Comments on: Sony PEG-N610C and PEG-S320 Revealed

The N610C appears to be much the same as the N710C, minus the audio playback, of course. It will cost $400, sports a 16-bit color screen, 33MHz Motorola Dragonball VZ processor, 8MB of RAM, and 4MB of flash memory. The big change is it will have Palm OS 4.0. SonyStyle shows it being available in silver and violet.
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RE: Sigh...
RE: Sigh...
Palm offers the market nothing anymore . . .
RE: Sigh...
RE: Sigh...
RE: Sigh...
Look, Sony is going to introduce two new models! Can we talk about them for a while? Here's some other topics we could cover:
- Will you buy one of these?
- Will the cheap model have a plastic casing?
- Will Sony discontinue the S300?
- What will the audio player add-on cost?
RE: Palm who?
I guess they also have dominated the new market by making the Palm OS 80% of the total market.
Oh yeah, they also have beaten Microsoft, despite their global monopoly and multi-gazillion dollar R&D and advertising budget.
Ah, one last thing, they have designed the best selling PDA to date in the Palm V/Vx, and then made improvements to add color, a expansion slot, and other enhancements.
Besides that, Palm is a lousy company that can't execute.
RE: Sigh...
Little pauses get to you after awhile.
RE: Sigh...
RE: Sigh...
16-bit color was developed by Handspring. The vibrating alarm was developed by Handspring. VFS was developed by Sony. Let's see, Palm's part of OS 4..... an updated version of the Security app?
RE: Sigh...
Palm m505 vs. Sony Clié N610
Palm m505:
- Vibrates
- Sleek Look
Sony Clié N610:
- 320x320 resolution
- $50 cheaper
- Memory Stick
- Jog Dial
- Comes in silver and violet
Palm m105 vs. Sony Clié N320
Palm m105:
- Hard Casing
- Snap-on Faces
Sony Clié N320:
- Palm OS 4.0
- Memory Stick Expansion
Is it a clear win?
RE: Sigh...
RE: Sigh...
Clie is small and very comfortable to hold....
Palm never saw it coming. What will happen to them now?
Actually, Palm "borrowed" the main advances in Palm OS 4 from Sony (VFS file system) and Handspring (color support). But yes, it looks like Palm managed to "innovate" the vibrating alarm all by themselves. Wow.
>Best Buy took the handhelds out of the case and on display finally. Here's something I don't see reported regarding speed. Pressing the four application
buttons in rapid succession I notice the Palm m505 is significantly faster than the New Clie so it seems the extra resolution came at the cost of slowing the thing down.
Odds are the Best Buy staff never bothered to install the CLIE's update that was designed to fix its initial speed issue.
>Little pauses can be eliminated with Afterburner.
Good one. (Wait state joke?)
RE: Sigh...
The PEG-S300 has not been discontinued. It is still available for sale on the SonyStyle site. Frankly, I expect this to happen soon after the S320 hits the shelves, though. I also expect some serious discounts on the S300 because Sony can't hope to sell many of them for $300 when the improved replacement is $100 less. While it is true that the S300 comes with a MemStick and the S320 doesn't, I don't think that's worth the extra cost.
News Editor
Palm Infocenter
Gonna sell my Prism, buy a 610!
Any info on the price?
RE: Any info on the price?
From where I see it, at around $390, the Clie effectively kills off all competition by the m50x series. It's priced exactly the same as a 500 and $50 cheaper than a 505 so why the hell would anyone in their right mind ever get the 500 or the 505?? Form factor may be the ONLY reason and not a good one as the Clie is a very small device.
On the bottom end, the Clie offers Memory Stick expansion whereas the m105 does not. It also offers a better and bigger screen, I'd assume, if it is around the same dimensions as its higher-priced siblings. Again, why on earth would anyone go for the Palm models at this price range?? If they release something at around the $299 range, it's goodbye all Palm OS devices. This is too good of a deal to even purchase any of the other devices. If I was Palm or Handspring, I'd be REAL worried right about now.
I guess if you're a worldwide billion-dollar corporation, you're gonna be able to take over some markets. Man, Sony came outta nowhere and dominated the gaming console market and now it looks like it's going to get a big piece of the PDA pie. I'm sure this translates eventually into more third-party accessories for my 710c!
