Comments on: Sony Clie PEG-T415 Shipping

The Sony Clie T415 has begun shipping from, and has started to appear in local retail outlets, as reported in our forums. SonyStyle is new offering it with a black casing in addition to the brushed aluminum case.
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too bad...

dhchung @ 11/24/2001 1:59:21 PM #
Too bad that it becomes an old machine before it is actually shipped...

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 2:20:31 PM #

What do you mean?

RE: too bad...
skoty @ 11/24/2001 5:12:00 PM #
He means the new memory stick add-ons that come out next year probably won't be compatible with it, just like the Camera and GPS add-ons are not compatible with the S series CLIEs of last year.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 6:15:55 PM #
I think he means the T6x0 is on the way, so T415 is NOT the latest PDA in CLIE family anymore.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 7:20:36 PM #
well so why's that bad .....

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 7:22:08 PM #
funny that the word "too bad" has so many meaning to you guys ..

what's "too bad" is before the STATE OF THE ART HANDSPRING COMMUNCATION device Tero PDA is even released, it already can't use any SPRINGBOARD modules... that is so sad ... I feel sorry for all those people who invested in/bought springboard modules, because handspring don't even support their own technology in THEIR OWN LATEST state of the art HANDSPRING device.

RE: Treo Bashing?
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 8:08:16 PM #
So the Treo doesn't have a Springboard slot.

Does your desktop box have a 5.25" floppy drive?

Handspring is recognizing that there are different segments of the market -- and there's a large enough one that wants those particular integrated features, that it's cost effective enough to bundle them in one device.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 11:08:06 PM #
If Handspring can find the right way to go, let it be.
If Springboard is not good for their PDA, let handspring move on, it's a good thing.

Handspring Treo has no Springboard
TDS @ 11/25/2001 12:25:18 AM #
The Handspring Treo is a different line of product than the Handspring Visor. Think of it like the Sony Walkman & Sony Clie. Both are made by Sony but only one runs the Palm OS.

Handspring is diversifying their product line. There is nothing wrong with that.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 9:55:01 AM #
And what OS does the treo run on? PALM OS the same as the Visor line. How can you compare the treo to the walkman?

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 10:23:00 AM #
Think of it a car company with more than one line -
Visor = sedan
Treo = sports car
You will find different things on each model.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 2:20:21 PM #
So Spring Board is 5

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 2:20:21 PM #
So Spring Board is "5.25" floppy" of PDA now .... but I totally agree with you
I am glad that "Handspring can find the right way to go", but I'll talk about how tero don't support Springboard each and everytime I see something like this.
"new memory stick add-ons that come out next year probably won't be compatible with it"

And about the
"Visor = sedan
Treo = sports car"
comparison .... different cars have different engines and different outlook Design. But all of them have windows, Doors, Wheels, steering wheels. I see Expansion on Palm device as important as doors wheels and window.

"Think of it like the Sony Walkman & Sony Clie. "
1) Walkman doesn't run palm OS
2) you need to look at more sony products, they have memory stick walkman, palm with MS, Cell phones with MS, dogs with MS, computer with MS.... of course I am not saying handspring should do it, they better don't coz the size of springboard is only good for Gameboy.

Please ignore this troll
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 2:49:19 PM #
It's obvious they are just attempting to provoke a reaction. Just ignore them and don't respond to any more of his (its) TROLL posts.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 8:35:07 PM #
How do you know the Treo is "state of the art"? Its not even out yet and nobody has used them. None of Handsprings other products are state of the art thats for sure. They are all sadly out of date.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 10:30:30 PM #
"And about the
"Visor = sedan
Treo = sports car"
comparison .... different cars have different engines and different outlook Design. But all of them have windows, Doors, Wheels, steering wheels. I see Expansion on Palm device as important as doors wheels and window."

Nah, expansion is all about the trunk space. In that example, you have more storage in the sedan. (Of course, with SD cards, PDA's are not like cars cause smaller CAN be big.)

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 11:23:32 PM #
The camera module for the Sony Clie IS compatable with the S series. It is listed under the accessories page for the S320.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 9:32:48 AM #
Are you sure the camera works with the S320? The sony site

and sales people say otherwise.

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 1:04:13 PM #
Wait! A friend of a friend of mine forwarded me an e-mail that was forwarded to her by someone who had it forwarded it from someone on the Clie User's Group. They SWEAR the camera is compatible with the S series--they own an S320 and are sure it'll work. People don't lie or make mistakes when using e-mail or the internet, do they? (He said with sarcasm dripping all over...)

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 1:24:03 PM #
Maybe I'll check the Urban Legends Website under "PDA Hoaxes". ;) I bet the picture of Waldo (The Tourist Guy) was taken with a S320 with the digital camera!

RE: too bad...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 1:50:06 PM #
While i don't necessarily agree with the first statement in the header, i do think that the T415 represents a failed niche in the market. I see a lot of similarities between the T415 and the Visor Edge. While I admitt the T415 memory slot offers an upgrade over the Edge, they non-the-less represent the same category of pda. The Edge failed because no one was willing to buy a monchrome pda at that form factor when you can purchase a competitors color version at a similar price point!


I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 2:00:16 PM #
I am going to Best Buy today to check it out.

RE: Yay!
mikecane @ 11/24/2001 2:06:25 PM #
Did you actually see it?

RE: Yay!
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 4:07:40 PM #
I have and only have one thing to say about this thing, SWEET!!! At Best Buy there is even an as yet unadvertised special, the printer spits out a rebate for a 32MB Memory Stick in the mail. Price for unit is $280 on sale for the rest of the day.

RE: Yay!
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 5:23:37 PM #
Yes, I just got back! It looked good to me! Definitely the best monochrome device I've ever seen! The scroll buttons are definitely interesting. Very cool though.

RE: Yay!
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 6:53:16 PM #
I just double checked, it seems that all the Sony's have the free 32MB rebate.

RE: Yay!
mikecane @ 11/26/2001 8:55:31 AM #
Yes, and they also throw in a free leather case too. Sony is countering Panasonic/Palm's free 16MB SD Card move.

RE: Yay!
Cheap @ 11/26/2001 9:34:43 AM #
I got mine at BestBuy. I got the MS rebate but I didn't get the case. Is the free case offer only available at certain retailers?

