Rumor: Mystery Treo Images Surface

Images of an unusual Treo design have been posted on TreoCentral. The details about the devices are sparse and have lead to speculation on what they may actually be.

The images were first posted on a forum thread at TreoCentral. The poster claims they are images of a Treo 670 model and claims they run the Windows Mobile operating system. However, it is very unclear whether they could be prototypes or early designs of the Treo 650 as they show no major differences from the 650. On the other hand it is also possible they could be a new Treo smartphone altogether. The one screen shows a HTC logo image. HTC is the contracted manufacturer of the Treo 650 and also builds a number of PDAs and phones for numerous other vendors.

Mystery Treo 670?Mystery Treo 670?

Thanks to Engadget for the tip.

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Frenchie @ 3/11/2005 4:24:10 PM # Q
This is really really different. This had better be a FALSE rumor. PalmOne and a WM operating system will kill the Palm OS platform.

The world will end in 2006. Just as it was predicted in the bible along with the release of Microsoft Longhorn.... :p
RE: Whoa
Mac128k @ 3/11/2005 5:01:44 PM # Q
Hold on to your hats kids. If other leaks are about to start getting out, you are in for a wild ride. :)
RE: Whoa
hkklife @ 3/11/2005 5:05:50 PM # Q
And the Treo 650's specs will kill a PPC-based Treo. 32mb RAM? HAH! Seriously, P1 works best within the constraints of the Palm OS. P1's development $, engineering experience, customer awareness etc etc. all would point to their best interest slogging it with the Palm OS over the long haul.

P1 can barely afford to fund new POS models 2x per year--it's insane to think they can undertake a new OS and maintain 3 distinct hardware lines (Palm PDAs, Palm Treos, PPC Treos).

Unless, of course, a buyer with deep pockets is waiting in the wings. I'd wager that this is a pre-production 650 mockup OR a one-off type of what a Dell Treo might have looked like.

I don't doubt that a Treo 670 or 700 will eventually be released, however. It just won't look like this angular unit.

RE: Whoa
Frenchie @ 3/11/2005 5:08:20 PM # Q
The sad part is, that these photos look 100% real. I mean, remember Tungsteninfos "Sony Picture"? That was badly taken and obviously photoshopped(i believed it). This just makes me depressed on so many levels. The end of Palm is near.

The world will end in 2006. Just as it was predicted in the bible along with the release of Microsoft Longhorn.... :p
RE: Whoa
voice of chaos @ 3/11/2005 5:29:13 PM # Q
So let's get this straight, assuming there is a Windows-based Treo in the future. palmOne, the number one Palm OS equipment maker, is now rushing to become yet another "me-too" in the Windows Mobile space.

Unfortunately, given what's going on in the past between palmOne and PalmSource this is very believable.

*Sigh* Too stupid to live, too dumb to die...

RE: Whoa
rasty @ 3/11/2005 5:53:27 PM # Q
Just how can you tell the device in the picture runs Windows Mobile from the pictures alone??

RE: Whoa
Masamune @ 3/11/2005 6:41:39 PM # Q
1) I want a definate official source before I start taking any of this seriously - I've seen waaaay too many images on here for me to believe all of them: Tungsten E2 rumour and not to mention a particular member who has been posting piccies of Dell x50p's, T6's and Ti's, Pat....;)
2) Two Treos in one year? Eeven with two OSes, I'd find it hard to believe that they could put out two identical devices within a few months of each other.
3) The point about the specs is very well made - the hp6340 has ancient specs and got slaughtered in almost every review of it I've read.

What would be a nice thought is if this a true Treo 670, with the minor additions of extra memory and Wifi....

RE: Whoa
AdamaDBrown @ 3/11/2005 7:01:31 PM # Q
Frenchie, you're right. I spent quite a bit of time this afternoon trying to debunk these as fake. I couldn't. As far as I can tell, they're legitimate photos.

