Rumor: More Info on Palm Zire and Palm Tungsten

Over the past several weeks information has begun to surface on two new handhelds coming soon from Palm Inc. A bit more has been found in the inventory computer system of a major electronics retailer.

The high-end model shows up in the system under the name Palm Tungsten along with a few new details. The inventory system shows that it has 16 MB of RAM and also says Cradle Included. The Tungsten has a suggested retail price of $499.99 but the system doesn't show a possible release date. It has a model number of P80850US.

According to other sources, the Tungsten be the first model from Palm to run Palm OS 5. It runs the Texas Instruments OMAP1510 processor, which runs at 175 MHz. It has a 320 by 320 screen, an SD slot, and built-in Bluetooth. It has the same shape as the Oslo prototype, a picture which was leaked this summer.

Palm OS 5 has multimedia support built into it and the Tungsten takes full advantage of it. It has a microphone, headphone jack, and speaker. According to one source it will be available in late October, though its announcement may be around the middle of October.

Palm Zire The entry-level model has no details in the electronics retailer's computer system except for the name, the Palm Zire, a possible release date of October 13, and the suggested retail price of $99.99. The Palm Zire has a model number of P80707US.

The Zire is Palm's attempt to capture the low-end market. According to sources, it is a bare-bones model with 2 MB of RAM and two hardware buttons instead of the usual four. It will run Palm OS 4.1.

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more memory!

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 12:11:58 PM #
Why only 16MB? This is very disappointing.
RE: more memory!
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 1:15:32 PM #
RE: more memory!
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 1:22:55 PM #
Please, be a little more constructive here. I'm not the one who wrote the 1st comment but I agree. 16MB for a brand new high-end device is a little on the low end.
RE: more memory!
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 3:28:06 PM #
As far as I understand memory eats battery life. Since there is Bluetooth, an ARM CPU and a high-res screen, the battery is already compromised...

You can add 256 MB SD cards if you want more memory !

16 MB would not hinder me from buying this Palm. But a mediocre screen like on the m130 would ...

Lets wait and see whether Palm can beat the SonyEricsson P800 !!

RE: more memory!
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 6:16:23 PM #
16megs of RAM on a OS5 device?!?! You gotta be kidding me...

the new programs are probably going to take up more ram 16megs will definitely not do...

64 is already on the low end...

yeah right!
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 7:05:22 PM #
64 mb is **NOT** already on the "low-end".

Get a clue, little nerd-boy.

RE: more memory!
hotpaw4 @ 9/17/2002 7:55:59 PM #
>the new programs are probably going to take up more ram 16megs will definitely not do...

Applications that currently run on an m505 use LESS than 256kB of R/W RAM. That's all that is available; the rest is write-protected database storage (simulated ROM). Even the Sony nr70 allows less than 1 MB of application heap. Using more power-consuming DRAM to emulate zero-static-power flash is just a waste. If anything, they should add another slot for more MMC cards or memory sticks.

RE: more memory!
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 8:53:42 PM #
What if it also had 16mb of flash?? And a neat little program that when you, say, install DateBk5, it will copy it to flash if you want and hide your old datebook icon. :) I'm no expert, but wouldnt that be better, ie your programs in flash and limit the ram and you would save battery power, as the flash doesnt need the capacitors charged every so many milliseconds??
16mb would be OK. BUT what really concerns me is that if we all pay this much for a Palm, with the avent that OS6 is around the corner to upgrade to, I would assume we will want more than 16mb for OS6.
16M, again?!
newton @ 9/18/2002 5:24:36 AM #
16M, again?!

You gotta be kidding.

Whom to be blamed this time? Definitely not DragonBall processor!

RE: more memory!
twizza @ 9/19/2002 11:00:27 AM #
why do u need more than 16MB if u can buy a SD card? and in terms of OS5 apps they will be VFS aware.

RE: more memory!
newton @ 9/19/2002 10:24:18 PM #

SD card with VFS does not equal to increased RAM. You are recommended to treat it like floppy disk. As many programs do not support VFS and moving them to card will give you a nasty supprise!

