Comments on: GroupSense Palm OS Smartphone Shown

PDAFrance has captured pictures and a few details on a GroupSense Palm OS Prototype Smartphone being shown at CeBit. GroupSense liscensed the Palm OS back in December at a PalmSource conference in China.
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YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!

gfunkmagic @ 3/18/2003 5:56:25 PM #
This is very exciting! I'm glad to see more annoucements from Palmsource licensees. However, I hope this is just a prototype device as stated. IMO, many future PalmOS smartphones are going to be automatically compared with SGH-i500 in the near term, thus there needs to be more powerful specs etc...

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
Psychoactivist @ 3/18/2003 7:54:07 PM #
I'm sure there will be a market for lower end smartphones, so I don't see the lower specs being a problem, if you don't like em get the higer end phone.


"If cop a feel I must, than cop a feel I shall." - Professor Farnsworth, Futurama

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
orol @ 3/18/2003 8:25:36 PM #
it looks like is _very_ small (t39 is _very_ small), if this hit the european market i woulde definitely want one!
almost my dream => cellphone with palm os, i would even change the brand of my cellphone (nokia after almost 5 years of loyalty :O)

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
Liam @ 3/18/2003 9:38:38 PM #
PDA France? Are you serious? Does it surrender when you turn it on? Or does it just veto any action you attempt? Oh wait…. This is not a political forum. I’ll save my hatred for that country for another time.

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
rsc1000 @ 3/18/2003 9:45:11 PM #
>>PDA France? Are you serious? Does it surrender when you turn it on?

PDA France is the website the info came from - not a PDA manufacturer. BTW - in the last 30 yrs, the U.S. has used its council veto more then all other members combined (prior to those 30 yrs the U.S.S.R vetoed just about everything) - did cnn forget that fact too? But - as you said - lets not turn this into a political forum:)

NOT the final specs?
gfunkmagic @ 3/18/2003 10:43:40 PM #
Well here is a quote from the translation from the site:

"A small turn on the stand of GroupSense PDA and I could see smallest Smartphone under Palm OS. A super design, numerical camera of 300k pixels, color screen and Palm OS 4.1 (for the moment). The only regret: No slot SD. GroupSense PDA currently works on a variation of these machines under Palm OS 5. To keep corner of the eye."

So hopefully, this was just a prototype model. If they can make an OS 5 version of this form factor, I will be very impressed indeed!

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
··metaCOREtex·· @ 3/18/2003 11:01:12 PM #
i use the t39 as my daily phone ..if this palm smartphone is the same size, i guess i will have to get LASIK to be able to read the screen on it! .. i like the look, but DAMN it's SMALL!

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
hawkspy @ 3/19/2003 12:34:35 AM #
Unbelievable...even here the mindless Texan's propaganda sneaks verminously amongst us.

Grow up. The US has been the patsy for Israels' Palestinian genocide for years at the UN vetoing any proposal that human rights were being abused.

Other rogue states where genocide is inflicted:
- Guinea
- Zimbabwe
- Israel
- Indonesia
- China

Seems the big brave americans only worry about liberation and democracy and despots when they come in muslim flavour and dripping in oil.

50% of your own country thinks this war is wrong.
60% of my country (Australia) - and no I am not muslim, but WASP thinks its wrong.

Poisonous vermin like you are atrocious, and the reason why hatred is so dangerous in a modern world where a president with a marginal (if any) electoral mandate declares unilateral wat on a soverign make me sick.

Where do We Go Nowwwwwww?!

- Sir Axl de Rose, 1986

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
treo007 @ 3/19/2003 12:50:44 AM #
>>Unbelievable...even here the mindless Texan's propaganda sneaks verminously amongst us.

Grow up. The US has been the patsy for Israels' Palestinian genocide for years at the UN vetoing any proposal that human rights were being abused.

Other rogue states where genocide is inflicted:
- Guinea
- Zimbabwe
- Israel
- Indonesia
- China

Seems the big brave americans only worry about liberation and democracy and despots when they come in muslim flavour and dripping in oil.

50% of your own country thinks this war is wrong.
60% of my country (Australia) - and no I am not muslim, but WASP thinks its wrong.

Poisonous vermin like you are atrocious, and the reason why hatred is so dangerous in a modern world where a president with a marginal (if any) electoral mandate declares unilateral wat on a soverign make me sick.

