Comments on: Sony Announces the Clie PEG-NZ90 with 2 MP Camera

Clie NZ90CES 2003: From the floor at CES in Las Vegas Sony has announced the new, top of the line CLIE PEG-NZ90 running Palm OS 5. Its features a two-megapixel digital camera with built-in flash and auto-focus capabilities, Bluetooth, WiFi Slot, and a removable battery. It will be available in April from SonyStyle for $800 USD. Read more for exclusize pictures from CES.
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abosco @ 1/8/2003 10:51:49 PM #
This thing is trully amazing! Makes me glad I read PIC!

Now where was that NX70v receipt and BB warranty information? (J/K) ;)

Great job!

Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3

graph @ 1/9/2003 12:03:33 AM #
but for $800...ouch. but still whoa

Check out the Hi-res pic...better stylus?!?!
PalmDoc @ 1/9/2003 12:19:38 AM #
I know this may seem like a minor feature compared to Bluetooth and 2MP cameras, but look at the left edge of the screen half of the clamshell. It appears that they have re-designed the stylus. First, it's in a different place, but more importantly, it looks thicker and perhaps a tad longer.


I love my NR70V...but I HATE the stylus.

One last little point...I don't like the IR port on the side...just seems un-natural.

mike500 @ 1/9/2003 9:13:02 AM #
WHOA!!! is right!

You forgot to mention that this device turns into a SUV when closed!!!!

Sony PDA with WiFi and Bluetooth
pdangel @ 1/9/2003 9:50:56 AM #
Looks very impressive: Bluetooth for on the road (when a WiFi hotspot isn’t available), automatic sync function, cable replacement and handsfree/ audio/ headset options and WiFi for networking.....

More and more interesting Bluetooth Products become available.....

Sony PDA with WiFi and Bluetooth

HP/Compaq PPC 5450 with WiFi and Bluetooth

Intermec 700 Color Windows Powered Pocket PC 2002 with WiFi and BlueTooth technologies (and WAN)

DELL Handheld with integrated Bluetooth and Wi-Fi (COMING):
"In fall 2003, Dell will offer a model with integrated Bluetooth and Wi-Fi with a hardware-software switch between the two, said Macon" (Dell).,aid,106644,00.asp

New Apple Notebooks with built-in Bluetooth and 802.11g: Bluetooth lets you take advantage of GPRS connectivity to check your email from anywhere — a benefit that comes in handy on those occasions when a 802.11 wireless hotspot isn’t available.

Bluetooth and (not Versus) Wi-Fi (802.11)


802.11/WiFi is great for NETWORKING. But people also think 802.11/WiFi is the one-size-fits-all wireless technology. IT ISN'T......some thoughts:

Sound ID Introduces the First Bluetooth Wireless Hands-Free Mobile Phone Earpiece with Personalized Digital Sound

"There are 2 kind of people my friend....those with wires and those without"

markgm @ 1/9/2003 10:44:05 PM #
Same stylus, according to the website, you can order spares that work with the rest of the N* and other series.

Admin @ 1/10/2003 2:16:02 AM #
It is a slightly different styles, but is is essentially the same as the T/NX stylus with a different top part. It is still way to thin IMHO.
Sony using Palm Bluetooth Software
pdangel @ 1/10/2003 9:01:25 AM #
PEG-NZ90, PEG-NZ90/U, PEG-NZ90/E, PEG-NZ90/G, PEG-NZ90/H, PEG-NZ90/M Sony Corporation

Mobile computers
Bluetooth identifier : B00904
Created Date : 2003-01-10
Spec version : 1.1
PRD version : 1.0
Product ID : HCCBTH1
Software Version : V1.0.0
Hardware Version : V1.0.0
Qualified Product Notice : 12600568-QPN-rev_0.0.pdf
Compliant Portion : 12600568-CPD-rev_0.0.pdf
Qualified profile :

- OPP-Server
- Serial-DevA
- BIP-RemCam
- OPP-Client
- Serial-DevB
- BIP-ImagePush

Interop Devices : - -

Product Type : PROD
List Date : 2003-01-10
Product Contact Person : Takayuki Misawa
Email :
Phone : +81-3-6409-3613
Company URL : http://
BQB : Meiranke , Ralf

Integrated Pre-tested Components
-B00497 Infostick (Sony Corporation)
-B00352 Bluetooth Stack (*Palm, Inc)
-B00586 BlueModule type5 (Murata Manufacturing Ltd)

*The Palm Bluetooth Stack is based on XTNDAccess Blue SDK of Extended Systems. Palm has tested there Bluetooth Software (*2 releases; see link below) very extensive before integrating it into there devices imho. I was hoping that Palm would add all (or most of ) the new Bluetooth Profiles (see that have been add to the Bluetooth Standard. But Palm hasn't used all the new profiles Extended Systems Inc. is offering in there updated Bluetooth Embedded Software stack (Bluetooth Qualification can take some time). There XTNDAccess Blue SDK features the most complete support for user profiles in the industry including Personal Area Networking (PAN), Hands-Free, and Hardcopy Cable Replacement.

There first Qualified Palm Bluetooth Stack Release tells us "This software is itself based upon the qualified ?XTNDAccess Blue SDK? from Extended Systems."

