Linux Based Palm OS Due Sometime in 2008

As noted in our report from last weeks Palm quarterly conference call, Palm CEO Ed Colligan gave the first rough estimate as to when to expect the next generation operating system. Its release has not been delayed or postponed as a few other outlets are reporting, as Palm has yet to comment on release timing or provide any concrete specifics about the new platform.

In response to a question on broader platform strategy and new operating system development efforts Colligan answered:

Well, in general a new platform strategy I think that's, next calendar year is the timeframe. We are not going to get in to specifics on that. I think the reality is we will deliver some new smartphone products through the rest of this calendar year on both our Windows Mobile and Palm OS platforms. And product based on the new Linux-based platform that we are working on, that won't be until some time next year. [...] We are not waiting for next generation platform developments to deliver some great new products.

It was only briefly announced in April that a 'new foundation' was in development featuring Palm OS Garnet aspects combined with a Linux Core.

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Quite a leap

SeldomVisitor @ 7/2/2007 2:40:35 PM # Q
== "...when to expect the next generation Palm
== Operating system..."


== "...the new Linux-based platform that we are
== working on..."


RE: Quite a leap
Ryan @ 7/2/2007 2:47:58 PM # Q
The real leap is the assumption that this statement somehow indicates 'Palm OS 2' has been delayed, when it was never given a timeframe to begin with.

I'm not sure how anyone who is reporting this understands the context here or has bothered to look into the facts.

RE: Quite a leap
luomat @ 7/2/2007 5:03:19 PM # Q
Anyone who has been using a Palm knows that the next version of the OS has been needed and promised and just around the corner for so long now it may not even matter.

"Sometime in 2008" is significantly delayed, not because Colligan refused to say when it would be out, but based on the competition facing Palm *today* vs when the Treo line first came out and Palm was cock of the block.

RE: Quite a leap
SeldomVisitor @ 7/2/2007 5:53:46 PM # Q
> ...The real leap is the assumption that this statement
> somehow indicates 'Palm OS 2' has been delayed, when
> it was never given a timeframe to begin with.

Oh, yeah, there's that, too.


RE: Quite a LeapFrog Leapster
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 7/2/2007 9:55:12 PM # Q
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iphone should kill palm by then...

jca666us @ 7/2/2007 3:09:56 PM # Q
Has anyone on these boards tried the iphone out yet?

It is much more impressive than I expected - especially considering it's a version 1.0 product.

Iphone really illustrates how outdated and stale Palm's lineup is and demonstrates how mismanaged Palm has been.

After seven years Palm is going to tinker with Linux - they should have started this back in 2000.

Instead PalmSource had it's failed multi-year experiment with Cobalt - and we ended up with several iterations of FrankenGarnet.

I sincerely hope Palm has been taking notes and is able to get Linux off the ground - however with their miserable track record, will Palm be around long enough to make it happen?


RE: iphone should kill palm by then...
arctg @ 7/2/2007 4:11:22 PM # Q
After a very long time with with Palm (starting with a Palm III the week it came out), it is time to bid adieu. One major caveat. After a III, Vx and Treo 650 I don't think Palm has what it takes to make an innovative product in the next two years. Since also moving over to OS X in the last 4 years the iPhone is a no-brainer, however if there fails to be any 3rd party development in the next two years and assuming Palm hasn't disappeared from the face of the Earth I may return. I truly believe though that Apple will eventually release an SDK and that Palm may never recover.

It has been a fun ride and I'll check back every once in a while but the iPhone is just an amazing machine and experience.

RE: iphone should kill palm by then...
pmjoe @ 7/2/2007 5:36:35 PM # Q
Yes, I got to try the iPhone out on Saturday. Very nice! The 4 main downsides: currently no 3rd party development environment = no 3rd party apps; AT&T is the only carrier; I'd still like to see an option for stylus input; very expensive ($500-$600, plus required 2 year contract, and apparently no insurance options). On the plus side: A REAL OS; slick GUI (you don't really need a stylus); beautiful PDA-like, hi-res screen; 4/8GB flash; iTunes integration = lots of former iPod users; multi-touch interactions/navigation; apparently good battery life; dual WiFi/mobile phone network support. It looks and feels like the PDA most here wish Palm would release ... and it's a phone too!

