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PEGA-MSC1 Memory Stick Camera Module Review By Ed Hardy 3/20/2002 ![]() The MSC1 isn't a digital camera that uses Memory Sticks for storage; It's a digital camera that is a Memory Stick. Except that it can't store anything. It uses the input/output capabilities of the Memory Stick slot to store its images in the Cliι's memory.
Images In the following examples, of course I shrunk the thumbnails down but the full versions are completely unaltered. I tried to get pictures in a variety of conditions.
While these pictures show off some of the strengths of the MSC1, they also point out the weaknesses. It doesn't have a flash, so you'll have to forget taking pictures in anything but fairly well lit areas. I took a few of pictures in really low light. I didn't bother to include an example because they were worthless. On the other hand, the camera does a decent job of brightening up pictures taken in low-to-moderate lighting. It doesn't have a macro mode. This means you can't take pictures of things close up because it can't focus on pictures taken too close to the lens. Judging from the image sizes, I think Sony mostly intends for these pictures to be looked at on the handheld. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get a good picture of a handheld screen so you are looking at the pictures after they have been transferred to my computer. All I can say is, these look very good on the Cliι's screen.
A good part of the screen is taken up with the viewfinder. This is in color and updates almost continuously. Moving the camera around is like looking at a slightly jerky movie. This works well and there is never any question of what you are aiming at. In general, what you see is what you get. In the lower center is the Capture button. Press that to take a picture. Between those two is the brightness slider. You can use this to brighten or darken an image, though the camera software itself will adjust this to keep your pictures looking as good as possible. On the right is a small icon that lets you choose your image size. Like I said, the two options are 320 by 240 and 160 by 120 pixels. The main reason you'd pick the smaller size is, of course, that file sizes are smaller, too. The full-sized pictures make a file about 160 KB while the smaller images are about 40 KB. On the left is the Tools icon. Pressing this will open the Tools window, that allows to make a whole bunch of adjustments to the way pictures are taken. The most useful of these is the White Balance. You can set this on Automatic, which is what it was on for all the pictures above. But it has setting for outdoors, which Sony says is good for sunrises, sunsets, and times when a brightly lit object is silhouetted on a dark background. It also has settings for incandescent and florescent lights that is supposed to optimize you pictures under these different lights. Also in the Tools window there are some fun effects you can use to take wield pictures. These include black and white, sepia, negative, and solarize. These aren't terribly useful. For example, black and white doesn't make the pictures any smaller. But they are fun to play around with. Back on the main window, just to the left of the Capture button is the Timer. This delays taking a picture for about 10 seconds. To the right of the Capture button is one that launches PG Pocket. This lets you view the images you've taken. This whole app has been designed to take maximum advantage of the Jog Dial. You can do every single function with just it, without ever having to touch the screen, though you don't have to use the Jog Dial at all if you don't want to. In the upper left hand corner of the screen is there is an indicator to show what software function the Jog Dial is currently controlling. This application runs only on 320 by 320 screens, which means you can't use the MSC1 with the S series. It can run in monochrome, so you can use it with the T415. PG Pocket displays the images you've taken. Version 2.1, required for the MSC1, has a camera mode which emphasizes just displaying the images and includes a small icon that returns you to the camera app. It also comes with Cliι Paint, a small image editing app. I don't think graphic artists will stop using PhotoShop in favor of Cliι Paint but it is still pretty good. You have various drawing tools you are probably familiar with from other drawing apps, like a pencil, an eraser, a spray can, and tools for drawing geometric shapes. You can also import small bits of clip-art. You can add an image in PG Pocket format to your Address Book entries, which is one of the best uses for this camera. if you have a hard time keeping names and faces together, this could be a godsend.
The lens on the MSC1 can rotate. This allows you to take pictures of the person holding the handheld or what is in front of the user. When you are flipping the lens around, the camera automatically inverts the image so everything isn't upside down. The camera sits well away from the handheld's body. It protrudes more than an inch from the top of an N610C. Combined with its delicate connector, this means you aren't going to be carrying the two hooked together in your pocket. In a nice touch, Sony has included a plastic carrying case for the MSC1. It would have been nice if this had some storage built into it. That way all your pictures wouldn't have to go directly to RAM. I know lots of people who keep the RAM on their handhelds full all the time. Maybe I'm asking too much. Sony did cram a lot of camera into a small space.
Usefulness Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are people who will find this useful. For example, people shopping for a home can easily take and view pictures of houses they have looked at. But I don't think the average Joe on the street has a lot of need to do this every day. Now, if you can afford to pay $150 for something for you and your friends to play with, then I think you'll really like the MSC1.
Conclusion If anyone has a need for small images that can quickly taken and viewed on their handheld, the MSC1 just fits the bill. If you don't need to do this though, $150 is a bit much to pay for a toy. |
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image quality
I'd disagree. The image quality of these pictures is pretty bad, and that doesn't have anything to do with the resolution. There are some pretty serious artifacts in these pictures that I'm guessing are from lossy compression. Is there some setting on the camera's software to control the compression?
How does the software work to get these images from the device to the desktop?
RE: image quality
Even I can work around such poor quality, this camera expansion must at least have flash and at a reasonable price to be a real option.
RE: image quality
To get the files on your PC you use PictureGear lite - which comes with the Clie (or does an updated one come with the cam - can't remember... sorry).
RE: image quality
RE: image quality
RE: image quality
PNG probably would be the best format. (Alternatively, Ed could post the PictureGear Pocket images themselves, and people with high-resolution CLIEs could download them and view them on actual devices.)
