Handspring Releases Prism and Platinum
As has been rumored for weeks, two new Visors are now on sale at the Handspring site. The Prism is the first color Visor, capable of displaying 16 bit color, over 65 thousand colors. It runs at 33 MHz, has 8 MB of memory, and an internal rechargeable lithium ion battery. It is available now for $450.
The Platinum has a monochrome screen, runs at 33 MHz, has 8 MB of memory, and uses AAA batteries. It is currently on sale for $300. Both will be available in stores in November.
Both devices run Palm OS 3.5.2H and Handspring is claiming a 50% speed increase over the Visor Deluxe. Because the Deluxe uses the 20 MHz Dragonball chip while the Prism and Platinum use the new DragonBall VZ 33MHz, this this seems quite likely.
Handspring is promising the Prism will run for 6 hours of continuous use on its internal battery and that it can be recharged in "minutes" by the cradle.
At this time, the Prism comes in only a single color, Cobalt blue while the Platinum comes in only Silver. Both are the same height and width, 4.8" x 3.0", but the Prism is slightly deeper, .8" verses the the Platinum's .7". The Platinum weighs in at 5.4 oz. and the Prism is 6.9 oz., the extra weight probably mostly due to its battery. The on/off switch on both devices has been moved to the right side.
The company will demonstrate Japanese versions of both new products in Tokyo this week at World PC Expo. Handspring expects to begin selling the Japanese versions of Visor Prism and Visor Platinum before the end of the year, along with International English and German versions in Europe. International English versions are also expected for Asia in early 2001 and other languages and markets will follow.
IDEO has released a free software update for its eyemodule so people can take pictures with both the Prism and Platinum editions of Visor.
Not surprisningly, the Handspring site is running very slowly right now. Please be prepared for some delays if you go there until the intial hoopla calms down.
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RE: Picture of Prism
Why 65k colours?
I use Multimail Pro to get round the 8k limit on mail but have run out of memory before when reciving attachments (Documents to go is a real boon for viewing office files)
I use Qed to get round the 4k limit on memos, these are issues that can only be sorted by allowing for more RAM. I know most Palm programs are small (especialy compared to PocketPC equivalent) but documents take the same amount of space whatever the platform. I know word documents coverted to text take up far less space but carry around several and the amount of RAM spare can decrease dramtically.
It breaks my heart to say this, but I'm seriously considering the PocketPC route purely for the amount of USEABLE storage space I can have with a CF card, even the TRG pro is limited with a CF card because of the limitations of the PalmOS, the card is read only (If I am wrong, let me know and I'll be placing an order for a TRG pro in the near future).
Come on Palm (and licensees) listen to your users and provide truly usesful new features, colour is nice but expandabilty is USEFUL
TRGPro and CompactFlash
RE: Why 65k colours?
Flash ROM vs. CompactFlash
RE: Why 65k colours?
No Flash ROM
Palm and their licensees
RE: Palm and their licensees
If one was to buy an .mp3 player for about $250, the voice recorder for $69 and the $450 color visor it would total $770! A lot more expensive than the Ipaq which comes standard with all of these features and has a bigger screen and more memory!
RE: Palm and their licensees
RE: Palm and their licensees
Multi-Function Springboards
RE: Multi-Function Springboards
Palm Infocenter
RE: Palm and their licensees
"Moster Pig kills Jesus
More at 11"
Palm Emulator for the Pocket PC???
RE: Forgiveness
RE: Forgiveness
father.. i am coming home *read clouds part, angels sing, birds chirp*
"Moster Pig kills Jesus
More at 11"
Palm Emulator for the PPC?
RE: Forgiveness
Greetings from the darkside!
I am looking forward to seeing the Prism in person (the closest I've been so far is http://www.pencomputing.com/palm/Pen37/visorsprismplatinum.html) - but there is little possibility of purchasing one, based on technologic considerations alone.
Similar to other postees here I have been a fervent PalmOS advocate - recently, however, I purchased a Casio E-125 (together with a 56K Compact Flask modem, 32MB Compact Flash card and a GoType! keyboard //-grand total: ~$750).