RE: Best Buy rebate form
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 2:30:42 PM #
Scroll down to T415 and you can get the form if you forget to get one from the store.

Circuit City

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 2:16:22 PM #
I picked mine up yesterday. I love it!

A bit dissapointed

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 2:15:36 PM #
I've been waiting for this unit to come out. I went to BB yesterday and saw it. To be honest, I was hoping the backlight is brighter than the review on this site had claimed, but to my dissapointment, it's just like any other Palm's mono screen. In my opinion, the only advantage T415 has is its thinness. Without the bright backlight, it makes the 320x320 screen looks dull. I don't really have a need for a color Palm, but I think I am going to get the Sony N610.

RE: A bit dissapointed
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 9:46:40 AM #
Actually, the backlight in the m500 is very VERY close to white when you put the hack to invert the backlight. Its very bright. I wont judge and flame till I personally know what i am talking about.
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RE: A bit dissapointed
mikecane @ 11/26/2001 8:56:21 AM #
I have a 160x160 mono S320. It has a *very* bright backlight (when in the dark, or even dim lighting). Are you saying the the T415's backlight is weaker?! Like, say, a Palm V? I haven't seen a T415 yet, maybe today.

T415 looks *fantastic* in black.

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 2:25:33 PM #
Finally, a manufacturer that offers a PDA that looks good for professionals. (IBM also knows what sells in the professional world.)

RE: T415 looks *fantastic* in black.
skoty @ 11/24/2001 5:14:59 PM #
What kind of professionals are you talking about? If you're talking about the majority of Business majors then you hit the nail on the head, they care more about what the device looks like rather than what it can do. If you're talking about more technical majors, then I would have to disagree, there are others out there that are "less thin" but are alot more appealing.

RE: T415 looks *fantastic* in black.
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 2:53:46 PM #
The kind of "professionals" like businesspeople, physicicians, lawyers, etc. who wouldn't be caught dead carry a big, geeky, flashy PDA. The kind of professional you probably aren't, "skoty".

A small, thin, unobtrusive PDA is what these individuals want. That's why Palm was able to sell the V and Vx for such an inflated price for so long.

RE: T415 looks *fantastic* in black.
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 2:59:56 PM #
That would be "physicians" as well as "physicicians"... they all want a small PDA!


RE: T415 looks *fantastic* in black.
skoty @ 11/26/2001 1:14:17 AM #
You got me, I'm not a doctor or lawyer, I'm a professional programmer. My point is that the "thin feature" is only appealing to those who won't/can't see past it to the other "technical" featurs of the device. My Visor Platinum still offers more options for expansions/add-ons than any other device out there. It's not as thin as the m50x or the T series, but it's thin enough for me. I'm really not interested in spending extra money so that it can lose a half inch in thickness. As you point out though, there are alot of other professional types out there that would.

RE: T415 looks *fantastic* in black.
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 8:29:37 AM #
I don't know what you wear at work, but I've found anything bigger than a Palm V becomes obtrusive. Do you carry your Visor in a case? The added size would mean this isn't an option for those who either don't have the space or don't like the "pocket protector" or "backpacker" look cases can give you.

RE: T415 looks *fantastic* in black.
skoty @ 11/26/2001 10:31:40 AM #
No, I just wear Levis, and carry it in my front pocket. If I were to use a case with it, it wouldn't fit in my pocket. If I wear slacks, it fits even better in my front pocket. I broke the screen one time when I was moving funiture (I shouldn't have been carrying it then anyway), but my Staples insurance enabled me to trade it up for a new one with no hassle. Staples is great. I didn't even buy it there (I bought it on Amazon) and they still would sell me an insurance policy on it.

Anyway, I'm sitting in my chair right now, and I don't even notice my Visor Platinum in my front pocket.

RE: T415 looks *fantastic* in black.
skoty @ 11/27/2001 12:12:46 AM #
Levis 560 "loose fit jeans." Computer Science professionals don't have to put on a costume for work every day. Tight jeans went out of style in the early 90s for guys.

allready got it

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 4:34:32 PM #
I have had mine since sunday...where have you been

RE: allready got it
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 1:39:58 AM #
you did not mention earlier.

Give me a M...give me an I... give me a C....

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 5:45:17 PM #
Could Sony be the Microsoft of the PDA market? We shall see!

RE: Give me a M...give me an I... give me a C....
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 9:56:09 PM #
Yeah, right - Last time I checked, Sony didn't make hardware AND operating systems for PDAs, nor did it have clear domination in the respective markets.

RE: Give me a M...give me an I... give me a C....
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 4:07:40 PM #
Nah. I haven't seen too many Sony prodcuts that didn't work.

RE: Give me a M...give me an I... give me a C....
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 7:37:48 PM #
No, they have tweaked the PalmOS enough to improve it. 4.1s is a great example. If anything, they will wipe Palm out of the hardware business.

my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 7:30:08 PM #
I saw it at best buy- Screen slightly darker and greyer than the M505. Backlight about the same brightness as the reverse backlighting of the Handspring. It's not nice at all. Thin, but that wasn't mind blowing or anything.

I'll get something else- and I was waiting for this one to come out.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 8:06:51 PM #
everyone has his/her own preference. But comparing a mono screen (T415) to a color screen (M505), it's kind of unfair....

... However, I do agree that it is a good machine, but not "great". Hope color T-series could be better.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 8:41:59 PM #
I think what he/she means (and I agree), is that the screens on the 415 and m505 both don't live up to the hype or expectations of most.

I bought a 415 several days ago. I returned it 72 hours later. The screen is a bit small and does not do well in low light when compaired with my old Vx.

The high-res is kind of useless w/o color.

I'm either going to get the 610 or wait for the T6xx.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/24/2001 11:10:39 PM #
Compared with M505, M505 wins. But if you compared it with M505, Handera or any other mono devices, T415 definitely is the best choice iyou can have in the mono PDA market today.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 1:10:23 AM #

I realise all of this is based on opinions.. But, what is your logic when you say the T415 beats out the m500 and the Handera??

If comparing just the T415 and the m500 you have a pretty good match and it would all boil down to taste.

But throwing the Handera in is another matter.

If your looking at size alone, then the 415 has it, but if you look at features and expandability, the Handera beats the both of them over the head.