If Apple would open up decent 3rd party development options (and preferably minimum Java CDC support), I'd likely pick one up tomorrow. I suspect the lack of 3rd party apps and more general 3rd party security controls are going to make it a diffcult sell for enterprise environments.

I don't expect major iPhone changes over the next year, other than the possibility they'd open up a developer's SDK. They'll still be AT&T only, and I doubt the price will go down much if any. So, Palm still has a shot iff they can keep the current Treos cheap and plentiful while getting a real OS out by early next year. Then again, Palm has needed a real OS for 5-7 years and hasn't pulled one out of the hat yet.

iphone could save palm?
DarthRepublican @ 7/2/2007 8:49:30 PM # Q
It may seem counterintuitive but the iPhone may help Palm more than it hurts. Even before its release, AT&T users were claiming that their data connections were becoming faster thanks to upgrades to the EDGE network in anticipation of the iPhone's arrival. The iPhone is also paving the way by getting AT&T to allow it to have wifi -- so now Palm can no longer say that the carriers won't allow them to have wifi, they have to integrate wifi into the Treo just to keep up. I also have a feeling that the Foleo will turn out to be a popular accessory for the iPhone (assuming the devices can work together) once people get tired of that slow software keyboard.

RE: iphone should kill palm by then...
jca666us @ 7/2/2007 9:29:47 PM # Q
you haven't used an iPhone, have you? Obviously you would know the keyboard isn't slow. Foleo a popular accessory for the iPhone? Close. I think the iPhone will be a popular accessory to replace outdated palm hardware running outdated palm software.
RE: iphone should kill palm by then...
mtt @ 7/3/2007 12:19:24 AM # Q
I tried out the iPhone for 20 minutes on Saturday. Absolutly amazing. Apple has clearly heard of the "Zen of Palm", and brought it to 2007. It is fast, smooth, direct, and easily usable. I've been using Treos since the 180 & PalmOS since the original HS Visor, and the iPhone just might make me forget them forever. Everything could be accessed easily, worked logically, with minimal menus & no lag. (The exact opposite of WinMob!)

It does have shortcomeings, don't get me wrong. It needs a few 3-rd party apps before it will work for everything I currently use my 700P for. There are also some minor but supremely annoying interface items that need tweaking. However, here is the real conclusion:

When you compare the BASE iPhone with the BASE Palm OS or Windows Mobile, there is no comparison - iPhone is perfection. Palm & WM's only real hope will be to expand into new features & hope Apple never adds to the iPhone as it is, or ever allows 3rd party development.

Handspring Visor, Palm V, Treo 180, Treo 90, Treo 600, Treo 650...

RE: iphone should kill palm by then...
freakout @ 7/3/2007 9:03:55 AM # Q
When you compare the BASE iPhone with the BASE Palm OS or Windows Mobile, there is no comparison - iPhone is perfection (freakout vomits)

It doesn't even do freaking copy-and-paste!

RE: iphone should kill palm by then...
jca666us @ 7/3/2007 11:43:57 AM # Q
copy and paste is hardly a killer app. apple designed the user interface of the iphone to take advantage of the multi-touch screen.

we know apple won't stand still, however palm has been stagnant for years.

RE: iphone should kill palm by then...
TooMuch @ 7/3/2007 9:43:51 PM # Q
"copy and paste"?

:o) Oh yeah...That will surely kill the iPhone. :O)))

Another PC cultist who can't stand Apple. Now there is an insight. ;)

RE: iphone should kill palm by then...
freakout @ 7/4/2007 12:04:50 AM # Q
copy and paste is hardly a killer app. apple designed the user interface of the iphone to take advantage of the multi-touch screen.

Multi-touch schmulti-touch. I clip snippets from the web and documents to paste into emails, memos and messages all the time on the Treo. Have fun re-typing stuff on your virtual keyboard...

we know apple won't stand still, however palm has been stagnant for years.

Irrelevant when Apple are asking you to pay $600 with contract for a device that lacks such basic features.

RE: iphone should kill palm by then...
freakout @ 7/4/2007 12:06:53 AM # Q
"copy and paste"?

