Comments on: Acecca Confirms Additional PDA32 Details

PDA32 base price $179.00 IRDA (high power transmit) +$10 Stereo audio capability +$10 Bluetooth Class 1 (100 meters) +$10 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi +$20
Responding to some user inquiries, Aceeca stated that they have no plans for additional models that are smaller and/or lighter-weight and not ruggedized. Responding to the concerns of many, there WILL be a 64-bit compatible USB driver for the PDA32. No additional info is provided, other than that Access does not have this solution in place at this time but they will keep users updated on their progress.
Article Comments
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RE: business model
(Why do some people say you can kill two birds with one stone when it's hard enough killing one bird with two stones?)
What we really want...
RE: What we really want...
Heck, I'd pay Access $5 or $10 for a solid, supported Palm Desktop + 64-bit USB driver to keep my TX functional and synchronizing into the future!
Having decided to take the full plunge into Android for my smartphone needs, I am jettisoning all of my Centros and Treos and accessories and will make my last stand for all things Palm OS with my 2 TX's and a couple of older devices I still have around for nostalgia purposes (Vx, VIIx, Pilot Pro, Pilot 1000).
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro-> Verizon Moto Droid X + Palm TX
RE: What we really want...
do you realize how silly you will look carrying around a Palm PDA in 2011?
RE: What we really want...
Nothing beats Palm OS for fast, intuitive, one-handed use and PIM. Nothing!
Besides, I could just hold my TX up to my ear and people will think that it's some super-sized Android phone/tablet device!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro-> Verizon Moto Droid X + Palm TX
RE: What we really want...
I'm really sad when I see the success of the iPad and know that it could have been an all-grown-up TX running Palm OS7 or 8. Too bad they didn't let Apple buy them years ago when they had the chance.
RE: What we really want...
(Why do some people say you can kill two birds with one stone when it's hard enough killing one bird with two stones?)
Some questions. . .
First, I am familar with the reference to Dimitri, but who is "Aaron"?
Second, is the reason that people want a 64-bit driver so that they can sync with the physical cord? Have you experienced actual problems with a Bluetooth-based sync?
Third, carrying around a Palm PDA in 2011 will not make us look silly. It has some cool/ironic overtones, doncha think? ;-)
Fourth, @ hkklife, whenever you get rid of Centro's/Treo's/accessories, please let us know here first so that we can try to buy them from you.
Finally, in what year do you think that the final PalmOS user will stop using PalmOS? 2016?
Thanks very much,
RE: Some questions. . .
Tech Center Labs
RE: Some questions. . .
As for BT sync--yeah, I've found it to hit and miss--mostly miss.
As for looking like a dork--you decide. I don't really care what some idiot with white ear buds thinks. My TX is an invaluable tool that I use on a daily basis. Just as reliable (but not nearly as exciting) as my secretary.
If Palm would have been managed differently the iPad would have been introduced earlier running Palm OS. Too bad. Jobs obviously knew the Foleo was brilliant.
RE: Some questions. . .
wow that is a big stretch and a big "if" on so many levels.
oh yeah right - the fooleo was the inspiration for the ipad!
you're delusional!
RE: Some questions. . .
RE: Some questions. . .
Gekko, you should become a hoarder like me, we have more toys to play with so we can actually tell which are the best.
Grandpa Gary
Tech Center Labs
RE: Some questions. . .
Like I've said before, my parents are freakin' gaga over their iPad. They have discovered how to load photos of their recent vacation and play it on a slideshow. And when I helped them load all of their old CDs on it, well, they were excited, to say the least.
None of this could have been done with the Foleo. And just as importantly, Palm has never been the marketing/hype powerhouse that Apple is in order to properly market an entirely new product segment.
RE: Some questions. . .
IMO, Palm was on the right track with that device and could have had a big headstart on the smaller tablet (like Dell Streak) market. Instead of pissing away countless dollars and man hours with the Fooleo, a gradual evolution of the TX would have been a wiser, more conservative approach for a company with limited resources like the pre-HP Palm.
Even with the creakiness of Garnet, Palm could have milked that basic TX design for another 2 years or so, maybe even longer. But they went Treo-crazy and it took the world's biggest biotch-slap from Apple 2 years later to convince the industry that people were sick & tired of SSS (small square screens).
Anyway, for very little R&D $, Palm could've released a followup TX in 2006 with an integrated 2gb flash drive (later on 4GB) to replace the LifeDrive and address the TX's biggest shortcoming. Then they could've done a Palm V or Visor Edge-style sleek & thin restyle in 2007 or so. Finally, as a Garnet swansong, they could've stuck an EVDO radio in there (at the expense of BT or wi-fi) and sold it with an iPad-style no contract, data-only plan for $20/month and been the first "3G tablet", all the while making little tweaks to the UI to make it less reliant on stylus.