Is all about taste and what features you want in a handheld.

You know, it's a real shame that Handera can't makret their products like Palm and Sony can. If the H330 was sitting side by side in retail stores, I'm sure it would be a much more widely used PDA.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
dhchung @ 11/25/2001 3:39:52 AM #
so why does handera has such poor marketing?

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 7:27:17 AM #
Damn, handera is so UGLY !

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 2:00:44 PM #

Don't know why they don't market the device more. The only thing I can think of is that they are such a tiny company, they simply can't afford to. Only 48 or so employees...

Their take on it is that they are specifically gearing towards the business user, but I agree with you, their marketing sucks and selling it in Sams Club is not enough. Hopefully they will realise this some day.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 2:58:23 PM #
The Handera 330 is now at CompUSA.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 3:03:06 PM #
regarding all the marketing hype about "focusing on corporate customers", I really don't understand (even with MBA degree)/ What did they do exactly to "focus" on corporate users? Or is it just another excuse of failure on marketing/competition....

.. my 2 cents.

HandEra's problems... from someone who knows.
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 3:07:56 PM #
HandEra's problems are much bigger than incompetent marketing. They are out of touch with what people want. When I say "people" I mean the typical customer - not the three HandEra geeks that post to this site 50 times a day trying to defend HandEra.

At one time, HandEra (TRG) made the most advanced PDA around - the TRGpro. It's still a great machine for anyone that doesn't mind a Palm III form factor. The TRGpro was amazing back when only Palm and Handspring were the only real alternatives. With Palm releasing new designs almost as slowly as HandEra (just two PDAs in around two and a half years) and no advances in the displays in four years, they were able to get away with their "we don't need to advertise - we only care about the vertical market" attitude.

2001 is a different world, thanks to Palm's mistake in licensing the OS to a certain Japanese manufacturing giant. Sony is shrinking their PDAs, adding the color displays people really want, stylish design and interesting gimmicks like MP3 players that will bring non-traditional PDA users into the fold. Meanwhile, HandEra released their hideous (not just my opinion) 330 using the big, old Palm III form factor and a non-standard screen that prevanted several apps from running in full screen mode.

HandEra can argue from now until the cows come home about how superior and functional their design choices were. In many ways, the HandEra 330 is the best-engineered PDA around. But it doesn't matter - this is the real world, not engineering school. Show 100 people a Clie N760C and HandEra 330 side by side and guess how many choose the HandEra? Maybe two techno-geeks. The same ones reading this site. Those two geeks aren't enough to sustain HandEra, especially now that they have decided to change their company's focus to just selling PDAs.

What HandEra should have done is jump on Sony's bandwagon rather than arrogantly think they could actually beat Sony. Had they just licensed the color screen from the N710C and designed a better-looking PDA, HandEra would have had a chance. They are apparently now trying to correct this mistake, but it's probably too late for them.

Palm also used to think they could compete with Sony and look what has happened to them in the past six months. Will *anyone* be buying Palm branded PDAs in 12 months? I seriously doubt it. Palm depends on Sony for its crappy color displays (believe it or not, Sony makes the screen for the m505). Why should Sony provide Palm with good displays when they can just take over the market completely in the coming year and then buy the PalmOS company at a bargain basement price?

Palm needs to get out of the hardware business now. Hopefully, Sony's OS licensing deal expires soon and Palm can renegotiate a better deal for perhaps $25 - $30 per license. Otherwise expect Palm, Handspring (whether or nor they merger) and HandEra to be either bankrupt or insignificant players in the next year.


RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 3:51:08 PM #
Sam's Club will stop carrying the Handera once they have sold off their remaining stocks. I saw a 330 at a Sam's for $199 last week. The clerk told me they had only sold six in the past two months.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 6:12:35 PM #
Good analysis, are totally right !

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 6:16:04 PM #

Damn, those are some harsh words...

First off, I am a Handera owner and I happen to think it is a very nice looking device. Its silver and black all the way around and I have always gotten compliments on it from people.

I previously owned a Sony S320 which I also liked much more than most people did, but found little to no choices for useful expandability so had to abandon it.

You speak of Sony as being the most high and mighty compny that nobody can live without.

Yes, The m505 screen is a Sony display. It happens to suck because Sony doesn't want to play fiar with its competitors much like Microsoft. Palm has always had a weird relationship with Sony for this very reason. Sony wants the latest and greatest OS from Palm but doesn't want to part with its top notch items and thus giving an unfair advantage to themselves. This is truly bad business and anti competitive.
Also, would you really want Sony to be the only maker of PDA's anyway? I like having many choices when buying gadgets and I know most people out there also do.

Lasly. You can jump off the "looks" and "style" horse whenever your ass ges soar. PDA's are meant to be useful tools to their users, how cute and hunky dorie they look should be last on the list.

I know tons of people that own Palm PDA's now. The only 2 people I know who own Clies are two girls in their early twenties. Everyone else has useful and "non feminine" devices ;)

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 7:40:56 PM #
DeepNose... Wow, your comments are so reflective, engaging, and original, please, please post more of you Market Genius so that Palm and Handera may survive Sony's onslaught. NOT!

Hmmm... DeepNose MUST be DEEP UP SONY'S A**!!! Oh please, what gives your biased "expert" statements and opinions credibility and depth. Don't give us this "From someone who knows" b*llsh*t, we're far more intelligent than that. You're not a market insider, nor are you in the PDA business (okay, start making up some BS credentials... Sure, we've heard it all before), just a size-challenged PDA owner who wants to convince everyone that innovation other than Sony's is paltry and useless.

Yes, Handera has committed many transgressions against the angry Sony god, and it should correct it's mistakes.

Yes, yes, Handera should've abandoned the virtual collapsible graffiti, 320x240 resolution, and instead used Sony's screen, therefore, we can forever stay in that little 3 by 3 square making fonts almost unreadable. DAMN to all those who try to move beyond from the square to a (gasp!) LARGER rectangle. Oh dear, curses to Handera for attempting such a feat. Oh, and damn them too for making TWO, I hear TWO expansion slots... Industry standard slots even! And how about those Handera techno-geeks, may the wrath of Sony shower them with bad tech-support so they can't get to use the number of CF Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and wireless modems available, as well as the other Palm III compatible accessories. I also can't believe they would include a REAL speaker, a voice recorder, AND a jog wheel/backbutton. How dare they!