Thanks for making a fool of yourself :-)

Ryan, please delete above two posts
gfunkmagic @ 3/19/2003 12:53:43 AM #
This is not the appropiate place to agrue about your political opinions. This is a PDA news site! Please post only regarding the topic. All this useless bickering pollutes the discussion of PlamOs smartphones which is the real reason for people coming to this thread, not to listen to anyone's jabberring...

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
hawkspy @ 3/19/2003 7:29:33 AM #
Son...I am no fool...but then who am I trying to convince?

Where do We Go Nowwwwwww?!

- Sir Axl de Rose, 1986

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
rogerdon @ 3/19/2003 9:06:55 AM #
What about Bosnia? Didn't the big bad Americans save bosnian Muslims from the Serbs. No oil there. France vetoed.
Some people will hate Americans no matter what we do.
I know, I know, not a political forum. :)
God bless America!

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
a3 @ 3/19/2003 9:59:21 AM #
Just one small correction: the United States of NORTH AMERICA is not AMERICA. You are the USA and the continent you live in is America. There are 20+ countries in your same continent so lets keep things clear.
Maybe this is just a small thing but I have never heard Uruguay, Canada or Colombia calling themselves America so why should you?

Nothing: the worst you can do.
RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
Liam @ 3/19/2003 10:05:10 AM #
“Unbelievable...even here the mindless Texan's propaganda sneaks verminously amongst us.”

Strong words. What is wrong with Texas? And don’t confuse propaganda with a vision to protect Americans.

“Grow up. The US has been the patsy for Israels' Palestinian genocide for years at the UN vetoing any proposal that human rights were being abused.”

Grow up? Not sure what you mean mate. Calling the U.S. a patsy for supporting Israel is wrong. The Israeli’s do not like to see their citizens die. Since you live in a small country that has never known armed conflict you should keep quiet. I’ll avoid that whole discussion about WWII. Was Hitler so bad? Should the U.S. have stayed home for that?

Other rogue states where genocide is inflicted:- Guinea-

Are you blaming the U.S. for getting involved or for not getting involved? The U.S. supports democracy worldwide. We abhor terrorism wherever it exists.

“Seems the big brave americans only worry about liberation and democracy and despots when they come in muslim flavour and dripping in oil.”

Land of the free, home of the brave. I don’t recall Korea or Vietnam had any oil reserves. Vietnam and N. Korea are an economic mess today because the U.S. failed to defeat their respective regimes in the 50’s and 60’s. The largest supplier of oil to the U.S. is Canada. The issue for us is radical Islam and WMD. The policy of containment does not work. At least President Bush can say enough is enough.

“50% of your own country thinks this war is wrong.”

That figure is incorrect. I read on Business Week this morning that support for military action to disarm Saddam (by force) is 65%. And Gallup stated that 85% say preventing Iraq from using WMD is just cause for military action. I’m not sure where you heard 50%. Please state your source (please not CNN!).

60% of my country (Australia) - and no I am not muslim, but WASP thinks its wrong.

No disrespect here but, I know John Howard supports Mr. Bush. And you are now deploying troops to the region. I laughed when I saw those people get naked and spelled out “peace man.” Do you go along with Mr. Howard or the idiots that got naked? Talk to me a week from now.

“Poisonous vermin like you are atrocious, and the reason why hatred is so dangerous in a modern world where a president with a marginal (if any) electoral mandate declares unilateral wat on a soverign make me sick.”

So many ideas in so few words. I am poisonous vermin? I am just a middle class guy trying to raise a family in troubled times. The “modern world” needs people like Mr. Bush. People that do not tolerate barbarians and terrorists. Who complained when we went into Afghanistan? I don’t see the difference. And unilateral? That is silly. We have 45 countries that support us. We have 18 of 21 European nations on our side. France and Germany have too much invested in Iraq to see it go. Belgium is a joke.

Where do We Go Nowwwwwww?!- Sir Axl de Rose, 1986

And you quote “Sir Axl” ? That speaks volumes. GNR had one good album about a century ago. Since then it’s been drugs, divorce, rehab, failed attempt to reunite the band, rehab…. Is he your hero? And I am vermin? In the future please note;

1)Americans support military action now to prevent larger future conflicts.

2)President Bush is far more popular than the previous guy in office that appeased Iraq and gave rise to Bin Laden. (Clinton never won 50%)

3)Americans see war as a necessary evil. Saddam had 12 years to disarm.

4)Resolution 1441 (Nov. 8) was unanimously approved and stated “serious consequences” if it was not adhered to.

5)Serious consequences does not mean we will give up.

