the years. Here's just a few:

$750 million to Netscape's undertaker, AOL Time Warner (May, 2003)

$23 million to ever-tragic Be:
Way to go, Gassee! Now can you tell me why Be didn't also sue Apple for shutting them out of the desktop world? Huh? (September, 2003)

[For sadists only: The history of Be -]

Real Networks tries to cash in to the tune of a cool 1.1 billion after losing to Microsoft's media player:,1759,1417871,00.asp (December, 2003) Real made sure to testify against Microsoft in the European Union case. (How altruistic of Real!)

$521 million to Eolas for a bogus, ultra-vague (ignoring prior art!) patent "infringement" that makes the Palm Vs. Xerox case look reasonable by comparison:,1759,1436979,00.asp (January, 2004) Ironically, the patent that Microsoft supposedly infringed on was invalidated three months later!

$613 million fine from European Commission: (March, 2004)

$1.7 billion to Sun: (April, 2004)

$536 million to sleazy Novell, who then turned around and tried to gouge Microsoft some more because Word kicked the crap out of WordPerfect 10 years ago! (November, 2004)


Wow. Around 8 BILLION (yes, BILLION) in just 2 years!
It's amazing Microsoft can still function in this environment.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

Try not to be such a dullard, lapdoggie.
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 1/17/2005 3:18:13 AM # Q
Enjoy your new StinkPad, pal. Enjoy your upcoming RSI. That keyboard is made to induce RSI.

The Mac Mini is going to start biting billg in his a**. Just think of all those lost Mac Word sales -- because who wants that C-RAP when you can use Apple's Pages?

I have to move from Win98SE to something better. Do I really want XP after all the firsthand woes I've experienced from 98? Hell no. I'm sick of running Ad-Aware and Spybot after every net session.

And, gee, look at those iPod sales. After HOW many MP3 players have been thrown against the wall, only the iPod has stuck

Wake up, Mike. The X40 has the best keyboard of ANY minilaptop. In fact, IBM laptops tend to excel in terms of keyboard design. Too bad they're now being made in China. I realize you can't afford laptops, but at least try not to comment on things you know nothing about (everything?).

Keep your silly little Kube Komputer. $500 for a 1.25GHz PowerPC G4, 256MB SDRAM, 32 MB ATI Radeon 9200 and a 40GB Ultra ATA hard drive? No monitor? No mouse? No keyboard? No thanks. I can build a complete AMD computer for the same price that would blow your little Martha Stewart Living Kube out of the water. Hope you have fun shopping in the Mac section (shelf?) of stores. Start practicing: "Excuse me, but is Program X available for MAC?" "Sorry, Sir. No it isn't."

XP is stable. I'm running XP Professional on my laptop and it hasn't yet crashed.

The iPod's success had more to do with timing, industrial design and marketing than it did with it being a superior piece of hardware. The iPod sticks as well to walls as a steaming pile of feces. Enjoy your dung, Mike. You deserve it.


And in case you thought Apple was still a computer company:

"For the first time, the company earned more revenue from the iPod during the quarter than from any other product. Total revenue from iPod shipments was $537m with revenue from PowerBook sales trailing at $419m."

"For the 2004 fiscal year, Apple recorded revenue of $8.28bn and net income of $276m, both substantial increases over the company's results in 2003."

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
PilotMad @ 1/17/2005 3:50:44 AM # Q
I do not and would not disagree with you or anyone's view as we can all be wrong at times and i much prefer listening and offering perspectives rather than preaching.

Regarding a Collaboration/Pay Off or Arrangement rather depends on your perspective and degree of cynicism. I WAS suggesting that one of the benefits to Microsoft would be the DOJ and the European Commission off their backs and helping Aplple to help them. But why is this such a bad thing? I think we should all forget the politics, cynicism, hearsay, legal battles, motives, fears and just evaluate the company's products and their actions towards their customers. More simply, what have they done for me... and how do i feel about them.

Every company whose product i own has to answer this question to me (a customer) every single day, knowingly or unknowingly.

More so with IT and technology companies,the general rules of business simply don't apply. By the time an action is to take effect the landscape may have completely changed. The playing field is simply too vast, complicated and fast changing for any company to hold a monopoly reliably. No single company could ever hope to fully support or evolve a huge range of products simultaneously to the same degree as say a sizeable single company (or companies) involved with a narrowed range of related product at the same time competing against open source alternatives and standards and then correctly predict the direction and evolution of future technology. Even a simple mistake can be costly and crippling. It is not even reliable to hedge your bets with technology. There's always something different around the corner. The best you can hope for is to become a consistent player.

I believe Microsoft like all the other companies are constantly struggling to find new revenue streams and keep a high market share in business while pleasing their customers. As they are larger they simply cannot afford to ignore the various forces be it market, technology, customers/users or of late increasingly moral and ethical ones.