For details of VFS, you may refer to latest issue of Palm Tipsheet 34 - September 2002.


I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 12:19:12 PM #
What does this actually mean?
Does it play MP3's. Does it support full motion video?
RE: Multimedia?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 1:05:19 PM #
I'd like to see not only MP3 playability, but also an input jack to transfer and record MP3 files from a source other than a PC. An an accessory that would allow AM/FM radio reception would be great. Then I could toss my Walkman.
RE: Multimedia?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 3:45:43 PM #
Usually those "add on tuners" are of abysmally low quality and have terrible reception. I tried, just for kicks, a Gameboy-based radio tuner. It was an atrocity and still cost 20-25 bucks. For that price, you can run down to Radio Shack and get one of those really tiny zippo-lighter sized pocket radios that run on a AAA battery.

I also tried the waaaaay overpriced FM headset for my Motorola cell phone. A nice novelty for sure, but once again, a cheap little Sony or Aiwa can do a far better job. There's no reason (other than pure greed) that you should have to buy a proprietary headset for the Motorola to access the built in tuner. Simply plugging any 1/8 headphone connector into the phone's headset port should activate the radio. Also, you don't have to worry about getting one of those cheap-o units wet/broken/lost etc.

Zire the same MSRP as m105???

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 12:50:54 PM #
I just don't get it. If this is right, the 105 is the same MSRP as the Zire, but rumors on the Zire make it sound WAY less capable. What's the point?

If the Zire was $50, I guess it might make sense. Well, maybe the rumors are wrong. Or the price. We'll see. It's hard to imagine why Palm would do this (oops, sorry, I opened the door to massive Palm bashing).

RE: Zire the same MSRP as m105???
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 1:16:30 PM #
it is stupid to put 2 buttons instead of four.
RE: Zire the same MSRP as m105???
newton @ 9/18/2002 10:29:16 PM #
A total misjudgement of the sophistication of market and an insult to the customers' intelligence.

RE: Zire the same MSRP as m105???
twizza @ 9/19/2002 10:57:58 AM #
    A total misjudgement of the sophistication of market and an insult to the customers' intelligence.
actually, it is a good juedgement in that people will flock to this device and then Palm will at some point lower the price of the device to where it should have been at release and we [power user types] will still complain that our lil bro/sis/uncle/aunt doesnt have a $100 pda that does what our $500 one does.

What Happened To All The Other Comments?

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 2:14:29 PM #
There were over 70 to 80 comments associated with this story yesterday, where did they go and why?
RE: What Happened To All The Other Comments?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 2:20:32 PM #
Things must have gotten out of hand....What happened ED?
RE: What Happened To All The Other Comments?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 2:21:38 PM #
RE: What Happened To All The Other Comments?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 2:48:29 PM #
I'm going to miss all those wish lists and the fascinating pro/con comments about Sony.
RE: What Happened To All The Other Comments?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 4:11:42 PM #
Does anyone have this cached. I missed the comments and I would really like to see them
RE: What Happened To All The Other Comments?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 9:14:01 PM #
Actually, I'd like to see the Cambio story again.
RE: What Happened To All The Other Comments?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/18/2002 11:48:09 PM #
The comment you missed but are looking for goes like this...
Those screaming about "video/audio/color/wireless/ice cream maker/etc." enabled in one pda are lost golf balls in the high weeds of dreamland. OK buy it, BUT after.. - Oops, sorry my battery just died while watching my 10 minute low-resolution mov.. Oops again, my battery died while trying to write this and listen to my MP3 enabled handheld for a few minutes. And the story goes on - DUH HUH, IT'S ALL ABOUT BATTERIES AND A LITTLE THING CALLED "I REALLY NEED MY PDA TO WORK ALL DAY ON A SINGLE CHARGE".
RE: What Happened To All The Other Comments?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/19/2002 10:19:45 AM #
I wonder if Palm has thought of doubling up the battery in the Tungsten. Then it would have double the battery life, I'd assume.

_found_ ?

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 4:28:33 PM #
> has been found in the inventory computer system of a major electronics retailer.

found? Ed, have you got spies in all the retailers of the states or what? ;)

all your inventories are belong to us!