:o) Oh yeah...That will surely kill the iPhone. :O)))

Another PC cultist who can't stand Apple. Now there is an insight. ;)

Hey, even Macs can copy-and-paste, last time I checked. ;)

RE: iphone should kill palm by then...
twrock @ 7/4/2007 12:07:52 AM # Q
Actually, I'm really surprised to hear that the iPhone can't do a simple copy&paste function. I'm thinking the lack thereof is probably a bigger deal for quite a number of people who do more than just make calls, listen to music and browse the web. For anyone who uses their smartphone to get "real work" done, it's really important.

But of course the lack of cut&paste isn't going to make much of a dent in the sale of iPhones. The people who are buying it are not likely the kind who plan on getting any real work done on it. Just like the lack of true third-party apps isn't going to hurt the sales of iPhones to people who don't put third-party apps on their smartphone. It's all about self-selecting groups. I don't suppose Jobs care very much at all about the smaller group of true power users simply because they are a smaller group. He doesn't need them.

I on the other hand have no interest in a $600 phone/media device that I can't install any of my "critical" third-party apps on and that I can't even do cut&paste on. No thanks; I'm still shopping.

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Lesson from Cobalt: NEVER make promises you can't keep...

The_Voice_of_Reason @ 7/2/2007 3:26:35 PM # Q
Palm has learned well. A product cannot be called "late" if an ETA is never given in the first-place.

The FOOLeo's PalmLinux + a version of POSE would seem to be the most obvious solution. In addition, licensing StyleTap Platform and integrating it smoothly into all upcoming Windows Mobile devices would allow Palm to completely (and almost gracefully) discontinue all of its remaining PalmOS only devices. (Why do you think Colligan laughs when people point out the decline in Palm's sales of PalmOS devices?) The future would then look like this:

1) Windows Mobile Treos that also ship with a PalmOS "emulator" (StyleTap Platform).
2) PalmLinux Treos that also ship with a PalmOS "emulator" (POSE).
3) PalmLinux FOOLoes that also ship with a PalmOS "emulator" (POSE).

Simplified lineup + simplified support, allowing Palm to act more as a "brand" than as a true hardware or software designer/producer. By rebranding HTC, etc devices as "Palm" devices, licensing/buying useful applications (or the people behind them) like ChatterEmail and StyleTap Platform, a leaner, meaner Palm has an outside chance of surviving independently while in competition with the Big Boys. If Palm makes these moves, they could potentially cut their workforce in half... early money on the "dead pool" says massive layoffs will occur by Spring, 2008.

Well done, Grasshopper Colligan.


RE: Lesson from Cobalt: NEVER make promises you can't keep...
SeldomVisitor @ 7/2/2007 5:58:23 PM # Q
Why does anyone think there's some sort of PalmOS emulation on top of Linux on the Fooleo et al?

Or planned?

Got a PALM-sourced pointer to back up that belief?

[alas, The Kidlet is using my main computer right now so I can't easily check my personal copies of various PALM thingees to try to check for such a beast - but I don't remember seeing one]

TVoR's Zen of Palm koan
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 7/2/2007 9:22:28 PM # Q
Why does anyone think there's some sort of PalmOS emulation on top of Linux on the Fooleo et al?

You disappoint me, hengeem. There's more to the FOOLeo than meets the i.*

* Clue #1

Or planned?

How about already here (in gloious beta)?

The $30 million question is: "How stupid do you think it Palm is?"
The $44 million question is: "How do you make a silk purse out of a sow's ear?"
The $324 million question is: does someone have to lose in order for someone to win?
The priceless question is: "What is the sound of one Hand clapping?"

Got a PALM-sourced pointer to back up that belief?

Weaning time: you need to be plucked from the breast. Open your eyes.

[alas, The Kidlet is using my main computer right now so I can't easily check my personal copies of various PALM thingees to try to check for such a beast - but I don't remember seeing one]

Are you "a wee bit obsessed"?

Enjoy the game, hengeem.


RE: Lesson from Cobalt: NEVER make promises you can't keep...
SeldomVisitor @ 7/2/2007 9:29:48 PM # Q
THAT'S the proof!?

RE: Lesson from Cobalt: NEVER make promises you can't keep...
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 7/2/2007 9:52:45 PM # Q
Open your eyes, hengeem. Palm has said EXACTLY what they are doing. You just don't see it yet. You will.

Here's your final clue: Palm's representatives actually speak truthfully. And Colligan would be dead if he was a spy.

That's all. Please stop begging for scraps. You have shamed the House of hengeem, Grasshopper.

The eagle flys at dawn...