Sony Bluetooth Qualified Products

"There are 2 kind of people my friend....those with wires and those without"

High Res Pic.

nXt @ 1/8/2003 10:57:16 PM #

click on the thumbnail to get a 3.2 meg high resolution picture of it.

nXt's Clie Club
Place To Be For Sony Clie Discussion

RE: High Res Pic.
UZI4U182 @ 1/8/2003 11:00:46 PM #
Too bad that picture is corrupt. I loaded it and it was simply a blank page.

--Devan-- | Email me:
Webmaster of
Palm OS apps, news, reviews and such
Current PDA: Sony CLIÉ PEG-SJ30
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RE: High Res Pic.
abosco @ 1/8/2003 11:07:05 PM #
No it's not. I downloaded it and saved it perfectly. The picture is huge, try refreshing until it comes in.

Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3
RE: High Res Pic.
aardvarko @ 1/8/2003 11:29:26 PM #
Uzi, try scrolling down. Corrupted JPEGs rarely render as stark white in modern browsers.

webmaster at aardvarko dot com


sub_tex @ 1/8/2003 11:09:13 PM #
For sure to be beyond expensive. 2 MP cameras aren't THAT cheap. So that PLUS the alreayd Nx design??


This is no longer a PDA. Sony is definitely heading into the All-in-one device market.

No way anyone can whine about how Palm devices should just be for fast and easy PIM retrieval.

Each Sony device is getting further away from that!

not that i mind. I'm all aout having a mini laptop in my pocket. Gimme instant bootup like our PDAs are now, but give me complete power!

Now if only Sony would make a landscape pda with twist screen for portrait mode a la Zaurus C700, i'd be extremely happy.

Oh, and make the CF slot normal for christ sake. I payed $100+ for my Symbol CF wifi card. I'm not gonna buy Sony's just to work on one pda.

RE: Price?
ska @ 1/8/2003 11:20:21 PM #
I don't think it has landscape rotation. It would be usefull combined with BT keyboard.

RE: Price?
abosco @ 1/8/2003 11:21:37 PM #
"From the floor at CES in Las Vegas Sony has announced the new, top of the line CLIE PEG-NZ90 running Palm OS 5. Its features a two-megapixel digital camera with built-in flash and auto-focus capabilities, Bluetooth, WiFi Slot, and a removable battery. It will be available in April from SonyStyle for $800 USD. Read more for exclusize pictures from CES."

It's $800, well above and beyond average Joe's wallet, yet the price is justified when compared to the NX70v. 2 MP camera, Bluetooth, flash, and a slew of other features like native desktop files make this thing still get you good bang or your buck, still taking into consideration just how much that "buck" really is.

Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3

ganoe @ 1/8/2003 11:23:06 PM #
For $800, I'll get a new laptop, thanks.
RE: Price?
hkklife @ 1/8/2003 11:23:55 PM #
I'll get my reservations out of the way first.

Three things terrify me about this unit:

1. The price

2. Non-standard CF slot

3. Same meager amount of ram as the every other Palm device, OS 5 and earlier

Since the details aren't finalized yet, I can also theorize that the maximum MemStick capacity of 128 mb will really start to become a burden with all of those 1600*1200 images sharing vieing for room with the applications also on the MS.

With all of those caveats out of the way, it looks to be a knockout all-in-one type device. You can toss it into a bag with a travel charger and a few MSticks and really be totally set to do anything on a trip. For some reason, the tv-out on the cradle really seems intriguing to me. But that *price*! Any PDA is gonna be a hard sell to me when I can have a laptop that I can kick back and watch dvds on and burn CDs with for the same money...

RE: Price?
ska @ 1/8/2003 11:25:21 PM #
well at least it has built in BT. Does it suport headset profile? it could be worth it if it come with a headset. (I doubt it)
RE: Price?
gfunkmagic @ 1/8/2003 11:35:00 PM #

I agree with the above limitations of this device, but this thing is still a gem of a device!! If sony opens up that CF slot and starts introducing MSpro, Then I'll shut up for good... at least for a while...

The 2003 National Championship WAS ROBBED!!! Terry Porter, you suck you freakin REF! OSU STOLE the Chanpionship, period!!

Memory Stick Pro
joelforeman @ 1/8/2003 11:48:13 PM #

This link shows that the Memory Stick Pro is inevitable!

RE: Price?
M3wThr33 @ 1/8/2003 11:48:21 PM #
I guess I'll be the first to say it. 3 hour battery life. IMMMMMMMMpressive. Of course, now Sony has another of roping in cash, selling batteries!

I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. We're in space.
RE: Price?
blue9 @ 1/9/2003 4:33:31 PM #
>With all of those caveats out of the way, it looks to be
>a knockout all-in-one type device. You can toss it into
>a bag with a travel charger and a few MSticks and really
>be totally set to do anything on a trip.

No way I'm just gonna casually throw something this expensive and nice into a bag :D

RE: Price?
BigSlick @ 1/9/2003 11:02:56 PM #
>3. Same meager amount of ram as the every other Palm
>device, OS 5 and earlier

Actually, I believe the new Garmin PDA/GPS has
32MB RAM. It also has the first non-Sony
implementation of Hi-Res+.