I know it's hard to appreciate any other PDA than your own, since you've worked so hard mowing lawns for the past 6 months to save up and buy a Sony Clie. I commend and honor you on that one, we're ALL proud of you. And listen, don't stay up too late thinking of a great response to this message, since your schoolbus leaves early in the morning and you don't want to miss homeroom.

Making DeepNose Run....

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 7:45:27 PM #
One word... OUCH!

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 8:08:37 PM #
Please feel free to respond further.

It's sad how some people manage to deny the obvious. If others here agree, let the previous posters know - they may eventually see the light. (They should also bookmark this thread and come back here in two months so they can eat crow.)

> Also, would you really want Sony to be the only maker of PDA's anyway? I like having many choices when buying gadgets and I know most people out there also do.

I also like having choices and support smaller manufacturers whenever possible. In fact, I've used a TRGpro for two years and don't plan on changing until it stops working. For me, function is more important than form. But the writing's on the wall. Don't try to shoot the messenger.

> Lasly. You can jump off the "looks" and "style" horse whenever your ass ges soar. PDA's are meant to be useful tools to their users, how cute and hunky dorie they look should be last on the list.

??? While you might think PDAs should primarily be functional, the real world says otherwise. Palm sold millions of V and Vx models based on style. In fact, besides the Palm name, style is probably the only thing the m500 and m505 have going for them right now.

> I know it's hard to appreciate any other PDA than your own, since you've worked so hard mowing lawns for the past 6 months to save up and buy a Sony Clie...

It's imbeciles like you that make the comments section of this site so amusing. I would rather spend six months mowing lawns than work one day with a pompous arse like you. Please show us some more of your wit. What other jobs are beneath you, Sire?
i use a TRGpro but for me, it's a tool - not my only friend, as your HandEra 330 probably is in your case.

> Oh dear, curses to Handera for attempting such a feat.

Again, try to read *before* you post. As I said before, the HandEra 330 may have good engineering behind it, but this doesn't really matter if the can't sell them. Think about it. Take your time...

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 8:08:37 PM #
Please feel free to respond further.

It's sad how some people manage to deny the obvious. If others here agree, let the previous posters know - they may eventually see the light. (They should also bookmark this thread and come back here in two months so they can eat crow.)

> Also, would you really want Sony to be the only maker of PDA's anyway? I like having many choices when buying gadgets and I know most people out there also do.

I also like having choices and support smaller manufacturers whenever possible. In fact, I've used a TRGpro for two years and don't plan on changing until it stops working. For me, function is more important than form. But the writing's on the wall. Don't try to shoot the messenger.

> Lasly. You can jump off the "looks" and "style" horse whenever your ass ges soar. PDA's are meant to be useful tools to their users, how cute and hunky dorie they look should be last on the list.

??? While you might think PDAs should primarily be functional, the real world says otherwise. Palm sold millions of V and Vx models based on style. In fact, besides the Palm name, style is probably the only thing the m500 and m505 have going for them right now.

> I know it's hard to appreciate any other PDA than your own, since you've worked so hard mowing lawns for the past 6 months to save up and buy a Sony Clie...

It's imbeciles like you that make the comments section of this site so amusing. I would rather spend six months mowing lawns than work one day with a pompous arse like you. Please show us some more of your wit. What other jobs are beneath you, Sire?
i use a TRGpro but for me, it's a tool - not my only friend, as your HandEra 330 probably is in your case.

> Oh dear, curses to Handera for attempting such a feat.

Again, try to read *before* you post. As I said before, the HandEra 330 may have good engineering behind it, but this doesn't really matter if the can't sell them. Think about it. Take your time...


RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 9:33:08 PM #
Deepnose (?) is pretty much on point on the HandEra thing. I don't know whose idea it was to push these things at Sam's Club, especially given its target market. "Gee honey, while you're out picking up some Pampers, could you get me a $300 PDA on the way out? Thanks dear, and get one for yourself." Can you imagine the senior working in aisle 9 trying to explain the benefits of Soft Graffiti or multiple expansion? Don't you have to PAY to even get in the store? Instead, you would think these things would have been pushed (harder)in every medical, engineering and law publication. I wanted a TRGPro something awful while I was in law school, specifically for the storage, but couldn't afford it. I got caught up in the initial Handspring fiasco so they were out of the question. Today, expansion storage is common place and every PDA maker needs more to distinguish themselves, and the way something looks counts for a lot - ask Pontiac about the Aztek if you have any doubts. I know HandEra has one of the more tech-advanced PDA's out there, (only because I'm a recovering Geek) but a lot of people just browsing for a PDA in CompUSA may not get to know the thing just because of its looks. That may sound shallow but that's the way it is. Meanwhile, folks are still buying Vx's just because their friend has one and they like the way it looks. The sad thing about it is the 330's looks probably would be a fairly easy thing to change, even if it just meant making the thing in a different color.

C'mon HandEra (and Palm) - I'm rooting for ya' because competition is good for the entire PDA market (and my wallet), but you're making it hard.

RE: Handera's big fat problems from some twerp
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 9:34:59 PM #
Handera is in a different market segment. It's a PDA for palm geeks who care more about substance than pyrotechics & fluff. They'll do fine in their niche. (Bet you can't wait to mail in your clie & hand over fifty bones...)

I like the ugly first generation star trek look of the case. I like that it works with my IIIxe's PPK. I'm not out to defend handera, I just don't see the point in slamming them. This "my pda's better than your pda" junk is juvenile nonsense best restricted to a kiddy pool. Sony's doing great things for the whole palm OS community. I think we should all be happy about that. I am, but I don't think that just because sony can introduce a butt-load of new models in a short period of time means that my handera is a brick. Live and Let Live. Come on people now. Smile on your brother. Everybody get together and beam hacks to each other right now.

Better post this anonamously...

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 11:06:08 PM #
Smells like a Larry Garfield post. (Or is it Craig Bowers? Or are they one in the same?)

No-one's bashing your Handera 330s, so try not to get so defensive. I think all that's being said is that in the real world, all of Handera's engineering means squat. There aren't enough geeks out there who'll buy a big, pock-marked, dorky-looking handheld over a sleek m505 or N760C. How many people even install extra programs?.

