Comments on: Quickies: LEDhead, Canada, Treo, Palm, SyncWizard, Chat

LEDhead simulates the classic LED (light emitting diode) based handheld games of the 70's. All games feature fully authentic sound-effects and faithfully replicate the game play of the originals. The Palm version now supports all 11 games. LEDhead is a free download, with the program being supported by user donations. -PR

SonyStyle Canada is now offering the Sony T615C for $500 CAD. -Anon

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I.M. Anonymous @ 6/25/2002 10:08:50 AM #
Man oh man. Have I've been waiting for something like this! I had mattel's basketball and hockey back in the early 80's. Being a gamer I had always wondered what happened to these games that were portable and fun to play. Ledhead has brought a dream come true!!! Sounds and everything. These games don't have the awesome graphics of todays games, but it is awesome to play and remember the good old days!
LEDHead rocks!
kevdo @ 6/25/2002 10:14:46 AM #
I truly cannot believe the nostalga I feel playing these games. Though the controls are not the same as the actual games, the sounds and graphics are 100% accurate.

These games are a little buggy right now... but it is still pretty damn cool!

-Kevin Crossman

That football game was re-released not to long ago.
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/25/2002 10:31:12 AM #
I saw someone with one last Christmas, they said they had just bought it brand new at the toy store. It even had the same retro packaging!
ahecht @ 6/25/2002 7:00:42 PM #
Are there instructions for any of these games?

Ed @ 6/26/2002 1:35:25 AM #
> Are there instructions for any of these games?

I asked this same question to Peter Hirschberg, the developer, and here's what he said:

    There's a link on the LEDhead website (on the Palm Version->"Info" page) and in the LEDhead readme.txt file to the Handheld Museum ( They have scans of original instruction manuals in PDF format that are available for downloading for every game except Soccer (which has basically the same rules as Canadian Hockey anyway). They also have full histories for each of these games if you're really into the nostalgia. :-)

    The next version of LEDhead will include some sort of "instructions" button on the main screen with condensed versions of the manuals, I just didn't want to hold up the initial release of the program for it since it's going to take a little bit of work.

News Editor

Canada a dumping ground for discontinued Sony devices

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/25/2002 1:58:40 PM #
Well - I can't believe this crap. I have waited for the damned 615 to be released in Canada for months - then the anouncement of the 650, whose US launch is announced yesterday as the 665. And now? The bloody day after, they make the 615 available in Canada - screw you Sony!!!! Guess what other Sony devices are available in Canada? The 415 (yeah thats right) was made available just as they were discontinuing it elseware - and its still selling here on!!!! What else? The 760c!!! The only current Sony that is selling here is the NR70v - only the pricey the model with the camera - for $999 cdn(!) -no choice, just the damned expensive camera version! I am sick of this crap. I want to spend my hard earned money on Sony products but since Sony insists on treating ALL OF CANADA like some 3rd world dumping ground, then i have no choice but to spend my dollars elseware. gee, the 415 after being dumped everwhere, thanks Sony. **** those guys.

PS - wanna see how lame this selection of sony pdas is?
heres the link to

notice that's 3 discontinued models (is the s360 discontiued aswell? i dont think...) and 2 current(the s360 and way too pricy nr70v). Keep in mind that 2 of those 3 ONLY BECAME AVILABLE IN CANADA AFTER they dumped it elsewhere.

RE: Canada a dumping ground for discontinued Sony devices
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/25/2002 7:02:23 PM #
I see the above link no longer is valid. So, just go to , and click on the picture of the 615. You'll see a list there.
RE: Canada a dumping ground for discontinued Sony devices
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/25/2002 7:22:50 PM #
I can sympathise with how you feel. I live in Australia, you reckon you got it bad!?

This does suck though. Why dont you wait for 1 to 2 months and get the ducks guts from Palm Inc. It's sure to be a pearler.


RE: Canada a dumping ground for discontinued Sony devices
big_raji @ 6/26/2002 1:12:53 AM #
Yeah, but at least the T615c is being released here in Canada at a price that's comparable to the $299US that it was going for recently.

I have a friend at the Sony Store that said he'll be able to sell it to me for $449CDN when he gets them in stock. I'll be sure to pick one up at that price.

It could've been worse. They could've released the T615 up here today for $399US/$649CDN. They kind of did that with the T415...

What's Wrong With This Picture?

RE: Canada a dumping ground for discontinued Sony devices
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/26/2002 4:29:05 AM #
>>It could've been worse. They could've released the T615 up here today for $399US/$649CDN. They kind of did that with the T415...

Gee - it could be worse. They could have just dumped empty shipping containers on us from the sky! We should be so grateful that they allow us to give them our money at all!

RE: Canada a dumping ground for discontinued Sony devices
I.M. Anonymous @ 7/31/2002 5:59:32 PM #
Canada is truly a dumping ground for these companies such as Sony. I have experienced the same thing.


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