Clie T615C / Palm OS 4.1
Austin, TX

Handspring should be envious

terrysalmi @ 1/9/2003 1:24:14 AM #
Sony is approaching Handspring's original market: The all-in-one device, except instead using one connector slot, they're barreling every feature in. Of course, this thing is WAY OVERPRICED.

My family recently purchased a 1.6ghz HP Laptop from Best Buy with a 20gb hard drive, 14.1 inch screen, 64mb video card, etc. for $749...

Of course, this is only the first Sony release in the year. God help us to see what the next 10 Sony releases will be over the next year...

Kappa Sigma Fraternity - Founded 1400 A.D.

The Star and Crescent shall not be worn by every man, but only by him who is worthy to wear it...

RE: Handspring should be envious
TexSkater9140 @ 1/9/2003 1:38:44 AM #
i dont think its too overpriced. its a nx70v w/ a 2.0 megapixel. a 2.0 megapixel camera alone is 200 to 300 bucks. add that to the price of the nx70v, and your kissin a grand. now add bluetooth wich will usually raise the price to about 1050 to 1100. so in reality, your SAVING about 300 bucks w/ this. whats not to like about it? heck, its got a removable battery now, so what are people gonna complain about now (well, i'm sure they will find something...)

Walk around with a smile on your face. It makes people wonder what you did last night.
RE: Handspring should be envious
terrysalmi @ 1/9/2003 1:43:01 AM #
How about that the second battery will likely cost $150-$200+?

The thickness of the device?

How the device makes you confused on what it actually it a Palm device? No, it's a camera. Wait, no, it's an internet device. WHAT IS IT!?

Kappa Sigma Fraternity - Founded 1400 A.D.

The Star and Crescent shall not be worn by every man, but only by him who is worthy to wear it...

Cost with accessories.
Palm_Otaku @ 1/9/2003 2:47:19 AM #
How about that the second battery will likely cost $150-$200+?

The PR says $80 for a spare battery pack.

One thing I'm wondering is how expensive the larger capacity Memory Sticks will be. (Hopefully in line with other removable memory.) With that quality of camera image, most owners are going to want to budget for that :)

Add the WiFi card and the total cost is really getting up there...

For those that can afford it, it's a hell of an impressive device!

RE: Handspring should be envious
nuopus @ 1/9/2003 9:02:06 AM #
How the heck is this an nx with a 2mb camera? Its not even the same PDA! Maybe similar to looks ... but NOT the same.

This runs PalmOS 5.0 which means it is not a DragonBall processor @ 33mhz. It runs an ARM processor above 100 megahertz. Palm Tungsten is 150mhz. Different core, Different OS, new camera .. how can you POSSIBLY compare the two? I guess a Ford F150 is just like a Ford Taurus with a different back huh?

RE: Handspring should be envious
cykalan @ 1/9/2003 9:12:52 AM #
Sorry mate, but actually NX is the one w/ OS5.0 and X-scale ARM.

I think you misinrtepreted NX as NR.

Read your manuals before you ask!!

RE: Handspring should be envious
alexp @ 1/9/2003 10:09:10 AM #
I think they misinterpreted COMPLETELY. The NR runs at 66mhz, not 33mhz, and believe me, the difference is noticeable.


TexSkater9140 @ 1/9/2003 1:44:48 AM #
when is this going to be released? in one part of the story, you say in April, then in another, you say they will start appearing in retailers by next month????
when is is man!!!(think ren and stimpy)

Walk around with a smile on your face. It makes people wonder what you did last night.
RE: release?
Palm_Otaku @ 1/9/2003 5:50:33 PM #
On they say it'll ship "mid-February" and the original PR says end of February, so I think the April date is in error. We'll have to wait and see when it's actually out the door...

- Dan

Form apparently doesn't follow function at Sony HQ

Lidocaineus @ 1/9/2003 1:45:26 AM #
More lame stuff from Sony. For all you gadget freaks, I'm sure you're in heaven. For those of who actually do real work with a PDA and want form following functionality, we'll stick with what works.

Sony, REDUCE THE SIZE, unless you're trying to be some sort of tiny sized tablet pc.

RE: Form apparently doesn't follow function at Sony HQ
terrysalmi @ 1/9/2003 1:47:39 AM #
Exactly. I'm using my T615c, and loving it? Why? Because it is the thinnest color PDA, has decent battery life, and a great screen, great memory, and a cheap price ($269 when I bought it, now $150 brand new if your lucky or $199 from Sony refurbed).

I don't need an all-in-one monster, I need a PDA with good features, form, and battery life. The T615c is great in this respect.

Kappa Sigma Fraternity - Founded 1400 A.D.

The Star and Crescent shall not be worn by every man, but only by him who is worthy to wear it...

RE: Form apparently doesn't follow function at Sony HQ
Lidocaineus @ 1/9/2003 1:56:00 AM #
I really liked Sony PDAs until they started shoving this huge NR/NX stuff down our throats. I swear, if the T series disappears...
RE: Form apparently doesn't follow function at Sony HQ
swatts3413 @ 1/9/2003 2:05:26 AM #
I totally agree. This thing is huge! We are all waiting for for a thin, light, virtual graffiti device with great battery life. Am I right?
RE: Form apparently doesn't follow function at Sony HQ
gfunkmagic @ 1/9/2003 3:02:04 AM #
I really wish sony would come out with a OS 5 pda using the T series form factor...