Someone mentioned Pontiac's butt-ugly Azztek station wagon/sport ute/monstrosity and I think it would be a good example of the car equivalent of the 330 - except for the fact that the Azztek is a also piece of junk as a vehicle.

Why are Handera users (all seven of you ;-)) so defensive?
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 11:21:13 PM #

Inquiring minds want to know.

And I agree that just because Palm is taking it from behind from Sony is no reason for Sony owners to be gloating. If Palm and Handspring go bankrupt, Sony will just bump their prices up and keep providing terrible support.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 11:33:16 PM #
"I know tons of people that own Palm PDA's now. The only 2 people I know who own Clies are two girls in their early twenties. Everyone else has useful and "non feminine" devices ;)"

This might have been true for most of us six months ago, but everything is changing now. I'll bet that after this Christmas you'll be seeing a lot of Sonys being sported by "manly" types as well. I read here that Sony now has captured something like 10 or 15% of the market in recent months.

HandEra users are defensive...
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 10:32:49 AM #
The reason all *seven* of us are defensive is because we fell we have something to defend. The 330 is a great product full of great useful features. It is not for some, I agree, but please realize there are some of us geeky power users that require more than a pretty pda that plays mp3s and makes all the non-techies oooh and awe. We want something that provides us with some features that we like to have. I used to have a Visor and it was a nice pda, but just didn't have the features I needed. The Sony pdas are beautiful handhelds, but just do not offer the features I need.

This is not a war between users, if you don't like the features or looks of a pda, simply don't buy it. There is no need to start flaming wars because of such a trivial matter.

Anyhow, my 2 cents.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 10:41:09 AM #
>I don't know whose idea it was to push these things (HandEras) at Sam's Club, especially given its target market.

I agree here, Sams Club is not a store you go looking for a PDA. But go check out your local CompUSA now. I saw they put them on the shelves this weekend.

Just FYI.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 10:45:21 AM #
To tell the truth, you cant judge a device by its looks. The handera is one of the best i ever seen to date! remember i said *ONE* of the best, not the best.
Http:// : PDANature - hourly refreshed pda news, discussions, reviews, and what not!

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 10:53:17 AM #
Good grief! I own a HandEra 330 and my girlfriend is looking at getting an Aztek. Obviously since the 330 doen't look like a Palm Vx it's junk. So, since the Aztek doesn't look like the new Thunderbird, it must be junk too. Could someone actually post honest info about what is wrong with the Aztek though? You obviously know so much about what is wrong with these devices, and I don't want her to buy a lemon.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 10:59:42 AM #
> I don't know whose idea it was to push these things at
> Sam's Club, especially given its target market. "Gee
> honey, while you're out picking up some Pampers, could
> you get me a $300 PDA on the way out? Thanks dear, and
> get one for yourself."

Many small businesses use Sam's Club to purchase various types of supplies. Do you not know that because you send your wife to do all the shopping?

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 11:15:54 AM #

Actually I shudder everytime I see one of these Aztec things. Ugh.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 11:46:22 AM #
That aztec has to be a useful vehicle, no one would make it that ugly just for kicks. Actually, I'm intrigued by its bad looks for this reason. Maybe that's why I got a Handera too... Whatever it was, I'm happy with my 330.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 1:03:25 PM #
Although we're really getting OT, re: the Aztek,(GM's "hip" spelling of "Aztec") was a vehicle that was designed from the inside out. The interior is excellent and innovative. The problem occurred when the designers had to put a wrapper around the thing and it came out, how should we say, "unique". The second problem occurred with the price. The exterior was designed (apparently) to attract or appeal to younger buyers. The problem was that it was (is) too expensive for its target market. If you like it, that's fine, just as long as you buy it without considering resale value. Now that you think about it, it does sound a lot like the HandEra 330. Note to HandEra - GM (slightly)redesigned the exterior of the Aztec for 2002 and it looks "better" just by changing the wheels, trim and color. It's also holding or lowering the price.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 6:24:00 PM #
As a content Handera owner, I sometimes wonder which direction Handera might be headed. Though I root for their ultimate success, there's a marginal chance of Handera failing even with it's crafty engineering. I remember someone comparing it [Handera] to the Tucker automobile whose automotive engineering was innovative, yet it was killed by the Big 3 early in it's life. The Tucker faded into obscurity but it's marvels live on in today's cars, such as disc brakes, power steering, etc. Maybe the same will happen to Handera, maybe... Hopefully not.

RE: Handera
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 10:34:50 PM #
I just saw a Handera for the first time today at CompUSA, and I must ask: Why do people insist on calling it ugly? Have you seen one in person, or are you judging by the pictures posted on the web? Most photos make the case look more shiny than it truly is--it actually quite subdued and classy. Yes, it carries the III-series form factor, but it seems somehow sleeker. It's definitely lighter, and the overall feel of it is quite nice. No, not as many curves as some of the more "marketed" PDAs, but it's definitely NOT something you'd be embarassed to carry. I already own an m505, but if I didn't, I'd give the 330 a long look.

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 7:23:15 AM #
I saw it in CompUSA on Sunday, and I will say:

Yes, it's UGLY !

RE: my opinion only- BAD screen DIM backlight
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 8:12:41 AM #
OK, then are Visors ugly? Because the Handera looks very similar to a Visor Platinum or Pro.

This guy took apart T415 one week ago

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 3:29:46 AM #
And he claims he is the first one in the world...

RE: This guy took apart T415 one week ago
RedAntz @ 11/25/2001 1:20:30 PM #
and he's the first one who killed his T415 after he's trying to dismantle the screen and the circuit board ;o)

RE: This guy took apart T415 one week ago
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 8:08:12 PM #
So I guess you can take it apart and put it back together without a hairdryer, ala Palm V. The one thing I liked about the Palm III was I could take apart my friend's III's, screw around with them and put them back together again, not that I'd do it with a brand new, $300 PDA.

T415 vs S320

RedAntz @ 11/25/2001 8:49:18 AM #
Does it worth paying $130 to get a T415 rather than S320 ? I don't see much difference that is worth paying extra $130 rather than the differences of :

1. Palm OS 4.1 vs 4.0
2. The high resolutions of 320 x 320 pixels instead of 160 x 160 pixels for S320
3. difference of 0.2 inches of height ?