RE: Any info on the price?
Really folks, how the hell are they (Palm) going to compete with that line-up. The 610C and the 710C have got the m505 trapped price wise. The 610C offers everything the m505 offers (Palm 4.0, 16-bit color) plus high res. at a cheaper price!! The 710C is the ultimate Palm and will compete with the m505 as well as the iPAQ.
Sony has quietly and strategically cover all of the handheld bases.
610C to compete with the m505, 710C competes with m505 and iPAQ, the S320 to compete with the m100's. Notice that Sony has made a handheld to compete with the most popular sellers.
Like Sony or not, you have to admire them for the innovations, their consumer awareness, and their boldness. It hard to imagine that this is only Sony's 2nd generation of Palm OS handhelds, and already they have establish themselves as a leader.
Palm WAS banking on their m50x series to save them finacially. Now with the Clie 610C and 710C along with the rumors of the new Visors...Palm's m50x's is quickly becoming.... obsolete.
RE: Any info on the price?
I think Sony an Palm are working rather closely at the moment...
RE: Any info on the price?
RE: S320 screen resolution?
RE: S320 screen resolution?
RE: S320 screen resolution?
RE: S320 screen resolution?
RE: S320 screen resolution?
Nearing perfection
One other feature I'd like in my next PDA: 16 MB of memory. I don't like putzing around with slow, inconvenient secondary memory. I find this totally inconsistent with the Palm "simplicity" concept. But ever since I hooked my Palm Vx to the 'net, I've been short on memory.
RE: Nearing perfection
And running at 320x320 with PalmScape a Cache is going to get swallowed by images.
RE: Nearing perfection
What if it is THINNER
RE: What if it is THINNER
RE: What if it is THINNER
News Editor
Palm Infocenter
RE: What if it is THINNER
> black and white display while the picture clearly shows it is the old green and black.
We've always referred to the green and black screens as being black and white or occasionally monochrome.
News Editor
Palm Infocenter
There goes Palm Inc.
The only real question left will be, what become of Handpring. I hope they survived. I kinda like that little company, tho' their design is kinda girlish.
heh.... can't have everything.
RE: There goes Palm Inc.
Clie's are releasing in U.S, Japan, Singapore. Releasing new models on new models.
But we, here, in Europe, are still waiting for only ONE of them to be released or announced. They don't even consent to give a release date, except, "maybe" end of year.
At this point, I'm beginning to suspect Soney of some strange new kind of techno-racism.
I can tell you that, if someone release here something equivalent (maybe Handspring?) before Sony I will sure buy it just to fustigate Sony's attitude of simply ignoring 320 millions peoples.
I hate the thinking of theses big companies. :-)
RE: There goes Palm Inc.
RE: There goes Palm Inc.
"girlish"? what does that MEAN??
RE: There goes Palm Inc.
RE: There goes Palm Inc.
RE: There goes Palm Inc.
OS4 for N710c?
RE: OS4 for N710c?
OS4.0 has nothing to do with the 16 bit
Info on SonyStyle
RE: Info on SonyStyle
RE: Info on SonyStyle
Who's going to kick Palm out?
How does that help the enterprise market they want to capture? I hope the m3xx series has color too, so we don't need to pay a high premium for a color device.
Ah yes ... Available in August
A 4.0 update has to be coming for 710
4.0 update
What??? A non-color Palm OS PDA??? A mid-priced PDA???
RE: What??? A non-color Palm OS PDA??? A mid-priced PDA???
RE: What??? A non-color Palm OS PDA??? A mid-priced PDA???
Where's the outrage?
RE: Where's the outrage?
RE: Where's the outrage?
RE: Where's the outrage?
RE: Where's the outrage?
Are you saying that they have announced a discount on the 710?
RE: Where's the outrage?
the 710 is a different class, and the 610/320 are there to compliment their palm os lineup, not to replace the 710 as was with palm
RE: Where's the outrage?
RE: Where's the outrage?
Applications from Memory?
RE: Applications from Memory?
Afterall, in 4.0, Palm implemented the VFS code part made by Sony in their 3.5.2S .
RE: Applications from Memory?