The 2003 National Championship WAS ROBBED!!! Terry Porter, you suck you freakin REF! OSU STOLE the Chanpionship, period!!
RE: Form apparently doesn't follow function at Sony HQ
goblue7 @ 1/9/2003 4:11:55 AM #
That device looks like a lot of fun...however, I was holding out on my new PDA purchase, in the hopes that Sony would come out with something for the business user. Small, with OS5 and the NX type screen. Is this all Sony is planning for the near future? PIC, is there more to come or is all we can expect, bigger, bulkier and more stuff some of us don't need in a pda?

Smaller Size T please
sralmas @ 1/9/2003 8:07:17 AM #
Give me a T with Virtual Grafitti and a camera. I don't even need OS5, but it would be nice. And it better work with my Stowaway!

SONY, cool but don't forget the larger market
robrecht @ 1/9/2003 9:48:44 AM #
"I totally agree. This thing is huge! We are all waiting for for a thin, light, virtual graffiti device with great battery life. Am I right?"

Of course, you're right. Methinks SONY is just showing off their top of the line first. This is not what most people want in a PDA.

1. Great battery life or, if that's not possible in a T-series, something like this removable battery would be acceptable.

2. An XT keyboard peripheral would be nice.

3. True landscape format should be done (like Handera)

4. Easy Wireless and POTS connectivity peripheral options (for US where bluetooth is still in early stages)

5. Cameras, MP3 players, TV and FM tuners, etc, can be added as peripherals but let's have a top of the line device in a small form factor.

Thanks, Robrecht

RE: Form apparently doesn't follow function at Sony HQ
blue9 @ 1/9/2003 5:19:17 PM #
I guess I'm also one these people who believe in form following function as well. What I dislike the most about the NR/NX/NZ series are the all-in-one approach. What happens when the internal camera breaks? That NZ is now one really expensive pim device. But I don't think these pdas are lame, as the original poster puts it. It's just another option to choose from. The more the better :)

(eagerly awaiting a Txxx os5 clie device, w/ bluetooth!!)

RE: Form apparently doesn't follow function at Sony HQ
useybird @ 1/9/2003 10:08:01 PM #
First, I wanna say, Pocket PC, eat your heart out! Second, it would be a good idea if someone started a campaign to get Sony to standardize the CF slot. We would need something like 300 signatures or votes and send it to Sony and keep complaining until they release drivers. That should show Sony who's boss!

Microsoft is the root of all evil.
Right, Bill?


Wenda @ 1/9/2003 2:15:49 AM #
This is gonna be great. HP launched the iPaq model with fingerprint recognition. I want to see such model for Palm OS too!

Nothing to kill or die for.
RE: Great!
smiley1081 @ 1/9/2003 8:11:03 AM #
> HP launched the iPaq model with fingerprint
> recognition. I want to see such model for
> Palm OS too!

But you can already have that, for free!

RE: Great!
useybird @ 1/9/2003 10:07:26 PM #
I hope you know that Thumbscan is a gag.

Microsoft is the root of all evil.
Right, Bill?
RE: Great!
staceym @ 1/10/2003 5:19:23 AM #
Thumbscan! How about a retina scan using the builtin camera :-)

RE: Great!
Take1 @ 1/10/2003 6:39:30 AM #
What? Thumbscan doesn't work?! Next you'll tell me the soft modem doesn't work either! Sheesh.

RE: Great!
amflores @ 1/10/2003 1:10:36 PM #

No digiscan nor soft modem?

Hmmm....I´m beggining to think that maybe that little camera program wich uses the light reflected on the screen -a very complex and scientific process- it´s not as accurate as well...

RE: Great!
Altema @ 1/13/2003 9:43:02 AM #
The fingerprint recognition has been a source of frustration for some iPaq users. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. The feature is really cool when it works properly, but is something that you can easily do without once the novelty wears off.


Wollombi @ 1/9/2003 2:25:01 AM #
Ok, it's a small thing, but I have to say it. This unit is *NOT* the first PalmOS PDA to have a removable lithium battery. The Handera330 claims that title (as well as the first PalmOS device to have virtual graffiti). In fact, it was even more versatile in that you could remove the lithium battery and still power the thing with standard AAA's.

No innovation from Sony here.

The thing does pack a wallop, though.


It is not very comfortable to have the gift of being amused at one's own absurdity.
-Somerset Maugham-

Bluetooth Question

ishtvansrs @ 1/9/2003 3:00:34 AM #
I have read a number of blurbs that have appeared on various sites concerning this new Sony. Those have said integrated bluetooth is included. At the moment I can not get to the actual Sony press release but did skim through it several hours ago and do not recall if Sony stated bluetooth was indeed built in. Is it "built in" or is Sony referring to their Japan only bluetooth "stick"?
RE: Bluetooth Question
FillerX @ 1/9/2003 3:21:42 AM #
the bluetooth is built-in.

i think they should have an integrated wifi chip into this pricey unit!

RE: Bluetooth Question
Palm_Otaku @ 1/9/2003 3:30:16 AM #
Original press release is here:

Bluetooth is integrated, definitely :)

(Wonder if they'll finally start adding it to their NA laptops?)

