Comments on: Sony Introduces Two Models with Keyboards, MP3 Players
Sony Japan has just introduced two new cutting-edge handhelds. The PEG-NR70 and PEG-NR70V both have built-in keyboards and 320 by 480 color screens. They also have built-in MP3 and ATRAC3 audio players. In addition, the PEG-NR70V has a built-in camera.
These have a clamshell design, with the keyboard on one side and the screen on the other. However, the screen can pivot around and then close again, this time with the screen facing out, allowing these to be used like a traditional handheld, with text entry done through a virtual Graffiti area.
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But I don't know German. Do anyone have idea on that
T625 Thin with color.
The same as US's T-series
I posted the incorrect comment saying that the new models from Sony were only supposed to be phones not Palms. I am glad I was wrong!!!
(Kinda like the Linux based Yopy…)
Now weez gonna have sum real fun!!!
Well, Handspring is on the way out and I think this put s a stake through Handera pretty much. Maybe Palm should start making PocketPC's..
record too.
This function is very important to some people.
If the news is not from this web site, I would
probably say this is fake. :-)
Unbelievable. Sony do a great job again.
These new Palms are no more organizers. They are a hybrid between a digital camera, a notebook and a Palm.
I would not like to carry one of these on my belt...
I would rather have a faster internet connection over my mobile phone than a larger screen and a camera !
Anything else?
I shouldn't think so.
I would not like to carry one of these on my belt..."
Why is it not an organizer, you can always buy the one with no camera, and yeah there are many ppl buying PDA, and not all of them are like you, some people like to pay a little bit more ($0 - $100) more for a device with more functions. e.g. have mp3 play back capability, with a built-in keyboard.
It's as good as an organizer as any palm PDA out there, if not better considering it has virtual grafitti. Anyways Sony always emphasis on multimedia so putting in a bigger screen with virtual grafitti , faster CPU , camera and mp3 player is just the natural way to go.
I'd love to carry one of these on my belt, why ?? because it's right about as big as the M525 and has more capability.
A mobile will get you the same speed a 56 K will provide. This is too slow for most needs.
2. I really see only a very small niche for these palms. There will be even more software problems than with the older Sony hirez screens.
3. I would buy one with an ARM processor and Palm OS 5, UMTS connection built-in.
As to the poster saying he wouldn't use it. That's fine. The product isn't for you. Just like a Lexus isn't for some while a Neon is. Personally I'd go with the Lexus, just like I am considering when (ever ) this one arrives in Europe. Of course by the time it gets here Arm based machines will b just around the corner... maybe its worth waiting after all?
There are basically 2 types of applications, those that takes advantage of the big softgrafitti screen, probably most of those are written and maintained by sony, so they should know how to clean up their own mess. And those that doesnt take advantage of the big screen, for those apps, the grafitti area will always be visible.
anyways it's not like this device will be running OS 5, so there should be no OS 5 migration compatibility problems too.
Reuters on New Sony PDA's and Bluetooth Memory Stick
All the bells and whistles just distract users from the overall purpose - to organize your life, not to waste more time!
Don't be an fool, remember that Palm makes the OS, if it weren't for Palm we would not have our Clies.
I love my Clie, and I love Palm. Do you?
BTW I've been a power user since the Palm 5000 first came out in late 1996. This is my 4th upgrade.
Anyone wanna buy a cheap Prism with all the doo-dads?
how about
virtual grafiti
imporved speaker for wav files
voice recorder
what is the japanese price tranfered 2 US dollars
RE: how about
RE: how about
Yen/US$ = 128.6
W/Camera - Y 59,800 = $ 465
W/o Camera - Y 49,800 = $ 387
This is Japan. Prices in the US (if they ever get there, or should I say WHEN) should be closer to 499 and 399.
RE: how about
RE: how about
RE: 320x480?
Nicer picture and more info here in Japanese!
Dragonball SuperVZi66MHzj
320~480dotsA65,536 Color
1 Megapixel Camera
PEGA-MSB1 Memory Stick Bluetooth
RE: 320x480?
HandEra's screen API was completely different, and separated the current resolution from the API functions, making it more elaborate but also more flexible.
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RE: 320x480?
RE: 320x480?
>HandEra's screen API was completely different, and separated the current resolution from the API functions, making it more elaborate but also more flexible."
I've done development with the sony hi-res API and its a snap. An app that i just did detects if its a Sony w/hi-res and then uses the hi-res functions - which are identical to the Palm API functions except the name of each function has a 'HR' prefixed to the function name - virtually a mirror of every Palm OS graphics function. Any x and y paremeters must of course change to reflect 320 x 320, but that is all - nothing new for Palm programmers to learn in order to implement. I dont see how you could beat this. You could come up with a more flexible open ended approach that deals with different resolutions (which i expect is what we'll see in PalmOS 5.0) but for now, the Sony approach has been elegant, easy, no compatibility problems.
RE: 320x480?
> compatibility problems.
As long as you only ever use it on a 320x320 display. I'd call that unelegant and ripe for future compatability problems.
RE: 320x480?
I guess it doesn't matter to you, all you care is Sony is using something not standard in Palm OS, so you could go on some online forum and post it for 100 times.
RE: 320x480?
Peace Out
RE: 320x480?
No I don't agree with you :P There is not other better ways to do this right now, sony wants higher res for photo and stuff like that, so they made a new API just for their high res, and so happen the function call of those high res is basically the same as the old Low res.