6)10,000 Americans GI’s are buried in Normandy France. I am insulted by their refusal to enforce 1441.

7)Inspections do not work. It’s a game that we don’t want to play.

8)All Saddam needed to do was give up his WMD (not move them).

Have a nice day and shut up.

I have no problem with Aussies, just losers like you who are ignorant.

“It’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees.”

Liam (from New York City)

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
Phil @ 3/19/2003 11:22:44 AM #
Although I am tired of this diskussion and this is not a political forum I just can´t keep quiet:

First of all: I love the USA! I have a lot of friends there and I traveled a lot throught this beautiful country. I am very thankfull that the United States freed Germany from Hitler.

BUT: There are so many threads around the world (e.g. North Korea) - why Iraq now? Even the CIA said "Iraq is NOT an thread". But Rumsfeld didn´t like it and foundet a new agency. There is NO proof that Iraq has mass destruction weapons. AND Osama is Sadams biggest enemy. Why should he give him any weapons?

Anyway, I am sure I won´t be able to persuade you, Liam. Just think about it.


RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
Sholey @ 3/19/2003 11:36:12 AM #
Thank you SO much for your clear reply to that Sir Axl de Rose. You did a GREAT job!

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
mikecane @ 3/19/2003 1:13:52 PM #
>>>> RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
Liam @ 3/18/2003 9:38:38 PM

PDA France? Are you serious? Does it surrender when you turn it on? Or does it just veto any action you attempt? Oh wait…. This is not a political forum. I’ll save my hatred for that country for another time.


Given the political crap that followed, you were a bit too late.

All I have to say is this, and it is non-pol: PDA France is one damned good website. It often has stories that are "me-tooed" by alleged "leading" websites on this side of the pond.

I'd get PDA news even if I had to go to PDA Iraq, dammit. It has zero to do with politics.

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
hawkspy @ 3/19/2003 5:17:14 PM #
Fi Fi Fo Fum...I smell the BS of an americorn...

“Unbelievable...even here the mindless Texan's propaganda sneaks verminously amongst us.”

Strong words. What is wrong with Texas? And don’t confuse propaganda with a vision to protect Americans.

A vision to protect America?
Iraq was established and nurtured by the CIA. Saddam is your own creation. Rumsfeld shaking his hand back in 83 when the then similar visionary (Regan) was running the puppet show is a classic TV image. The US has historically misunderstood vision for interference.

“Grow up. The US has been the patsy for Israels' Palestinian genocide for years at the UN vetoing any proposal that human rights were being abused.”

Grow up? Not sure what you mean mate. Calling the U.S. a patsy for supporting Israel is wrong. The Israeli’s do not like to see their citizens die. Since you live in a small country that has never known armed conflict you should keep quiet. I’ll avoid that whole discussion about WWII. Was Hitler so bad? Should the U.S. have stayed home for that?

One of the reasons that Australians have avoided conflict is our insistence on the concept of a fair go...that is democracy...and amazingly enough democracy is a concept even older and more profound than the US itself...As to Hitler being bad I will not even dain your obvious implied slur that I am an appologist...however...genocide is genocide and I would have thought that the israelis of all people would have developed a clarity of understanding of that issue above most people, as well as a respect for life that means more than running over a little girl protesting with a bulldozer...People die the world over. And the US only intervenes where it is sure it can win...and win well...and then manipulate the country thereafter in a twisted concept of democracy.
Vietnam...I mean why mention possibly the biggest loss of the unites states military in its entire history? North Korea...same...still refusing to buckle in to the US despite years of sanctions and attempted point is that you only fight the battles you think you can win...and then so often lose anyway. This makes you in the school yard the big fat kid who ate too much MacDonalds and who bullies the other kids around. Thats all. Nothing better.

Other rogue states where genocide is inflicted:- Guinea-

Are you blaming the U.S. for getting involved or for not getting involved? The U.S. supports democracy worldwide. We abhor terrorism wherever it exists.

“Seems the big brave americans only worry about liberation and democracy and despots when they come in muslim flavour and dripping in oil.”

Land of the free, home of the brave. I don’t recall Korea or Vietnam had any oil reserves. Vietnam and N. Korea are an economic mess today because the U.S. failed to defeat their respective regimes in the 50’s and 60’s. The largest supplier of oil to the U.S. is Canada. The issue for us is radical Islam and WMD. The policy of containment does not work. At least President Bush can say enough is enough.