- Dan

RE: Bluetooth Question
BUDD @ 1/9/2003 8:27:00 AM #
Waddaya mean? This thing is a laptop. Look at it.


pen_n_paper @ 1/9/2003 5:08:36 AM #
Wow this is amazing i give sony the most palms ever award!!!!!

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NikMan @ 1/9/2003 6:37:49 AM #
Well I really love this device. And its way too cool to see.
But anyway, I was spending my 14day time on vacation with Palm m505 and it was working fine without charching. It was really beatifull :)

But will Sony last more than 5 days? It says 10 days with 30min per day but it is not possibile. I Thnik.

Also its size is too large. I own tungsten now and its small but a little bit heavy. Anyway it fits in my pocket and thats the way it must be.

you forgot ...
ganoe @ 1/9/2003 7:56:45 AM #
10 days with 30min per day "with the backlight OFF"

Is it even usable with the backlight off?

RE: Hmmm...
somas1 @ 1/9/2003 9:08:29 AM #
"10 days with 30min per day "with the backlight OFF"

Is it even usable with the backlight off?"

This is a moot point. The manual for the NR70 and NX70 also says the unit has a 3 hour life w/o backlight. My NX lasts much longer than 3 hours with the backlight on.

RE: Hmmm...
graph @ 1/9/2003 11:11:34 AM #
cLies are NOT usable with backlight off, esp outdoors. imho.

RE: Hmmm...
OcellNuri @ 1/9/2003 3:16:51 PM #
"cLies are NOT usable with backlight off, esp outdoors. imho."

Because the Clies use a transreflective screen, they actually look better outdoors. While in direct sunlight you will not be able to notice the difference between teh backlight being on or off. I think you may be thinking of a LCD such as in the prism, which is only visible because of the light that each pixel puts out. In direct sunlight, the sun drowns out the light from the pixels and the screen looks blank. This is why TFT screens are better, and are used in almost all high-end color units now.

It's "Ocell" for short.

CF smearing...

smiley1081 @ 1/9/2003 7:49:20 AM #
I find disgusting that Sony is advertising the CF slot only as a simple "Wi-Fi (802.11b) slot".

I understand that they are trying to push the Memory Stick, and that in their machine the CF slot is (probably) crippled, but that could induce some user to believe that the CF slot in other machines can ONLY be used for WiFi...

I don't know if I have understood what I have written... B-)))

RE: CF smearing...
hkklife @ 1/9/2003 9:26:25 AM #
To the BEST of my knowledge, Sony has never released ANY product in any of their lines with a straight forward, pure CF slot.

The very first Digital Mavica, back in '95 or so, used PCMCIA flash cards for storage and had a scsi interface. Then their next digicams had fixed internal memory. A generation or two later, the Memory Stick was launched.

Even things like photo printers etc have always had either a PCMCIA slot (so you could use whatever flash format you wanted with an adaptor) or dual MS/PCMCIA slots, so if you were a CF fan, it was only "indirectly" supported by Sony and not via a dedicated CF slot on the unit.

I am honestly surprised to see a CF slot at all (crippled or not) on any Clie--I'd have assumed Sony would whip up some proprietary format and/or use a dual Memory Stick configuration. With the NZ90, I am really stunned to see the CF slot still there.

Has anyone see the new Konica digical camera line, by the way? Both MS and SD slots side by side in the same camera, and you even have both in the camera at the same time and switch from one to the other when your first card fills up. Nice!

RE: CF smearing...
robrecht @ 1/9/2003 10:00:22 AM #
SONY was showing off a dual MS PDA concept device on an obscure website about 9 months ago. Wish I could remember the site! At least SONY is struggling to address the connectivity issue, which has always been one of their weaknesses (along with short battery life, of course).

Thanks, Robrecht
RE: CF smearing...
Alchemist42 @ 1/9/2003 7:10:29 PM #
Its truely sad really... Sony releases this thing with a CF slot... but it only works with their WiFi card.

Now, on one hand... there shouldnt be a CF slot at all. For the $$$ wifi should be builtin on the device, much like on the HP 5440 which has bluetooth and WiFi builtin. Sony just put it in as a card so they could get an extra $150 a unit for people buying their overpriced wifi CF card.

On the other hand, since theres a CF slot... they should damn well make it usable. The simplest driver is for memory cards... and the one driver would likely enable everything from flash cards to microdrives. But of course that would cut into sonys Memory Stick business... and thats not a good thing. So what else could the slot be used for? WiFi... No! sony only wants their card to work... Bluetooth?... no need its builtin on the device... a Camera? got that too... a GPS would be a possible option... but like all the other options they would need a driver specific to that CF card most likely... and since sony wont release specs on the slot its not likely to happen.

So the CF slot on the NX and NZ series is either going to be used for the their overpriced wifi card... or its going to remain empty. So what type of cover does it have? or is it one of those stupid plastic inserts.

Now heres a thought... would actually be interested in this... how about putting an extra battery in the CF slot. That would be useful.

From my view as a current NR user.