VOC, it's not just PalmOne. Everyone's losing confidence in PalmSource--licensees, investors, buyers. If this comes to pass, I would see it as PalmOne hedging their bets, so that in case PSRC goes down, PLMO isn't taken with them.

Rasty, the guy who provided the photo said that they ran on PocketPC.

RE: Whoa
AdamaDBrown @ 3/11/2005 7:13:27 PM # Q
Masamune, if you discount Pat's playthings, the vast majority of the photos circulated are real. Remember the T3 photos that people crowed 'fake' at? Or the T5. And I'm willing to bet that the E2 is real as well.

I wouldn't take the specs too seriously yet. HTC has a notoriously modular engineering structure, and it wouldn't surprise me if they could dump another 32-96 MB of RAM in on a half-hour's notice.

What's with the odd serial numbers at the top?
Masamune @ 3/11/2005 7:14:06 PM # Q
What are the serial numbers E2OYN and (can't make out the one on the left) referring to?

My guess is that these are prototypes at best - this is no guarantee that they'll ever go into mass production. Look at the Samsung SGH-i530

RE: Whoa
hkklife @ 3/11/2005 7:21:50 PM # Q
The T|E2 is such a glacial step forward that it's bound to be real. Besides, the T|E is way overdue for replacement anyway. I put some measure of belief in these images. Why?

Scenario #1 I don't think these pics are a hoax at all but it's also not a fully production-ready unit. Anyone remember the Dell "engineering sample" AMD-based desktops that are floated around every couple of years just to keep Intel in line pricing-wise? This could be something similar. P1's engineers cobbled together this in their spare time, fanned the rumor flames about PPC and-voila!-a perfect way to prod PalmSource into getting something decent out the door.

Scenario #2 Also, the more I think about it, this could just be a quickie refresh of the 650 with at least 2x the RAM and/or a few other small tweaks (possibly wi-fi?). The 650 could then drop $100 or $150 in price where people wouldn't have such high expectations of it. Existing Treo 600 stocks could then be blown out for <$300 while P1 scrambles to prepare a proper low-end entry level Treo for fall '05. P1 could go ahead with the square buttons and altered d-pad just to keep from having 3 identical looking units on the market.

I have to admit that if this was their first Win Mob unit, it'd have a nicer integration of the camera on the back. That thing looks so cheap and grafted on in comparison to the sleek integrated lens housings on other smart/cell phones out there. Of course, this IS P1 we're talking about...

This is how the world ends....
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 3/11/2005 8:48:20 PM # Q
So let's get this straight, assuming there is a Windows-based Treo in the future. palmOne, the number one Palm OS equipment maker, is now rushing to become yet another "me-too" in the Windows Mobile space.

Unfortunately, given what's going on in the past between palmOne and PalmSource this is very believable.

*Sigh* Too stupid to live, too dumb to die...

First of all... nice name. My lawyers will be in touch with you on Monday.

Secondly, everything you said above is (unfortunately) true.


Press release: CUPERTINO, California — February 11, 2005 — Apple® announced today that Steve Jobs will begin selling his own feces to Apple Cultists beginning March 1. Apple's new iPoo™ lineup is expected to easily surpass the iPod shuffle as the company's most popular product. Yes, Apple Cultists can already easily create their own iPoo™, but feces didn't seem cool until Jobs told them it was cool. Remember, kids: the ONLY cool feces is Jobs' highly individualistic, rebellious iPoo™ (coming soon in six different colors/flavors, including the red [hematochezia] and black [melena] U2 GI bleed model)


Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

Sprint PPC Treo 700
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 3/11/2005 9:13:17 PM # Q
P1 can barely afford to fund new POS models 2x per year--it's insane to think they can undertake a new OS and maintain 3 distinct hardware lines (Palm PDAs, Palm Treos, PPC Treos).

Unless, of course, a buyer with deep pockets is waiting in the wings.