Lack of Memory Stick
RE: Lack of Memory Stick
Sheesh, talk about being shortsighted...
RE: Lack of Memory Stick
RE: Lack of Memory Stick
But an 8 meg memory stick is only $30 from Sony, so unless you need the MP3 player it looks like the 610 is the way to go.
It'll be interesting to see what the responses are on the part of Handspring and Palm. New models? Cheaper m505?
RE: Lack of Memory Stick
The Sony website says MEDIA SOLD SEPARATELY for the 610, and the "package contents" do NOT list a MS.
RE: Lack of Memory Stick
All models of clie since S300 (which was the first) HAVE MEMORY stick media!!!!
They ALL HAVE memory sticks. Go to the site see the specs!!
RE: Lack of Memory Stick
There IS a Memory Stick included.
RE: Lack of Memory Stick
RE: Lack of Memory Stick
RE: Lack of Memory Stick
RE: Lack of Memory Stick
It comes in WHAT COLOR???
Violet? As if the silver model with all that chrome wasn't flashy enough. Sony is obviously going for the college/HS student and the "who cares, everyone already knows I'm a geek" markets.
Most of us are in business. We have to look mature and professional. I don't need a flashy toy.
Sony will NOT beat palm out of the business market with these "color Gameboy's with MP3." And that is the biggest market.
You folks sounding the alarm are full of it (or maybe you're geeks!)
I wouldn't date ya'.
RE: It comes in WHAT COLOR???
Second, what's your argument? you want something black? Is the Palm Vx/m505 not professional for u too?
Third, i hope you have read that the new models don't have the mp3 player. Compared with the Palm models, if the Sony aren't cheaper, they are of the same price. How can Palm compete?
Fourth, if you think people posting here are geeks, then that makes you a geek too. I wouldn't date you too. ;)
RE: It comes in WHAT COLOR???
Besides, the Clie is no flashier than an Ipaq. And we know how well *that's* doing in the business market...
RE: It comes in WHAT COLOR???
I love all your posts - esp. the Gameboy Palm OS module.
I bought an M505. It is much less flashy than a Clie and the size does make a difference to me. I want color for use with ActionNames and to carry some photos. That's it.
True the Clie would give me better resolution. But for me, it just isn't worth it. Palm Vx/M505 scream professional and serious. That is important to me as well.
Now if only that m505x high res. rumor were true....
RE: It comes in WHAT COLOR???
So, basically, you're using the Palm as a fashion accessory? As a prop? I'm glad I work somewhere where people are more interested in my abilities than in my fashion sense.
My 710C is roughly the same height and thickness of my old IIIx, and 3/8" narrower, and has easily the best screen of any Palm device. Had the 610C come out a couple months before the 710C, rather than the other way 'round, I would have happily bought the 610C instead, as I saw no real need for the MP3 player -- though now that I have it I must admit the MP3 player is more entertaining than I had expected.
RE: It comes in WHAT COLOR???
I am glad you like you Clie. You are abviously in the "everyone already thinks I am a geek" catagory and I am pleased that you are comfortable. (Obviously I am just teasing you a little - I am clearly a geek as well. However, maybe I am a little more of a closet geek.)
Anyway. My point is that I wouldn't carry a shiny metalic portfolio into a board room meeting. I would be better suited with a nice coach leather pad. The sames theory holds true for cloths, hair, cars and PDAs. It is ok to be flashy sometimes, but not alwasy. A PDA to many of us means business and I don't want to look like I am carrying a Gameboy into a business meeeting. That's not a fashion statement.
Besides, there are several other reasons I didn't buy the clie 710c and wouldn't buy a 610c either (weight, size, expansion, OS, etc...) To each his own.
RE: It comes in WHAT COLOR???
I am happy for you to like m505 since it fits perfect for your needs. Now, let us get back to our Clies!!!
You will be my bride
Will you and your m505 marry me and my IIIc? I know we're old fashioned, but I'm business casual, and it's matte black, and we look great in a sedan...
You sound like what i need in a geeky woman, and my palm would love to beam yours :-)
Business info only, of course.
RE: It comes in WHAT COLOR???
RE: It comes in WHAT COLOR???
RE: It comes in WHAT COLOR???