I'm much concern of the screen of T415. How "bad" it is as compared to S320 and Pam Vx ? I saw a lot of complains flying around the forum.

Do S320 / T415 support vibrating alarm ?

RE: T415 vs S320
polymath @ 11/25/2001 11:14:13 AM #
I believe most of the complaints are centered around comparing T415 screen with color Clie screens.

As far as I can tell, it's a winner for a monochrome screen.

RE: T415 vs S320
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 12:04:13 PM #
I've had a Vx for 2 years and have been pretty happy with it.

I wish I had taken some photos to compare the two.

I will tell you that the screen on the 415 is physically SMALLER than the Vx by about 15%. The high-res is ok.. but the screen refreshes slower so you get a sort of "ghosting" effect when things move fast.

The 415 is a poor choice for those that want to play games that have fast movement. Try any of the Breakout clones or Air Hockey 3D and you'll see what I mean.

I compared the two side-by-side in VERY dim light with no backlight. The Vx was still readable, while the 415 was so dark I couldn't tell if it was actually on!

The 415 will need the backlight far more than the Vx.

I do have to say that the vibrate and enhanced audio functions are really nice.. but I don't see much of anything using the enhanced audio except alarms.

The screen is really smooth to write on and I'd have to say it's as good or better to write on than the Vx.

Those who are concerned about the buttons shouldn't be too much. They are pretty easy to press. The Up/Down button is pretty small.. though it's easier to get used to than past Clie's.

I would advise buying from a place with a liberal return policy such as Best Buy.. that way you can try it for a few days and return it if you aren't satisfied (like I did).

Hope that helps...

RE: T415 vs S320
RedAntz @ 11/25/2001 12:47:43 PM #
Will the "ghosting" effect very significant while running on normal applications other than ... games ? It shall not bother me much, as i'm using it for organising my daily tasks and notes, not to play games.

Can T415 enable the backlight by default, regardless of any brightness ? Will it solve the problem of 'dark screen' that everyone complained so far ?

This is the solution i can think of, though this will compromise its battery life. But i think it'll not be much problem unless you travel without your rechargeable equipment.

By the way, i'm not living in US, therefore i don't think BestBuy accepts my transactions. And the saddest case is, Sony does not even lauch any Clie series in my country at all. That's why it's almost impossible for me to even grab any Clie series PDA to have a look.

Any other suggestions other than BestBuy ?

RE: T415 vs S320
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 2:07:45 PM #
The ghosting was noticable throughout.. but only when things on the screen change. It was fine for normal use.. just bad on games.

The unit did NOT seem to remember my backlight preferences. If I had the backlight on, turned the unit off, then back on again, the backlight would be off. There are hacks for that, but the backlight makes things harder to read in normal light.

Circuit City and many other online shops are starting to get the 415 in stock. Brando is taking orders for the Japanese color T600:

In all honesty, I'd get a Clie.

Curcuit City has the N610 for $350 with a $50 mail-in rebate, dropping the final price to $300. They also send you a free 32mb memory stick by mail, too!

Just got the T415. . .

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 4:48:51 PM #
First comment – Price – Circuit City has a $50 rebate on all PDA’s, but a local (Detroit) area BestBuy will match the rebate with an instant $50 discount, dropping the price to $249, but you’ve got to be pushy about it. You also get a BB rebate for a 32 meg MS. My intent was to purchase the Clie S320, but after viewing the T415, I HAD to find a way to make up the difference. I was going to buy the optional $60 cradle for the 320, so that was an additional saving.

Second comment – Comparisons - CompUSA carries almost all current PDA’s, including HandEra, so it’s a good place to see the differences between the various models. As expected, the diff between the 320 and 415 screens are considerable, and in my opinion, worth the $130 price diff. The HandEra screen is good, but in my opinion, not as nice as the 415. Actually, the 415 looks to a certain extent like the m505’s; with the level or grayscale being that good (or the color on the m505 being that bad). I see in other posts that some consider the 415’s screen dark, but I don’t agree. I finally found out what some posters have said about the buttons on other Clie models – terrible – but the 415’s seem okay, but not as good as Palm’s buttons.

Third comment – Looks – The 415 damn near sold me on its looks alone. If you are a Palm III to Palm V convert, you’ll understand. I guess I’m just a shallow “business-type” but it looks that good. I also like the looks of the m50x series, but the Clie is close enough for it to be a draw. I saw the black model on the Sony web page but BestBuy does not carry it. IBM’s black version of the m50x series is still the best looking PDA in my opinion and Visor’s Edge is nice.

I really liked the S320 and it’s price but the T415 is worth the extra money. Unfortunately I can’t play with my new toy. I bought two – one for my wife and the other for myself as gifts and I can’t open it ‘til Christmas.

RE: Just got the T415. . .
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 5:34:51 PM #
It's amazing that more companies haven't released handhelds in plain black cases. IBM has sold tens of thousands of theirs over the years based on appearance alone.

Comparing the T415, m500, and Visor Edge shows what a HUGE mistake Palm made by licensing their OS to competitors. If they had just kept it to themselves, we'd all still be buying $400 Vx (and we would be as happy as clams for the "privilege", too).

Anyone want to bet on how much Palm will lose this quarter? And the next? It's probably time for them to cut their losses - the 800 pound gorilla (Sony) is now loose in the candy store. Sony went from less than 5% market share to around 12% in a couple months. They'll probably have 25% by January. Sony can afford to delay profits for a year, but Palm and Handspring are already losing millions every week and can't survive having Sony cannibalize what is left of their profits.

At least Handspring is trying to reinvent itself...

(screen) comparisons
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 11:14:11 AM #
Isn't the T415's screen the same small size as the N6xx/N7xx??? That already loses my interest.

RE: Screen comparison
Cheap @ 11/26/2001 1:32:54 PM #
No doubt the screen is darker than the 320 and smaller than the m50x, but the total package, i.e., price, size, sound, resolution and even the bundled programs make up for the trade-offs. I know some people have to buy online based on reviews, but the T415 is impressive when you actually get your hands on one and compare it to other PDA's. Having said that, it does go to show that Palm isn't alone when it comes to screen trade-offs and unit size and the m500 is good competiton for the 415, especially when Palm matches the price with Sony.