What if, say, Sprint ponied up the seed money for 100,000 PPC Treos? No risk. No engineering effort. Guaranteed profit. Easy money. Just like the Fat Ba$tards at pa1mOne like it. So what if it destroys the platform? Thanks, pa1mOne! Lazy ba$tards.


Press release: CUPERTINO, California — February 11, 2005 — Apple® announced today that Steve Jobs will begin selling his own feces to Apple Cultists beginning March 1. Apple's new iPoo™ lineup is expected to easily surpass the iPod shuffle as the company's most popular product. Yes, Apple Cultists can already easily create their own iPoo™, but feces didn't seem cool until Jobs told them it was cool. Remember, kids: the ONLY cool feces is Jobs' highly individualistic, rebellious iPoo™ (coming soon in six different colors/flavors, including the red [hematochezia] and black [melena] U2 GI bleed model)


Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: Whoa
AdamaDBrown @ 3/11/2005 11:20:57 PM # Q
Masamune, the numbers are IDs given to pre-production models for PalmOne. Each individual unit has a unique number, so PalmOne can trace the source of any leaks. You can see similar IDs on the pre-production T3, T5, and TE2 photos.

RE: Whoa
LiveFaith @ 3/12/2005 12:40:23 AM # Q
Adam's right about the numbers. P1 is already on the phone and maybe on a plane if these asre futures.

Pat Horne;
JonathanChoo @ 3/12/2005 8:43:42 AM # Q
The new Treo, atleast the one on the left, is for PalmOS. Why? Home logo and menu logo on the soft button keys, none of which exists (yet) on Pocket PC.

There is a posibility it could run on Windows Mobile 2005 for Pocket PC as it will support soft keys.

HTC Magician

RE: Whoa
AdamaDBrown @ 3/12/2005 1:06:21 PM # Q
Actually, Home and Menu buttons do exist on Windows.

RE: Whoa
JonathanChoo @ 3/12/2005 2:57:37 PM # Q
They do but not in a way PalmOS manages them.

Pocket PC users can easily go back to the today screen (home) easily but in some softwares on PalmOS, it requires the user to press a button or shortcut to get back to the launcher.

HTC Magician

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It's time

mikecane @ 3/11/2005 5:47:11 PM # Q
This is March. p1 usually releases -- or at least announces -- new stuff this month.

A Treo running WinMob? Do I Care? N.O.

Now someone point me to pics of that rumored "iBook mini" and my interest will perk up...

RE: It's time
Token User @ 3/12/2005 1:13:48 PM # Q
We are also only a couple of weks away from April 1 ... could this just be a run up to a well planned hoax?

~ "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed." - DV ~
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PPC Treo will mark the end of PalmOS

The_Voice_of_Reason @ 3/11/2005 8:19:00 PM # Q
Yes, a PPC Treo has been approved by pa1mOne. I don't believe these specs are correct, though.

HTC can create such a device with almost ZERO effort - they already have the architecture and the parts are all off-the-shelf.

PalmSource's Cobalt debacle followed by the PalmLinux Hail Mary pass they're desperately attempting to complete has severely undermined PalmOS as a viable platform. Idiotic comments from pa1mOne execs haven't helped much, either.

When a pa1mOne Treo is released, it will tell the world that even Palm (pa1mOne) no longer believes in Palm (PalmSource). PalmSource stocks will likely tumble to below $5 and the company should be snapped up by a smart investor for less than 100 million $ or so. Only problem is that pa1mOne is like a guppy swimming with sharks in terms of cellphone hardware sellers. Sony Ericsson, Nokia, etc. are going to destroy pa1mOne. Quickly. Just take a look at the recent phones from those two companies (especially Sony Ericsson!).

Palm thought they were being clever by splitting into two companies. Made themselves millions $ of easy money. Greed is Good™. But divided, they are as weak and defenseless as a newborn kitten against the REAL predators in the jungle. Greed is Bad™.

