New ACCESS Linux Platform Screenshots and News

Access Linux Platform ScreenshotsACCESS have launched a new website for the ACCESS Linux Platform (ALP) with new developer documentation and details about the platform. The company has also announced a number of new partners and initiatives around ALP at the LinuxWorld going on now in San Francisco.

MobieLinuxInfo has put together over 10 screenshots of the Linux powered platform in action and goes over some of the ALP news announcements this week.

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ALP is only making things more confusing

Gazpacho @ 8/9/2007 5:52:10 PM # Q
The screenshots really look like a souped up pretty PalmOS, but looks are deceiving. The *only* thing that is relating ALP to PalmOS is the Garnet compatibility layer that is running under ALP. It's not PalmOS. PalmOS Garnet will not be updated anymore, it will just live on under the ALP itself.

Palm will never license ALP, as it will have its own OS soon. In the future, ALP and Palm will grow further and further apart, until Palm-fansites will stop posting about ALP. ;)

But yeah, things like a Hotsync-icon appearing in ALP screenshots is not good for Palm, who does not even consider licensing ALP. It's already confusing for the fanboys, think of the confusion it creates for the normal customer.

FoleoCentral is the news, opinions & review blog about the Palm Foleo Mobile Companion

RE: ALP is only making things more confusing
freakout @ 8/9/2007 7:13:34 PM # Q
^^ w.r.t the Hotsync icon, Hotsync and the Palm Desktop actually belong to Palmsource/ACCESS, I think, rather than Palm. So when Palm finally do debut their own new OS, it's likely we'll see a new syncing solution to go along with it. Which should hopefully dispel any confusion...

I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650 ---> Crimson Treo 680
RE: ALP is only making things more confusing
Technodragon @ 8/9/2007 7:55:32 PM # Q
About time what was once Palm OS got a make-over...

Very slick, and looks like it fills in a lot of obvious gaps that Palm has been neglecting for years...

...Too bad we'll never see it on a Palm device.

*le sigh*

RE: ALP is only making things more confusing
hkklife @ 8/9/2007 11:14:08 PM # Q
Yes, the new Vista-compliant HotSync has PalmSource/Access 2006 copyrights & branding galore. And I noticed that the "about" screen calls it the "Palm OS Desktop" NOT "Palm Desktop". The bright orange round Palm logo is nowhere to be found on it.

So I expect Palm to never get the Vista version of Hotsync for Garnet devices out of beta and instead shoot for a new sync solution to coindide with PLinux. In fact, it might even be completely online-based (ala the recently beta-launched Palm Backup online service)?

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P

RE: ALP is only making things more confusing
scstraus2 @ 8/10/2007 6:22:09 AM # Q
I'm still very interested in ALP. I'm not counting out the possibility that Palm will completely blow it on their new OS and put out a bunch of completely unusable phones with it.

I mean, from what I've seen them do with garnet and multimail since they split with palmsource, I have very little faith in what they'll do with their own OS.

I still harken back to the good old days when those palmsource programmers were making a nice speedy stable OS. Everything after the split that palm has tacked on has been pretty crap. I'm really not sure they have programmers that are worth anything.

There's a good possibility that I'll have to exclusively have to buy my PalmOS gear from China in the future.

RE: ALP is only making things more confusing
rmhurdman @ 8/10/2007 9:43:35 AM # Q
The fact that PALM will probably never licence ALP is a GOOD thing for everyone. Why would ALP want Palm tarnishing their image? ALP has some amazing partners and their OS is way more complete than I expect Palm to be capable of. It includes OUT OF THE BOX document viewers, multimedia players, multitasking, etc., etc., etc.

With the partners they have, I feel pretty certain that it's not vapourware...we just may never see it in North America because ALP knows that the action is in Asia and that the best cell-phone hardware is in Europe.

But this sure shows us what Palm and PalmSource could have and should have done. If only they had had the vision and commitment.

RE: ALP is only making things more confusing
retrospooty @ 8/10/2007 9:56:36 AM # Q
"I'm really not sure they have programmers that are worth anything."

They do not. Back in 2003, after the Palmsource split, prior to the infamous OS6 debacle Microsoft hired the lead programmer and the top half dozen or so of his best crew from under Palmsource. This move devastated OS6, and Palmsource's future ability to produce anything worthwhile. Access bout up the sloppy seconds. LOL... and it shows.