Timothy Rapson @ 1/9/2003 8:07:26 AM #
My take as a NR70V owner who finds the current feature set almost perfect:

1. Battery life should be better. On both NR and NX series. Removable may be a way to add bigger battery as well as multiple batteries, but that would make it even bigger (as in Axim)

2. The price is unfanthomable.

3. The size and weight of NR/NX were already marginal. This is almost certainly too big for most.

4. The file system is not going to cut it unless the new Picsel technology really does what it promises for files both on the Clie and on the memory stick.

5. They didn't build in the WiFi for $800? They expect you to pay another $150 for it, when they could have included in for $40? And no standard drivers for CF cards to go in that slot if you don't want the WiFi? Dumb. Just dumb.

6. I like the flash, but if they don't have real optical zoom and a way to add lenses, it is still not a real camera. I love having a neat little camera handy right in my Clie all the time, but it is what it is. It is OK for web pictures, but that is all. Unless it has 4 megapixels, flash, optical zoom, and full speed video capture with sound, it won't replace a real camera. As long as it doesn't the features of the NR/NX were fine.

I like the fact that they are keeping Palm OS. The original rumors about this model said the were developing their own. This means that accessories will keep coming for my NR.

RE: From my view as a current NR user.
graph @ 1/9/2003 8:24:10 AM #

the cradle looks like the connectors are at the upper part at the back of the unit coz they placed the CF card slot on the bottom instead of the usb connectors.... weird

RE: Cradle...
markpmc @ 1/9/2003 12:50:49 PM #
of course all we need is a photo of the back to be sure...

Sonystyle mentions that the cradle folds for easy travel. This implies that the connector is midway up the back of the unit, since a simple cable is the first travel option.

So my rumor for the day is:
Not only is the connector midway up on the back of the unit, it has no "clip things" <-- technical term, to hold a sync cable fast.


RE: From my view as a current NR user.
abosco @ 1/9/2003 3:09:00 PM #
"Unless it has 4 megapixels, flash, optical zoom, and full speed video capture with sound, it won't replace a real camera."

First, people complain about the NR70v and how its camera wasn't 640x480 and was only 320x240. Then they went with 640x480 in the NX70v, and they started complaining about how it wasn't a MP. Now, THEY'RE UP TO 2 MP AND PEOPLE ARE STILL COMPLAINING! You can view the pictures it takes on full screen 1600x1200 with no pixelating!!!

It never ceases to amaze me...

Proud Member of the Top Non-Mods
Members: abosco and ImpReza M3

NZ90 is Sony's answer to Apple's Video-iPod!!
gfunkmagic @ 1/9/2003 3:28:33 PM #
I think ya'll have to realize that this is just the 1st incarnation of a new camera/video-pda combo device! ARRH! Did i just say that? Anyway, rumors of devices like the video-iPod have been swirling around for a while now. I think Sony should be commended for being the first OEM to come out with soemthing in this new convergencce niche. Video-pda's may well become big market to come and Sony is the 1st out of the gate!!!

The 2003 National Championship WAS ROBBED!!! Terry Porter, you suck you freakin REF! OSU STOLE the Chanpionship, period!!

Snortsnort!---this thing is RIDICULOUS

BUDD @ 1/9/2003 8:19:40 AM #
Handheld--NOT. That thing is so big it has spawned a new class of device--the 'Arm-held.' It is actually bigger and heavery than the 'Zoomer' original palm unit (which from all the pictures I've ever sit on it fit comfortably on your DESK). This just goes to show you again that Sony can afford to flood the market with devices regardless of functionality or practicality with regards to form-factor. I mean the silliest thing I have ever seen right there.

Many of you folks must just be news hungry.

RE: Snortsnort!---this thing is RIDICULOUS
Palm_Otaku @ 1/9/2003 7:52:36 PM #
"BUDD" It is actually bigger and heavery than the 'Zoomer' original palm unit (which from all the pictures I've ever sit on it fit comfortably on your DESK).

Uh, I've got a Zoomer here and you're not only over-reacting (IMNSHO), but also incorrect:

Zoomer: 4.2" x 6.9" x 1.0" 15.5 oz.
NZ90 : 3.0" x 5.6" x 0.9" 10.2 oz.

Also the original Palm Computing team worked on the PIM apps for the Zoomer, but it is plain wrong to call it the 'original palm unit'.

Heh, and I'm guessing that this unit isn't exactly aimed at "Joe SixPack". This, Budd, is not for you!

- Dan

RE: Snortsnort!---this thing is RIDICULOUS
Mr. Roboto @ 1/12/2003 9:27:53 PM #
Actually I was first tempted to get the device; until I saw the dimensions. No way this can fit into my shirt pocket!

RE: Snortsnort!---this thing is RIDICULOUS
Palm_Otaku @ 1/13/2003 5:54:29 AM #
I'm not saying it ain't big -- it's definitely more hip pocket than shirt pocket ;)

But when I see misinformation (like from FUDD, above) sometimes I have to jump in...

- D

RE: Snortsnort!---this thing is RIDICULOUS
BUDD @ 1/13/2003 8:55:54 AM #
Evidentally, Palm Otika, you've had too many six packs. If the zoomer wasn't the 'original palm', which one exactly did Jeff Hawkins put to market first at Radio Shack way back when? 'Piloting the Palm must be full of 'misinformation' (or haven't you read that one yet?