Somewhere along the way, rudimentary cloud features (online backup, device auto-updates etc) could have been gradually rolled out to get the Palm faithful accustomed to that "cloud stuff". One of the major complaints people like Gary and myself have lodged at WebOS and the Pre is that it's such a drastic departure in not only UI & look/feel from Garnet but in requiring too many taps, no easy one-handed navigation. A gradual WebOSifying of Garnet rolled out over a several year period would have been wise (look how Microsoft has slowly gotten everyone used to the ribbon toolbar, for example).
By this point that even a refreshed Garnet would have reached the total end of the road (2009-2010ish), capacitive touchscreens + no styli + Android/iOS had set the bar too high, which is precisely where a polished WebOS could have nicely stepped in. But Palm could definitely made things easier on themselves in the lean years from 2006-2008. Then, after CES 2009, a "Pre Touch" would've been a no-brainer and done a lot to remedy the hideous delays in the Pre launch + rollout on other carriers.
Up through, oh, 2009 or so, Garnet's main shortcomings could have been quite easily remedied through software and some of the $ thrown away on the Fooleo debacle:
-No 802.11g support (also better security etc). Aceeca is supposedly/hopefully working on this for the PDA32. No reason it couldn't have been done years ago. Only now are we starting to see 802.11n appearing in smartphones, with many notebooks and netbooks still strangely shipping with just G support.
-Weak web browser. Blazer was never great and it's just mind-boggling that a better native Palm OS browser was never developed. Anyway, I am sure a solid browser could've been developed with the budget reserved for, oh, the Fooleo's formfactor research.
-Graffiti 2. As the Android Graffiti app shows, this has been a non-issue for years and again could have been remedied by Access & Palm.
-No Bluetooth A2DP or USB mass storage. I am sure something could have been worked out with Softick to add some kind of functionality if the desire & demand had been there.
-No 64-bit Windows USB drivers for Hotsync. Entirely the fault of Access and utterly inexcusable.
-No support for >4GB storage volumes. I am sure that Dmitri could have taken care of this, time & interest permitting.
-No support for >128MB RAM. Not a major factor since a non-multitasking, antiquated OS like Garnet isn't a huge resource hog anyway.
-SDHC support. Already in the last three Garnet smartphones, no reason it couldn't have been on the TX as well.
Again, I'm not saying that Garnet would still be a world-class OS right now, but there's certainly no reason that its lifespan couldn't have been extended with a quick facelift + spec update. Some cooperation between Palm & Access + maybe a few bits borrowed from Cobalt.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro-> Verizon Moto Droid X + Palm TX
RE: Some questions. . .
how many "ifs" must you say before you realize that the reason a company with so many "ifs" failed is because of all of the "ifs"?
RE: Some questions. . .
IMO tucker's supposition really diminishes and insults the incredibly amazing work that Apple has done with the iPhone and iPad. to suggest that Palm was only a couple of different decisions away from the same success as Apple (or even close) is ludicrous. Palm simply did not have the management or engineering talent to properly execute ideas - even if they had any great new original ideas - which they did not.
i've never bought an Apple device in my life - and don't plan to - but i have enormous respect for their vision, talent, execution, and everything that they've accomplished in the last 5-10 years.
RE: Some questions. . .
I was going to offer you a copy of my latest app to help with your comprehension but with your last post I've gained some respect for you, you're smarter than I thought!
Tech Center Labs
RE: Some questions. . .
yes and i could have been a Billionaire IF only i had only thought of Facebook and IF only i had executed it as brilliantly as Zuckerberg and IF and IF and IF. but i didn't so what's the point?
RE: Some questions. . .
Tech Center Labs
RE: Some questions. . .
Tech Center Labs
RE: Some questions. . .
Why is there so much paranoia now days? My name, address, phone number, etc. have been all over the web for 15 years, I speak my mind and the sky hasn't fallen.
Tech Center Labs
RE: Some questions. . .
sometimes starting from nothing is an advantage, grandpa. it gives you a maniacal focus and no legacy issues to worry about.
RE: Some questions. . .
Would someone get one of these and add to the already published info. I am curious but maybe not two hundred dollars worth of curious.
FYI, This week I burned all the floppies with my Palm library worth hundreds of dollars. I truly have turned the corner, well maybe. Still have my Treo 650 and 700P plus a T3. What to do with them, can't bring myself to burn them.
Here is the link I started to talk about. Check it out...
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->TC->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid>Pre Plus
RE: Some questions. . .
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->TC->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid>Pre Plus
RE: Some questions. . .
(Why do some people say you can kill two birds with one stone when it's hard enough killing one bird with two stones?)
RE: Some questions. . .
the "fat middle"?
microsoft licenses access technology
RE: microsoft licenses access technology
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business model
that's some business model. do they sell buggy whips too?
they'll sell dozens!!!