RE: ALP is only making things more confusing
cervezas @ 8/10/2007 11:17:12 AM # Q
I'd say 4-year old news about who left the company doesn't mean very much today. Microsoft isn't the only company that can hire talent.

David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing

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Gekko @ 8/9/2007 8:02:14 PM # Q
RE: ZZzzzzzzzzzzzz
LiveFaith @ 8/9/2007 9:46:06 PM # Q
Here's your Cobalt. Better late than never.

Pat Horne
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So what about that phone it's running on?

twrock @ 8/9/2007 8:21:28 PM # Q
Whatever anyone feels about or even knows about ALP at this point, all I can say is I'd like to be running my current set of third-party Palm apps on that device. That's look a lot more like the kind of smartphone I've been wanting Palm to deliver.

Isn't the "upgrade" to the next Palm OS is likely going to create a similar situation (compatibility layer)? At least with Access we won't be locked into one hardware manufacturer. I'm not making any decisions here, just saying that I will continue to look at what Access is doing and I'm interested in who licenses it and what hardware it shows up on.

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RE: So what about that phone it's running on?
cervezas @ 8/10/2007 11:10:26 AM # Q
It's a new handset manufactured by Adobe, believe it or not!

Adobe Photoshop. :-p

(Actually, I have no idea. For all I know it could be real. I do have an ALP phone on my desk here, but it doesn't look anything like that one. And no, I'm not going to talk about it.)

David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing

RE: So what about that phone it's running on?
hkklife @ 8/10/2007 11:35:47 AM # Q
Quick, everyone! Let's organize a raiding party and assault the PikeSoft mountaintop Corporate HQ (aka Beersie's compound) and grab his ALP goodies!!

In all seriousness, David, can you at least throw us a bone by listing its screen resolution?

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P

RE: So what about that phone it's running on?
cervezas @ 8/10/2007 12:19:44 PM # Q
It's 160x160 display in 16 lovely shades of gray.

Oh wait.

That's the Fossil PDA watch. (Rummaging around)

Would you believe that I really, no kidding, am working on an application for the Fossil PDA watch? Not for fun, for a real client?

Ah. Here we go.

And what a beauty it is!

But no, I can't tell you.

David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing

RE: So what about that phone it's running on?
freakout @ 8/10/2007 2:32:23 PM # Q
Quick, everyone! Let's organize a raiding party and assault the PikeSoft mountaintop Corporate HQ

No! You fool! The mountain complex is just a diversion! The real HQ is three kilometres underwater in the Pacific. It's there that Beersie sits in a high-backed throne, contemplating a massive bank of video monitors and laughing maniacally as he strokes fur-lined ALP handsets.

RE: So what about that phone it's running on?
PacManFoo @ 8/10/2007 3:48:12 PM # Q
Those aren't video monitors. They are 24 Foleos set side to side, but unfortunately they can't do video. What's with the life size blow up doll of Jeff Hawkins though?

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RE: So what about that phone it's running on?
cervezas @ 8/10/2007 5:36:25 PM # Q
PacManFoo wrote:
Those aren't video monitors. They are 24 Foleos set side to side, but unfortunately they can't do video.

Oh, I can assure you, these Foleos do video.

And I have enough Treo batteries to power them for a year on a single charge, which should be more than sufficient to carry out my plan. That Seidio order you placed? It's been canceled.

What's with the life size blow up doll of Jeff Hawkins though?


That's not a Jeff Hawkins doll, it's Eric Benhamou! He has been very helpful to me since his unceremonious removal from Palm's Board of Directors.

Especially after I gave him a small taste of the POWER of my Beowulf cluster of modified Mobile Companions.

Mwa ha.
Mwa ha.
Mwa ha ha ha ha haaaaah!!!

Have you guessed?

They now run Palm OS Cobalt! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing

RE: So what about that phone it's running on?
twrock @ 8/10/2007 9:20:47 PM # Q
I'm not so sure I wanted to see this side of Beers. ;-)

Anyhoo, yes, I'm pretty sure that phone is by "Adobe". But at least some artist over at Access can figure out that consumers just might want a large screened smartphone without a keyboard. Wish Palm could.