... You are obviously in the "everyone already thinks I am a geek" category and I am pleased that you are comfortable.
Yeah, well, Programmer / SysAdmin / Unix Guru / Geek... fear my 'leet skillz, and all that :-P
It is ok to be flashy sometimes, but not always. A PDA to many of us means business and I don't want to look like I am carrying a Gameboy into a business meeting. That's not a fashion statement.
I can see where you're coming from, though the sharp delineation between the two devices continues to irk me -- if the Clie were wrapped in a string of Christmas lights and cheerily bleeping cheesy arcade game music, I would hearily agree. As it is, though, they're just two roughly comparable shiny little boxes that are helping one do one's job more effectively -- if someone is focusing that closely on the little box rather than the ideas being presented by the person using the little box, something's wrong with the picture.
Besides, there are several other reasons I didn't buy the clie 710c and wouldn't buy a 610c either (weight, size, expansion, OS, etc...) To each his own.
Or her own, as the case may be :-) Indeed, had the m505 shipped with a significantly brighter screen, I would be using one today (I'd pre-ordered the day they were announced). I like the m505's form factor, I think it's a bit more rugged, I'd prefer SD over MS, and I'd be happier being "closer to the source" (the m505 being likely to get more attention from developers, accessory makers, etc.). Then again, I wouldn't trade all those factors for the Clie's sharp, bright, screen. Ah well, we all decide which compromises are most important to us.
P.S. My good friend spends a lot of time in meetings, representing our department to the campus, making use of her upgraded PalmPilot Pro; she's looking to replace it, thought the m505 was cool, but wants something more colorful; I'm guessing she'll love the violet 610C :-)
Comments on new Sony
1. the 610c will sell well, and is a real threat to the 505 IMHO. It meets my main complaint which was I didn't want MP3 so didn't want the extra baggage. The higher resolution screen would also be a plus for displaying pictures (something the 505 does poorly due to resolution). I would be interested in getting a better understanding of the high res screen's impact on speed of the unit and battery life.
2. Overall design still goes to the Palm V/505, of course style is mostly personal taste. I never liked the boxy Volvos, and I don't like the square Sonys. I don't even like the square silk screened buttons.
3. I like having at least 2 colors to choose from, although this is an inventory issue. I guess I could always get a black IBM workpad.
4. Sony really is the only Palm OS vendor to date that can match the marketing and R&D budget of the Compaqs and HPs of the world. I believe that Sony makes the Palm world stronger, and Palm is lucky to have them in their camp.
5. Palm's licensing strategy is beginning to work, as there is innovation, greater market share, and license revenue from their approach. Apple has never been more than a niche player as they have refused to give up hardware sales for these benefits.
6. So far, I still prefer my 505, but the 610c is making me look up.
7. Sony has the WORST naming convention in the Palm market! I think that Handspring wins in this area.
RE: Comments on new Sony
4MB of Flash RAM
RE: 4MB of Flash RAM
What about the memory stick?
I like the Sony line and this makes it better but what about the functionality, cost and proprietary nature of the memory stick? I know from a couple of reviews of the 710 that there are work arounds and patches to get ms technology to do more but I get tired of the extra buying and downloading.
If any of you are at the expo ask Sony...When will the ms be true plug and play, when can apps be run directly off it and what type of third party development is going on?
RE: What about the memory stick?
Can the editors of this site perhaps excert some pull to get answers about:
-plug & play use of apps on large capacity mem sticks
-wireless modems, cell phones, & other cool gadgets
-soft graffiti & landscape viewing
RE: What about the memory stick?
Pricegrabber pulls up $70 64 meg MMC cards (of various off brand typeS), and $80 64 meg Sony Memory Sticks...not bad. I also noticed Lexar is making Memory Sticks now, so hopefully we'll see the price drop even more.
USB Cradle
RE: USB Cradle
RE: USB Cradle
S320's low price
The 320's accessory list includes both a serial and a USB cradle, while the 610 can only use a USB cradle (at least if the Sony web site is anything to go by). Do you think the 320 will use the same hardware as the 300, thereby having the transmission speed of a serial connection despute the use of USB? If so, the 610 looks like it is even better value (has a cradle, higher transfer speed, high res, and colour).
