Keypad Turns VisorPhone into Mobile Phone

Kensington has developed a keypad that can be used with the Handspring VisorPhone. While the VisorPhone turns the Visor into a mobile phone, this keypad turns the VisorPhone into a mobile phone all on its own. As Handspring's latest online catalog says, "The Phone Keypad turns your VisorPhone into a stand-alone cellular phone and frees your Visor handheld for other uses." Pricing and availability aren't known yet.

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I.M. Anonymous @ 6/4/2001 7:12:17 PM #
What's the point? Why not just keep the old cell phone?

RE: Duh
superbenk @ 6/4/2001 7:16:03 PM #
Because gadget people are stupid blind and they will drool over any gadget that comes along whether it's useful or not... even if it is the exact opposite of efficient and innovative. Hell, if someone came out with an electronic wheel (a wheel that isn't just round and rolls, but one with electronics to make it blink or something) a gadget freak would buy it. Who cares that it would be something called "reinventing the wheel." Maybe they'll bring back the stone wheel and advertise it as "flat free!" I'm sure that would be a cool gadget that would free up your rubber for "other things."

RE: Duh
exiii @ 6/4/2001 7:16:12 PM #
No kidding!

Build something to integrate two devices. Then build something new to separate them again. Talk about a follow up to a bad idea. Who wanted a mobile phone as wide as a visor in the first place?

RE: Duh
SilliconMan @ 6/4/2001 9:02:51 PM #
Because gadget people are stupid blind and they will drool over any gadget that comes along whether it's useful or not... even if it is the exact opposite of efficient and innovative. Hell, if someone came out with an electronic wheel (a wheel that isn't just round and rolls, but one with electronics to make it blink or something) a gadget freak would buy it. Who cares that it would be something called "reinventing the wheel." Maybe they'll bring back the stone wheel and advertise it as "flat free!" I'm sure that would be a cool gadget that would free up your rubber for "other things."

Alrighty thats just a load of u know what. We gaget freaks are NOT blind, and why the hell would I want an electronic wheel let alone a VisorPhone? They are both gay as crap if you ask me...

Well thats what you get for blind, lol.

Palming away.....

RE: Duh
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/4/2001 11:42:23 PM #
No. The stone wheel would never catch on, at least not amongst the readers of this website. Everyone would (a) want it in colour; (b) complain that it is not bright enough; and/or (c) complain that it doesn't play MP3 files.

RE: Duh
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 12:12:20 AM #
You forgot one!

It would be a brick! ;-)

RE: Duh
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 12:14:45 PM #
Where can I get one of those electronic wheels? Does it vibrate too?

Visorphone keypad is "Gay as crap"??
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 1:23:10 PM #
Perhaps SiliconMan, poster of the above comment, is unaware that the Internet actually extends beyond the electrified barbed wire of his hog pit, and into civilized areas.

RE: Duh
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/19/2002 4:06:10 PM #
I'm a current owner of a VisorPhone and Visor Edge. In order to save over $2,000 on a GPS system for my SUV, I ordered an expansion module for the PDA, hence my need to have the Kensington Keypad to make and recieve calls. My problem with the product is the $69.00 price without a carry case to protect it from falls and/or the elements. If it retails for $39.00 without the case, I'll buy it immediately -or- they could combine it with a case and sell it for $59.00 and I'm in!

RJJ - Houston, TX


slot_machine @ 6/4/2001 9:42:06 PM #
This is a solution in search of a problem.

"Get Relevant!"

Excuse me.....

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 2:55:01 AM #
I thought Visor phone is special because it can work with a Visor to utilize its PDA function... If I need a cell phone, I can get one free with service subscription... so who will buy this Keypad just to use it with a Visor Phone module? I don't get it.


I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 3:10:54 AM #
what an innovative invention... ?!

lastime... visorphone + visor = mobile phone..
and now... visorphone + this keypad = mobile phone.. and it gives ur visor freedom to do daily tappings.

so.. what's the point of getting this visorphone keypad??

i see no point at all! weird.... got nothing better else to do?

RE: hehe..
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 9:37:50 AM #
Perhaps deserves the label "unvention" for being retrograde tech :)

RE: hehe..
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 12:39:09 PM #
The guy in the photo on the link page looks like even thinks this is bull.

Obvious use for the KeyPad

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 3:49:33 AM #
I don't understadn why people don't recognize the obvious use for this product.

1. VisorPhone will for most users be the only cellphone they use. If not - I understand you scepticism.

2. When you need to use other Springboard modules the VisorPhone must be detached from the Visor, thus making it impossible to place/receive calls.

3. The KeyPad will be great for storing the VisorPhone and at the same time be able to place/receive calls with it.

4. This is what Handspring should have bundled with the VisorPhone in the first place...

I guess even VisorPhone users will need to use other Springboard modules once in a while...;o)

RE: Obvious use for the KeyPad
superbenk @ 6/5/2001 7:40:39 AM #
Ah, remember the days when handhelds could actually all fit in the palm of your hand? Now we need an entire table top to fit all the add on gadgets for our tiny portable handhelds!! It's almost getting to the point where a regular laptop is more compact (and MUCH less confusing) than our handhelds with all their accessories to make them do the same thing. Ok, so a laptop doesn't fit snuggly against the side of your face to be used as a phone, but as someone else said we can get those free with subscription (and SMALL!!)