Low Res:
High Res:
How hard would it be for Sony to redirect their High Res Function calls back to low res function call when palm OS 5 comes out? very easy, they always take the same parameter of data.
RE: 320x480?
so basically, i'm looking at the shortcut buttons, the extra time display icon under the software-graffiti area, just like yer system tray, u see that?
but when yer using the on screen keyboad, that would "substitute" the graffiti area, but that's the jap version, dunno what would happen when they ship them to us...
RE: 320x480?
But the worst 'hack' of the OS comes from PalmSource itself: Palm OS 4.0. The 'money people' at Palm decided that, although $$ could be made by charging users of older machines for this upgrade, they knew that m5xx users wouldn't shell $40 just to fix bugs in the device they just bought. They also new that - with a price war going between them, Handspring and Sony - that profit margins were tight so they weren't about to make the upgrade free to m5xx users.
Their solution? Tell everybody that '4.1 is just for older devices - m5xx users dont need this cause its the same'. They blatantly mislead everybody in an attempt to save $$$ and the result is that users get screwed with software that craps out and developers get screwed with the blame and responsibility (and cost - it took me 2 wks to work around OS 4.0 bugs) of finding work-arounds.
Sony 'hacked' the OS??? Please!!!
PS - The above can be verified as fact by any member of Palms Dev program - there is a ROM file called 'paltform41_m505enUS.rom' (it may still be on their sit - im not sure)that confirms that they originally planned to release 4.1 for m505 users (this is the only Palm rom file i know of where this has happened), before the PalmSource management decided not to release this in order to save money. I love Palm OS and will continue to develop for it - but screw whatever idiot at PalmSource was responsible for this - YOU COST MY COMPANY $$$$$$!!!!!!
RE: 320x480?
> sony wants higher res for photo and stuff like that,
> so they made a new API just for their high res, and
> so happen the function call of those high res is
> basically the same as the old Low res.
There was no need to make a new API. You should look at how HandEra implemented this. They just use the standard Palm OS APIs for hi-res graphics. There is a resource you set to specify that the app can handle hi-res (otherwise it runs in the user specifed compatibility mode). Once that hi-res resource is set, you just use the standard Palm APIs to access the hi-res screen.
RE: 320x480?
I haven't looked at the handspring SDK. How does this work if you wish to uses both standard and hi-res at the same time?? With the Sony API, this is easy. And yes - somtimes you do wish to use both - keeping with standard for basic lines and interface element and only going to hi-res where the detail would be noticeable to Clie users.
RE: 320x480?
Um ...
On a brighter note, this is one stunning move for the Palm OS. Whilst the rest of this thread will turn into a 'who is best' Palm vs Sony argument (again), I hope as Palm OS fans we can step back and appreciate the innovation announced today - regardless of which brand device we own: this is a significant step forward for Palm OS' future. With devices like these, the Palm OS now has a model for every budget and every need (the argument that there are perhaps too many models which will saturate the market is another story altogether).
Well done Sony for the breath of fresh air! Well done Palm OS!
RE: Um ...
RE: Um ...
No need to fight whatever is the best, the best unit is the one that suits your needs the best. It's great to have more choice and as a Palm fan I can only praise Sony for this.
Marco Schouten.
RE: Um ...
New Sony is really a jewel (err... how to write? ;]P).
However it will take a lot of time to reach here (where "here" is <>japan).
Since I need a nice handheld now I'll buy a 515 that's almost half weight.
Yes, there's not comparison between these two, Palm one is lower; if I have to choose now, in a shop, I'd buy Sony but at the moment here in italy there's 515 (well, bad Sony strategy still didn't bring here any model!).
Good work to Sony, anyway... :]
RE: Um ...
altought my next purchase will be a Clie T615 (I don't need a keboard or 320x480 screen), I really praise Sony for their new models. This expands the Palm OS in to different markets.
Something I would like to clarify is that PalmSource mentioned they wanted the OS to run on different kinds of hardware. Whith models like these the Palm OS is expanding for differnt kinds of users, there are models for every need from simple organizers to multimedia devices.
With the Pocket PC there are just bulky and multimedia devices, with Palm OS you have a choice.
Also the figh between Sony fans and Palm fans should stop. There is no better models only models suited for different uses.
Arrrggghhhhh !
RE: Arrrggghhhhh !
RE: Arrrggghhhhh !
RE: Be prepared to Arrrggghhhhh ! again
RE: Arrrggghhhhh !
It is all too likely that the first few batches will have all kinds of disappointing glitches. Just sit back and wait a little while. "Be cool, dude. Be cool."
But then again, this sure looks sweet.
You have to understand that these new PDAS are for the JAPANESE market, becouse the turnover time over there for new releases is less than one year.
well it's not like palm's not doing the same anyways.
O well maybe both palm and sony are cooperating to brainwash everybody. I am so scared.
PalmOS5 this, PalmOS5 that...
Well of course going to PalmOS5 and StrongARM is going to make the platform smaller and the battery last longer?
Palm please brainwash me like sony did anytime you like.
Thanks for your info.
But I think I'll wait to see the real thing before saying ut'll fall apart. I think sony made some even more complicated gadgets than this before, so falling apart should not be an issue.
The camera is attached to the keyboard directly, so basically there are 2 parts
first part:
second part:
MS Slot
First part and second part are attached together with a hinge that flips for about 180 degrees.