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Looks good to me

Timothy Rapson @ 8/9/2007 8:32:01 PM # Q
This is not WinMob.
It is not Windows.
It is not Symbian.
It is not Palm OS, but it may run old Palm software under emulation.
The nicest thing I saw was the icon for HandWord. That is a full featured word processor such as Palm and Symbian do not have.
With a Linux core we get real files, real fonts, and graphics standards. That is what I have wanted in a PDA (without WinMob and WITH a camera) for years and years.
This might be it.

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Fugly UI

areyouwishing @ 8/9/2007 8:38:47 PM # Q
Wow, I think it lacks polish, and class.

These screenshots look horrible. I would take the Garnet look over these.

Everything looks so... bland, and not in a unified way either.

• The home screen is clearly knocking off the iPhone.
• The phone buttons are still too small.
• What is this dotted line crap to signal entering text?
• Love the sushi rip off in the txt message
• what does "..." mean in the phone accept screen?
• The icon highlight is SQUARE!

RE: Fugly UI
freakout @ 8/9/2007 9:48:25 PM # Q
• The home screen is clearly knocking off the iPhone.

Lol. Yes, and the iPhone's home screen knocked off Palm OS. :P But nobody has a monopoly on the "grid of icons" design.

RE: Fugly UI
Foo Fighter @ 8/9/2007 10:08:11 PM # Q
Uh, no. Other mobile platforms had iconic GUIs long before PalmOS came along, including the Newton. If iPhone copies any UI, it has be to Newton.

RE: Fugly UI
cervezas @ 8/9/2007 10:54:28 PM # Q
The ALP UI is totally themable, so don't get bent out of shape if you wish it had a different look and feel.

That's the good news.

The bad news? Well, not *necessarily* bad, but if the carrier wanted to stick you with their chosen theme (branded) and didn't give you a way to change it, well... that would be your look and feel. Hopefully the carriers will be smart+greedy and see the opportunity to provide downloadable themes. If not, third parties will surely oblige.

Bottom line: these are just example pictures to show what ALP *can* look like, not what it has to look like.

David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing

RE: Fugly UI
sgiga @ 8/10/2007 6:22:05 AM # Q
"? The home screen is clearly knocking off the iPhone."

He he. This is too funny. I guess it won't be long before someone accuses Nokia for knocking off iPhone for the "feature" of picking up the phone and saying "hello, this is Lars" into it.

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This SCARED Me!!!

LiveFaith @ 8/9/2007 10:07:25 PM # Q
One look at that Lars Smith photo gave me the heebeegeebees! No way on earth I'm selecting ''accept'' on that one.

Now on to less important matters. Personally I'm rooting for Palm and their version. If for no other reason that anything remotely related to the word ''Palmsource'' exists. But, I think having Access pushing a ''Palm OS'' solution is spectacular. Palm without ANY platfom competition scares me almost as much as Lar's gaze in the phone app.

The polish looks just a bit corporate to me, but really nice nonetheless. Far better than anything ever seen in the Palm OS OEM world. If they can put together solid backend performance, then their customers should be able to make some excellent devices. Boy, is it getting interesting now. Great!

The dark background treatment looks iPhonesque, but a bit less elegant. Certainly it has no wow factor like the scrolling on it. Anyway, Linux mobile is getting front and center and I'm glad to see it.

Thought: It seems to me that by now, someone would be pushing to GUI envelope a bit. Other thqn Apple, who did it. Why not have that simple Palm OS GUI much more customizeable and photo/video oriented. For example why not have the icons be photo based and customizeable. Or have little clips moving as icons. Or vids as caller IDs. Or animations as the backgrounds. Gosh, people love that kinda stuff. Even non-power users love to customize with pix or animations etc.
This could really set a GUI apart. I'll be holding my breath expecting Palm to bring it real soon. ;-D

Pat Horne

RE: This SCARED Me!!!
twizza @ 8/10/2007 9:21:58 AM # Q
But Pat, this is no more of anything more than what we saw with Cobalt. Screenshots. Not video. Seeing video of ALP working would do more to help/hurt the UI argument. As of now, its just not as pretty as some would like. Hopefully the UX is pretty and this is just a skin of what can be done.
RE: This SCARED Me!!!
vorlon @ 8/15/2007 3:48:06 AM # Q
One look at that Lars Smith photo gave me the heebeegeebees! No way on earth I'm selecting ''accept'' on that one.

That's why there's the handy "Ignore with a text message" -option; push the Reject-button, and Lars gets a SMS saying "No way I'm answering your call, you reject!".

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Speaking of the price of eggs in China...