Where are we going with all these gadgets to make our handhelds more sophistocated? After purchasing all these things it can cost more than a full blown (much more powerful) laptop and take up far more room. On most laptops, there is the implementation of STANDARD connectors (ie, serial port, parallel port, USB even PCMCIA!, etc.) and they stay the SAME for years... can't say that about Palm's connector! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my Palm IIIxe, but I love it for what it is. Maybe add a modem for emailing away from home and my trusty Stowaway for long document entry, but that's it. My laptop does the hard work and my desktop binds it all together. My Palm can't replace any of them, just assist me as I travel.

My point... handhelds aren't very handheld anymore and they certainly aren't so easy as they once were. I just wonder if they are going in a good direction.

RE: Obvious use for the KeyPad
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 9:20:32 AM #
Ah Jim! Hold on a minute ... I gotta use my address book ... Oh hey can I call you back ... I'll call you back with my keypad ... where the hell did I put that thing? ... Aha! ... Hey Jim, it's me ... his address? oh yeah ... That stuffs on my memory card, hold on ... It's in my backpack here somewhere ... Ok, got it ... let's see ... address book ... acquaintences ... L ... !?HONK!CRASH!SMASH!KILL!DESTROY!?

This is really stupid! Just get the free mobile phone at Verizon or AT&T. You'll probably have more 'features' than with the keypad.

How much does this thing cost anyway?

RE: Obvious use for the KeyPad
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 9:36:09 AM #
Let's see ...

$250 for the original visor phone
$??? for the keypad
$250+ ... when they give phones away? you're kidding me!

RE: Obvious use for the KeyPad
james_sorenson @ 6/5/2001 11:05:03 AM #
I own the VisorPhone, and find it quite useful. I don't have to put down a cell-phone and pull out a PDA and start juggling between the two. I can just glance at the Visor screen, push a few buttons, and continue talking. I like having only one item on my belt. I _really_ like having my cell-phone numbers linked to my address book. The VisorPhone also doubles nicely as a wireless email and web device.
This keypad, however, is just silly. This device is for those people who planned poorly. The Visorphone is for people who don't intend to but 20 other modules. If you are the kind who want the MP3 player, CF adapter, Scientific Calculator, Game Pack, GPS, Fax, Ham Radio, and Transporter, then the VisorPhone will just get in the way. I'm happy with just the Visorphone.

James Sorenson

RE: Obvious use for the KeyPad
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/19/2002 3:51:48 PM #
I'm a current owner of a VisorPhone and Visor Edge. In order to save over $2,000 on a GPS system for my SUV, I ordered an expansion module for the PDA, hence my need to have the Kensington Keypad to make and recieve calls. My problem with the product is the $69.00 price without a carry case to protect it from falls and/or the elements. If it retails for $39.00 without the case, I'll buy it immediately -or- they could combine it with a case and sell it for $59.00 and I'm in!


altema @ 6/5/2001 10:27:10 AM #
This is kind of like a "block of ice holder" for your fridge... it lets you take out your compressor and use it for other things.

What about the creators?

superbenk @ 6/5/2001 10:55:58 AM #
I would love to hear somebody at VisorPhone or the creators of the Keypad comment on some of these thoughts! Maybe they can shed some light on it that we feeble minded types can't grasp.

BTW, the Keypad will free up my cell phone for other uses too!! :)

Excellent idea!!

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 11:42:04 AM #
Now all it needs is a IR port, then I can use my Palm III to go wireless!!!

It's all coming together... making perfect sense... vision fading... room spinning

Hold The Phone...

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 1:22:36 PM #
Back when VisorPhone first came out, everybody was clamoring for it to work outside of the Visor. HS even made it one of their FAQs! Now that some company has tried to do just that, you guys are making fun of them!

Clearly there has been a demand for Visorphone to work outside of the Visor, so if it is priced VERY reasonably, it might just sell!

RE: Hold The Phone...
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 11:43:34 PM #
I'm sorry, but if I ever see someone using this thing, I think I'll bust a gut.

"Is that one of them there disposable phone thingies?"

And I just can't wait for a OfficeMax salesperson to explain this thing to me.

An absolutely great idea! Think about user profiles.

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 3:22:20 PM #
Why is this a great idea? Well, frankly, the cell phone is something that I absolutely always have to have on my body. The Palm, however, is not.

This kind of a device allows me to make the VisorPhone the only phone I need to have. There are times (say, when you are about to go running, or go to a nightclub) that having the whole Palm simply doesn't make sense - this is exactly what I needed.

An alternative

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 9:03:20 PM #
An alternative to this would be simply buying a used second-hand Visor-Solo.
The Visor-solo would be sufficent for parking the visorphone in when you need to use your main-visor with other Springboards.

But on the whole, I find this integrated-phone-pda thing a bit worthless (refering to visor+visorphone).
To me anyway. I use a stand-alone mobile GSM phone. It's cheap, it goes over a week on a charge, it's small, it's durable, and when I need to connect to the internet, it has built in IR and Modem!

RE: An alternative
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2001 11:07:06 PM #
I don't think the VisorPhone can be used with the Solo. Something about the radiation frying the Solo's unshielded innards. Later models were built with more protection.

RE: An alternative
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/10/2001 10:27:43 PM #
What is the phone that is GSM, IR, modem? I'm looking to switch from the visorphone. It's bulky and the above keypad looks like its almost as big as the visor itself? Am I wrong?

Is it actually worth it?

MV @ 6/6/2001 10:59:03 PM #
While I commend Handspring in their efforts to bring versatile products to the fore, I'm quite skeptical and cynical regarding the capabilities of the VISORPHONE. Can anyone offer an objective opinion about it, say in contrast to the KYOCERA Smartphone? I'm looking for a wireless solution that will enable to use my phone and my prism. Thx.