I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 8:17:28 PM #
For anyone who consider to buy the new T415 this Christmas, you should click the link below to see how weak the light is before you buy because some of the statements from some true, die-hard Sony fans here are totally uncredible.

Here is the link.

On the left side is the T415 with blacklight on;the right side is S320 with backlight on. You make the choice. Too light on G. area, as always Sony.

How about people wait until they see it IN PERSON first?
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 8:37:36 PM #
Here's a novel idea. Let's cut out the retarded speculating based entirely on one or two photos. How many people bought m505s based on Palm's "paper-white" display claim?

Go to a store, try it out for yourself. If you like it, get it. If you don't like it, don't get it. Now that wasn't very hard, was it?

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/25/2001 10:34:25 PM #
How can we go to a BestBuy Store and ask them to turn off all the lights at once to let us see how the backlight of the T415 works out?

You must be KIDDING me!

By the way, the photos are taken from CLIE fans, so I think they are not biased at all.

At least I didn't buy my Palm m505 just by the ads.

skoty @ 11/26/2001 1:29:18 AM #
If you buy it from an online store, you can't try it out. So, thanks for the pictures. The online shoppers among us will appreciate them.

mikecane @ 11/26/2001 9:09:33 AM #
Thanks for the pictures. I have an S320, so I know how bright that backlight is in dark lighting. Wow, that T415 looks very bad in comparison.

polymath @ 11/26/2001 9:56:10 AM #
You got to be careful when comparing this side by side. When Clie 7XX first came out, everyone compared it with Palm IIIC or Handspring Prism and said, it is too dark.

Believe me, I have had my Clie for awhile, and I can tell you that I have not had any problems at all in any ligting situation.

Go and judge for yourself.

mikecane @ 11/26/2001 10:00:49 AM #
Dark w/o the backlight -- that's the N7xx series. The comparisons to III/Prism were ludicrous, given the different screen technologies. Do you have a T415 or an N7xx?

polymath @ 11/26/2001 10:32:51 AM #
I have 7XX series. The brightness has been more than adequate in my book under all ligtning conditions.

mikecane @ 11/26/2001 10:41:58 AM #
I have not seen it w/o a backlight outside. CompUSA and other stores have this thing about trying to take demo units outside to test...

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 10:43:37 AM #
I dont see the big deal bashing other devices. ITS ALL YOUR THOUGHTS. Some think monochromes have weak backlights but in truth it does not. Untill you have seen the t415, dont judge.
Http:// : PDANature - hourly refreshed pda news, discussions, reviews, and what not!
P.S. I personally dont want to buy it but i surely wont dis it.

Sarcasm from someone who's tired of the "Sony-istas"

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 1:07:22 PM #
Dude! I saw the T-415 at Best Buy! Man, in those special display containers they have at BB, you can REALLY tell the 4 hundredths of an inch difference in thickness between it and the m500. This device ROCKS, man! It's so SWEEEEEEEEETTTTTTT!!!!! It makes the m500 looks like my dead grandmother designed it, dude! I don't care if the backlight is a P.O.S., it still ROOOOOOOCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKSSSSSSSSS!!! I love the Hi-Res Launcher--I don't care if the icons and names are too small for the human eye to see, it's just so COOL, man! What? You mean the Palm OS has always had a "List" option that displays more programs in the launcher? And you can actually read them? Well, so what? That's SOOOOOO 19th-century! This thing is COOOOOOOOOOLLL, man! I love the remote control function they built in. Since I don't have anything else to do with my time but watch TV and listen to CDs, it's great for me. Sony rocks the house!

(This post brought to you by a Visor user who's extremely tired of people who bow at the altar of Sony. Sony deserves credit for a lot of things, but face it--the T415 is heavy on the sizzle, but light on the steak.)

RE: Sarcasm from someone who's tired of the
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 1:22:51 PM #
1) the backlight is not a P.O.S. I've seen many worse (but I am pretty sure you are)
2) you can see those icons and read those words on the hi-res launcher. (if u don't like it you can always switch back)
3) it's always nie to have more functions than less.
4) get a life

(This post brought to you by a Newton user who's extremely tired of people bashing Clie for absolutely no reason at all)

RE: Sarcasm from someone who's tired of the
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 3:41:07 PM #
I'm not sure the original poster was bashing the Clie so much as they were bashing the people who excuse EVERY fault on ANY Sony device, all the while bashing Palm and other manufacturers.

BTW, personal attacks like "I'm sure you are" (implying the poster is a P.O.S.) expose YOU as the one who should "get a life."

RE: Sarcasm from someone who's tired of the
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 4:41:32 PM #
My name is Bingo. I like to climb on things. Can I have a banana. EEK EEK!


I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 9:36:35 PM #
So I saw the T415 at Best Buy today. I'm not out to bash it, but let's not crown it "king of all PDAs" just yet.

The aluminum casing seems nice--very classy. And yes, it's thin, although not that noticeable next to the m500 or m505.

The application buttons are OK, but the scroll button looks to be a nightmare.

As for the screen: the refresh of each screen seems to phase out-and-in. It's that "ghost" effect mentioned in an earlier post, and it is VERY plain to see. Also, it looks like we finally have a backlight that makes that of the m505 look good. I'm not talking screen quality; I'm talking backlight. The T415 is nowhere near is bright as the S320, and it's not even as bright as the m505. The screen background is very gray, and although I could only see it in the flourescent lighting, I bet you'd have a hard time seeing it in dim light, and the backlight wouldn't be much help. Overall, a disappointment from the thus-far kings of display quality.

Obviously, I couldn't test overall useability, but my initial impressions were unimpressive. If I were buying, I'd save a little over $100 and get the S320. Yes, you'd sacrifice screen res and have to spend $$ on a cradle and for Docs-to-Go (if you want it), but it seems like a decent trade-off to me. Screen res isn't everything, especially the small icon view and worse, the small list view (Why use that? It's simply too small).

I have no doubt the pro-Sony forces, who are quite vocal, will flame me, but we all know your incredible bias. Personally, I have none.