However, I just think that the MS camera is a toy camera with likely a cheap lens and CMOS imager (they tend to be less sharp and more "noisy"), stuffed with a couple of wires into an MS-sized unit, and shoved to market with a very high novelty price. The images are also likely compressed at a higher ratio, which would explain the artefacts. JPEG is great, but just don't get carried away with it.
Sorry, I just don't like overpriced things...
k. Tran
RE: image quality
> and people with high-resolution CLIEs could download them and view them
> on actual devices.
That's a good idea. Here are the originals exactly as they came off the handheld:
News Editor
RE: image quality
News Editor
RE: Questions?
Nice try pal, call back when it has at least 3 megapixel with flashlight built in.
PS. Walmart toy pen digital camera goes on sale for $60, and it's VGA too.
RE: Questions?
If you want a real digital camera, go get one. I think you can even get one that will take memory sticks. But its going to be huge compared to this camera. You won't be able to carry it everywhere in your pocket the way you can this one. You'll be lucky if you can get it in your pocket at all. I know my digital camera doesn't fit in any of my pockets.
This camera isn't for everyone. But its an example of variety, which I like. One camera, like one handheld, isn't right for everyone.
AFAIK, these are selling like hotcakes. They were selling at PalmSource and they ran out after a couple of days.
RE: Questions?
Size of CCD
K. Tran
RE: Questions?
RE: Questions?
What I would like to see is a re-design of the Kodak PalmPix for better quality. The form factor is not unbearable, but there is a lot of empty space on the current model, and they choose to stick with the slow serial interface, ignoring the much faster usb data connections. Getting away from the serial connection would allow them to drop the monochrome preview, and improve the camera-to-Palm image transfer time. Kodak should also update the software, or license the apps used on the Sony. I would be willing to pay more for the improvements... Kodak could keep it's current model in their lineup, and sell the new version as the premium edition.
RE: Questions?
It also shows that the MS slot is not just for memory.
320*240 only?
this is why eye module, jornada CF camera are all dead. People rather buy real digital camera that make far better quality picture.
RE: 320*240 only?
RE: 320*240 only?
RE: 320*240 only?
Unfortunately, I don't think CCD and CMOS imaging devices are made in the square aspect ratio.
K. Tran
RE: 320*240 only?
capture images that fill up the whole screen!
RE: 320*240 only?
Also, Targus has a new cam w/ 2mb of memory on board and a swiveling lense like the Sony.
Sony, it's time to go back to the drawing board.
Why the MS slot?
To me it would have made more sense to have a camera module to fit on the end of the CLIE where you hotsync, then you could have memory sticks for picture storage & use it more of a digital camera. Though I know the pictures are relatively small & not professional quality, but for work/ trade shows/ etc. it'd be great. As soon as I saw the NR-70, I was like, "...the possibilities !"
Hopefully Sony will make a camera for the T-series that can use MS for extra memory, becuase it swaping the camera for MS would defeat its usefulness [in my opinion] [& if you couldn't tell i'm a T-615c owner]
:: dk ::
RE: Why the MS slot?
For example, the Kodak PalmPix for the m500 series uses the HotSync port and its view finder is in black and white (even on the m505) and updates about once a second. In comparison, the MSC1 has a color view finder that updates almost constantly.
The quick data rate comes in handy when transferring images from the camera to RAM. If you want to take several pictures in a row, you don't want a long wait while the images get saved.
News Editor
RE: Ed's house?
Glad you liked the review.
News Editor
RE: Ed's house?
RE: Ed's house?
RE: Ed's house?
I'm thinking of moving though. There's just too many PocketPC trolls living under my bridge. :-)
RE: Ed's house?
By any chance do you work as a motivational speaker?
RE: Ed's house?
Would be cool if it was possible to convert the pictures to JPEG on the Clie and then attach them to a message in a SMTP e-mail program then I could take and send pictures on the go!
People who are bagging this camera for not having a higher res are stupid. It is designed for a particular purpose and I can tell you that MMS is going to take off big time.
RE: Sending photos via Email.
I doubt if it supports the Sony right now, but maybe if you contacted the authour, you could get him to update the app? It may be worth a try...
These pictures actually seem a little sharper than the ones from the original Eyemodule. It looks like there are a few less artifacts. Cameras of this quality are really delegated for the "Fun" category, but they can be used for some real world applications. The other day we took our little 11 Month old girl to Burger King for the first time (Try the BK Veggie! They are pretty good!). I put a "Burger King Crown" on her and she loved it! I had my Eyemodule with me so I was able to capture that fun moment right away!
Emailing photos from Clie
Memory Stick Camera
Excellent Review
I assume that this is a add-on duplicate of what is being included in the new NR palm.
To thoses who don't get it. This is not meant to replace your digital camera. I own the F707, 5mp camera. The sucker kicks ass. But, it also it a pig. I would gladly accept the piss-poor quality of the camera included within the NR for this simple reason. I ALWAYS have my palm with me, and a bad picture is still better than no picture.
Plus, if i get the new sony NR, i can take the memory stick out of the camera and put it in my NR to view them. COOL.
Remember, many choices for many people. Be happy there are a s*it load of choices for you to worry your pretty little heads about
nategall says "blah!"
a couple typos
Once again, thanks for sharing your thoughts on these gadgets. Your opinions are valuable to those of us contemplating new toys for our Cliιs.
A couple typos...
"White Balance"
The most useful of these is the While Balance.
I know lots of people who keep the RAM on thir handhelds full all the time.
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Ed's house?
Great review!