Foo Fighter @ 8/9/2007 10:32:54 PM # Q
No offense, but why are we even posting this? ALP has absolutely nothing to do with Palm, and never will. It is irrelevant.

You may as well post coverage about Ubuntu's Mobile platform as well.


RE: Speaking of the price of eggs in China...
cervezas @ 8/9/2007 10:59:07 PM # Q
Do you really not know the answer to that question?

Why do you post something like this, Foo?

David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing

RE: Speaking of the price of eggs in China...
SeldomVisitor @ 8/10/2007 6:53:13 AM # Q
> ...You may as well post coverage about Ubuntu's Mobile platform as well.

Aren't you the one who leaked the "news" about the new site PiC's founder is setting up?

In a blink of an eye when you surf on over to "" you'll be automagically redirected to the new site!



[no, I have no clue that this is REALLY gonna happen. Just that it should.]

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then again

Valhala @ 8/10/2007 3:42:32 AM # Q
If palm would have come out with something like this I might sell my iPhone. but then again probaly not.

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why not go for the real thing?

sgiga @ 8/10/2007 5:04:44 AM # Q
There are so many things happening right now. I think my wallet will live a dangerous life in the next couple of years.

A common denominator is LINUX. Nokia is already into LINUX. Motorola is coming into LINUX in a major fashion. Palm is all LINUX within less than a year. But the most interesting is the "real" thing, openmoko
They are not only going for open software, but also open hardware. They are already sold out for several months on their open hardware version, but the "consumer version" (open software and non-hackable hardware), will start shipping in september-october. These phones will be unlocked (obviosly). The more i think about it, the more certain i am that this will not only be my next phone, but will in fact be the future of phones.

RE: why not go for the real thing?
SeldomVisitor @ 8/10/2007 6:56:15 AM # Q
> ...Palm is all LINUX within less than a year...

Well...only if they drop the entirely-ODM-produced Windows smartphone line.


Ya don't think...

RE: why not go for the real thing?
rmhurdman @ 8/10/2007 9:52:35 AM # Q
Why are you in love with VapourWare? Check out this blog entry:
The same entry on the OpenMoko blog (dated Aug 4, 07):

OpenMoko is way behind schedule and it sounds like nothing's going right. They just started shipping hardware for testing purposes (due in 1Q07?) that won't even make a phone call. Is that the "real thing?" You probably just love it because it makes the Palm people that you idolise look like geniuses.

RE: why not go for the real thing?
PenguinPowered @ 8/10/2007 12:34:46 PM # Q
I think, when push comes to shove, that Linux will do very poorly in the phone space, because of massive fragmentation. There are now more 'cellphone' Linux distributions than there are smartphone vendors.

OpenMoko is a fun project, and I'm getting a kick out of it, but it is running very late, and the hardware is already obsolete. I doubt very much that they'll be able to keep up with the ever changing telephony landscape.

May You Live in Interesting Times

RE: why not go for the real thing?
sgiga @ 8/10/2007 2:28:01 PM # Q
Well, being behind schedule is not the end of the world. A lot of other projects that i know of are also late...

Anyway, i have no plans doing any OS development work, so whatever will be available first and that is running LINUX and looks reasonable OK i will get. I just hoped that i would be able to get it this fall instead of sometime next year, but that is not going to happen by the looks of.

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Will Palm apps run on it?

Tuckermaclain @ 8/10/2007 9:42:20 AM # Q
Maybe Cervezas knows... Palm OS is somewhere in the history of Access. Is this similar to Plinux? Do you think Palm apps could run on it? Do you think we'll see a styletap-like app for it if it doesn't?

Anything to keep the Palm OS alive.

RE: Will Palm apps run on it?
rmhurdman @ 8/10/2007 9:57:02 AM # Q
ALP specifically has a Garnet OS emulation layer/VM running on this system. That means you can run linux, Java and Garnet applications. All the icons show up together in the launcher screen, so the way the program is written has no bearing on the end user experience (in theory). This will keep your PalmOS applications alive, but Access is encouraging people to develop for Linux, not GarnetOS, going forward.

But it seems that Palm will also encourage people to develop for Linux, not GarnetOS, going forward, so it just means that now you have more choice in hardware. And although more choice is never a bad thing, I bet both of these companies will put the majority of their focus on phones. Those of us who don't want or need a cell phone may be out of luck when it comes to replacing aging hardware.

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