RE: Lesson from Cobalt: NEVER make promises you can't keep...
dukat @ 7/3/2007 6:15:26 AM # Q
Whoa, what kind of drugs have been the cause of _this_ discussion??

IIIe -> m505 -> T3 -> Treo650 -> Treo680
RE: Lesson from Cobalt: NEVER make promises you can't keep...
freakout @ 7/3/2007 9:05:28 AM # Q
Are you the Keymaster?
RE: Lesson from Cobalt: NEVER make promises you can't keep...
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 7/4/2007 12:19:46 AM # Q
Are you the Keymaster?

The key is within YOU, Timmmmmmmmmay.


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iPhone is iFailure! good news for palm...

zuhmir @ 7/2/2007 3:26:58 PM # Q
iphone... so many bad reviews... bad call quality, poor camera, slow edge connection...
those are good news for palm! no all i have to decide is whether to buy Foleo or the next Palm T|Z

RE: iPhone is iFailure! good news for palm...
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 7/2/2007 3:35:56 PM # Q
You deserve the FOOLeo. In fact, get two FOOLeos and use one FOOLeo as the other FOOLeo's "companion". The last thing the world needs is a lonely FOOLeo...


RE: iPhone is iFailure! good news for palm...
icesalmon1 @ 7/2/2007 4:01:26 PM # Q
Tried the iphone. It is not a smart phone at current version. It is just a feature phone with fancy UI and good looks. It requires two hands to operate. One hand to hold , the other to point. It is definitely a bloated device, the OS itself already taken 700MB with such a basic features. I can't imagine if it is going to perform like a Treo how large the OS is going to be.
Palm please update the UI, and slim the Treo down with metal material just like Palm V.

RE: iPhone is iFailure! good news for palm...
zuhmir @ 7/2/2007 5:53:23 PM # Q

You sound a little bitter about it... why is that?

I will never use the foleo as a companion to anything, not treo, not iphone and no, not even for another foleo :-) i believe a mobile phone should be as simple as possible, light, unbreakable... i do not want to go out carrying some fragile, easily scratched super expensive treo.. it is simply a compromise i can't except! to little to actually work on it, to big and fat to take everywhere! i want to separate the phone from the computer, give me a small compact nokia 3120
small, super-strong device, i can really take anywhere in my back pocket without the fear of sitting on it... and when i travel, and need computing on the road, that's when i take the foleo! as a multimedia device, an office platform and as a teminal to my computer at home.

RE: iPhone is iFailure! good news for palm...
jca666us @ 7/2/2007 6:22:41 PM # Q
iphone is a failure? I'm certain some would very much hope for it, but it's too impressive or compelling to be called a failure.

Name one other phone which does half of what the iphone does - as well as the iphone does it.

OS X currently uses 700 meg. - so what; the phone comes with 4 (or 8) gig. One a 128 meg. POS device, that would be impossible.

At the end of 2008 after apple sells 10 million devices, let's see where Palm is with the Treo. They'll likely be selling them for $49 on QVC.

Blackberry is squeezing Palm from one end and Apple is squeezing them from the other.

Palm can't keep putting lipstick on their 10 y/o pig and selling it as an innovation.

RE: iPhone is iFailure! good news for palm...
ChiA @ 7/2/2007 7:46:25 PM # Q
iPhone is iFailure! good news for palm...

Is that you Mr. al-Sahaf? Glad to see you've got a new job in Palm PR after your last job as Iraqi Minister of Information.

iPhone is just a feature phone with fancy UI and good looks. It is definitely a bloated device, the OS itself already taken 700MB with such a basic features. I can't imagine if it is going to perform like a Treo how large the OS is going to be.

Wow there are still some Palm apologists around, instead of sour graping about the iPhone it's time customers demand Palm bring its smartphones up to date by adding wi-fi! How many more years are the Palm Os faithful going to endure?

The whole point of the OS X is the flexibility of what software can be installed on the iPhone, note how quickly the YouTube widget appeared on the iPhone? It's a shame that the iPhone remains a closed system but theoretically any software that runs on a Mac will be able to run on an iPhone. By the way, how many feature phones have VPN and wi-fi? This is an OS in a phone Palm can only dream of. It does make me wonder about Cobalt. Funny how Apple could put OS X into a mobile device yet Palm shunned the presumably smaller, less sophisticated Cobalt.

iPhone will steal 20% of Palm's Treo sales tthis quarter. OUCH!!!
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 7/2/2007 10:15:52 PM # Q

You sound a little bitter about it... why is that?