I agree that is seems like an awful lot of moving parts that could break. Sony isn't know for their helpfulness when this sort of thing happens.
My Sony camcorder has an LCD screen with a hinge that folds out for viewing by the operator. The screen also swivels 180 degrees for viewing by those being recorded. Sony has sold an awful lot of camcorders and seems to have the hinge and swivel thing worked out.
I think it's important to keep perspective here. $385 is based on conversion from Yen. It is NOT the "US$ Price." Electronics are generally cheaper in Japan than they'll be in the US when introduced. Combine that with the price drop on the N760, and it looks like the NR70 should release in the US at about $450, with the NR70V at either $500 or $550. What's more, the m515 will likely drop in price to, say, $350. So there will likely be devices for EVERY taste at many price points. Variety is the benefit of capitalism.
But, naturally, some idiot sees the new Sony as an opportunity to slam Palm. Perhaps you should read the above thread that states that 1) these new models are VERY impressive, 2) they WON'T be the device for EVERYONE, and 3) the whole "Palm vs. Sony" controversy should end. Or perhaps you should read the article on Brighthand, which says essentially the SAME THING.
Like I say, let's keep some perspective here...
Exactly the same as the prototype shown in PalmSource
Pretty quick...
Ok, till now I was more than happy with my M505 and none of the Sony Clie models would do it for me, also due to the Memorystick question...but, I think it is about time to seriously re-think my 'strategy' now.
Luckily, I live in Asia and getting one should be no more than 2 weeks.... I might just go for it.
RE: Exactly the same as the prototype shown in PalmSource
RE: Exactly the same as the prototype shown in PalmSource
News Editor
RE: Exactly the same as the prototype shown in PalmSource
Sometimes, PR people are the last to find out about new release plans (I know, my ex-gf's did PR for Palm); because they're the first leak liability.
They may have lied to you to throw you off the scent. But my guess is they were just the messenger; they genuinely were ignorant of the real plan and carrying the company message passed on to them by management in Japan. This is specially likely because Japanese corporations sometimes treat their foreign subsidiaries like competition and the latter is kept in the dark till the last minute - when the master plan has been finalised at global HQ (I've dealt with Nintendo's European PR before and they generally do not have a clue about anything).
RE: Exactly the same as the prototype shown in PalmSource
RE: Exactly the same as the prototype shown in PalmSource
Masanobu Yoshida said the one he's holding is a nonfunctional prototype, does that mean he doesnt have one in his pocket that's totally functional ?? :P
RE: Exactly the same as the prototype shown in PalmSource
The funny part about this is the head of Sony's U.S. Clié PR team will almost certainly read this and probably give me a call about it.
News Editor
RE: Exactly the same as the prototype shown in PalmSource
RE: Exactly the same as the prototype shown in PalmSource
The DraagonBall Super VZ is running at 66 MHz
RE: Exactly the same as the prototype shown in PalmSource
we've been looking at prototypes of all kinds of products for years, and none of them would actually come out. but sony is making the impossible prototype to a possible real-one. that's good for us. and that's what we want (and sony knows that)
and of course, this is THEIR PRODUCT and this is THIER company, they have the right to keep away anything on commercial basis. if these things are leacked, do u think we'll be crazy about it rite now? i luv **reasonable** surprises, what about u?
Battery Life?
RE: Battery Life?
RE: Battery Life?
RE: Battery Life?
- Eugene
RE: Battery Life?
Soon to appear outside of Japan
RE: Soon to appear outside of Japan
NR70V Features
66 mHz Dragonball Super VZ
3.8 inch TFT screen
Back-lit colour liquid display
320x480 resolution
65,536 colours
Top flip with screen swivels/rotates
(ie. hides the keyboard, and allows complete soft graffiti usage)
Input Methods
Soft graffiti
Soft keyboard
Built-in keyboard
10MB (Flash)
Monoaural speaker
WAV and MIDI conversion and playback via speakers
Frequency characteristic: 20Hz - 20,000Hz
Record medium: Magic gate memory stick * memory stick
Recording type: ATRAC3 * MP3 system
Largest sound recording time *3: - ATRAC3 system approximately 120 minutes (bit rate 132kbps)
Approximately 160 minutes (bit rate 105kbps), approximately 240 minutes (bit rate 66kbps)
- MP3 system approximately 65 minutes (bit rate 256kbps), approximately 130 minutes (bit
Rate 128kbps), approximately 170 minutes (bit rate 96kbps)
Play MP3s and work in other Applications
Can turn off screen when playing MP3s
Image Capture
300 degree rotation C-MOS camera
10 ten thousand pixel
Photographing distance and size: 0.3m - XXINF /320×240, 160×120 and 88×88
Liquid crystal picture finder
JPEG capture
F2.8/ focal length f=2.47mm (35mm film conversion f= approximately 35mm )
Expansion slots
1 x Expansion slot
Compatible with Memory Stick, Memory Stick MG
Lithium ion polymer charge pond (built-in)
4 usual use approximately 10 days (at the time of music playback: Approximately 7 hours (at the time of display elimination))
72.3 (W) ×136.6 (H) ×16.7 (D) mm (at the time of close style)
Approximately 200g (the stylus included) weight
Misc. Features
Infrared red
Remote control LED
Wireless/Connectivity Options
Optional Bluetooth adaptor PCGA-BM1
On-board modem adapter BTA-NW1
Compact flash communication card with built-in battery PEGA-CF70
"enjoy Internet and the mail without using the coupling cable"
RE: NR70V Features
RE: NR70V Features
besides, there is no way they could put a backligh @ such thinness
RE: NR70V Features
If so, does any1 know what the weight is w/o the camera?