The primary motivation for me, as a PDA user and not a software developer, for this purchase was the quality of the display (240x320 dots, 65K color), and the fact that it is backlit. I have not been disappointed.
What have been bonuses for me are the (bundled)capabilities of this (and this goes for other Pocket PCs) device: -
Pocket Word: When the Casio sits in its' USB cradle I can directly work on its' documents using my laptop and Word 2000 (Goodbye SmartDoc!). Obviously one can edit the documents using the Casio itself - but it's nice to have this flexibility.
Also impressive and useful - Pocket Excel, MS Money, Pocket IE, Voice Recorder, MP3 Player, eBook Reader(with ClearType).
Last but not least: Software Development Tools(C++, VB)
- CD available for $7.50 S&H.
Forthcoming functionality includes Compact Flash based Bluetooth and CDPD; additionally, future Omnisky service was announced today(http://www.infoworld.com/articles/hn/xml/00/10/16/001016hnpocket.xml).
From my perspective it seems that the Pocket PCs have the technologic highground; in this regard Symbian devices are also on the right track.
In terms of unit sales, however, my feeling is that the PalmOS Economy is in good shape - the devices are smaller and cheaper - very important factors.
It will be interesting to see what is revealed on December 12th at PalmSource 2000.
Wondows Emulator for the PALM??
URL for Palm Emulator
I found a Palm Emulator for WinCE....Anyone who has an Ipaq or some other WinCe device with a FAST CPU, PLEASE try this and let me know if this is worth the time and day.... (This program was written back in the WinCE2.0 days..when all the WinCE devices had slow processers).
RE: Forgiveness
The closest thing to the Ipaq is the Palm IIIc or the Visor Prism. All have color displays, and are about the same size. The PalmIIc may be cheaper than the Ipaq, but there is no expansion slot, it has tiny screen, little memory and still costs $329! The Prism is just as expensive, has an expansion slot but does not have a voice recorder, .mp3 player and little memory. Also the springboard modules are overpriced bulky and not compatible with any other platform.
When I first got my Palm V the argument was that Pocket PC's were slow, bulky and had few third party apps. This is no longer the case Pocket PC's are now fast, sleek and gaining popularity. Also what I'm starting to realize is that most third part apps for Palm are fixes for the lack of standard features! I use Action Names ($20) to compensate for the lame datebook features, Ultrasoft Money ($40) for banking and a whole list of hackmaster apps to modify the OS.
RE: Forgiveness
Seems like a good emulator to me. But I don't have an iPAQ (yet) to try it out on.
RE: In Stores WHEN?
Palm Infocenter
Cannot see the point
RE: Cannot see the point
Still has the same shit-ass 160x160 pixel display...
Though I'm a hardcore Palm OS fan, the fact remains that the screen on Casio’s PPCs will make this puppy look like it's playing in the sandbox. Maybe-hopefully-possibly-cross my fingers - Palm will break the 160x160 barrier when they release their rumoured Palm V-like color device next spring. I happy to see HandSpring pushing the envelope though - it'll force Palm off it's ass...
The Enforcer
RE: Still has the same shit-ass 160x160 pixel display...
See http://www.jeffkirvin.com/writingonyourpalm/ for an interesting snippet on where Palm is probably going.
You may be disappointed.
What to choose?
The new visor prism has just made deciding on my next PDA more difficult. I love PalmOs because
its simple and WinCE/PPC hasnt much software available. But now it seems that they are getting much more software support and with built in stereo sound, mp3 and video playback, I'm thinking of converting!
Will the new SONYColor and Visor Prism palms be able to off this?
Also if I was to stick with PalmOs,
which would I choose Sony or Prism? I definately want 16bit color and to be smaller than my Palm IIIx.
I would love to hear your thoughts.
email me at li21@uk2.net
Magellin GPS technology?
Please post coments here
or email scarter@vision-corp.com
RE: Magellin GPS technology?
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- RE: Like Deja Vu -PacManFoo
Picture of Prism
I think it is interesting that Handspring has moved the on/off button to the other side. I've always thought it was a bit awkwardly placed on the left.
Palm Infocenter