I will never use the foleo as a companion to anything, not treo, not iphone and no, not even for another foleo :-) i believe a mobile phone should be as simple as possible, light, unbreakable... i do not want to go out carrying some fragile, easily scratched super expensive treo.. it is simply a compromise i can't except! to little to actually work on it, to big and fat to take everywhere! i want to separate the phone from the computer, give me a small compact nokia 3120
small, super-strong device, i can really take anywhere in my back pocket without the fear of sitting on it... and when i travel, and need computing on the road, that's when i take the foleo! as a multimedia device, an office platform and as a teminal to my computer at home.

Bitter? Moi?

It's not as if I'm an angry codemonkey that some vicious "rumor" claims Hawkins fired, right, hengeem?

If the FOOLeo was $300 and came with a complete PIM suite (on-device + online), a tabbed browser, a solid + autonomous email app, a decent media player and a PalmOS emulator then I would buy it and leave my ThinkPad at home 2/3 of the time. Really.

Newsflash: Treos are actually fairly rugged, given all the things they do. Or maybe I lucked out and got the one solidly-built Treo 700p Palm had built in 2006.

Smaller Treos are coming. Yes, they are 3 years too late, but better late than never, right? Right? RIGHT?


RE: iPhone is iFailure! good news for palm...
freakout @ 7/2/2007 11:26:33 PM # Q
Newsflash: Treos are actually fairly rugged, given all the things they do. Or maybe I lucked out and got the one solidly-built Treo 700p Palm had built in 2006.

No lucking out - my Treos have all been very solid. (Let's not mention my 680's headphone jack...)

Smaller Treos are coming. Yes, they are 3 years too late, but better late than never, right? Right? RIGHT?


RE: iPhone is iFailure! good news for palm...
SeldomVisitor @ 7/3/2007 6:50:45 AM # Q
> ...smaller Treos are coming...

How much can you take away from a TREO before it is no longer a "Treo"?

RE: iPhone is iFailure! good news for palm...
mtt @ 7/3/2007 8:03:00 AM # Q
iphone... so many bad reviews... bad call quality, poor camera, slow edge connection...
those are good news for palm! no all i have to decide is whether to buy Foleo or the next Palm T|Z

Poor camera, slow internet, & poor call & reception quality are hallmarks of the Treo line. We put up with them because we want & need everything else the Treo does.

Handspring Visor, Palm V, Treo 180, Treo 90, Treo 600, Treo 650, Treo 700p

RE: iPhone is iFailure! good news for palm...
freakout @ 7/3/2007 8:07:43 AM # Q
I'll give you the poor camera - it's always sucked, even the 1.3mp ones - but the Treo has had 3G for awhile now, and nicely improved phone quality with the 680.

On that topic - has anyone commented on the 755p's audio quality yet? Is it better than the 700p?

RE: iPhone is iFailure! good news for palm...
Foo Fighter @ 7/3/2007 9:21:04 AM # Q
It is not a smart phone at current version. It is just a feature phone with fancy UI and good looks.

Eh...A feature phone with an OS and integrated software more advanced than any smartphone? You nervous fanboys will say anything to convince yourselves (and others) that iPhone somehow isn't going to steal sales away from your beloved platform. Colligan seems to know better, since he warned analysts that next quarter earnings will likely take a hit from iPhone sales.

The argument that iPhone somehow isn't a smartphone is my favorite. That's like Toyota unveiling a stunning new sports coupe, and GM's defense is that it's not really a's a motorized personal transportation vehicle.

iPhone's only real shortcoming, from my perspective, is that it feels like a new house with unfurnished rooms. The living room is gorgeous, but the bedrooms are still bare. Then again that's the mark of great software- delivering a user experience so good it leaves you wanting more, rather than wishing what it had just worked (as is the case with Treo). It's clear that Apple intends to push software add-ons to iPhone over time. And analysts are saying that Apple will in fact open iPhone to third party software development, and plans to do so later this year. The initial goal was to produce a product that is stable, offers a jaw dropping user experience, and worked well. More than anything it is that last point that is key.