RE: NR70V Features
Definitely NOT too thick as has been mentioned around here already !
No Jog Dial?
RE: NR70V Features
Sony lists the same weight for both versions.
> No Jog Dial?
Both have a Jog Dial and a back button.
News Editor
RE: NR70V Features
The jogdial :)
Whilst I saw it in the pics, I didn't in the text I was looking up so I forgot to list it. Sorry!
Optional Bluetooth!?????????
Sony obviusly has missed something...
RE: NR70V Features
RE: NR70V Features
RE: NR70V Features
The NRV70V is for the Japanese market, so they usually have more flash mem for their characters (kanji), (I read somewhere that they include a dictionary).
RE: NR70V Features
The Japanese version N750C has 8MB flash while N760C only has 4MB.
thanks ed
here's the thread:
tons of pics!!!
may the holy palmostles be with you
my homepage:
my favorite site:
Memory Stick MUST fit all the way in
RE: Memory Stick MUST fit all the way in
News Editor
Memory Stick *DOES* fit all the way in
The Clie on the right is the one with the BlueTooth Stick installed. Nothing sticks out in the picture.
RE: Memory Stick MUST fit all the way in
Also the hinge never ever flips for more than 180 (maybe 160) degrees, that's why the screen can be rotated too.
RE: Memory Stick MUST fit all the way in
I'm sorry but no. Look at the writing on the upper left of the page. The one on the right has the PEGA-CF70 module attached to it. That's the CF adapter that is available only in Japan that is used to connect to Japan's wireless networks.
Before you go getting all excited, this module does not work with CF memory cards, just the wireless networking one, and Sony doesn't plan to release it outside of Japan anyway.
News Editor
RE: Memory Stick MUST fit all the way in
RE: Memory Stick MUST fit all the way in
It does look like there is enough room for the memory stick to insert into the keyboard flap.
RE: Memory Stick MUST fit all the way in
Obvious, no?
RE: Memory Stick MUST fit all the way in
Why did sony not put the whole bluetooth module in the slot, becasue Sony wants to let you see the MS module. if it's in the slot how do you know it's even there...
it would be really stupid for sony to not let MS to fit totally into the slot because that would easily break the MS.
RE: Memory Stick MUST fit all the way in
Sony confused me and I think I confused a lot of other people. Take some confusion and pass it along, that's my new motto.
News Editor
RE: Memory Stick MUST fit all the way in
Bluetooth MS DOES Stick Out - PROVE HERE!
Go to this URL... and look at the Bluetooth picture, see the little light on it that's lite up when it's inside the NR70??? it DOES Stick out!
For other NR70 pictures, (REAL LIFE PICTURES) not "model" pictures go here:
RE: Bluetooth MS DOES Stick Out - PROVE HERE!
If you look at that picture of the Bluetooth, you can see that the top part is a little bit thicker than the rest that goes inside the slot, so it's made like that... I guess just like the BlueTooth SD module for the m500/505/515/m1xx whatever, those stick out too.
RE: Bluetooth MS DOES Stick Out - PROVE HERE!
Damn pity the InfoStick doesn't fit entirely inside the device - but at least it's coming out now.
RE: Memory Stick MUST fit all the way in
And.. I just lost my password...
I don't want a keyboard....
RE: I don't want a keyboard....
RE: I don't want a keyboard....
1) Don't buy it, Pretend that you never saw this
2) buy it and break it in half so you won't see the keyboard
RE: I don't want a keyboard....
At 16.7 (D) mm the unit seems to be about as thick or thin (take your pick) as the M50x series with the standard leather cover.
Definitely NOT too thick unless you like to use your M50x without the cover...!
RE: I don't want a keyboard....
Faster CPU, MP3, soft graffiti, more Flash, recording etc.
Screen positioned too low when clamshell closed
Here's what I think the next version should be: same as this version, but no clamshell, no keyboard, same overall size, screen positioned toward the top of the device. That would leave space for a slightly larger battery (wouldn't it?).
RE: I don't want a keyboard....
Clie needs to appeal to first time users and this certainly has the "Wow factor" to do that.
I think (as an M505 owner) that this device is the one to woo people who would not have thought of buying a PDA. Kudos to Sony, I think this is great. Just wish Palm would produce a "wow-factor" device to compete......
palmist and visionary
RE: I don't want a keyboard....
RE: I don't want a keyboard....
RE: I don't want a keyboard....
RE: I don't want a keyboard....
RE: I don't want a keyboard....
RE: I don't want a keyboard....
RE: I don't want a keyboard....
This is the one
BTW, 7 ounces, it's a little bit havier thant N760C.... Anybody know is it metal casing like T-series or plastic like N/S-series?
RE: This is the one
RE: This is the one
Pricing in US dollars...
I just went to the sonystyle Japan store and noticed that the NR70 cost EXACTLY the same as the N760, e.g. 49 000. Taking that in consideration, one should expect the NR70 to cost about 499$ in the US.
RE: Pricing in US dollars...
Look at the weight
I like the basic form factor, no flip cover needed. But I think I'll wait until they come out with a lighter version using an ARM processor.
