Emblaze Else Headed to the Vapor-bin?

emblaze else smartphone alp After a brief flurry of activity last fall, little has been heard (or seen) from Israel's Else Mobile (formerly Emblaze Mobile) and Japan's Access regarding the ALP OS-powered Edelweiss, Monolith, or First Else devices. January's CES did bring a few hands-on reports that generally offered praise for the device's UI intuitiveness.

Now it unfortunately appears that the future of this near-mythical device might truly be in doubt, if today's Engadget report is accurate. According to their tipster, the OS is still not ready for prime-time and no major carrier agreements have been made. As recently as January, the company was promising a Q2 launch for the supposedly "game-changing" device. Engadget did attempt to make contact with the Emblaze marketing manager with no success other than being promptly transferred to the firm's legal counsel. Until an actual Else device sees the light of delay on retail shelves, it appears likely that the various incarnations of ALP OS will have the dubious distinction of joining Palm OS Cobalt in the vaporware OS graveyard.

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Well, that's that!

mikecane @ 6/16/2010 11:22:40 AM # Q
I was just wondering about this yesterday.

It has apparently joined the deadpool with the Irex eReader and the upcoming Plastic Logic one -- as well as a whole bunch of other Android/eInk devices that have been promised.

You know what I always say here...


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rpa @ 6/16/2010 1:38:59 PM # Q
This one was dead on arrival....
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