Comments on: Review: A First Look at the Treo 90
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RE: Universal Connecter?
i have had my Treo 90 for over two weeks now (makes me wonder i never did a review) :P overall its not a bad little device - but, if you want it for gaming, you'll definately want to consider SONY. the treo 90 is very small, feels nice in the hand, but the screen isn't the best :(
// az
RE: Universal Connecter?
One of the major advantages Palm has over its competitors is the much larger number of peripherals available for its handhelds. If it allowed Handspring to use the UC, that advantage would be removed.
I believe that a single connection port would be a tremendous benefit for the entire Palm platform. Trouble is, I don't think PalmSource can enforce any hardware requirements. If it made up a new one, there would be no way to get the licensees to use it and they are unlikely to make the switch voluntarily. While I believe there would be long term advantages for all of them to use the same connector, in the short term it would hurt all of them, especially Palm. So this is unlikely to happen.
News Editor
RE: Universal Connecter?
FWIW, while I think the idea of the Universal Connector is great, I don't like the design they used. With most devices, you can lift it off the cradle one-handed. Here, you need to use both hands or you lift the cradle along with the handheld.
Hotsync Cable / Charger ?
The Treo 180's charger plugs into the hotsync cable allowing simultaneous charging and hotsync. Did they do this differently on the '90?
RE: Hotsync Cable / Charger ?
News Editor
I don't get it
RE: I don't get it
I get the impression that Handspring would prefer you to get a Treo smartphone if you want to have wireless access.
News Editor
RE: I don't get it
The Treo 270 is attractive to me because of the combo nature, but not being able to expand it with extra memory or SD cards is a big factor.
I'm beginning to think the most attractive possibility would be an m515 (or its Palm OS 5 successor), a bluetooth card and a bluetooth phone.
RE: I don't get it
Bluetooth SD = $210
Treo 90 + BlueTooth SD = $510
I don't see the reason why you want to buy a BlueTooth SD with the Treo 90. It's better off buying a smartphone, or if you're rich enough, you wouldn't go for this mid-range product either.
RE: I don't get it
Sure the new unit doesn't allow the use of the Bluetooth card, but many of us use a simple Voice Stream IR enabled phone (almost free with service sign up), their voice and internet accounts are now in the $34 a month range, and your choice of 'affordable' Palm/Handspring/Sony devices gets you way way under that 500+ range listed above.
RE: I don't get it
RE: I don't get it
Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
Ed, you need to spend some time reading the forums on your own website:
RE: Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
News Editor
RE: Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
4.096 means 12 bit display
256 means 8 bit
16 gray 4 bit
I think you're wrong, m130 is 16 bit display as well
RE: Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
-Reza "Shaytun" Farhoodi
Off-Topic Forum Moderator
Sony Clie T615C
L.A. Lakers Watch
Final 6/12-L.A. Lakers 113, New Jersey 107
L.A. wins Finals 4-0.
Congratulations to the L.A. Lakers and their Threepeat!!!!
RE: Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
Well, assuming you are open to the possibility that it's true, please tell me what is the proof you need to be convinced?
RE: Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
RE: Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
160 x 160 = 25600
So 25000 is the number of pixels on the screen, that means the PDA can not display more than 25k colors.
RE: Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
All of this is mostly irrelivant due to the horribly limited resolution, but you get point.
RE: Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
RE: Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
RE: Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
Also, JPEG format is a compressed format, so it losts a lot color of color even if the original image was a 16-bit image.
RE: Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
i have an m515 and an m130. the m130 in the same exact conditions, shows some colors with dithering, whereas in the m515 they are solid.
this explains it better. ALL of my photos have dithering on the m130. if the m515 is 16-bit, WHY does the m130 dither the same photo being 16-bit too?
i'm not an m130-basher, i indeed like it very much. however, it didn't suit palm to do such a cheap marketing trick. why don't they advertise it as 16-bit, but (capable of up to 65000) when the m515 is explained as (65536 colors) ?
RE: Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
-You can run a 16bit app on both, and the colors come out different than on a Sony NR70 or a Palm m515. Check out close gradients in particular.
-Both screens are 160x160, transflective, STN, color. Does anyone really think Handspring would pick a different/inferior component, being that the requirements (m130/treo90, cost vs. functionality) are so similar?