RE: Look at the weight
- NOT thin/Light
- NOT long battery life
I've never seen an ARM based thin form factor PDA yet, and none of those color PDA out there with ARM processors has "Long" Battery life.
A Newton using a 200MHz ARM CPU has a battery life of about 8-9 hours contious use. It doesnt have a color screen and 8-9 hours is counted with backlit off, so I'd expect a color screen PDA with ARM cpu will have a battery life of about 3 hours.
RE: Look at the weight
I would also agree that they're looking to grab more PPC market share with this device. Good to see the platform begin to branch out though. With OS5 around the corner, I think this is only the beginning.
RE: Look at the weight
> PDA out there with ARM processors has "Long" Battery life.
Just because there haven't been any doesn't mean there won't be any. The primary reason the developers of the Palm OS passed on ARM chips all those years ago was the performance-to-power ratio wasn't very good. But a lot of progress has been made over the years. The processors coming out now based on ARM's designs have a much better ratio. Intel's just announced ARM-based XScale processors use less than half the power of their current StrongARM SA-1110 one. They can do things like scale the performance as high or low as necessary in a single clock cycle. That's why Palm/PalmSource have decided that now is the time to move to the new processors. Using them before now would have been a mistake but they are finally ready to be the heart of handhelds that are both powerful and run for a long time without being weighed down with large batteries.
News Editor
RE: Look at the weight
The Zaurus is big (similar in size to these Sony's), and has a built-in keyboard that can be accessed by sliding down part of the front of the PDA, to reveal the keyboard hidden underneath. They had Hi-Res before Sony, and Hi-Res is an absolute no-questions asked must in the Japanese (and other Chinese font) markets. As a result of this, and other issues (such as the keyboard maybe) the Zaurus does some pretty kick ass sales in Japan as I understand it.
Sony has just upped the ante by taking the same functionalities of the Zaurus and moving them to the next step. I do hope that these will be marketed outside of Japan at some point soon, even though the Zauruses never were.....
RE: Look at the weight
RE: Look at the weight
I just want a Palm OS based, high-res, color, on-board (and high-speed) wireless device, that's still fits in my pocket (though I'm willing to wait until battery power justifies it). Basically a high-res, 3G i705.
RE: Look at the weight
RE: Look at the weight
The traditional line of Zaurus is a bit bigger, more like a tablet device (nearly as big as newton MP 2100)
The Zaurus you see running linux is a newer Zaurus, I am not sure if they have dropped the old OS for linux or they are going to keep going with both but the Zaurus you guys see on the market now (kinda) is the same as the Zaurus Linux version they sell in Japan. Of course with all the japanese words translates back to english.
RE: Look at the weight
Zaurus is expected to release MI-E25DC with built-in camera. Built-in camera is very popular in Japan started with J-Phone's 'shameiru' - email attached with picture taken with the built-in camera in cell phone.
For those who worry that there are too many moving parts, worry not, the clamshell phones are very popular here and the quality is very good. Almost all the new feature-packed cell phones are foldable/clamsheel type. The Japanese manufacturers are very good with it. Most of us have clamshell cell phones and I have not heard anyone complains (including myself - used it for more than 1.5 years). For example ALL the FOMA (3G) phones are clamshell type.
- Eugene
RE: Look at the weight
These new models have nothing to do with competition with other Palm OS devices. The only thing Sony cares about ultimately is the Japanese market (same philosophy as its audio, laptop, video, hi-fi, game console etc. divisions). And in Japan, there is only one PDA to beat: the Zaurus.
The NR series is a direct shot at the big Z in Japan, not the big P in the USA. Of course, a side-effect of this is that we (elsewhere in the world) get to benefit from Sony's commitment to innovating over its home competition.
Here's some pics of the Zaurus models:
Spot the similarities between the NR and the Zaurus?
RE: Look at the weight
>- NOT thin/Light
>- NOT long battery life
The Motorola ARM-based Dragonball is the same physical size at the VZ. I think many of the TI ARM-based chips are even lower power. Almost all of the ARM chips have a much higher MIPS/milliWatt rating, so at the same performance level, they will consume less power. The Newton was a battery hog because they needed to run the CPU full tilt even to do hw recognition badly. OTOH, most Palm apps leave the CPU idling. A higher MIPS CPU can spend even more time idling. Most of the battery power will then be consumed by the backlight... just like now.
RE: Look at the weight
RE: Look at the weight
What about gaming?
me like it would be kinda awkward to play any button based games on it unless it's resting on a table.
If you grab onto the bottom half of the unit with both hands to push the buttons,
it seems like the screen would be subject to movement...
i.e. flipping down or away or left/right while you're playing a frantic game of Tetris.
RE: What about gaming?
If you are that concern about "gaming" then buy a freaking game-boy. Leave the grown-up toys to the grown-up.
RE: What about gaming?
RE: What about gaming?
flip correction!! just open the screen flap till there's enough space for you to turn/twist the screen horizontally 180 degrees and then re-close the unit in the same position, but with the screen facing to the outside!
There's no way the two pieces could fit together if you open it like they are saying, all the way to the back...look at the side picture...look at the shape of the hinge!!! The flaps would'nt match because of the hinge design!
RE: flip correction!!
looking at the side picture, it's impossible to flip the screen all the way back!! ... and looking at it more closely, you flip the screen open like a cell phone, then you swivel (spin/turn) the screen 180 degrees and then you close the flip.....
