Comments on: Microsoft Cancels Anti-Palm Ad Campaign
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can your palm show an hourglass icon
Can your palm suck your battery dry in 4 hours?
Can your palm suck all your money out of your wallet?
Can your palm take 14% market share?
RE: can your palm show an hourglass icon
Does your Palm need a 200MHz processor
Does your Palm need 32 Mb RAM
Does your Palm need reinforced jacket pockets?!
Do you wish for a shotgun when your palm won't work?
RE: can your palm show an hourglass icon
...Yes! Many times
...Visor Prism gets 6 that close enough for you?
...Yes!!! Palm Vx= $400 Prism= $450 soon to be released color Palm M505= $635...yah, my Palm sucks money big time!
...Yes, Handspring can! Only 14%
Bottom line, use what you like, but Pocket PC has many advantages over Palm devices..especially thier displays which have a higher resolution and are a hell of a lot easier to read. Add to that list MP3 music, web browser, ebook reader, and the fact that Compaq is mopping the floor with color Palm devices....yah, they are pretty cool. After 3 years, Palm devices are just a little boring for my tastes.
RE: can your palm show an hourglass icon
RE: can your palm show an hourglass icon
Hmmm, the iPaq looks nice... hmmm $499? not bad. It's sleek and nice looking.
What's that if I want to expand it I need a "jacket" which will make it bigger AND heavier?!? It costs $150 BEFORE I get the memory card etc?
Sounds like a great deal!
I could go on, but do we really need to compare apples with fish sticks?
RE: can your palm show an hourglass icon
there is no hourglass icon on pocket pc.
unless you open an 40K HTML file with pics.
but, can your palm do this?
Speaking of spending...
CE VS. Palm OS
can your palm do this
I have, and am currently writing from, a Palm IIIc. I love the color and could not live without it. But everytime I see a PocetPC, I simple scoff @ it and turn to pay homage to the nearest Prism (kutos to all the Prism users out there).
I am not a hateful person. I love any PDA which uses PalmOS. But when I see a PocketPC running WindowsCE, I want to take Thor's hammer (or Roland's sword ;-) ) and smash it, doing the world a great dead.
Now if you'll exuse me, I have to get up out of bed and get dressed... :-P
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