The USA has WMD - the most of any nation on the planet. George Bush is your president on a technicality after an extremely dodgy Florida countback...and does not have ANY mandate to declare unilateral war without UN approval - your nation is one of the nations on the planet...not the only one.

“50% of your own country thinks this war is wrong.”

That figure was ABC 24h before the war started. Your network. Your figure. It related to those who did not believe that war was appropriate without UN approval.
The second figure (65%) relates to those who would support war with a UN-backed resolution.

That figure is incorrect. I read on Business Week this morning that support for military action to disarm Saddam (by force) is 65%. And Gallup stated that 85% say preventing Iraq from using WMD is just cause for military action. I’m not sure where you heard 50%. Please state your source (please not CNN!).

60% of my country (Australia) - and no I am not muslim, but WASP thinks its wrong.

No disrespect here but, I know John Howard supports Mr. Bush. And you are now deploying troops to the region. I laughed when I saw those people get naked and spelled out “peace man.” Do you go along with Mr. Howard or the idiots that got naked? Talk to me a week from now.

John Howard has no mandate to support war. He is a little all senses trying to be a big player. HE didnt even get invited to the Spain/US/UK war love-in and is extremely miffed. We love it.
The idiots who got not me...too busy working as a surgeon...but I loved their spirit...I seemed to remember an america that enjoyed peace and love itself...not so long ago Liam...rather than a nation wide self-obsession with being the biggest bully on the block that it seems to have developed.

“Poisonous vermin like you are atrocious, and the reason why hatred is so dangerous in a modern world where a president with a marginal (if any) electoral mandate declares unilateral wat on a soverign make me sick.”

So many ideas in so few words. I am poisonous vermin? I am just a middle class guy trying to raise a family in troubled times. The “modern world” needs people like Mr. Bush. People that do not tolerate barbarians and terrorists. Who complained when we went into Afghanistan? I don’t see the difference. And unilateral? That is silly. We have 45 countries that support us. We have 18 of 21 European nations on our side. France and Germany have too much invested in Iraq to see it go. Belgium is a joke.

You see no country is a joke. Just people living in a different place. Your arrogance is amusing....and yet sad. I wonder if the 45 countries include countries like Australia carping to pick up the crumbs at the USA's table? Thankfully, in my profession I am immune from the USA's economic power. Did you read in Business week, I wonder that all kids 15 - 18 are conscripted in Iraq? There was a photo in the (lowly) Sydney Morning Herald of a bunch of excited kids in uniform. They are children. Misguided, coerced children. And your nation has 3000 bombs ready to drop on their heads. That's the simple, desanitised verison of the truth. Iraq, infact is almost 50% children. Surely there is another way...involving less "fireworks" as one of your responsible generals...a childish man in his fifties put it...

You are, I am afraid, a middle class apologist similar to those who thought Hitler had a right to self-defence and to strengthen Germany...for a man who has difficulty spelling, who cannot grasp the basics of international diplomacy, who would not be able to tell the scientific basis of any of the WMD that he has in his own armament, who initially wanted war with Iraq because "that saddam tried to kill my dad", and whose government has been involved in similar wars (Korea and Vietname being the most obvious) where it has performed atrocities in the the name of democracy...and failed to do the job properly at every turn. Your president.

As to Sir Axl...if Geeorge Bush or Ronald Regan can become appropriate a drugged out sexed out ex-rocker...surely with one brain cell left in his head he'd make a more potent president than the barely-elected farce who "leads" your nation into a morally corrupt war?! Good luck to you living in New York after this war...and after the US has created an entirely new generation of martyrs...

Where do We Go Nowwwwwww?!- (And I remain) Sir Axl de Rose, 1986

Where do We Go Nowwwwwww?!

- Sir Axl de Rose, 1986

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
rage @ 3/20/2003 1:38:16 AM #
I am honored to find this intellectual posting
entire world can see how U.S is become a threat and clear present danger to peace and humanity

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
Liam @ 3/20/2003 12:23:53 PM #
Fi Fi Fo Fum...I smell the BS of an americorn...

America is spelled with a capital A. The truth is BS? I’m starting to take offense.

“A vision to protect America?Iraq was established and nurtured by the CIA. Saddam is your own creation. Rumsfeld shaking his hand back in 83 when the then similar visionary (Regan) was running the puppet show is a classic TV image. The US has historically misunderstood vision for interference.”

I recall Saddam came to power in the 1970’s. It’s unfair to blame Regan or Rummy. The real criticism of the U.S. may be the policy of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” In the late 1970’s Iran was the focus. You have issues with Regan too? I’ll have to make a list of American leaders you despise.