In my mind, it doesn't really matter, besides the fact that I believe Handspring wins bonus points for up-front honesty (if it ends up being proven the m130 is in the same boat.)
With a solid pre-processing app, you can make a very decent looking 12 bit color photo. Many apparent dithering issues go away if you use something more advanced than the little desktop apps that tend to come with Palm picture viewers...
RE: Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
Am I right in saying both devices run 16bit Applications? If the displays are only 12bit then that must be sorted by the LCD controller, choosing the closest 12bit colour to the 16bit source.
Edward Green
RE: Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
I'd also agree with your conclusion...
RE: Palm m130 is NOT 16-bit
i use pixview to convert my palmpix photos to photosuite format. but i'm very willing to know the desktop apps which will help me produce decent looking photos.
Screen Quality
RE: Screen Quality
RE: Screen Quality
p.s. The T615C at $300 is a good deal but you need to hurry because it is about to be discontinued. This hasn't officially been announced yet but the writing is on the wall. According to rumor, its replacement, a U.S. version of the T650C, will be announced later this month. It will sell for at least $400.
News Editor
RE: Screen Quality
RE: Screen Quality
RE: Screen Quality
My first impression when I looked at my Treo 90 was that it was "muddy". But I've decided now that I actually like it a lot. And the size... it's so much fun to hold. It's significantly brighter than an m505. And honestly I think the reds are much stronger than on a T615. I've never seen an m130 in person so can't compare to that.
One thing that disappoints me is that the backlight is uneven. At least on my unit, there is a bright white spot in the upper-right-hand corner, and the bottom-right side is dimmer than the rest of the screen.
I also noticed that the R-G-B triplets are oriented differently (top-to-bottom instead of left-to-right). I'm sure that will irritate the software developers who are trying to do sub-pixel-rendering.
RE: Screen Quality
>regret it.
Just got mine. Best $275 I've spent in a long time. I'm kinda glad I held out for another color pda to drop below $300 (that's my pda-buying sweet spot). I'm sure the M130 is good but I had pretty good luck with my Clie S320 so I stuck with Sony.
RE: Screen Quality
Anyone looked at a doc on the Treo in Wordsmith with font highres turned on? Does it look ok? Any better than on a palm iiic?
RE: Screen Quality
RE: Screen Quality
RE: Screen Quality
Exact screen dimensions?
I love my m130, but I'm not terribly excited about Grafitti input nor the size (very comfortable to hold, but not for putting in shirt pocket, unlike the Treo 90 apparently is). If the screen's even a bit larger, that might be enough to make me switch! =)
RE: Screen Quality
This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
And the price won't stay at $299 for long, so you can pretty much guarantee this thing is going to clean up for its targeted market.
Until someone else releases something comparable at the right price point, nothing will touch the loads of quantities this thing will sell. It will beat out (but not wipe out) the m130 within 2 months. Count on it. Better screen, better form factor, better looks, says Joe Six Pack.
It's a bit of an exagerration to say that the screen is "almost totally unuseable" outdoors. It requires a bit of adjusting/focusing to appreciate color on the m505 as well. I wish people would get over it.
I can read plain text on a IIIc or m130 just as well outdoors as I can on an m505. Playing Vegas Slots while at the beach isn't what ANY of these units was intended to do.
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
PROS - The resolution is all its been cracked up to be and more. It is really sharp and easy to read - especially after downloading the freeware program to "fix" the default thin font. Although I had hardly ever used my IIIC outside, it is nice to know that I can if I want to. The size is fantastic. After my IIIC it feels as light as a feather and fits into my shirt pocket with plenty of room to spare (even with the leather cover). The JOG dial is great. I don't ever want to be without one again.
CONS - Despite the great resolution, the screen brightness is nowhere near as good as the IIIC (which I frequently used as a flashlight in the middle of the night to find my eyeglasses). Although it displays a lot more colors than the IIIC, they are really washed out in comparison. Still, pretty good though. Photographs are really sharp. Battery life - to be honest it just sucks. I recharged it late last night and it is already down to 49%. It may be because I have been playing with it a lot, but I am obviously going to have to charge it up a lot more often than I did the IIIC.
Overall - I think it will serve my needs just right as an interim model - better than the other choices in this price range. I'm not going to get caught up in the SONY vs Palm debate. I will buy whatever tool meets my needs, and right now the 615c appears to be just right for me. I miss my dear 'ol IIIC but life goes on....
