Comments on: HandSpring Offers Free GSM/CDMA Springboard Phones
Handspring is now offering the Sprint PCS Wireless Web Digital Link CDMA springboard for free. One simply needs to pay the cost of shipping and a service plan with Sprint PCS. The springboard turns any visor with a springboard slot into a fully functional mobile phone with wireless web access. In addition the Visorphone, which operates on GSM networks, has also been available for free with serice activation for some time.
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RE: Old hat.
I just got one of those too, the T68i! I must say though, with the high value rebates around, I did consider a setup like this, but for now, I still like my palm and phone to be seperate.
RE: Old hat.
swinginjonny @ 10/15/2002 9:42:19 AM #
I just got a T68i too. How do you do the set up to use the data mode on the phone with a browser on the Palm OS? (I have been able to bond the devices but can't set it up right to switch the phone to data mode.)
(Self-confessed Palm Geek)
(Self-confessed Palm Geek)
RE: Old hat.
Fly-By-Night @ 10/15/2002 10:05:27 AM #
Palm provide some info at this URL:
Failing that, try the forums at sites like
Handspring Visor users to my knowledge won't be able to use IR to connect with the phone (hence the need for a VisorPhone I suppose). Start saving for that Tungsten...
RE: Old hat.
This is sorta related...what service are you using with your T68i phones? I think the options are AT&T and T-Mobile (Voicestream).
RE: Old hat.
not true; visors with OS 3.5 can connect to an IR phone without any problem. Visors using OS 3.1 (mainly visor solo and deluxe) need an extra app called IRLINK to route the sync port to IR so that the OS knows how to send/recieve data other than beamed files over IR.
-------------- huggy ---------------
-------------- huggy ---------------
RE: Old hat.
Fly-By-Night @ 10/15/2002 11:19:25 AM #
Sorry, meant to say Visor DLX. IRLink still doesn't seem to work with T68i, don't know why... Old Nokia's do.
RE: Old hat.
Fly-By-Night @ 10/16/2002 5:06:16 AM #
I live in the UK where a lovely company called Carphone Warehouse promise to refund 110% of the difference if you see a phone cheaper elsewhere. When first launched they were selling for £190, but I saw it on the web for £10 ( -- they actually owed me £6 for taking a brand new T68 off their hands! Your profile doesn't say where you live, so I don't know if that helps.
Biggest phone ever
I'll stick with my Treo, thanks. This monstrosity is bigger and older. Okay, so it's free. I still love my Treo. :)
RE: Biggest phone ever
Mead Lawson @ 10/15/2002 10:58:54 AM #
Heck, my Treo 180g is bigger than most phones. If I had a Visor and an older cell phone, I'd certainly consider this offer. Sure it'd be bigger than most phones, but overall it's a better device. I'd be especially inclined if I already had service from this same provider. Let's look at the upgrade costs: Hardware = $0.00, software = $0.00, change of service contract = negligible. Unless you have to be on the cutting edge, this is not a bad solution. Many folks w/o the funds to keep up with the latest gadgets (e.g.: students) should consider this workable and ultimately enabling solution.
RE: Biggest phone ever
Fly-By-Night @ 10/15/2002 11:21:34 AM #
Or go into you local mobile dealer and get a free phone with free connection and free goodies.
kempokaraterulz @ 10/16/2002 6:38:41 AM #
Well if they are giving them away, they must have sold wonderfully(joke). I wonder if there are major problems with them
Long live the "T" Series!
Long live the "T" Series!
RE: Quality
This is almost like offering people old Amigas or Apple IIe's. Who can really make use of one these days? :p
O/T Mod
O/T Mod
Have to try and appease the old customer base.
This free giveaway may be a bit of market strategery:
1. Give the 'let-down' HS users something for free after ditching the springboard slot.
2. Get current HS users to gravitate towards the PDA/Phone form factor.
Will it work? Hmmmm...we will see.
Phew! Whats that smell!?! Did someone Zire in here? Buy Palm's only a nickle.
1. Give the 'let-down' HS users something for free after ditching the springboard slot.
2. Get current HS users to gravitate towards the PDA/Phone form factor.
Will it work? Hmmmm...we will see.
Phew! Whats that smell!?! Did someone Zire in here? Buy Palm's only a nickle.
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Old hat.
I think I'll stick with my free T68i thanks Handspring!