Clearly the first priority for a commercial company is to survive, grow their business, make money for as long as they can with as many advantages they can get/keep. Simple. Consequently, large successful companies are often obvious anti-competitive targets for everyone else. Rightly or wrongly. In many cases their presence alone is enough to cause an outcry of foul play and as a competitor why shouldn't you cry foul so that you might get an advantage out of it. Or better still get Microsoft to buy you out and or license YOUR technology (sometimes dubious and farcical) in the case of very small ones.

Should Microsoft just stop making making a product (usually a competent one) just because of that fact? I dont think so. I accept the premise and justification of their existence. Its simply business. I and understand perfectly that Palm or Microsoft would dump me in an instant for higher revenue spending customers however nicely they might put it.

Personally as a home consumer, for myself (and many others) my first priority is obtain a competent product that works, for the best value (not necessarily the cheapest, but at least certainly affordable), that benefits or improves my lifestyle/activities while being future proof. Like many i love the tags, attractive, future proof, updateable, most advanced, highly specified,performant, 'cutting edge', awards etc. But the harsh reality is that I dont have any particular brand loyalty and would switch to a competitor in an instant.

I can probably own a tv, or sofa (???) for 30 years and never change it. With a computer or software. No chance, not really practical. At least not yet. So there's no hypocrisy when i as a consumer, exercise my freedom of choice, show my loyalty by dumping my old supplier for a competitor. I know, perhaps more so than in any other playing field or industry i will have a choice. With the wonderful medium that is the Net i can seek an alternative product, produce something myself or contribute/start/use open source alternative. Or simply wait. Sooner or later something pops up.

I'm not inherently Anti or Pro anyone. For me its just business and good sense. I could try out Star Office, Open office or MS Office and would dump any (or all) of them in favour of the cheaper (as good, or maybe better) product. Even though i might not probably be using many of the new features.

If i uprade my Microsoft OS, it is because i want to use the newer features of newer software or upgrade to better hardware. Otherwise, if it isn't broke ...
Microsoft haven't been getting much revenue from me lately. But then not many have apart from Third party app vendors for the Palm and PalmOne and PalmSource.

The funny thing is, i am an independent contractor in the UK. Most of my work is corporate, not yet with Microsoft but who knows. I have just recently finished working with IBM and have worked with Oracle, Ford, (the old) Sequent, Data Sciences, Vodafone etc. But, i do not think in terms of loyalty. It is in terms of the right company product for the job at hand. I do not for one moment think that Microsoft would not be using Unix based platforms internally in their organisation despite their own OS products. Similarly, i recently teased one of the IBM consultants that they as a business unit would also recommend the competitor Oracle database product to their clients over their own DB2 offering in certain circumstances. But anyone who works in this area would know why this could happen.

Internally with corporate companies the world is not so black and white its grey. Mistakes can be crippling, losses frequent, margins next to nothing, invested into white elephants and the importance and needs of the customer is top priority. The only problem as ever is balancing/prioritorising your best customers/prospective customers and keeping their loyalty.

Large customers are mostly the same...

'We know you did this that was nice, a step in the right direction. Thanks. But what have you done lately and can you do this as well and for for less cost ....

Isn't it part of our original contract?

We'll get back to you when we've made our decision. Its company policy to review alternatives, we're on a budget'

We can all be hypocritical depending on which side of the fence we're sitting on. I frequently swap because it's a human thing to do and i'm not perfect nor care to be.
Does it matter? They are only corporations after all. I think on balance the trick is trying to be fair and to balance our criticisms.

I almost always make a point registering my dissatisfaction with a company's service as a matter of course if i feel sufficiently strongly. It's the least you can do. They might be able to take it on board if the get many of the same types of criticisms. If not then if move on (ie. vote with my feet) with no recriminations.

It would be nicer if we could have a bit more balance and fairness towards people like Jeff and Bill and their respective companies.

But i also appreciate the freedom of speech/views in most cases.

Palm Nirvana or bust!

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
mikecane @ 1/17/2005 2:33:15 PM # Q
I'm already learning OS X, you toad. And I have firsthand (no pun intended, you turd) of getting RSI from a IBM Stinkpad, you billg lackey.

defaults com.palminfocenter.comments BanVoiceOfStupidity -bool yes

-- ah, if only PIC worked like OS X!

And the gaggle of links you posted just adds further proof that you are some pathetic b*st*rd who has no life outside of flashing his detumescent ego here in PIC Comments.

Here, Pavlov, your sex kitten waits you --

-- assume the position, cretin.

Unknown Command
mikecane @ 1/17/2005 2:45:55 PM # Q
OK, OK! Before everyone piles on: I'm just in my *first bloody day* of learning OS X -- from a book!

After I read my post, I saw my error: I left out write!

defaults write com.palminfocenter.comments BanVoiceOfReason -bool yes

Ah, if only that would work!

RE: Hawkins is stealing his P1 Paycheck
LiveFaith @ 1/18/2005 11:58:08 AM # Q
Bash Hawkins all you want boys and girls, but the following banner ad tells a mighty story of success for little P1(HS). Gotta love it when your vision gets to this point! :-D

Pat Horne;

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