RE: flip correction!!
RE: flip correction!!
I dont know about you guys, but everything sony has made in the past till now that has had a hinge somewhere, has allways ended up getting screwed up!!
..."screwed up"....get it??? HAA!
RE: flip correction!!
ok .. but what's the "everything" that sony released with hinge got screwed up ??
All their laptop got hinge did those got screwed up ?
They got phones with hinge did those got screwed up ?
Well they even got TV with hing did those got screwed up too ?
RE: flip correction!!
RE: flip correction!!
I'm not arguing with anyone, I was just repeating what you said because I was about to say the same thing when someone already posted it.
It IS Virtual Graffiti, look at this picture.
Look at the pictures on these two urls, it shows the NR70 showing a 320x480 picture on the screen.
RE: It IS Virtual Graffiti, look at this picture.
RE: It IS Virtual Graffiti, look at this picture.
RE: It IS Virtual Graffiti, look at this picture.
isn't sony sly?
now palm released two new palm models, and AGAIN sony attacks palm by releasing 2 new high tech models of their own. Isn't sony sly or what?
i don't blame sony nor palm, but palm, please catch up!!!! Sony is burning you!
RE: isn't sony sly?
5 to 1 at least. Big whoop.
BTW I own the 710.
But its all Palm OS so who cares.
The Future is Here
Using Sony's Giga Pocket Recorder software that is on their high end desktops you are able to record TV and play it back on the new model. On the website it lists gMovie 1.4. It says using a 128 MB memory stick you can playback up to 160 minutes. Before the flame wars start about who would want to watch a movie on a handheld at least admit that the ability to do so alone is amazing. I have no idea what kind of quality it will be but it clearly states up to 160 minutes with sound. All of that crammed into 128 MB is simply amazing to me.
RE: The Future is Here
RE: The Future is Here
RE: The Future is Here
You are mistaken about that, this has been available for sometime. I have a Sony Desktop that has this feature.
RE: The Future is Here
Cool Effect!
Holding it with the keyboard on the bottom, the (virtual) graffiti area is at the part of the screen with the square corners.
Then, when you swivel it around, and fold the screen down so the keyboard is covered, the graffiti area is now at the part of the screen with the rounded corners.
I'm swiveling the screen back and forth to see how fast the screen can flip over... it's quite fast!
RE: Cool Effect!
Sony Humiliates Palm
RE: Sony Humiliates Palm
RE: Sony Humiliates Palm
As you said, I guess people in Japan and most people in Asia are ubergeeks then. And you must be one of those very intelligent Enron executives.
Well it has to happen
Sony news - well what can I say.
If I were in the USA then no doubt in my mind that a class action against Palm is on the basis that the 515 only fixes what the 505 should have been with the screen. Any picture of adverts from the 505 era will show this.
Result would probably be a bad situation for Palm financially with Sony picking up the pieces and doing the job properly.
Mr Gates of course will love all this.
Is that a price drop?
Seems to be around US$315 now
RE: Is that a price drop?
A new record
RE: A new record
You're not alone on this planet.
We're a bit earlier over here in Europe.
Dunno about the record, though.
RE: A new record
RE: A new record
When are you going to realize that it is only natural for people to reference their own time zone?
Wireless next, PLEASE
I was going to knock Palm but I think Sony already did. You can't really expect Palm to keep up with Sony. I bet the PDA's that Sony makes are built in their engineer's spare time ;-)
RE: Wireless next, PLEASE
The next model
RE: The next model
RE: new stuff?
Can anyone spell power drain?
I am also drooling, but according to Sony it's a 5 hour battery life.
What next?
Wireless and 2 hour of battery?
Just to point out
It also has the speaker from the T series
RE: Just to point out
Nah shall wait for the XScale processors which should be here in a couple of months.. so for x-mas... who knows!
A new device category is born
Sony has been doing market research and discovered a new sweet spot in digital convergence - not around the cellphone, but around entertainment while you are away from your "home" entertainment center (PC/Stereo/TV).
Digital camera (of sorts), PDA (Palm O/S), MP3 player and access to low-bandwidth comms (Bluetooth). Why? People already have their cellphones and their cellphone accounts - it is hard to change those every three months so they don't mess with that. So what else to do on that long subway ride to/from work? Music, Videos, short emails to other people in the flow of their day and organizing one's life. Very Japanese.
The American market is quite different - people usually have one hand on the wheel of the car during this commute - so the convergence will be different because the customer's need is different.
Still though - slightly bigger than the smallest PDA, slightly smaller than the sub-notebook class machines. An interesting category. Kudos to Sony for discovering it. Let's see what the American comapnies can come up with...
Almost there
Sony Ericsson R800 is that!
It looks like they are going two diffrent ways, these will never really be phones, just multimedia PDAS, I guess they wouldn't want to go the same way as Handspring is going with making PDA/Phones as they are already making phone/PDAs..
RE: Almost there
No more cables and your phone doesn't even have to be close by.
One thing a computer can do that most humans can't is be sealed up in a cardboard box and sit in a warehouse.
RE: Almost there
Think you guys miss this one regarding POWER
PEGA-BC10: read: Battery Adaptor, using AA batteries (no mention how many batteries can be inserted tho)
well, maybe that's the answer...
Sony is also releasing a Pocket PC!!!! (VAIO U Series)
Sony is NOT releasing a Pocket PC!!!!