415 screen

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 9:57:35 PM #
I received my 415 today (through I've owned a 320 for three months and love it. I was surprised to see that Sony displayed a paper white screen on the box for all of the screen shots (after seeing some of the posts about the screen). It's awful! Under all lighting conditions the 320 screen was better. You have to use a bold font to read anything in most lighting conditions. The form factor was real nice - Easy to hold and use the buttons (I liked them better than the 320). The vib feature worked well and the speaker sounded pretty good. But the screen was so bad - dark, very low contrast, backlight not as bright as the 320 - that I've already returned it. Bummed! If it looked even close to the way Sony portrays it, the unit would be incredible. I didn't even bother to open the software pack so I could try the remote control features. Hopefully the T600 (or 615?) will be priced right and the screen will be at least as good as the 610 screen.

RE: 415 screen
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 10:24:58 PM #
I wouldn't bet on it. It all comes down to battery life and capacity. To make a unit that thin, you have to use a smaller battery and give up at least some life. This means you can't illuminate the screen as much as you'd like. (Footnote: see Palm, m505) Sony is now finding out there's a trade-off, and like it or not, they're just as vulnerable to it as Palm was. I'll bet this is why the T600 is being released only in Japan for now--Japan is the world's major "test market" for these products, and if the color version blows, they don't want to ship it to the states.

Of course, in a few months, batteries might allow for that thinness and just as much power. If so, perhaps Palm can cut loose with an m525, or maybe the much-anticipated OS 5 machines. Then, the game's on.

For now, though, don't expect a screen much better than the T415 in that small a form factor.

Oh, and please...can we at least give Palm some credit for doing what they did in the size they did it?

RE: 415 screen
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/26/2001 11:48:36 PM #
What is the point of making a small PDA if it has a bad screen?

RE: 415 screen
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 8:14:25 AM #
Exactly. I think most connected PDAs have reached the smallest they will, or should, get for now. The Handspring Treo will push things even smaller, but we'll have to wait and see about the screen on that one. In the meantime, I'd like to see Palm OS companies try to pack more function into packages comparable to what they've already got.

The T415 is essentially Sony wanting to prove it can get the title of "thinnest PDA" (by 4 100ths of an inch), and Sony "apologists" claiming that it's the greatest thing ever. Granted, the 610 & 760 are probably the best out there right now in terms of tech specs, but that doesn't mean the T415 is just as good. Does that mean anyone who buys it is an idiot? No. But in this climate of "My PDA can beat up your PDA," so prevalent here on PIC, that'll no doubt become an issue.

Buy it if you want, but don't try claiming that it wipes out the competition (especially all you pro-Sony crybabies).

Just MHO,

content owner of m505, despite its shortcomings

RE: 415 screen -- not in NYC
mikecane @ 11/27/2001 8:46:03 AM #
The T415 hasn't shown up in Manhattan yet. I hit five stores yesterday trying to see it.

If the T415 is that bad, then the above comments about the T600 never reaching the States might have some validity. Too bad.

RE: 415 screen
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 12:30:41 PM #
People trying to bash the T415 screen have a hidden agenda - to try to put down Sony. Don't trust the comments you read here - go see it for yourself and decide if you like it.

That advice should be used for *all* new PDAs.

RE: 415 screen
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 12:57:08 PM #
If I'm bashing Sony, it's deserved - I stated that I have a 320 and love it! I've contemplated upgrading to a 610. I've recommended the 320 to many people over all other PDA's. I also stated that the unit would be awesome if the screen was as pictured by Sony. Sony should, however, be reprimanded for clearly deceptive tatics in their web pages and on the box for showing a paper white background when the unit clearly does not have a screen that is brighter than the 320 (or most other PDA's). If the pics on the 320 box show the true color of the screen, one would assume that the 415 pics on the box (and Sony's web site) would also be somewhat representative of the product. This is not bashing... It is mis-representation of product.

RE: 415 screen
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 3:54:42 PM #
To the person who wrote:

"People trying to bash the T415 screen have a hidden agenda - to try to put down Sony. Don't trust the comments you read here - go see it for yourself and decide if you like it.

That advice should be used for *all* new PDAs."

I have no "hidden agenda." I truely hoped the T415 would be great but was extremely disappointed and returned the unit.

And I'm not putting down Sony... I got a 610 instead!

Japan: T400/600 latest review

mikecane @ 11/27/2001 9:01:15 AM #
Latest T400/600-related review from Japan:

RE: Japan: T400/600 latest review
mikecane @ 11/27/2001 9:05:17 AM #
RE: Japan: T400/600 latest review
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 10:57:13 AM #
Can anyone who reads Japanese please interpret these reviews for the rest of us?

RE: Japan: T400/600 latest review
mikecane @ 11/27/2001 11:46:44 AM #
Why don't you go to and click on Translate?

*VERY* good T415 comparison pix

mikecane @ 11/27/2001 9:08:39 AM #

-- these make me wonder about all of the negative comments above. These pictures are very impressive.

RE: *VERY* good T415 comparison pix
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 10:41:31 AM #
I've seen it in person, and it doesn't look as good as those pictures. Not sure why, but trust me, it doesn't.

RE: *VERY* good T415 comparison pix
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 10:58:46 AM #
Yes... If you angle it perfectly, you can see the screen. Try reading text though, and you'll see that it has to be in a bold font to read it in most lighting conditions. The 320 was perfectly readable right next to the 415 in my camparison. Believe me... I really wanted to justify keeping the 415, but the screen is the true interface to the user for extracting information and under most lighting conditions it would cause eyestrain, while the 320 does not.

RE: *VERY* good T415 comparison pix
mikecane @ 11/27/2001 11:45:39 AM #
This sounds like the most controversial screen since the m505! (The m505 is not a bad screen -- if you buy the right unit! Ha!) It hasn't hit NYC yet, alas... once again, I'm the last in the loop.

RE: *VERY* good T415 comparison pix
I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 12:15:58 PM #
Here is a quote from the Japanese review as translated through AltaVista: "Looking at the dot certainly, finely you can feel the height of detail, but because the liquid crystal of the appraisal machine the reaction is slow, also contrast is low, with use of long time the eye may become tired rather". Amen

Brighthand T415 Review

I.M. Anonymous @ 11/27/2001 3:51:01 PM #
It just confirms the complaints posted by myself and others.

Nice design.. lackluster execution.



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