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
your ignorance stupifies me.
palmpix, keyboards, wi-fi, tdk blue_m, palm modem, gps- just to name a few.
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
the first post reads like:
the treo 90 will be a success over the m130 because the users won't know the difference between 12- and 16-bit; also while the treo has no accessories, the universal connector doesn't have any too, so there isn't any comparison.
yeah. it depends on the perspective, but keeping in mind handspring never had or will have the universal connector, my perspective seems to be right.
it is hilarious to hear somebody talking about handspring's universal connector :)
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers EXCEPT
Yesterday I was on the train coming home using the Treo 90, got to my stop, and quickly put the stylus in its slot and the unit in my pocket. Somewhere in-between the stylus fell out in the train and I lost it. I tried to go to Staples (where I purchased the unit) to buy a replacement stylus and its not in stock. Tried CompUSA- ditto. Now I can't afford to run around looking for a stylus and even if I got a new stylus, I'd still have the same problem of it not staying in the slot. What to do? Any solutions? Please post!
Otherwise, the Treo 90 is, without a doubt, the BEST PDA, hands down, no questions asked...
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
RE: This will Sell well for new PDA buyers esp.
>> No one else can claim that.
ROTFL! This is the most RIDICULOUS thing I've ever heard in my life. Visors used to be expandable. Treos- they are not.
The only damn peripheal (if you call this a peripheal) you can buy for treo 90 is a --$50 cable--.
The unfortunate reality :))
What about peripherals?
No system is an island. Are we going to yet again wait for the aftermarket to take 1-2 years to ramp-up, and then have Handspring yank the rug out from under everybody by changing the format?
RE: What about peripherals?
To me, its a non-issue. The only peripherals I ever get are keyboards and this has one already. YMMV.
RE: What about peripherals?
RE: What about peripherals?
RE: What about peripherals?
They did what to the screen?
Oh For Crying Out Loud!
Sony first did that with their first clies now handspring is doing it. jeez.
RE: They did what to the screen?
RE: They did what to the screen?
Huh? What did you mean? Can you be more specific?
RE: They did what to the screen?
RE: They did what to the screen?
Please take a tape recorder when you ask your lawyer about this. I'd love to hear him laugh. ;)
RE: They did what to the screen?
RE: They did what to the screen?
On-screen grafitti
RE: On-screen grafitti
Answers from Handspring
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 11:42 AM
Subject: Pre-sales or sales Case# 3117683
> Dear Mike Barney,
> Thank you for contacting Handspring.
> The cable connector on the Treo communicator or organizer range differs from
> the Visor handheld connector. You cannot use travel HotSync cables intended
> for Visor handhelds with your Treo or vice versa.
> At this time, we do not know of a full size keyboard for the Treo. If this
> product is developed, it will be sold and supported by a third party
> company.
> We do not know of any Treo to cell phone cables being developed. The Treo
> modem was designed to make connections with your handheld Palm OS only. You
> cannot use the Treo modem capability to provide dial-up capability for your
> desktop computer or laptop.
> We do not know what the cradle/cable connector for future products will be.
> We appreciate your comment regarding the compatibility of accessories
> between Handspring product. Please check back to see if we have implemented
> a solution to this issue. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have
> caused.
> If you need further assistance please call Customer Care at
> Regards,
> Kristi
> Handspring Email Response
> ==============================================
> On the Treo Line. Are you using the same cradle connection (port) as your
> past models?
> Is there a 3rd party full size keyboard available? Is there a 3rd party
> Treo to cell phone cable available? ( I know the 180 is a cell phone, I want
> also to connect my laptop to the net on the road.) Can I use the IR port to
> connect my laptop to the NET? Will you be changing your cradle connection
> (port) is the future?
> I have stop considering your products because of the lack of consideration
> towards the customer who purchases $500 worth of add-ons to your products
> and the add-ons become worthless with the newest Handspring device? Will
> you be addressing this issue in the future?
> Look forward to hearing from you.
> Mike
RE: Answers from Handspring
Get ahold of yourself. It's not like this issue comes up with each and every electronics device known to man.....
If it makes you feel any better, I've spent thousands on computer specific ISA, PCI, and VESA components to just put them in the museum when I upgraded computers. I've probably spent hundreds easily on handheld specific cradles, cables, etc that went out the door once a new model came along.