Sony also offered a sneak preview into a new line of "U'' series VAIO computer models that are set to rival handheld computers in terms of size.
They will run Microsoft Corp's Windows operating system and are small enough to fit into a large pocket, with thumb controls so they can be operated while being held.
RE: Sony is also releasing a Pocket PC!!!! (VAIO U Series)
Maybe we should just wait and see
RE: Sony is also releasing a Pocket PC!!!! (VAIO U Series)
Its 9900% WINDOWS XP home version.
The name of the model alone is VAIO that is their designation for their desktop and notebook line.
That coupled with their complaints recently about Microsofts licensing practices, and their schedule to appear in the anti trust trial, they sure dont want to add a new Micro$oft OS into their line.
Dream on.
RE: Sony is also releasing a Pocket PC!!!! (VAIO U Series)
RE: Sony is also releasing a Pocket PC!!!! (VAIO U Series)
A nearly identical PalmOS 5/ARM version???
"Life is what you experience between racing games"
RE: pic
What about cases???
However, I realized after looking at this handheld... how the hell do you make a carrying case for this?!?!? The handheld doesn't appear any more ruggedized than previous models and I wouldn't even think of wandering around with my Clie' all naked and such ;-)
I guess carrying case manufacturers will have to be as inventive as SONY in figuring out a way to protect these things!!!
RE: What about cases???
That's what I'll do. Anyways it already got a bulit in cover/keyboard, so protecting the screen should not be an issue.
Possible Case suggestion
RE: What about cases???
I didn't realized this until I dropped my N760C by accident to the floor last week. Of course, I have a case.. ^_^
And I think it saves me more than $200 in repairing any possible damage if my Clie was not inside the case.
I believe you'll like to give some protection to this MSRP $499 device. (the price when it comes to USA)
This is nice, But NOT a palm killer
These new units look very nice, offer a multitude of features and options and power and so on. BUT, if my memory serves me correctly, a palm pilot was made to organize your life. To keep addresses, phone#, appointments, etc all in a nice fitting package that's long on battery life and easy on your pocket.
It's clear that these new clies are aimed at the japanese market and at pocket PC's. AT 7oz it's just too heavy compared to most palms, even sony's own T615. Also the battery life sounds terrible.
It's good to see a palm OS company going after PPC sales directly and I'm glad to see that we still have LIGHT and SIMPLE palm products around (m515).
It seems we always want MORE of everything and that's what PPC's offer and that's what these new Sonys offer, But I'm still a big fan of lightweight, rugged products that can go for extended periods on a single battery charge. Palm should NOT abandon products like the M515 or the M130 but THEY SHOULD come out with something that competes with PPC on a multimedia level.
RE: This is nice, But NOT a palm killer
I'm not trying to create a flame war, but when the first PCs came out, they were made mostly for word processing, simple games and spreadsheet applications. As technology improved, the PC industry burgeoned and we now have a multitude of PCs that are designed for various applications such as graphic design and gaming. Sure the first Palm devices started off as a simple organizer, but as technology evolves, so too much the features.
When PCs first entered the market, only geeks like us saw the immediate applications. It took a long time before average households began to buy them. Sure the internet was a major factor in the increased sales, but the point is, the new features and functionality are what draw in the average user.
RE: This is nice, But NOT a palm killer
Iron Palm
The way things are going, if you want just a simple organizer, most handphones nowadays have that built-in. If you are going to carry a PDA, you will want more features and this is where Sony is positioning its Clie range. Unfortunately, Palm still thinks otherwise and coming out with overpriced "simple organizers" that trails behind Sony's innovation.
Heck, even Handspring got that! It seems most licensees of Palm are doing better with their hardware than the licensor. A case of how sad Palm has become. The last great hardware they did IMHO was the Palm V. That got the PDA market rolling but since then, nada.
RE: Face-Off
RE: Face-Off
i705 - sorry, no use anywhere except North America
RE: Face-Off
i705 has a limited market reach. It may be the best looking Palm but it sure isn't innovative.
Other than that, Palm has released one dud after another. Either the screen sucks or the USB fries. Worst still, if I were Palm's customer 10 months ago and bought the m505 when they should have released it as the m515 is today.
Palm's MOST innovative thing was to ask Claudia Schiffer to model their product and color it "Patriotic Red/Blue" when a nation was mourning. Yeah, they are VERY innovative!
Screen Rez and Back Light?
RE: Screen Rez and Back Light?
RE: Screen Rez and Back Light?
Posted by: I.M. Anonymous @ 3/11/2002 1:17:49 AM
RE: NR70V Features
Posted by: I.M. Anonymous @ 3/11/2002 1:33:32 AM
The T615C is backlit too. It uses a transflective screen, which is visible indoors and out. I assume the NR70(V) would be the same.
RE: NR70V Features
Posted by: I.M. Anonymous @ 3/11/2002 1:34:17 AM
No, it's the same screen on the T series
besides, there is no way they could put a backligh @ such thinness
How can anyone find out for sure? My HS Prism is useless outdoors. Visible outside would be a must otherwise, no dice!
Dual Memory Stick or Ir Port?
Is that it in front of the bluetooth or is that another memory stick slot?
RE: Dual Memory Stick or Ir Port?
Cool... whats next?
Up next... How about a Palm OS desktop computer!