In that regard iPhone scored well. Even at this first generation stage it performs better, does more, and is far more innovative than even a fifth generation mobile platform.

If this ridiculous notion helps you sleep at night, pleasant dreams. But as you tip toe through the tulips of your little fantasy world, keep this in mind - Apple sold more iPhones over the past three days than Palm sold Treos in three MONTHS.

Having spent the past few days with my iPhone it universally mops the floor with any current mobile platform. The software is YEARS ahead of Windows Mobile, Symbian, and RIM. Palm's Gerber Baby OS isn't even in the same league with OSX, comparing my Treo 680 against the iPhone is just sad. Sadder still that iPhone gets vastly better battery life than the 680! Once you immerse yourself in the iPhone's UI and software you'll never want to go back to your current smartphone. For example, the fonts interface uses the same font rendering as OSX, so text is formatted to look exactly as it does it on your desktop, even scaling up or down using the "pinch" gesture. If I want to make the text larger, I just draw two fingers farther apart and the document expands/zooms. Contrast that with the blocky pixelated text on your Treo, BlackBerry, WinMob, Symbian device, and you'll want to vomit. It's a shame that iPhone isn't open yet to third party software because as it stands it would make an unbelievable eBook reader. When that time comes it could even do for eBooks what iPod did for digital music.

As for iPhone killing PalmOS/Treo - Blackberry already did that. While waiting in line on Friday I was stunned by the number of Blackberries. They were everywhere, and the majority of BB users I spoke with had upgraded from a Treo. Most were surprised that I "still" use a Treo. PalmOS is the Speak N' Spell of mobile computing. We grew up on it and then...grew up.

I don't see how Palm can survive against the lethal force of competition it now faces, and I'm not just referring to iPhone. The Palm brand name lost most of its value. The OS had its day and is fading into obscurity. They can't execute against changing market realities. Their "third business" is a dud.


RE: iPhone is iFailure! good news for palm...
SeldomVisitor @ 7/3/2007 9:47:59 AM # Q
> ...The Palm brand name lost most of its value...

I think that is key here; PALM started losing its name-strength when the competition started getting interested in the smartphone sector. Prior to that interest (or corporate decision that the sector was mature enough - thanks to PALM - to start attacking (*)) PALM had tons of name-value. Afte the Q and the Blackjack and the Dash and the Fooleo and now the iPhone, the reputation is shot.


(*) I don't swallow the fanboy lie that ONLY PALM can do what PALM has done. Instead I completely believe the Big Guys simply did their market research and decided the quantity of sales they were used to weren't going to be forthcoming way back when Handspring/Palm started up the Treos. Only after the hardware got to the point where cheap power was available did the Big Guys say "Okay, let's do it now". We're seeing the fruit of those decisions VERY rapidly.

RE: iPhone is iFailure! good news for palm...
cervezas @ 7/3/2007 12:32:45 PM # Q
The iPhone is an expensive toy. It's an iPod phone with a brilliantly fun user interface and will sell well on that basis. But Apple left a lot on the table for competitors like Palm when they decided not to let people personalize or business-enable their iPhones with 3rd party applications.

For the time being, only Palm can kill Palm. Hoping they don't do that. ;-)

David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing

RE: iPhone is iFailure! good news for palm...
freakout @ 7/3/2007 6:58:35 PM # Q
As for iPhone killing PalmOS/Treo - Blackberry already did that. While waiting in line on Friday I was stunned by the number of Blackberries. They were everywhere, and the majority of BB users I spoke with had upgraded from a Treo. Most were surprised that I "still" use a Treo. PalmOS is the Speak N' Spell of mobile computing. We grew up on it and then...grew up.

No touchscreen. No super-handy silent switch. No SDHC support. No A2DP. Yeah, great upgrade! :-
In that regard iPhone scored well. Even at this first generation stage it performs better, does more, and is far more innovative than even a fifth generation mobile platform.

Four words, Foo: No cut-and-paste. Wake me up when it has the basics. iPhone 2.0 might be the coolest device ever invented, but iPhone 1.0 is lacking in many important ways. And Apple could sell ice to eskimos, so I'm not swayed that it's a better product simply 'cause a bunch of cashed-up Apple Cultists and gadget geeks have swallowed the hype wholesale and bought half a million on them. If popularity is an indication of quality, then Britney Spears is one of the greatest musicians to have ever lived.

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