THE END IS NEAR. Be afraid, children. Be very afraid.


Press release: CUPERTINO, California — February 11, 2005 — Apple® announced today that Steve Jobs will begin selling his own feces to Apple Cultists beginning March 1. Apple's new iPoo™ lineup is expected to easily surpass the iPod shuffle as the company's most popular product. Yes, Apple Cultists can already easily create their own iPoo™, but feces didn't seem cool until Jobs told them it was cool. Remember, kids: the ONLY cool feces is Jobs' highly individualistic, rebellious iPoo™ (coming soon in six different colors/flavors, including the red [hematochezia] and black [melena] U2 GI bleed model)


Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: PPC Treo will mark the end of PalmOS
RhinoSteve @ 3/11/2005 9:03:27 PM # Q
You and your Nippon-style porn Voice? You don't have much of a reputation here after your last rant on Japanese porn here.
RE: PPC Treo will mark the end of PalmOS
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 3/11/2005 9:06:48 PM # Q
Here what are you here saying here?

Send your Creampie over. I need release and Creampie needs a creampie. Hope you enjoy eating sloppy seconds, CuckholdSteve.


Press release: CUPERTINO, California — February 11, 2005 — Apple® announced today that Steve Jobs will begin selling his own feces to Apple Cultists beginning March 1. Apple's new iPoo™ lineup is expected to easily surpass the iPod shuffle as the company's most popular product. Yes, Apple Cultists can already easily create their own iPoo™, but feces didn't seem cool until Jobs told them it was cool. Remember, kids: the ONLY cool feces is Jobs' highly individualistic, rebellious iPoo™ (coming soon in six different colors/flavors, including the red [hematochezia] and black [melena] U2 GI bleed model)


Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: PPC Treo will mark the end of PalmOS
Frenchie @ 3/11/2005 9:19:48 PM # Q
Maybe if i cross my fingers and wish i was back to the day sony was releasing PDAs, this nightmare will go away ;)

This is a sad, sad day for PalmOne.

The world will end in 2006. Just as it was predicted in the bible along with the release of Microsoft Longhorn.... :p

RE: PPC Treo will mark the end of PalmOS
LiveFaith @ 3/12/2005 12:43:03 AM # Q

RELAX. This thing is ugly as sin in Treo terms. It looks like the design of one of those budding Chinese hardware makers that PSRC has licensed lately.

Nothing that we are sure about says that these FUTURE Treo devices. They very well could be NEW photos of OLD prototype TReo 650s that never made it b/c the elegant version won out. Someone in the styling department needs a good firing if they think this thing is going to go as an upgrade to the 650. It's just plain ugggy in comparison. My guess is that it was one of > 1 choice for the 650.

They are 2 colors and keyboard paint schemes indicating that they are the GSM & CDMA versions which have so far carried this scheme. It is easier for the security of the devices to be lost AFTER release than before it. I personally bought 3 pre-production T3s on eBAY several months after the T3 was on the market. After the in-house and out-house folks get done testing, evaluating and grading a pre-prod model, then it may not be controlled so well and moles more easily get the image online.

Nothing in the photos indicates WinMob. The hard-buttons are all indicative of a Palm OS model. They are identical to Palm OS functions. If this were a device being made for Dell or T-Mob etc, I would expect adjusted botton labels. One cannot be sure here,but it appears that way.

My question is "what is HTC" doing involved in design? Has P1 just walked away from that too in order to be a marketing company only? HTC is certainly capable, and Hawkins even said that he has had NOTHING to do with the 650. Handspring did all the 600 design in-house I thought. Did HTC do it all on the 650? Is this really some of their work on a "670"? I doubt they would use the same #ing schemes that P1 does in house on pre-prods.

Again, nothing in the photos indicate anything WinMob. Pics are real tho.

