Comments on: Samsung Demoing New Smartphone

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RE: Looks Like Kyocera
RE: Looks Like Kyocera
This is the strongest any company has ever reacted to us "outing" one of their products.
News Editor
RE: Looks Like Kyocera
RE: Looks Like Kyocera
> and seem real, w/out giving away the real company
Terry, the Kyocera device looked similar to this but not the same.
It is frustrating to me that I can't show you the Kyocera device but unless you all want to kick in some serious money for a lawyer, there's not much I can do about it.
News Editor
RE: Looks Like Kyocera
RE: Looks Like Kyocera
DMCA, my !@#!@$
RE: Looks Like Kyocera
P.S. Glad I saved the images before they were removed.
RE: Looks Like Kyocera
Kyo has (apparently) SD and better PIM button placement.
Samsung is smaller (judging from LCD size compared to rest of the body) and brighter LCD and separate status bar area up top.
Who'll be out first, that's what I wanna know
RE: Looks Like Kyocera
good but bad
RE: good but bad
good for me
Combo Device one Step Behind
RE: good but bad
RE: good but bad
RE: good but bad
The concept of a dedicated phone will disappear. Just look at sci-fi, no one uses a phone, they all have little communicator buttons or something. Reality typically follows sci-fi.
What I want
I'm starting to think my ideal might be a Sony NR70 with phone capability built in. (Note that I don't have an NR70, so I'm not biased based on that!)
RE: good but bad
RE: good but bad
Can it be done? And when?! :) Enquiring minds are waiting, and saving up dough...
RE: good but bad
RE: good but bad
I still think that a nice color PDA with BT and a tiny BT phone are ideal.
Thanks, Robrecht
RE: Keyboards
At this point, there's no way to know if they will do anything like that for the Bluechip.
I see the number pad has the alphabet printed on it. I wonder if this phone will allow you to type with the keypad. I don't think this is nearly as easy to use as Graffiti but I know some people who do a lot of SMS on their mobile phones and they are ridiculously fast entering letters on a number pad.
News Editor
RE: Really Need Full-Size Keyboards
Thanks, Robrecht
Can it type like Text Msg using Num PAD?
i love the design and its better than the previous samsung! they hit off the perfect design for a smartphone this time
RE: Can it type like Text Msg using Num PAD?
Auto-Off of the number board
From what I can gather from the picture, that num-pad looks like it will be in the way when you try to rest a portion of your hand on the lower portion of the phone (on the num-pad), that may trigger numbers or other characters unwantingly and could be a pain in the yahoo in the longrun, when trying to use the phone/palm to the fullest.
Otherwise an interesing form. The Treo doesn't hack it (sorry for the Palm related pun). It seemed to me to be too fragile.
RE: Keyboards,, yeah i forgot that one.
Awkward design
RE: Awkward design
RE: Awkward design
Also the term "graffity worshipers" is ridiculous when graffity has been the standard input method in the Palm OS for years. thumboards have just begun to appear.
Also if you don't like grafity you can use Jot (similar to the input method on PPC) or Simpliwrite. These are natural letters recognizers that work great.
RE: Awkward design
RE: Awkward design
RE: Awkward design
I'll bet dollars to donuts you thumbpad worshippers haven't pitched your pc's mouse in the trash. Why not? Why use the mouse when you have the nice keyboard in front of you? Folks that have no use for a stylus and Graffiti are folks that use a pda for one thing - typing novels. Anyone, ANYONE who uses a pda to navigate a database and make quick entries/changes will want Graffiti available. I will never consider any pda without Graffiti or something similar. I'll write the next War and Peace on my pc.
RE: Awkward design
Do you actually write with the mouse? No? Then why use it in your example?
The mouse is for pointing and clicking. The stylus is for pointing and clicking. If you want to argue that it's quicker to move the stylus from a Graffiti area to the main screen, that's different from your analogy.
And please take your "War and Peace" argument somewhere else. It's even worse. ;)
RE: Awkward design
>stylus from a Graffiti area to the main screen,
>that's different from your analogy.
True, it is quicker. Thanks for pointing that out. One more reason not to abandon Graffiti. My mouse analogy stands, though. There are those of us that do not want to go from stylus (as in pointing and clicking) to a keyboard (as in thumbing and thumbing). As the mouse/keyboard combo works on the pc, so does the stylus/Graffiti combo on a PDA. I give a rat's butt whether Handspring or anyone else makes a PDA without Graffiti...more power to them. But I will speak out for those of us (and I think it's the vast majority) who possess the manual dexterity to master Graffiti and find it an indispensable tool.
Good luck with the novel.
RE: Awkward design
This guy is just laying out flamebait, and yolu guys are eating it up. If this guy is truely behind his arguement he should have registered. As it is now he hides behind the cloak of anomimity. (sp?)
Not good for gaming
CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at
RE: Not good for gaming
RE: Not good for gaming
I like it and think this type device is very usefull.
Those saying it doesnt have enough resolution or sound to be usefull are totally clueless as to what this is. What we do need and what I keep arguing for is another device to fit gameing and music needs. A tablet pc with a larger screen and speakers but still smaller than a laptop with builtin wireless connectivity. A hires color screen and mp3 would make sense for that kind of device.
RE: Not good for gaming
RE: Not good for gaming
While it is true that some folks don't care about gaming, it would have been so easy to place the up/down buttons in between the rest of the hardware buttons. After all, Kyocera did...
-Kevin Crossman
RE: Not good for gaming
RE: Not good for gaming
RE: Not good for gaming
RE: Not good for gaming
Graffiti and Memory Expansion
Also, Is there any kind of memory expansion?