The operative point in my comment was that this is a REALLY BIG device. And I think it's silly. You may want to start USING the things rather than just collecting them--does wonders for your perspective.

old and new
Palm_Otaku @ 1/14/2003 4:57:42 AM #
If the zoomer wasn't the 'original palm', which one exactly did Jeff Hawkins put to market first at Radio Shack way back when? 'Piloting the Palm must be full of 'misinformation' (or haven't you read that one yet?

Remember that the Zoomer was essentially "designed by committee" (with Casio, Radio Shack and the GEOS people), and that Hawkins and Co. were very disillusioned at the resulting brick. It is what led Palm Computing to develop the "original palm", the pilot!

The misinformation I refer to is your statement "It is actually bigger and heavery (sic) than the 'Zoomer'".

The operative point in my comment was that this is a REALLY BIG device. And I think it's silly.

Yes, aside from the ruggedized SPT-17xx and -18xx devices from Symbol, it's the biggest 'Palm' yet. But even if the NZ90 is not the device for you and others, there are people who will find this to be the best device for their needs. The broad diversity of devices is one of the great things about this platform!

You may want to start USING the things rather than just collecting them--does wonders for your perspective.

LOL - you have NO idea how dependant I am on these things.....

old and new
Palm_Otaku @ 1/14/2003 5:04:32 AM #
oh, and if you're interested in the hardware history, check out :)



Keeping the faith, but...

markpmc @ 1/9/2003 9:21:40 AM #
I think the inclusion of BT in the NZ series implies that any new T series will probally include BT. This could be good.

Perhap the Wireless slot will continue to differentiate the N Series from the T Series. Sony does need to have a T series model that competes directly on the Tungston specs and form factor!

I'll keep my N701C until Sony ships an updated T series or I just give up (June/July 03).


Add SilverScreen III and get ready to rock

Tim Hill @ 1/9/2003 9:48:55 AM #
The latest SS v.2.9.6 on my nx70v is really too sweet a combo. But I am somewhat insatiable and am already looking forward to SS III on this new device for the ultimate PDA experience. Why isn't SS standard on the Clie instead of thier built-in goofy launcher???

RE: Add SilverScreen III and get ready to rock
PR @ 1/9/2003 1:22:49 PM #
silver what?

try zlauncher, megalauncher, or launcherx...


markgm @ 1/9/2003 9:50:26 AM #
Wow...this came out of no where! I wasn't expecting to see this when I woke up. Suffering from IHaveToHaveTheLatestThingItis, I am glad to say that this has cured me. The number one thing that kills this for me is the amount of RAM. I guess for us NR owners, it's great to know we're not missing a faster processor or more RAM on a newer unit. (I guess that's how it used to be in the earlier days of palm computing though for a while.) I think Sony is going the wrong direction with price and size, though if it were smaller (which hopefully the next version will be) I'd jump on board for a 2 mp camera. I can't tell for sure, but does the clie have to be open all the way to use the camera? Looks like they did away with stealth mode. Good job on this one Sony, and they did it without any leaks this time!

RE: Wow
markgm @ 1/9/2003 9:55:38 AM #
Looking at the photos again, it looks like they do listen to us a little at least! The keyboard appears to be rubberized (or at least they got the size of some of the keys right), and they fixed the horrible up/down buttons of the NR/NX. I wonder if the movie recorder is gone.

RE: Wow
markgm @ 1/9/2003 10:13:32 AM #
Movie player is still there. I wonder if the remote which is on the side has a top window too like the NX does with the mic. I am impressed, I must say!

RE: Wow
rsc1000 @ 1/10/2003 9:28:12 PM #
>> I guess for us NR owners, it's great to know we're not missing a faster processor or more RAM on a newer unit.

How do you figure that you are not missing a faster processor? The NZ and the last N-series - the NX - both use 200mhz ARM processors - yr NR only has a 66Mhz dragonball.

Mike Cane... First of my prediction came true...

Maniac @ 1/9/2003 11:02:39 AM #
Hi Mike, here's the model with Bluetooth built in and WiFi still optional.

This thing sucks!

orev @ 1/9/2003 11:22:34 AM #
This thing is totally lame.. Where's the DVD, Sony?! How about 128M RAM? 16 is way too low! Don't even get me started on how it should also have a built-in cell phone and a radar detector!

Aren't you listening to your customers! Obviously Sony is going to go out of business unless they start giving their customers what they want!


RE: This thing sucks!
Fly-By-Night @ 1/9/2003 12:07:45 PM #
I agree. And I'll still have to go to Starbucks to get coffee. Come on Sony.


Ceci n'est pas une signature.

What is SONY doing? What do we want?

robrecht @ 1/9/2003 11:53:01 AM #
I hope SONY is just showing off their ‘top of the line, almost all in one, super cool but highly impractical device.’ Gadget freaks and PR marketers love this kind of thing, but successful marketers also want something for everyone …

What do most of us want from SONY? For lack of a better starting place, let’s start with me:

1. Small form factor with a great high res, soft graffiti, landscapable screen for large photos of our families, etc, that don’t need to be cropped or resized and for spreadsheets. SONY has the screen but not the landscapable spreadsheets that Handera has had for almost 2 years.

2. Great battery life, or at least removable batteries like every cell phone. SONY may be moving in the right direction here.

3. Both of the above suggest that cameras, mp3, TV and FM tuners, DVD players, and kitchen sinks (even keyboards and cell phones) be available peripherals.