Pat Horne;

Palm does not build/design hardware anymore
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 3/12/2005 12:24:03 PM # Q
Nothing in the photos indicates WinMob. The hard-buttons are all indicative of a Palm OS model. They are identical to Palm OS functions. If this were a device being made for Dell or T-Mob etc, I would expect adjusted botton labels. One cannot be sure here,but it appears that way.

My question is "what is HTC" doing involved in design? Has P1 just walked away from that too in order to be a marketing company only? HTC is certainly capable, and Hawkins even said that he has had NOTHING to do with the 650. Handspring did all the 600 design in-house I thought. Did HTC do it all on the 650? Is this really some of their work on a "670"? I doubt they would use the same #ing schemes that P1 does in house on pre-prods.

Again, nothing in the photos indicate anything WinMob. Pics are real tho.

You poor Sinner Man. It would take HTC all of 69 seconds to create a custom keyboard for PPC devices. Get over it, already: a PPC Treo is A Done Deal. We'll see them this year whether you want to believe this or not. Believe in me, my son. Follow not the false prophets, for they are wicked and unjust. Trust thou His Voice. His Voice of Reason.

And Palm outsources EVERYTHING these days. Palm is now just a brand/marketing company. Companies typically go to production houses like HTC, tell them what kind of hardware they want and then sit back and let HTC do all the work.

The irony is that Palm's greedy decision to "split" into pa1mOne + PalmSource has produce two crippled, aimless companies that lack the vision to sustain the platform. 2005 will be remembered as the year the bottom fell out of the Palm Economy.


Press release: CUPERTINO, California — February 11, 2005 — Apple® announced today that Steve Jobs will begin selling his own feces to Apple Cultists beginning March 1. Apple's new iPoo™ lineup is expected to easily surpass the iPod shuffle as the company's most popular product. Yes, Apple Cultists can already easily create their own iPoo™, but feces didn't seem cool until Jobs told them it was cool. Remember, kids: the ONLY cool feces is Jobs' highly individualistic, rebellious iPoo™ (coming soon in six different colors/flavors, including the red [hematochezia] and black [melena] U2 GI bleed model)


Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

The Voice of TRUTH
Wollombi @ 3/12/2005 8:17:50 PM # Q
[i]VOR said: "Believe in me, my son. Follow not the false prophets, for they are wicked and unjust. Trust thou His Voice. His Voice of Reason."[/i]

See Proverbs 16:18 for Truth's response.


There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.

RE: PPC Treo will mark the end of PalmOS
Foo Fighter @ 3/12/2005 8:18:51 PM # Q
>>> "this thing is ugly as sin in Treo terms"

What do you mean? It looks almost identical to the current Treo 650. Having angled rectangular buttons over oval shapes makes it ugly as sin? Aren't we being just a wee bit captious?

Contributing Editor,

RE: PPC Treo will mark the end of PalmOS
LiveFaith @ 3/13/2005 4:18:38 PM # Q

Look at the dedicated phone buttons .... cheeeesy

Pat Horne;

RE: PPC Treo will mark the end of PalmOS
LiveFaith @ 3/13/2005 4:19:43 PM # Q

Oh nooo Grasshopper. Wax on, wax off.

Pat Horne;

RE: PPC Treo will mark the end of PalmOS
RhinoSteve @ 3/14/2005 2:27:19 PM # Q
Frankly, what I see is that it maybe done in engineering terms. However, what will hit the shelves is another story. PPC Smartphones have not been very successful and frankly, while P1 may try to do this to make some network provider happy, it will fail in the marketplace.

Time for someone to make another PalmSource licensee and do this right.

RE: PPC Treo will mark the end of PalmOS
hkklife @ 3/14/2005 3:32:06 PM # Q
Panasonic, I say! Pansonic! Ruggedized wireless PDAs (w/o voice but with wi-fi, BT, & wireless CDMMA or GPRS data) and semi-ruggedized CDMA smartphones (Verizon or possibly with iDen Nextel & Sprint dual network configuration).