“One of the reasons that Australians have avoided conflict is our insistence on the concept of a fair go...that is democracy...and amazingly enough democracy is a concept even older and more profound than the US itself...As to Hitler being bad I will not even dain your obvious implied slur that I am an appologist...however...genocide is genocide and I would have thought that the israelis of all people would have developed a clarity of understanding of that issue above most people, as well as a respect for life that means more than running over a little girl protesting with a bulldozer...People die the world over. And the US only intervenes where it is sure it can win...and win well...and then manipulate the country thereafter in a twisted concept of democracy.Vietnam...I mean why mention possibly the biggest loss of the unites states military in its entire history? North Korea...same...still refusing to buckle in to the US despite years of sanctions and attempted point is that you only fight the battles you think you can win...and then so often lose anyway. This makes you in the school yard the big fat kid who ate too much MacDonalds and who bullies the other kids around. Thats all. Nothing better.”

Fair go? It’s not my point to criticize Australia. Australia plays no strategic role in the world. Most Americans do not follow Aussie politics the way you follow Americas. Most Americans don’t know who Howard is either. I’m feeling jealousy and hatred. Are you a member of Hamas? Did you immigrate to Australia from the Middle East? I guess you were happy when so many Australian citizens died last year in Bali. Was it an excusable offense? I guess they deserved their fate? And what is your beef with Israel? Offer some realistic solutions mate. Your verbal diarrhea tires me. I doubt you know any Americans or have ever been here. You are an apologist and an appeaser. You attack me and offer no solutions. Additionally you tend to generalize and stereotype. Not all of us eat at McDonald’s. Not all of us are bullies. I voted for President Bush but do not follow him blindly.

“The USA has WMD - the most of any nation on the planet. George Bush is your president on a technicality after an extremely dodgy Florida countback...and does not have ANY mandate to declare unilateral war without UN approval - your nation is one of the nations on the planet...not the only one.”

WMD? Us? Being the sole superpower in the world is a reality that you need to understand. We can wage war anywhere, anytime, anyplace. I am doubting that Bush is arming those Tomahawk missiles with anthrax or VX. Let’s forget about our nuclear arsenal that is collecting dust. We’re a rational country. And Florida? That’s funny. Mr. Bush was elected by all the rules prior to the election. Have you been to Disneyland recently? Did you see Al Gore working at the concession stand? And unilateral? Hogwash! We covered that yesterday. UN? They should clear out that building and get the hell out of my city. Serious consequences to them meant no serious consequences. I blame Bush for trying diplomacy for too long. Mr. Bush had approval from congress six months ago. So much for the “rush to war.”

“That figure was ABC 24h before the war started. Your network. Your figure. It related to those who did not believe that war was appropriate without UN approval. The second figure (65%) relates to those who would support war with a UN-backed resolution.”

ABC is not a real news source. I know every house on my block has an American flag flying proudly today. Support for military action has grown dramatically in last 48 hours. It has gone from high to very high. Don’t sit your sorry ass in Australia and tell me who supports what. The minority that oppose it oppose everything. Most opposition rallies were organized by groups on the fringe of society – attended by the unemployed and students. Unfortunately they make the news.

“John Howard has no mandate to support war. He is a little all senses trying to be a big player. HE didnt even get invited to the Spain/US/UK war love-in and is extremely miffed. We love it.”

So Mr. Howard is bad too? Do you hate your father? Do you have one? I’ll add Mr. Howard to my list of people you dislike. War love-in? Oh yes! We love wars… Wars we can win… Leaders here just sit and think about places to invade. Last time I checked Australia was a democracy. Perhaps Howard was afraid Bush would invade your country if he didn’t play nice.

”The idiots who got not me...too busy working as a surgeon...but I loved their spirit...I seemed to remember an america that enjoyed peace and love itself...not so long ago Liam...rather than a nation wide self-obsession with being the biggest bully on the block that it seems to have developed.”

Surgeon? Do you work on humans? Or is it some type of meat packing plant? America was good at one point? Please describe when. The U.S. did blow up some stuff in the 1990’s (like Iraq – Clinton era). Was it OK then? Or did you care less? The only self obsession I have is protecting Americans.