4. Easy and small wireless and POTS connectivity peripheral options. Integrated bluetooth is a must for Europe and elsewhere but still almost useless for much of the US. My best vacation spots may never have cell coverage. I do want the bluetooth but not till Verizon has a cool bluetooth phone.

5. An XT-style keyboard peripheral would be nice. True, integrated thumboards will sell a lot of units to new buyers but many, many long-time PDA users are fine with graffiti for most stuff

6. Memory Stick memory backward compatibility if only because it is the right thing to do. I hope SONY’s announcement tomorrow about larger capacity and faster Memory is not a format ender blunder. Completely acceptable would be newer, larger, faster Memory Sticks where the only lack of backward compatibility concerned the faster transfer rates and new I/O peripherals that require or at least benefit from the faster speeds.

Thanks, Robrecht

RE: What is SONY doing? What do we want?
Wuju @ 1/9/2003 12:26:41 PM #
I agree completely.

The form factor is ridiculous. Though I really like the exchangable battery. I always wonder what happen to the other internal battery over say 2 years of use. How do we ever change it, who change it these days, can you do it yourself and what the cost would be.

RE: What is SONY doing? What do we want?
robrecht @ 1/9/2003 1:31:57 PM #
Can't believe I left out voice recorder.

Also, if SONY is not going to develop their dual MS slot concept PDA, the newer, faster I/O peripherals need to have built in memory.

Thanks, Robrecht

RE: What is SONY doing? What do we want?
Ronin @ 1/9/2003 2:40:20 PM #
I am going to coin a phrase for this beast - the "FrankenPalm".

It's alive! It's aaalive!

BTW, any rumors on a Verizon bluetooth phone?

In the Spirit of Umoja,

New style! I mean old

MarcosV @ 1/9/2003 1:58:08 PM #

Features and price set aside. The thing I like most of this PDA is the style and color.

Yes! Finally a device going back to the traditional black color and square keys like it should be..

I'm so tired of all kinds of electronic devices being nothing but gawdy silver plastic fashion accessories.

I think electronics should look like the tools that they are and not jewlery.

Hopefully other companies will folow Sony and return to normal looking gizmos ;)


RE: New style! I mean old
Gremmie @ 1/9/2003 5:47:37 PM #
Probably not going to catch on; look at cell phones in the Asian and even European market. They literally are fashion accessories while being worn around someones neck.

Sorry for dumb question

Chankla @ 1/9/2003 2:20:16 PM #
My apologies in advance, but I looked at the pictures and I can't see a stereo headphone jack. Did I miss it?

RE: Sorry for dumb question
edeab220 @ 1/9/2003 5:52:06 PM #
They moved it to the right side.

Proud owner of...(dead) Visor, Visor Dlx, Palm VIIx, (dead) Visor Prism, and a Sony Clie NR70!!

Senior Editor at:

Just what Sony needed!!!

DrPete @ 1/9/2003 4:50:56 PM #
Wow, this new model really build on the two major qualities of the NX Series:

Size and cost.

Just think: An $800 PDA that you can't carry in your pocket... I think there's another name for that... Oh yeah, a laptop.

Product Tour and "Demo"

edeab220 @ 1/9/2003 5:48:27 PM #
I remembered the site that Sony uses to promote their products. It was

They have a product tour of the NZ90 and a "demo" of the handheld.

(2megapixels? This this is as powerful as my Nikon Coolpix 950!)

Proud owner of...(dead) Visor, Visor Dlx, Palm VIIx, (dead) Visor Prism, and a Sony Clie NR70!!

Senior Editor at:


Bia @ 1/9/2003 6:25:30 PM #
Whoa! Great PDA.
Unfortunately looks alike a PocketPC. Bad.

Is this the end of the Clamshell?

Typhon @ 1/9/2003 7:58:36 PM #
First the NR, then the NX, now the NZ. Is this the end of the current clam shell form factor?

As many others have posted, this is getting away from the functionality of a PDA.

I would love to see the T series continue into OS5, with 32Mb onboard RAM & 8Mb FlashROM.

Who really needs a camera anyway (I am a NR70v owner).

RE: Is this the end of the Clamshell?
M3wThr33 @ 1/10/2003 11:56:59 AM #
Of course it is. It's Sony. In 3 months they'll show off their new low-end models and in 3 months after that they'll show of the completely new and over-bundled brick that also gives you a pedicure and is called the FH-BRK-70, nicknamed the F'n Huge Brick.

I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. We're in space.


DigitalMonkey @ 1/14/2003 4:12:01 PM #
WOW...I'm glad I held off on buying the new Palm!
This thing is amazing! doesn't get any better than this....well not for a while anyway.
Bye bye Handspring, nice knowing ya. Can anyone even touch Sony? Why get a smartphone when a bluetooth phne will do.This is a bit pricey for me but the 2 mega pixel camera and built in Bluetooth make up the difference. My only wish is for it to have more ram.
Looks like the plastic is creaping out of the wallet for this one. Time to start saving those pennies...

Waiting for NZ-100

Tinuviel @ 2/13/2003 1:27:01 AM #
I'll have to wait. I hear the NZ-100 will have a built in coffee maker and toaster....



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