THAT is where the $ are, my friends!

RE: PPC Treo will mark the end of PalmOS
AdamaDBrown @ 3/14/2005 6:46:43 PM # Q
Steve, Windows Smartphones have actually met quite a bit of success in Europe, if not over here. Not that relevant, though, since a Treo would almost certainly run the full PocketPC OS. Lots of businesses like to standardize on Windows devices for simplified support and syncing purposes--that would be where the PPC Treo market would be.

RE: PPC Treo will mark the end of PalmOS
RhinoSteve @ 3/14/2005 7:27:34 PM # Q
Ok ... some EU-based secret society has endorced PPC since the Microsoft founders where initiated while in Davos, Switzerland a few years ago, that makes sense.
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PPC Treo Rumor

acidreflux @ 3/12/2005 12:45:20 AM # Q
Maybe this isn't so foolish or desperate on the part of PalmOne.

The question is: why would PalmSource aquire a Linux based company in hopes of new licensees, greater hardware versatility, and a greater development community; then PalmOne turn around a sell a device with Windows PPC?

First, it seems that PalmOne is going to screw PalmSource out of profit permanently, just so PalmOne can profit here and there by hosting MS OS (or any other OS for that matter).

Well, it doesn't cost a whole much of nothing for PalmSource to make 2 copies or 7 million copies of their OS. PalmSource just depends on getting licensees.

ASSUMING that PalmOne makes a duplicate device with PalmSource OS (which shouldn't be that difficult), then it is not shafting PalmSource out of any cash. They still have a license with PalmOne, they didn't lose it.

People that prefer PalmSource OS will still buy the PalmSource OS version, and people that prefer the MS PPC will buy the MS PPC version; all to the financial benefit of PalmOne. This gives a greater freedom for profit to PalmOne and not being hindered by the exclusivity of the PalmSource OS.

UNLESS PalmOne flat out refuses a license from PalmSource, PalmSource shouldn't lose anything really. PalmSource still has to get what licenses they can get, in addition to PalmOne. This is beneficial for both companies (PalmOne and PalmSource) not to be hindered by their own exclusivity to the other.

PalmSource is going to fail or succeed with gaining licenses regardless if PalmOne sells MS OS or not.

This epoch, if the rumor is true, should result in better hardware from PalmOne in order to gain other OS licenses, and PalmSource is still no better or worse than before.

RE: PPC Treo Rumor
LiveFaith @ 3/12/2005 1:40:20 AM # Q

The poster at TreoCentral has a lot of posts, but the story does not fit the pix. He says a woman tried to sell these to him and he balked after testing them and they did not work right. How and why did he take pics of the devices in this manner. The HTC logo shot is the boot-up screen where Palm Powered appears. One has to be a well timed shutter bug to reset the device, lay it down squarely, grab the camera, align the shot and shoot before the loga goes away. Then again if it's WinMob, mabe he has a while? :-(

Nevertheless, I smell a spy-photo-rat here. I should know too. :-D

Pat Horne;

PPC Treo = the coup de grace
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 3/12/2005 1:57:31 PM # Q
ASSUMING that PalmOne makes a duplicate device with PalmSource OS (which shouldn't be that difficult), then it is not shafting PalmSource out of any cash. They still have a license with PalmOne, they didn't lose it.

People that prefer PalmSource OS will still buy the PalmSource OS version, and people that prefer the MS PPC will buy the MS PPC version; all to the financial benefit of PalmOne. This gives a greater freedom for profit to PalmOne and not being hindered by the exclusivity of the PalmSource OS.

UNLESS PalmOne flat out refuses a license from PalmSource, PalmSource shouldn't lose anything really. PalmSource still has to get what licenses they can get, in addition to PalmOne. This is beneficial for both companies (PalmOne and PalmSource) not to be hindered by their own exclusivity to the other.