RE: Graffiti and Memory Expansion
RE: Graffiti and Memory Expansion
RE: Graffiti and Memory Expansion
Chill out
RE: Graffiti and Memory Expansion
Uhh - moron its not just a phone - if it was just a phone it wouldn't have palm os in it. this is designed to replace the need to carry 2 devices - a pda and a phone. so the guy who posted above is not a 'dummy' just because he wondered if this device had a standard pda feature. you are the 'dummy' for saying something so stupid - half the people on this site - palm os users - consider upgradability to be a relevant pda feature. After all - from the kyocera photos a few weeks ago - it appears that kyocera's new smartphone has it. further - i dont give a crap what you do with yr pda - i require more memory for what i do AND i don't want to carry a phone and a pda. And i am not the only one so - guess what?- there' a demand.
RE: Graffiti and Memory Expansion
sorry - i had to write more because this is the dumbest comment i have seen on PIC ever. 'when was the last time you upgraded the memory of your phone if ever! Geesh!' never - because my phone never had a real os - until now - and i couldn't download / purchase software for it. moron.
RE: Graffiti and Memory Expansion
RE: Pass
RE: Pass
"Why do you care about OS5? It doesn't look like it will do anything more than OS4."
We are entitled to our opinion, but a dumb comment like this deserves to be trashed. OS 4 is basically OS 3 restructured to take advantage of memory expansion (sd/mmc etc). OS 5 is going to run off entirely different processors that can go at speeds up to 400 mhz in the instance of the Intel's X-scale said to be coming in Palms the beginning of 2003. Or they can go at up to 200 mhz through TI's omap processor which will be in Palms coming out this summer. OS 5 supports better sound and picture quality which means we can now have high quality media and games without having to go nuts and spend $600 on a Sony (no offense). Yes, OS 5 will be expensive. Yes, there may not be a big difference on some handhelds, but the bottom line is that it SUPPORTS much greater capabilities never thought imaginable in a handheld.
RE: Pass
Now theoretically, for just a PDA, the OS5 arguement makes sense because people are supposed to keep their PDA for more than a year. I say theoretically because it seems the folks here don't have their PDA's more than a couple of months before thy upgreade to the latest and greatest.
As for me, I don't care what OS it runs as long as the DEVICE has the features I want at the price I want. The only feature my PDA lacks is color, but it has many more features to make up for that. Color is the only reason I would upgrade. Now if someone wants to buy me a PDA as a gift that plays MP3's and movies, I won't say No. My PDA runs OS 3.5.3 (you probably know what I have).
As for the cell phone/PDA combo...I want a headphone/microphone jack on mine so that I can use it as a phone *AND* a PDA at the same time before I go out and buy one.
Smartphone VS Wireless Palm
I, for one, have only two complaints about the 6035, both of which have been addressed by the Bluechip: bulk, and screen protection. I am quite proficient at graffiti, and it works fine for contact entry and datebook appointments. I am also a big fan of a physical dialpad rather than a virtual one. I've played with the Samsung SPH-I300 at a Sprint store, and trying to dial on the screen with my fingertips just doesen't seem to work for me, plus I don't like getting fingerprints on the screen. And having to pull out a stylus just to dial a number is, in my opinion, very time consuming and annoying.
Anyhow, this Bluechip seems to be just the ticket for someone looking for a Smartphone that's compact, has graffiti and a dialpad, and protects the entire screen when closed. And the addition of color only makes it more appealing.
RE: Smartphone VS Wireless Palm
RE: Smartphone VS Wireless Palm
Finally I can get new phone and pda
Screen resolution
The actual shape and size of the pixels may influence the screen dimensions however.
RE: Screen resolution
Also, it kinda looks like this picture may have been taken at a strange angle.
"Well, if it isn't the leader of the wiener patrol, boning up on his nerd lessons"
RE: Screen resolution
160 to accomodate the status bar on top...
What about i330?
Now that Samsung has let this out of the bag, what happens to the i330? Is it DOA, or will it be MIA? Would you chose i330 over this clamshell, assuming pricing is similar?
Me, I'ld take the clamshell just like that...
RE: What about i330?
RE: What about i330?
at least you can tell this is color unlike the kyo
You want expansion? Get a real PDA. You want to access hundreds of contacts with multiple numbers for each contact? Get a smartphone.
David in Pflugerville, TX
RE: at least you can tell this is color unlike the kyo
also in terms of expansion. it seems that the both mught take expansion. all i wanna know now is when and where can i get one to replace my nokia + m515 :D
RE: at least you can tell this is color unlike the kyo
RE: at least you can tell this is color unlike the kyo
You've lost me. What makes you say one is like m130 with LCD on (passive LCD) while another is m515 with LCD off (active LCD)? I couldn't find your post in the Buzz... I don't see any information about SD in Bluechip, are you sure that Bluechip has SD slot?
i dont mean similar in terms of the screen technology but just in terms of what we see in teh pics.
i am not aware that either have external memory slots but it seems from the pics that the kyocera has one. i am sure that it might be a possiblity for the samsung as well. :-/
look up twizza @ da buzz...i am there :D
RE: at least you can tell this is color unlike the kyo
I've Seen It
I hadn't seen the Kyocera model, so I thought that the grafitti being in a different section was unique. I didn't get to play with it much, but it felt REALLY good in your hand and felt like it to truly be a great all-in-one device if you like those sorts of things.
This device could really give the Treo a run for it's money. :D
Who can I sue?
Kyocera phone annouced today--official info
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Looks Like Kyocera