Comments on: Rumor: Palm OS 4.1 Coming Nov. 15
A Palm spokesperson would confirm only that Palm is going to release OS 4.1 before the end of the year and that the upgrade will be free for those with Palm-branded handhelds already running OS 4.0.
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RE: HandEra upgrade
From a company policy standpoint, this makes sense. Too many companies have gotten into trouble lately by announcing deadlines then missing them.
News Editor
RE: HandEra upgrade
Seeing as how they never charged for any of the updates to the TRGPro, my guess would have to be no. I believe they also promised all updates free for the HandEra 330, but I'm not sure on that.
RE: HandEra upgrade
RE: HandEra upgrade
It will soon be on the website, but for now it is only available to the subscribers of one of the mail-groups, because it is on those groups that the URLs to all new upgrades are posted.
( for He330 and for TRGpro).
Also, there is now a package of IEEE802.11b drivers out. They are beta, but are said too be working rather nicely
( Official support is for the Symbol Wireless CF-Card, but it might also work woth D-Link and Zcomax. It is however not yet supported.
So, there really is no need for OS4.1, or for that matter, 4.0, because most of the functionality is already in the Hendera version of 3.5.3.
RE: HandEra upgrade
RE: HandEra upgrade
RE: HandEra upgrade
Go here for the HandEra/TRGPro users group
Fantastic resource, almost 3000 members. They also have 20 MB of excellent freeware Palm programs in the files section:
RE: HandEra upgrade
OS 4.1
RE: OS 4.1
News Editor
RE: OS 4.1
RE: OS 4.1
RE: OS 4.1
RE: OS 4.1
I have 4.1s on my N710C ;-) and I must tell you that if you are upgrading from 3.x, it is worth the $$. If anything, the speed is worth it.
RE: OS 4.1
RE: OS 4.1
Where are you seeing this?
RE: OS 4.1
RE: OS 4.1
Can't find any new MIK details on the Resource Pavillion tho'
RE: OS 4.1
Click on the ROM Image Files link
click on the Web Clipping ROMs link next to Palm OS4.
Agree to the license agreement and there they are...
RE: OS 4.1
Notice that the license agreement is very restrictive and only allows you to put it on handhelds for development purposes. If you are lying and just want a copy for your personal use, you are stealing it.
VIIx is flashable
However, a standard VIIx (or VII updated to 3.5) is using about 1984K out of 2048K available, not enough space to fit all of the WCA software and Palm OS 4.1.
RE: OS 4.1
You're not getting the point buddy. There are absolutely no differences that palm is offering with the new os. The cd comes with the same software that is already on the M500, M505 and the M125. Unless you need that desktop software or the mobile internet software then it is useless.
Actually, you're not getting it. Upgrading to 4.1 is FREE for users who already have 4.0. Those units include the m500, m505. You can't flash the m125 because it doesn't have flash ROM.
Palm VIIx users getting snubbed
4.1 does not USB synch with Mac OS
RE: 4.1 does not USB synch with Mac OS
RE: 4.1 does not USB synch with Mac OS
It says:
> RE: OS4.1 has a Graffiti bug in it
> Posted by: I.M. Anonymous @ 10/19/2001 3:24:10 PM
> It also has some kind of USB problem that keeps it
> from playing nice with Macs.
So I decided to test this myself and ran into the same problem under MacOS 9.0.4 with Palm Desktop 2.6.3. I get the following error message when I try to do a USB hotsync:
Software needed for the USB device "Palm Handheld"
is not available. Would you like to look for the
Software on the internet?
Clicking OK returns:
Looking for drivers
Software for this device has not been found.
Please contact the manufacturer of the device
for the latest version of the needed software.
IR hotsyncs work, though, as a work-around.
Did not have this problem with Palm OS 4.0.
RE: 4.1 does not USB synch with Mac OS
It says near the bottom:
> Macintosh
> Update: originally said that the N760C
> didn't have problems HotSyncing with a Mac
> as long as the latest version of the Palm
> Desktop was used. I tested this via infrared
> on my PowerBook. Unfortunately, several
> people have written in to point out that
> infrared is the only way that this will work.
> Some USB incompatibility has cropped up with
> Palm OS 4.1 that didn't appear with OS 4.0.