PalmSource is going to fail or succeed with gaining licenses regardless if PalmOne sells MS OS or not.

This epoch, if the rumor is true, should result in better hardware from PalmOne in order to gain other OS licenses, and PalmSource is still no better or worse than before.

So do you think that companies and individuals that might have otherwise bought PalmOS Treos (when PalmOS was the only game in town) won't buy PPC Treos? Every PPC Treo sold at the expense of a PalmOS Treo is another stab wound (in the back) to the PalmOS platform. One by one, it all adds up. Suddely, one day you wake up and the general consensus is that PalmOS is dead. Then suddenly EVERYONE abandond the platform. Overnight. Just look at what happened to Netscape. When the end comes, things tend to snowball quickly.

And do you think that licencees only pay for a general license and not a per-device license? Wow. What grade are you in?


Press release: CUPERTINO, California — February 11, 2005 — Apple® announced today that Steve Jobs will begin selling his own feces to Apple Cultists beginning March 1. Apple's new iPoo™ lineup is expected to easily surpass the iPod shuffle as the company's most popular product. Yes, Apple Cultists can already easily create their own iPoo™, but feces didn't seem cool until Jobs told them it was cool. Remember, kids: the ONLY cool feces is Jobs' highly individualistic, rebellious iPoo™ (coming soon in six different colors/flavors, including the red [hematochezia] and black [melena] U2 GI bleed model)


Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: PPC Treo Rumor
rsc1000 @ 3/12/2005 5:53:42 PM # Q
>>So do you think that companies and individuals that might have otherwise bought PalmOS Treos (when PalmOS was the only game in town) won't buy PPC Treos? Every PPC Treo sold at the expense of a PalmOS Treo is another stab wound (in the back) to the PalmOS platform.

Its not the hardware that's the differentiator here (ok - so they have a small qerty keyboard. their not the oinly ones). Its the interface. This mean palm OS + p1 dpad/phone integration. Winmob (PPC) is a cludge of an os. The treo 600 is what it is because of the OS. Haven't you read all of those raving critics reviews?

Jesus H. Christ! Will you people wake up!
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 3/12/2005 6:57:42 PM # Q
Its not the hardware that's the differentiator here (ok - so they have a small qerty keyboard. their not the oinly ones). Its the interface. This mean palm OS + p1 dpad/phone integration. Winmob (PPC) is a cludge of an os. The treo 600 is what it is because of the OS. Haven't you read all of those raving critics reviews?

You disappoint me, Grasshopper. I know PalmOS is superior to PPC. You know PalmOS is superior to PPC. Unfortunately for Palm, being superior doesn't matter. People (and especially companies) will quickly drift to PPC because of the Microsoft name and marketing. Think about it: why does anyoe buy crappy PPC PDAs now anyway? It's not just for the superior hardware - people feel "safe" with the Microsoft name. Sad but true.

Bring out a PPC Treo and PalmOS Treo sales will instantly nosedive, setting up a chain reaction. Once PalmOS device sales figures are noticeably below PPC numbers the rats will flee the PalmOS ship in droves. Remember what happened to Netscape? Palm can easily go from market leader to also-ran within MONTHS. The past 8 years of market dominance means nothing.


Press release: CUPERTINO, California — February 11, 2005 — Apple® announced today that Steve Jobs will begin selling his own feces to Apple Cultists beginning March 1. Apple's new iPoo™ lineup is expected to easily surpass the iPod shuffle as the company's most popular product. Yes, Apple Cultists can already easily create their own iPoo™, but feces didn't seem cool until Jobs told them it was cool. Remember, kids: the ONLY cool feces is Jobs' highly individualistic, rebellious iPoo™ (coming soon in six different colors/flavors, including the red [hematochezia] and black [melena] U2 GI bleed model)


Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: PPC Treo Rumor
Surur @ 3/12/2005 7:43:54 PM # Q

Nosedive like their shareprice?


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