Just an aside: anyone who thinks Palm of Handspring or anyone else is out for the count has no concept of how the market works. Those who slam the Edge have probably never tried it: the unit is built a whole lot more solidly than any other PDA out there. It's solid screen feels a lot better, for example. There's a niche that will pay for that, just as there is a niche that will pay for the HandEra 330, the M505, or any other PDA. Palm may have a troubling quarter or two ahead of it, but to count them out is ridiculous. Palm is still the company that your average user knows about...remember, those of us reading this board are the minority of PDA consumers.
RE: S320's low price
Also, I chose to avoid mention of the M505's colour screen above. Anyone replying to this thread, please do not start another rediculous colour argument...
RE: S320's low price
Does the 620 have brightness control?
RE: Does the 610 have brightness control?
Decisions, Decisions!
RE: Decisions, Decisions!
RE: Decisions, Decisions!
Varied opinions...
Firstly, Sony needs to convince the general non-tech market that their Palm devices are better than a Palm-branded Palm. That's the first challenge of any of the Palm licensees, and it's a major one. There are people who still refer to Palms (and sometimes to Pocket PC's) as "Palm Pilots", and that name has been done away with for years. (Don't laugh - I know a few.) Palm has made a name for itself that provides significant confidence to the non-tech public looking to make a purchase. Sony is still mainly synonymous with audio. They'll have to build a brand awareness in their PDA technology before they can begin to think about overtaking Palm.
Secondly, Sony will need to ensure that their distribution channels make the devices as pervasive as Palm's. Palm has done well to make their own devices as in-your-face as possible. And the third party branding programmes are not such a bad idea. And if you think that the only third-party branded Palms are the Schiffer and the Jordan, think again. Check out for another third-party branded example. These programmes may contribute small sales numbers, but they make the Palm-branded Palm a more widely available Palm, and a Palm that reaches the consumer at his particular point of need (or want).
From a marketing standpoint, Sony has a lot of homework to do. Handspring had to do it with their "Visor Is" campaign, just to make a name for itself. Sony, despite the power behind their name, will have to do something similar to signal their major entry to the PDA market.
On the devices themselves, the 610C is a fabulous device, and among techies, will give the M505 some trouble. The device's look and style is unmistakeably Sony - it's flashy and it's heavily branded (Look at me! I'm from Sony!) - although this may not sit well with some people. The technology is cutting edge - 65k 320x320 colour screen, Palm OS 4.0, USB HotSync, lithium polymer batteries (Significant!), etc. And it's all obtainable at a great price.
One has to wonder though what market they're aiming for with the 610C. Sony has reduced the feature set by removing the audio capabilities of the 710C, making thie 610C less of a strictly multimedia device. Multimedia software is still bundled in gMovie and PictureGear, but no Office type software is included in the package. Palm bundles Office-to-Go. Handera and Handspring are including their own partners' Office suites. Whither Sony? Of course it could be argued that these could be a matter of personal taste and purchased later, but that adds 40 to 60 bucks for word processing and spreadsheet capability.
The S320 is also a nice device. However, if it comes with the older, greener screen, it is not as compelling a purchase as the M105, against which it competes.
Additionally, the older screen probably means a glass digitizer layer, as opposed to the plastic digitizer that appears on all monochrome M-series Palms. The plastic digitizer makes the device much more rugged from the outset. I've seen posts in Palminfocenter that attest to the abuse that the M10x takes.
The question remains, does Sony want to create a Palm killer, or just a very competitive device?
If Sony creates and markets a device that kills off Palm Corporation entirely, they could buy Palm at a bargain basement price. Dependent on when it happens if it does, Sony will have to pay the U.S. Government the tax dollars that 3Com didn't when Palm was spun off as a separate company. One of the conditions of the spin-off was that the purchaser would pay all of the taxes due if Palm was purchased by a third party before a specified period of time.
If Sony were to create and successfully market a Palm killer, and Palm dies, then the Palm OS will die if someone doesn't buy the software division or the patents and continue development. Does Sony then migrate all of their work to PocketPC or to Linux? Sony has invested too much in the Palm OS bite the hand that feeds it.
