Rumor: Verizon Treo 600 Imminent?

A number of internal documents and leaks from Verizon indicate the palmOne Treo 600 will be available soon. Verizon is the largest US wireless carrier and is one of the last major US companies to offer the popular smartphone.

palmOne said in early March that they were working with Verizon to deliver the Treo 600. One of the main reasons for the long delay to market has been Verizon's arduous handset approval process. In April, Verizon briefly had a link to the Treo 600 stated coming soon on their website, which was later removed.

It now appears that the official release is getting closer. Screenshot of Verizon's internal sales database and other leaked documents from within the company about the Treo 600 launch have been posted to TreoCentral.

The documents state the Verizon wireless Treo 600 launch date will be communicated in the next few days. The company will offer both the standard silver colored CDMA Treo 600 as well as the camera-less version. The non-camera version will be available shortly after launch as is identical, minus the camera feature. It will cost $499 with a one year agreement, and $449 with a two year plan.

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It's about time

maxism @ 7/8/2004 7:08:37 PM #
I have been waiting patiently with my Kyocera 7135 but I really want a treo600 w/o camera. I hope they start the preorder process soon.

Tentative Release date for the Verizon Treo 600

vesther @ 7/8/2004 7:33:43 PM #
Likely, Verizon's probably gonna get BOTH Camera and Non-Camera versions of the Treo 600, it's likely gonna be used by high-end executives in business lingo, but the consumer channel's likely gonna sell only the camera version of it (Business Channel's likely gonna have the non-camera version of this phone). There is a possible July 12 release date, but according to Phonescoop ( and Verizon's phone purchase research, the high-purchase months for their phones is during the Back-To-School and the Christmas periods, so VZW says that we should not be expecting the phone to be released until August or throughout this year's Christmas time.

I hope that Verizon's gonna get the Treo 610 as well--if not, then Verizon's gonna lose a lot of customers. Other carriers should get involved as well. Not just Verizon, but others as well such as US Cellular, Alltel, Nextel, and others.

I hope that PalmOne will obtain a Push-To-Talk license to create PTT versions of the latest Treo Phones, alongside an iDEN License to create an iDEN-Friendly Treo Smartphone.

Likely, the business versions of the Treo will not contain a camera.

Sooner or later, all Palm-Powered Handhelds running under Intel's PXA27X line of processors need to implement Centrino Technology in addition to Intel's XScale technology and Intel's WMMX.

RE: Tentative Release date for the Verizon Treo 600
tthiel @ 7/8/2004 8:30:12 PM #
I'll buy a Treo when it gets a better screen and without the stupid camera.

RE: Tentative Release date for the Verizon Treo 600
Nusm @ 7/8/2004 9:13:04 PM #
Well, one out of two ain't bad. If you had read the stupid article you would see that stupid Verizon is offering two stupid versions. One with the stupid camera and one without.

If they get the 610, rumor is that it will have a hi-res screen, but no one knows that for sure yet.

RE: Tentative Release date for the Verizon Treo 600
drw @ 7/9/2004 7:18:43 AM #
$499 for a year old phone? I think not. It would only be worth a premium price tag if it had ev-do 3g speed and 320x320 screen. And forget about asking $79 for unlimited internet. I wouldn't pay a penny more than $20/month for that.

RE: Tentative Release date for the Verizon Treo 600
a3 @ 7/9/2004 10:13:09 AM #
It seems like some people is going to bring Verizon to tears with their complaints... if you do not like it just do not buy it!

Anyway, a lot of people is waiting for the Verizon Treo 600... In fact it is amazing that this phone is available in Colombia (a small country in South America for all of you who do not care) almost 2 months ago and still Verizon has not offered it in the US.

Current fan of a 320x480 tablet shaped Palm with built in BT+Wifi for less than US$450

RE: Tentative Release date for the Verizon Treo 600
MikeInDM @ 7/9/2004 2:42:53 PM #
It didn't come soon enough for me. Months ago I left Verizon for AT&T getting a T616 phone, and T3... I think I really like bluetooth compared to a combination unit.
RE: Tentative Release date for the Verizon Treo 600
vesther @ 7/9/2004 2:59:42 PM #
Likely, the Treo 610 will carry EVDO3G Technology.

I'm hoping that PalmOne and Verizon continue to work together to bring phones like these on Verizon Wireless, in spite of Verizon's super-strict equipment testing standards. I'm just sick and tired of buying nothing but Audiovoxes and LG's. EEch.

Sooner or later, all Palm-Powered Handhelds running under Intel's PXA27X line of processors need to implement Centrino Technology in addition to Intel's XScale technology and Intel's WMMX.

RE: Tentative Release date for the Verizon Treo 600
AyDb @ 7/10/2004 4:43:06 PM #
Likely, the Treo 610 will carry EVDO3G Technology.

I doubt it. The EvDO network is too small, and the hardware too expensive in both price and size for it to be practical.

Sooner or later, all Palm-Powered Handhelds running under Intel's PXA27X line of processors need to implement Centrino Technology in addition to Intel's XScale technology and Intel's WMMX.

Do you know what Centrino is? It's a combination of PC processor, motherboard, and wireless adapter. It has nothing that can be implemented in the XScales except for the general concept of power-saving chip with attendant WiFi, which has already been done in the PXA270 series.

RE: Tentative Release date for the Verizon Treo 600
vesther @ 7/10/2004 7:29:24 PM #
So the Intel PXA27X was already deemed a "Miniature Centrino" for the Handhelds? I thought Intel would create a Miniature version of the Centrino....No?