Bottom line, if you force vendors to stick to the exact interface ad-infinitum, the technology within the devices does not improve.
RE: Answers from Handspring
Also, several types of cables for the Treo line can be found at
RE: Answers from Handspring
Handspring has a winner!
RE: Handspring has a winner!
RE: Handspring has a winner!
It was definitely worth the purchase price, and I'll probably not use anything else unless they can best this program.
RE: PiDirect II is crap
Stay away far far far away
Great PDA, (except the stylus)
RE: Great PDA, (except the stylus)
Yesterday I was on the train coming home using the Treo 90, got to my stop, and quickly put the stylus in its slot and the unit in my pocket. Somewhere in-between the stylus fell out in the train and I lost it. I tried to go to Staples (where I purchased the unit) to buy a replacement stylus and its not in stock. Tried CompUSA- ditto. Now I can't afford to run around looking for a stylus and even if I got a new stylus, I'd still have the same problem of it not staying in the slot. What to do? Any solutions? Please post!
Otherwise, the Treo 90 is, without a doubt, the BEST PDA, hands down, no questions asked...
RE: Great PDA, (except the stylus)
It looks like they have them in stock. They come in 3-packs which is probably a good thing!
RE: Great PDA, (except the stylus)
Peace Out
At least it's the flip cover...
RE: Great PDA, (except the stylus)
Once again, Handspring messed up
Are the people at Handspring just floundering to bring out *something*?
Treo 90 vs m130, m515 and Clie T615
I definitely want a unit with an SD slot rather than Memory Stick, and some of the colors on the T615 come out a bit off (the brownish reds, etc.) which dampens the benefit of the hi-res. I want a unit no heavier than my Vx--4 oz.--and as I calculate it, the Treo 90 is lighter! (Lighter than Vx + case, that is; I plan to use the Treo 90 without adding a case, and since I'm used to the keyguard lock on a cell phone, using it on the Treo shouldn't be an issue.) The m515 and T615 are both 4.9 oz without cases, and the m130 even heavier.
From everything I've read and heard, I'm far from alone on this.
RE: Once again, Handspring messed up
RE: Once again, Handspring messed up
Anyway... the M130 has no jog dial either and only 8MB ram, but it does have more color capability. Both screens are equally as usable outside and both tend to be a little hard to see in direct sunlight. The Treo 90 has the coolness factor but there are accessories available for the M130.
The choice between these two units will totally be based on personal preference.
I'd likely buy the M130 but the Treo 90 is nice.
RE: Once again, Handspring messed up
Treo 90 vs. Prism on brightness
RE: Once again, Handspring messed up
Also, I think sales of all the treos are poor because around the Philly area they just have mock-ups - no working models. Customers look at it and then go play with a working sony or Pocket PC. Major marketing mistake. They would never do that with a TV.
RE: Once again, Handspring messed up
Does this have Graffiti?
RE: Does this have Graffiti?
RE: Does this have Graffiti?
Ed:the lid is removable
Does anyone know if vaja is going to make a case for this handheld?
Even Handspring Accepts that the Treo is inferior...
Just look at handsprings official comparison between the treo and the Clie T616.
They accept that the treo is inferior. Heck what poor marketing techniques they list the treo as cheaper that the T615 for just one buck (299 vs 300).
RE: Even Handspring Accepts that the Treo is inferior...
RE: Even Handspring Accepts that the Treo is inferior...
however, 2 weeks later, as there will be no T615, the treo will have a big price advantage over the T655.
We need a high end model.
66Mhz processor, 320x320 screen and audio in such a form factor would be one sweet device.
High-End Treo
This Treo looks amazing, but the screen is small and low resolution. If Handspring updates the screen to 320 x320 and makes it as large as other palm OS handhelds I am definitely going to buy one.
RE: this is the killer palm!
RE: this is the killer palm!
And so does the price. The NR-70V is cool but it costs twice what the Treo 90 does. That's $300 more. I guess it depends on what you defenition of "killer palm" is. If you think tons of features and money is no object is best, the NR-70V is your "killer palm". If you think getting the most for your money is best, pick the Treo 90.
RE: this is the killer palm!
< - - - - >
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Universal Connecter?