Contact Info: Kodak Bottom Line: The Price:
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PalmPix for m500 Series Review By Ed Hardy 7/16/2001 ![]() The Kodak PalmPix for m500 is a small digital camera that connects only to the m500 series and allows the user to save pictures in RAM or onto an expansion card.
Hardware It folds in the middle and is 3.0 by 2.0 by 1.1 inches when folded and 3.5 by 3.0 by 1.1 inches when open. It weighs 1.92 oz. It is easy to carry around though the lack of a lens cap means you are constantly risking dust, lint, and scratches if you put it in your pocket. This means you need to get a case of some kind, which takes away some of the advantages of its small size. A major complaint with the previous versions of the PalmPix is that they were fixed focus. This new one is not. The lens can be rotated to focus on objects as close as 4 inches and as far away as infinity. It has a four-element (f2.8) glass lens. The other major complaint with the previous PalmPixs hasn't changed: It still doesn't include a flash. I think this was a mistake. While it would surely drain the Palm's battery, as it is now there are numerous pictures that I can't take because the light level is too low.
Software You use the Palm's buttons to control the camera. Pushing the Date Book button activates the viewfinder and pushing it again takes a picture. The up/down buttons activate the zoom mode. Pictures can be taken in three different resolutions: 320 by 240, 640 by 480, or 800 by 600. Naturally, the main limitation is how much memory you have left on your Palm. Pictures can't be taken directly to the SD card, though this would be a nice improvement. It has what it calls a zoom but this doesn't do what I think a zoom ought to do. If you zoom into something it doesn't become larger in the final image. Instead, a smaller image is saved with everything but what you zoomed in on cropped out. For example, if you are in 640 by 480 mode and you zoom in on an object and take a picture of it, you get a 320 by 240 picture of the object. You could get the same effect by taking the 640 by 480 picture and opening it with an image editor and cutting out an inch or so around the outside of the picture. No enlargement takes place. There is a self timer but it is of limited usefulness. The Palm doesn't stand up well on its own and there isn't a tripod for it. So unless you are looking for time-delayed pictures of the ceiling... Once a picture has been saved in RAM, it can be copied to the SD card. Images that are 320 x 240 can be converted to JPEG files right on the handheld, which can also be saved on the SD card. The software will also let you view any JPEG file saved onto the SD card as long as it is in the correct folder.
Usability This seems to be incredibly sensitive. For example, if I'm taking a picture of a business card, I have to hold the camera exactly parallel to the card. Just a few degrees off will make one side of the card out of focus. And I don't know what to do about long-range pictures. They all seem to be just a touch off. After a couple of weeks of playing with it I'm starting to learn its foibles. But there is a learning curve and it is more art than science. The fact that the viewfinder is in monochrome doesn't help. I think they ran into the limitation of how much data they could stream through the serial port at one time so they made some compromises. These lead to the viewfinder being without color and in low resolution.
Conclusion A camera very sensitive to focal distance and a low-res viewfinder makes a poor combination. Maybe I'm being too hard on this version of the PalmPix. I've gotten some decent pictures out of it. But there is a steep learning curve and you need a bit of luck. |
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RE: How does it compare to EyeModule 2
why bother?
i had thought of getting one when i first read about them (the kodak website makes them sound interesting and useful, at least), but this review has nixed any plans i might've had.
Too expensive and too poor quality.
As for no flash, that's just hooey! Even your cheapest of cheap disposable cameras have flash systems. While the flash is only good for about 3'-12' that's all most people really need. Disposables run off a regular AA battery and a 300v capacitor (believe me, I used to zap myself regularly taking the film out disposables when I worked in a photolab.)which, including the actual strobe unit wouldn't significantly increase the size of the camera.
Also -- How about posting some of the good pictures referred to in the article. A best picture/worst picture side-by-side would be nice.
RE: Too expensive and too poor quality.
The new PalmPix almost seems a step backwards. The USB port is more than capable of handling a full colour view finder, and the fact than the PalmPix can't write direct to the SD card in JPG is a terrible oversight.
It looks like Kodak have skimped on the software and over complicated the hardware on this one.
RE: Too expensive and too poor quality.
RE: Too expensive and too poor quality.
As for the zoom, though - it DOES zoom in, not just crop. Unfortunately, the resolution changes from 800x600 to 400x300 on the picture.
You can easily TRANSFER files to and from the memory card, but can't have them show up there. Oddly, you can't transfer them as bitmaps - only PPX or JPG formats. The Kodak software also lets you view the pictures from the card.
I can't say I'm particularly displeased with my purchase - I just wasn't expecting better for $130. I bought it because it is very easy for me to carry it around (my m505 goes in my front pants pocket and the PalmPix in my shirt pocket). It's easy to snap a quick picture when I want to.
No sale for me
Sorry Kodak, I had high hopes, but I'm going to pass. Maybe if someone comes up with a m505 to Palm III adaptor, I'll get a fixed-focus PalmPix.
long awaited rewiew
I love my Palm . . . do you?
RE: long awaited rewiew
My first Digital Cam was giving me 640 X 480 with a flash (that was in 97) and it costed me 400$. I would have been satisfied with something giving me pics near that quality. But all your examples just show me that I'll have to wait one more generation before mixing cam and handheld.
I am waiting for an IPalm (Panasonic with SD memory card) that I just bought on EBay, I guess I'll send my pics that way, but I would have like a smaller, lighter camera for a quick picture.
Thanx for the review, but a pic of your wallpaper would have greatly enhance your review...
RE: long awaited rewiew
who is surprised?
RE: who is surprised?
What?!!? You can't store to SD? Duh?!
I owned the PalmPix for the III series for about 2 days. About 6 photos and I new it was crap. They were the worst photos I'd ever taken. They were blurry, fish-eyed, and overwhelmingly reddish.
What's in this thing that makes it cost more than a disposable camera? It really is a joke.
A Real Shame
Frankly, the review tells me I am better of getting a digital camera with proper resolution and functionality, and in-built SD card.
I can't believe the following
- poor resolution
- useless zoom (zoom to me means getting far away objects at better resolution)
- no flash
- no sd card compatibility
- no lens cap
There are other issues that Ed has pointed out, but these alone make it clear that I won't be buying this generation of PalmPix.
Ed, thanks for the review and saving me that money
RE: A Real Shame
A big thank you from me to to Ed also.
I also was about to waste my money.
Maybe the next generation will be the long awaited improvements we have all beem waiting for.
RE: A Real Shame
"no sd card compatibility"
Pictures can be moved to the SD card. You just can't take pictures directly to it. When an image is first created, it is always stored in RAM. Later you can put it on the expansion card in JPEG or the PalmPix proprietary format.
News Editor
Palm Infocenter
RE: A Real Shame
On the bright side...
RE: good for portability
Eye Module2! Eye Module2! Eye Module2!
[ No Subject ]
It's really not that bad
[ No Subject ]
don't waste your money
needed review
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How does it compare to EyeModule 2
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