On another matter, on Palm's innovation, let's look at some of the minor enhancements that have come to the core Palm OS over the years:
1) Tap on the titlebar to activate the menu - formerly a hack
2) Combined appointment/to do screen in the Datebook application - a feature found in most third party datebook application before it was incorporated in the OS
3) Pop-up clock application - formerly a hack
4) Notepad application - remember Diddlebug?
5) Flashing alarm - remember Talelight? Not widely used, but clearly useful.
Palm clearly utilises user and partner innovation to build and tweak features in their OS and devices. The aim seems to be to bring the core feature set nearer to perfection. TRG debuted add-on storage with CF, and Sony has preferred their memory stick. Palm themselves have selected smaller and potentially cheaper SD/MMC, building on innovation that their partners have done already.
In the M50x series, Palm has decided to stick with the tried, tested and true Palm V form factor and make it better. You can't fault them for that decision. They've done enough revolutionary things in the product line by changing the connector *again*.
Finally, to the commentor who indicated that the M50x will feel wide in the palm of the hand when compared with the Sony, the reason that most pagers are wide as opposed to long was to make them easier to hold. Which is a more natural pose for the hand - flat out or with the fingers arched? A posture with the device resting against the flesh of the palm along the line of the thumb, with the fingertips providing a gentle grip along the other edge is more natural to hold a flat device than a more cupped hand. The device rests better and the hand is more relaxed. The concave curve on either side of the m50x, and the M10x as well, also makes for a more natural grip them the straight edges on most other PDA's. Palm has done their homework.
Will Sony do theirs?
RE: Varied opinions...
The best comment of this news I have seen so far.
RE: Varied opinions...
- N700c is the best -
VIBE alarm?!?
RE: VIBE alarm?!?
wish list item: the silent alarm light from the visor edge onto the Clié.
sounds like that's the coolest thing about the visor edge, after slim metallic form. one reviewer talks about the clear bumper around the side giving the light a little glow space. Drat - sounds like a very good design idea for a very subtle & useful silent alarm.
buuuttt.. the edge just ain't a colour, 320x2, slim, purple Clié 610.
heh.. purple. :D
RE: VIBE alarm?!?
S320 vs. M500?
+ slightly smaller (.26 ounces)
= uses mmc/sm cards instead of ms (preference)
- 200 bucks more expensive!
they seem to be equivalent in almost every other area (speed, memory, battery type, infrared, usb). Am I missing something?
The comparison against the M105 seems skewed as it seems to me (again pardon me if I'm making some stupid mistake) that the M105 is clearly inferior, using OS 3.5, no memory expandability, serial, bigger, cheap plastic case, non-upgradeable Flash memory, uses AAA instead of Lithium Polymer. So given this I don't understand why everyone is comparing the S320 against the M105 instead of the M500, which square up much more evenly.
Of course the M500 costs twice as much as the S320, but given that they have compareable features, it seems silly to compare the S320 against the much inferior but similarly priced M105......
RE: S320 vs. M500?
Most people seem to compare S320 / M105 (where, should the S320 hold up to its promise, it clearly clearly wins).
It does in fact make more sense to compare S320 / M500.
Then however, the original Clie was more often compared to the IIIxe than to the Vx.
People apparently feel that the Form Factor was closer to the IIIxe.
I actually was considering both a Vx and Clie (S300) and decided for the latter, because
the form factor was similary enough (I feel) and the Clie was much cheaper.
I would in fact buy (Should my trusted S300 die) a S320 over both M105 and M500.
Mac support?
RE: Mac support?
there is a discussion on this; apparently the 610 will sync directly with the Mac without need of any other software. Something to do with Palm OS 4.0?
7.31.2001 or prior ship date
The SonyStyle site now reports a ship date of July 31 or earlier. They are also offering same-as-cash if its paid off by the end of October.
Think I might have to get myself one. Anyone want a slightly used M505?
Case Color
RE: Case Color
In stores....
RE: In stores....
If you have any info PLEASE let me know via . . .
HOTMAIL IS WITH A "ONE" ABOVE!! CHANGE TO "L" TO REACH ME!! The "L" in hotmail is written with a "1" above. You must replace with an "L" inorder for your mail to be sent.
RE: In stores....
N610 Serial Cradle
Thank you
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