Anyway, I hope that future Treos would deploy Intel's latest PXA27X processors in the future, I also hope that PalmOne would allow us to choose what processor we want, because if we have to choose the processor, then ARM Processor competition would run rampant. Not just PalmOne, but all Palm-Powered companies. Tapwave, Garmin, everyone.

Intel PXA27X, Motorola's ARM Processor, or Texas Instruments OMAP? Pick one Palm Enthusiasts, the choice should be yours. When handheld makers make you choose the ARM Processor, you win.

Mobile Computing

jlc @ 7/9/2004 8:02:26 AM #
The latest MC mag has an ad from PalmOne for teh Treo, with Verizon ine of the carriers listed in the ad. My guess is the release is planned for sooner than later.

In-Verizon Store Live Treo Teaser

vesther @ 7/9/2004 2:52:01 PM #
I went to the Verizon Wireless store at Bolingbrook yesterday and I overheard a mysterious wireless consultant saying the words "Treo" and then I took suit stating that I heard the words "Treo" bubbled out of her mouth. The other mysterious wireless consultant then gave me a demo teaser of the Verizon Wireless Treo. The Initial Release will have the same color scheme as with the GSM Version of the phone and with the camera as well, but without the need for a SIM Card. Verizon is also expected to get a Non-Camera version of the phone as well. Like I said, Verizon's probably gonna aim the non-camera phone to businesses and enterprises who want their employees to have a PDA but without a security breach they deem as a Camera.

In fact, I'm hoping that the Verizon Treo 600 to be a hot seller, that I'm already expecting Verizon to follow-up with two editions of the Treo 610.

Sooner or later, all Palm-Powered Handhelds running under Intel's PXA27X line of processors need to implement Centrino Technology in addition to Intel's XScale technology and Intel's WMMX.

RE: In-Verizon Store Live Treo Teaser
vesther @ 7/10/2004 7:33:23 PM #
Probably the earliest Verizon will have the Treo on-stock is gonna be either late July or Early August, and it's more likely gonna be a Ship-to-your-house purchase.

Intel PXA27X, Motorola's ARM Processor, or Texas Instruments OMAP? Pick one Palm Enthusiasts, the choice should be yours. When handheld makers make you choose the ARM Processor, you win.
RE: In-Verizon Store Live Treo Teaser
shogun @ 7/13/2004 8:24:49 AM #
Spoke to verizon wireless tech today while getting some modifications done to my phone to work better with my palm Zire 71 and briefly asked him when I should see the Treo 600 available and was told next monday.

2006 maybe?!?

ganoe @ 7/9/2004 5:15:19 PM #
Just a guess as to when we might get a Palm OS 6 phone from Verizon with Bluetooth built-in: 2006.

Hey Verizon, can you hear me now?!? Just how long do they think we'll wait for their technology to catch up.

RE: 2006 maybe?!?
budrowilson @ 7/10/2004 11:20:28 PM #
I've been a Verizon customer for several years now, and I'm just about fed up with the lack of new technology in their "approved phones" lineup. I use the term "new technology" loosely, because Bluetooth is anything but new. I just purchased a Zire 72 off of ebay, and it might be time for me to switch to a wireless carrier that has phones with Bluetooth. Verizon, if you are in fact listening, stop being so d@mn conservative and stick your neck out just a bit--adopt the new stuff quickly and work out the bugs as you go.

RE: 2006 maybe?!?
vesther @ 7/11/2004 12:50:01 PM #
I think Verizon has a point somehow for being overly strict about equipment--it's because Verizon doesn't want too many customer complaints regarding about the equipment. By testing their equipment thoroughly and commencing teamwork with the equipment manufacturer, the manufacturer can work with Verizon to resolve such malfunction issues. I think Verizon's so strict on equipment quality that they only want the "finest phones" in their shelves.

Intel PXA27X, Motorola's ARM Processor, or Texas Instruments OMAP? Pick one Palm Enthusiasts, the choice should be yours. When handheld makers make you choose the ARM Processor, you win.
RE: 2006 maybe?!?
MikeInDM @ 7/12/2004 1:46:18 PM #
The customer service representatives I spoke with at Verizon said there were no bluetooth phones because 'there wasn't a demand.'

I helped prove them right, I took my demand to AT&T ;-)


RE: 2006 maybe?!?
vesther @ 7/13/2004 6:33:12 PM #
One day, I hope that Verizon will be listening to a lot of people who are going to be demanding Bluetooth Connectivity via a Verizon Wireless Phone--Verizon definitely needs some culture. I hope Verizon and the Bluetooth Organization start working as a team to bring CDMA Connectivity over Bluetooth within Verizon's limits.

Intel PXA27X, Motorola's ARM Processor, or Texas Instruments OMAP? Pick one Palm Enthusiasts, the choice should be yours. When handheld makers make you choose the ARM Processor, you win.
RE: 2006 maybe?!?
hkklife @ 7/15/2004 1:31:23 PM #
The Moto v710 release on Verizon is "imminent" and should occur sometime between July 16th and mid-August (hopefully) by most of the semi-reliable sources on the 'net. the phones are supposedly boxed up & warehoused, just awaiting word from VZW corporate HQ to send them to the retail stores.

Supposedly most of the BT services other than dial-up modem & BT headset are disabled. Also there are supposedly some issues with the Transflash cards. Supposedly the phones will ship with an SD card adapter which is very good news for us Palm/SD faithful!

I just want to finally be able to do with my T3 & a Verizon phone what I've been trying to do with a T|T and a Verizon phone since Oct. of '02!



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