RE: _found_ ?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 9:57:35 PM #
RE: _found_ ?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/18/2002 3:10:27 PM #
Nothing found on Compusa. Can you post a link?


I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 6:46:37 PM #


I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 7:08:21 PM #
I feel the same way. I've been putting off a new PDA purchase in the hope I could get a Palm Smartphone with SD slot and OS 5. Anyone have the inside story?
Bartman007 @ 9/17/2002 7:39:35 PM #

Take off capslock, please.

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 10:59:26 PM #
I have been waiting for a palm smartphonelike the Treo 270. It's a good stuff, only it does not support memory expansion and not GRPS reasy. Anyone knows when will handspring offer a smartphone with SD expansion slot?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/18/2002 12:43:27 AM #
I dont know if you have seen the info on the new Kyocera PDA/Smartphone but it is Palm OS based, has a SD slot and sounds like a great product all around. I hasn't been released yet though. I'm not sure when it is expected but maybe there is something posted on this site

Color i705?

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 8:40:19 PM #
When is Palm going to catch up with Handspring? I don't want my PDA integrated with my phone but I do want always on e-mail capabilities like the i705. I've used my IIIc since it was released and I can't envision going back to a mono screen.
RE: Color i705?
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 11:36:44 PM #
Ditto, ditto, ditto. I agree, I don't need an all in one device. The screen size suffers to much. Why haven't we seen a color 705!

Q - doesn't anybody know the differance in functionability between a 705 or a bluetooth connection between pda and phone.

RE: Color i705?
twizza @ 9/18/2002 1:23:18 AM #
OK see...I go this rule: only speak when you have something to say that will contribute to the whole discussion. So here is where my point I'll lay that will just make some sense and thats least till another story comes out.

Palm [hardware side] releases devices in a smart, non-consumer pleasing type of way. They are committed to releasing devices that balance good battery life, solid applications, and [sometimes questionable but] good reliablity. For them to release a color i705 with battey technology still not great, good but not great, for a wireless color device, goes somewhat against their philosophy. Sure you have Sony that doesnt really care about battery life except in low-end devices and after the second or third version of a particular product. But they are a consumer driven type of company. They will go to please the consumer faster [more capital toward r&d makes that possible too] than Palm. When Palm releases a device they need to have a good slugging percentage else they will have been bankrupt a long time ago.

A color i705 is probably in the works. Probably not in a OS4 form, but more in the format of a Oslo type device with more wireless ready features for a more mature wireless network. Do we all want it now, sure. But wait, let patience have its perfect work that you will not have to upgrade every year.

In terms of the low cost Zire. It is probably designed to be sold @ $50 before the end of its run. The m100/m105 wasnt. Therefore it is more expensive to produce that device. Rather, Palm would use some of the hardware that is now cheaper because of the broader use of the universal connector and other OS4 specific stuff. The device should be differnt and should 'look' like a cheapy device. But I would like to see Palm develop some consumer accessories for it like the mp3 player and game conrtoller. It would fit within their philosophy.

Thats the end of my long post. I post infrequently and read here a lot. I was always told that a wise man speaks slowly and considers his words. I hope that you all do the same in the rest of your discussions.

Palm, you are too late and too slow.

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 10:25:28 PM #
What's new in the features if the 2 new devices coming out? nothing great from what I see.

I suppose for those wanting to better stretch your money, wait for the Sony to come out with better features and if Sony can do such a great job for its many model with just using OS 4.x, imagine what can it do for OS 5?

What's New with Tungsten

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2002 11:03:12 PM #
Whats new with Tungsten? a 320x320 resolution,16mB memory? they are already offerd by SOny. With OS 5, Palm should offer more feature beside a built in blue-tooth. Why not offer a smartphone, since the cellphone compnay are already invading the PDA's market with their phones and PDA in one.
RE: What's New with Tungsten
twizza @ 9/19/2002 10:56:16 AM #
Palm is already developing that soon too. Do a search here on PIC and you will find that there are rumors of a i705 replacement that fits the decription of smartphone type device.

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