RE: 4.1 does not USB synch with Mac OS
Boris Michael v. Luhovoy
publishing editor
Palmtop-pro Magazine
RE: 4.1 does not USB synch with Mac OS
For example, Sony's version of OS 3.5 won't work with the Palm Desktop on a Mac either. But Handspring's version works fine. I'm just trying to say, don't draw too many conclusions from Sony's version of OS 4.1.
News Editor
RE: 4.1 does not USB synch with Mac OS
Should I upgrade my Vx?
I have been happily using OS 3.x on my Palm Vx for a while now. There is one upgrade that is currently available for free that I haven't bothered to download and install. I mostly use my palm to check email and use AOL IM (via Omnisky) as well as use it for mapping features and subway guides.
Any help, comments, or insight would be greatly appreciated.
RE: Should I upgrade my Vx?
RE: Should I upgrade my Vx? Yes, it will be faster!
RE: Should I upgrade my Vx?
RE: Should I upgrade my Vx?
RE: Should I upgrade my Vx?
I know that it should be the same as for the Vx because of the EZ processor but there appear to be two files for the Vx:
What did you install and what is the difference?
Dump your V's and III's and buy a m505 or Clie610!
> will cost $50 and require the handheld to be
> shipped to Sony
This is an interesting precedent. Will keep that in mind if I ever plan on purchasing a clie.
David in Pflugerville, TX
Clie S320... No updates?
RE: Clie S320... No updates?
This sort of thing is going to impact Sony's future sales. Who wants to buy a PDA w/o an upgrade path? Sony's making them disposable. Wrong move.
They dont really need it
Can't Hotsync now
Problem is that when I try to Hotsync, I get the following error:
HotSync operation started 11/01/01 10:44:41
HotSync Error:
An application failed to respond to a
HotSync notification. Please check the Palm Desktop for details. (8009)
HotSync operation complete 11/01/01 10:44:41
I am running Hotsyc Manager v4.0, Palm Desktop v4.0.1, anc Chapura Pocket Mirror v3.0.2 to sync with Outlook 2000 on a Windows 2000 machine. I had no problems HotSyncing prior to the re-flash.
Any suggestions?
RE: Can't Hotsync now
I think I found the problem in HotSyncing. I ended up re-flashing varios versions of ROMS (4.1, 4.0, and 3.5) and in ALL cases, the Hotsync failed as above. I think the problem is that the Palm has no usename or userID associated with it.
I uninstalled all the desktop programs and re-installed them from scratch. It said that if I had never HotSynced before, to "do it now". It brought up the dialog to enter in a new username (I entered my normal one) and everything works just fine since.
Of course, I'm back to v3.5, so now I have to just try re-flashing v4.1.
RE: Can't Hotsync now
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop\HotSync Manager
look for a string value "NotifierX", where X is a number. the value of the string will be something like "C:\Palm\PdnFlsh.dll". Delete this value from the registry, and restart hotsync manager.
This worked for me.
(email to:alan_AT_profitlink_DOT_net_DOT_au)
RE: Can't Hotsync now
RE: Can't Hotsync now
RE: Can't Hotsync now
OS 4.0 or 4.1 size
I am considering buying FlashPro for my IIIc, and I am wondering how much flash will be left after the upgrade.
Palm OS upgrade from 4.0 to 4.1 - NOT FOR FREE FOR ANYONE!!!
I have the development ROM, however. Now, how do I flash it to my m505? The Flash Util for the 3.x to 3.5 on the III series doesn't work.
If you are interested in a Palm device, don't buy it from Palm!
And they wonder why they're having business problems? I have purchased 4 units in the last 2.5 years from Palm, but NO MORE! I'd rather become an IPAQ guy at this point.
Simply, Palm just wants your money - NOW!!! - NOT your loyalty later or satisfaction ever!
Shame on Palm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
J. Miller
Refreshing PalmOS ROM
anyone out there know how to do so ?
RE: Refreshing PalmOS ROM
RE: Refreshing PalmOS ROM
Palm OS 4.X Notepad
I'm testing the PalmIIIx - Palm V ROM both at the POSE and Palm device.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Regards, Genaro
Where is it?
Or did I blink and miss it?
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HandEra upgrade