REduces my Palm Vx to the status of my Atari 800
Wait for the ARM / OS5 version, don't waist your money now
The thing is that these are going to be completely out of date in 5 months when OS 5 ships. The enhanced screen resolution and the hi def screen are non-standard and few 3rd party programs will run on them or make use of them. The standard will be what is shipped with OS 5.
It will be much smarter to wait for the ARM version of these, then the OS will be upgradable for years, and you will have a shot of getting 3rd party programs that make use of the screen.
RE: Wait for the ARM / OS5 version, don't waist your money now
I don't think palm should or could make anything similiar, as many people always say this kind of device is only for geeks specially geeks in asia :P so if palm follows sony's way, they'll both battle for the same crowd of Geeks. and left the normal consumers market to the PPCs.
In order for palm to save guard the normal non geek consumer market they need to keep making 160X160 res PDA with basic PIM functionality, that's what normal consumers want....
RE: Wait for the ARM / OS5 version, don't waist your money now
Where Have you been for the past 2 years?!?!? Who do you think will use PDAs? college students, high school students(maybe),and people who just started to work. Do you think they/we will buy 160x160 piece of crap?!?! NO WAY!
I am in post grad right now. 80% of students who have a PDA owns a Sony and 10% owns a Palm and 10% owns a Ipaq.
RE: Wait for the ARM / OS5 version, don't waist your money now
LoL .. Sorry I just joking.
Actually I was trying to justify why people should buy M515 over T615. Turns out after typing it, it sounds more like a joke.
You could be waiting for ever
By the way Ed, have we broken your post record yet??
RE: Wait for the ARM / OS5 version, don't waist your money now
Hmmm.. a palm phone without voice
Piloting Palm By Sony
It is not intended to replace the Sony T-series or m-Series from Palm. Sony has broadened their range of products. Going high-end, their average retail per unit (ARPU) will also increase whereas Palm, by introducing the m130 will see their ARPU decrease - unless they sell a gazillion of them it is not good news for Palm now. Of course, lower ARPU may mean good news to us consumers.
More importantly, it took Sony to push the benchmark and created the categories that Palm as the original licensor should be the doing.
Which comes to an interesting observation. The rate that Sony CAN afford to innovate and the speed. How come Palm with its m515 announced just a few weeks back did not use the 66mhz SuperVZ chip for it?
There's a book out about Palm titled "Piloting Palm" and it is very telling why Palm is what it is today. The fanciest thing they could do was color their Palms. The i705? The jury is still out. Without Sony, the PalmOS would be stuck at the Palm V era.
RE: Piloting Palm By Sony
Palm WILL survive without Sony. They appeal to two different users. Palm to professionals, Sony to techgeeks.
Note, if you ask ANY of my friends, I'd kill for a Clié, I'm just stating that Palm isn't going to die anytime soon.
RE: Piloting Palm By Sony
First no one is saying palm will not survive without Sony. Did you notice that Sony has been selling PDA for nearly 2 years and palm has been selling PDA for like more than 7 years? Sony entered a market with a clear market dominant leader, If you get on the street and ask ppl do they know sony is selling Palm PDA, many of them probably will tell you NO. The any Palm model outselling Sony's any model argument is not making any sense. It's basically saying the population of roaches is much higher than human so they must be better than human. For christ sake roaches has been walking the surface of earth for how many times longer than human being ??
"Palm WILL survive without Sony. They appeal to two different users. Palm to professionals, Sony to techgeeks."
I don't know about you, but I think people in Asia bought alot of N-series with mp3 player, and I am pretty sure the NR-series will be a big success there too, are they all techgeeks ? Hell no they just want to get things done like everybody. The things is they can get more things done with Sony's model, and get a better price/function ratio. If you are techgeek you should be buying the iPaq and flash the ROM and put a linux on it, now that's what I called a techgeek.
RE: Piloting Palm By Sony
Palm's market share have declined - even within the PalmOS market losing to people like Sony and Handpsring.
"The Vx slim-form factor is STILL the business leader."
Vx was the main inventory glut and one of many reasons that shaved Palm's sterling IPO performance to what it is today. Palm wrote-off 100's of millions of moolah.
"Palm to professionals, Sony to techgeeks"
I would like to see some statistics on this or are you just shooting your mouth off?
"Clié is far too excessive for a man just using WordSmith and AvantGo"
There's the Clie S360 - with 16MB RAM! Palm? m125 8MB for same amount of money. Rechargeable battery in Sony vs AAA in Palm. If you are one of the "professionals" obviously you would have done your math and realized that WordSmith and AvantGo eat mucho mucho RAM. Maybe you need a techgeek to give you advice after all so don't go slagging cos you sure ain't no smartypants.
RE: Piloting Palm By Sony
One slot for sure?
RE: New Sony CLIE OS ???
Pls reference to URL
I told myself I wasn't buying a new Palm device until they got rid of that stupid Graffiti area. I believe Sony has finally made a 16bit FULL screen! YEA!
IPAQ does a Clie, lol!
So cool!
i love my t415 for the size...
palm IS NOT keeping up!
RE: size?
RE: size?
Hurray for clamshell!!!!
I could live without the built in MP3. My dream PDA would be this gizmo's shape and screen (and IR!!) with the TREO's wireless and no MP3. Maybe it's in the pipe?
It's very very awesome!
It's very very cute!!!
Why are the preloaded images so nice and my images s_ _ _?
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