Verizon Pixi Plus Drops to $79

verizon pixi palm plus With less than a month of market availability under its belt, Verizon has already seen it fit to slash the retail price on the Palm Pixi Plus. Verizon has lowered the intro price by $20, after new customer discounts, to $79. This deal can also be used with the carrier's recently updated buy one get one free promo as well.

The Palm Pixi Plus smartphone is Palm's svelte, lightweight model that packs in WiFi, 8GB of storage and an included Touchstone cover. The Pixi Plus also supports Palm's new WiFi router functionality via the Palm mobile hotspot application.

verizon pixi plus pricing


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Gekko @ 2/20/2010 6:28:08 PM # Q

can you test this app for me on your iphone and let me know if you can stream live bloomberg radio with it?


RE: bosco
abosco @ 2/23/2010 3:05:11 AM # M Q
The app description calls Bloomberg a premium, subscription service. Gekko, you're a good guy and all, but I don't think I'm going to shell out $7 up-front and more on a one-year subscription so that you can get your financial jollies.

If they claim it as a feature and it's getting good reviews, rest assured that it works. Alternatively, the Bloomberg app itself has live audio. Go to an Apple store, download it for free to one of their iPhones or iPods, and test it yourself.

RE: bosco
Gekko @ 2/23/2010 3:31:56 AM # Q

i don't want you to spend any money. i just wanted you to check out the demo for me. don't iphone apps have a free X day demo period? i guess not.

i don't believe that the free Bloomberg App offers streaming live radio. i think it's only stock data, news, and charts etc. hence, the need for a streaming radio app like pockettunesradio from normsoft. i think the only cost is the $7 for the app with no subscription fees for the mms wma live radio stream. i stream it now for free on my centro with normsoft pockettunes - not sure why there would be a subscription fee to stream it on iphone with normsoft pockettunesradio.

i refuse to download itunes at this point. it's a bloated resource hog. i guess i'll have to if i ever get an iphone - but i'll wait until then. hopefully they'll have an "itunes light" by then.

RE: bosco
Gekko @ 2/23/2010 3:35:31 AM # Q

NormSoft Introduces Pocket Tunes Radio on iPhone and iPod touch

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Hello, Sprint?

YojimboE @ 2/21/2010 1:08:14 PM # Q
Calling CEO of major wireless company -- can you please lower the price on your Palm phones now that other carriers are selling better hardware at lower prices? Then more people might buy them? Hello?
Professional Amateur
RE: Hello, Sprint?
pretastic @ 2/23/2010 6:19:17 AM # Q
Radio Shack has the Pre for $79.99 and the Pixi for $29.99 with a new 2yr activation on Sprint. Less than competing Android devices, more than the free Blackberries, which seems about right given features and level of buzz. This means even two Pixis are cheaper on Sprint, one Pre or one Pre and one Pixi, significantly less, and two Pres nearly the same initial cost on Verizon. Of course, the biggest savings is the couple hundred dollars per year you will save on a plan with Sprint versus Verizon.
RE: Hello, Sprint?
pretastic @ 2/23/2010 3:43:31 PM # Q
To follow up, I followed the link from Palm to Wal*Mart and found that they may have the best deal yet with a new 2yr agreement on Sprint: a Pre for $69.99 that includes free accessory pack (car charger, screen protector, Bluetooth headset, and clear case) and free shipping. Fantastic deal for a fantastic phone!
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BestBuy - Pre Plus -$100, Pixi Plus free

SeldomVisitor @ 2/21/2010 1:56:12 PM # Q
Nuff said.

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40 comments to PIC in 1 WEEK??? Come on now, people!!!

Fake Jeff Hawkins @ 2/22/2010 9:22:16 PM # Q
Just took a look at the comments here over the past week. 40 comments to Palminfocenter in 1 WEEK? And 1/3 of them are from e-telurian/ELIZA ( Wow.

No wonder Verizon has to give away the WebOS phones - no one cares about Palm anymore. What's next - buy one, get two free?. Put them in boxes of Cheerios?

PIC is the bellweather site for Palm and needs support ASAP. Does Palm even care anymore or are they too busy setting up to be acquired by a Sugar Daddy?

RE: 40 comments to PIC in 1 WEEK??? Come on now, people!!!
e_tellurian @ 2/22/2010 10:52:15 PM # M Q
:-(lol) some are trying to create technology that will interact with webOS.


RE: 40 comments to PIC in 1 WEEK??? Come on now, people!!!
SeldomVisitor @ 2/23/2010 4:27:17 AM # Q
> ..What's next ...Put them in boxes of Cheerios?...

Some of us sincerely believe cellphones are heading down EXACTLY the same path to Commodityville as hand calculators so, yes, that is a distinct possibility!

RE: 40 comments to PIC in 1 WEEK??? Come on now, people!!!
Gekko @ 2/23/2010 5:33:40 AM # M Q
this is not a "how to" site run by a bunch of bible thumpers. it's a "hard nosed, no holds barred site for news, commentary, and hard hitting analysis." hence, it's quality over quantity. if there's no news, there's no news. if you want to read posts about how to hard reset your frozen device - go see the bible thumpers.

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