“You see no country is a joke. Just people living in a different place. Your arrogance is amusing....and yet sad. I wonder if the 45 countries include countries like Australia carping to pick up the crumbs at the USA's table? Thankfully, in my profession I am immune from the USA's economic power. Did you read in Business week, I wonder that all kids 15 - 18 are conscripted in Iraq? There was a photo in the (lowly) Sydney Morning Herald of a bunch of excited kids in uniform. They are children. Misguided, coerced children. And your nation has 3000 bombs ready to drop on their heads. That's the simple, desanitised verison of the truth. Iraq, infact is almost 50% children. Surely there is another way...involving less "fireworks" as one of your responsible generals...a childish man in his fifties put it...”

Belgium is a joke. Sorry to upset you. I doubt I could spot it on a map. They should stick to making beer and not make the same mistake France has. 3000 bombs? I think we have more than that. The sun is going down in Iraq. The U.S. does not target innocent civilians. Saddam does. You are so far to the left it is uncanny. Saddam has killed more of his people than anybody. And please stop referring to my use of Business Week. I do not subscribe to it. And hate to burst your bubble mate but any economy in the world depends upon the U.S. I’m truly impressed that you think you are not affected - being a surgeon and all.

“You are, I am afraid, a middle class apologist similar to those who thought Hitler had a right to self-defence and to strengthen Germany...for a man who has difficulty spelling, who cannot grasp the basics of international diplomacy, who would not be able to tell the scientific basis of any of the WMD that he has in his own armament, who initially wanted war with Iraq because "that saddam tried to kill my dad", and whose government has been involved in similar wars (Korea and Vietname being the most obvious) where it has performed atrocities in the the name of democracy...and failed to do the job properly at every turn. Your president.”

I am what? Middle class apologist? Lets get some things straight. My job pays better than yours. I went to a better school than you. If I moved to your town I could by a bigger house (in cash) and retire. The exchange rate makes your country a cheap stopover. Middle class in N.Y.C. is a healthy six figure income. I could buy more than a few cans of Fosters with that.

“As to Sir Axl...if Geeorge Bush or Ronald Regan can become appropriate a drugged out sexed out ex-rocker...surely with one brain cell left in his head he'd make a more potent president than the barely-elected farce who "leads" your nation into a morally corrupt war?! Good luck to you living in New York after this war...and after the US has created an entirely new generation of martyrs...”

When did you get on the hate Regan bandwagon? That man ended the cold war. If he was Prez in the 1990’s you’d have far fewer international surprises. To be so anti-Republican is disturbing. At least you capitalized their names!

I’m ending this here and now. No need to say more. Not my job to fix your ass. If you post again please make it a brief apology and include your email address. Additionally, give me some insight to your solutions to turmoil in the world. Inspections and appeasement do not cut it.

Any other of you ****roaches want to comment please leave a return address.

My prayers to members of the military for a swift victory and safe return. Most rational people understand the risks and accept the responsibility.


RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
Phil @ 3/20/2003 12:39:49 PM #
Liam, just settle down and relax. And stop being so arrogant. We all know that the USA are the sole superpower. But you can´t rule the world. I am sure that most US-citizens don´t want to do that. But some people in the government seem to think they do. You can´t call Belgium a "joke" just because your economical and military power might be bigger than any other countrys. this is NOT the jungle where the strongest is right.

The majority of the world did not want this war. Who are you? God? Why can you decide, that this is right? Have you ever heard about democrazy? It might be that Bush is correct. But it might also be, that a judge is wrong when he acquits a murderer that is guilty as hell. But that´s democrazy. Do you want the US to be policeman, public prosecutor, judge and executioner in one person?

Hate brings you to the dark side.

No offence!


RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
gilacrazy @ 3/20/2003 1:19:31 PM #
>>> Most Americans don't know Howard either.

yeah, doesn't this show how ignorant, arrogant and self-centred americans are.

open you eyes, you are not the only nation in the world. and sadly, you are the most ignorant ones that i've ever come across...

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
hawkspy @ 3/20/2003 7:29:50 PM #
I am lost for words. You get to vote.
True - Australia is a cheap stopover.
True - We have no strategic importance.
True we can get on our aircraft without them ploughing into big city buildings.

Good luck to you man...your lack of insight must cost you a fortune on the couch each week.

Where do We Go Nowwwwwww?!

- Sir Axl de Rose, 1986

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
hawkspy @ 3/20/2003 7:34:26 PM #
And as for ending things...I'm afraid you don't have that option son. That is, and remains, as much my perogative.

Your preoccupation with insults related to our relative incomes (which, I am afraid is a rather lame assumption) lack of...what...a father?...concerns me greatly for your mental well-being. In my medical experience, such irrational anger usually belies a deep-seated inadequacy. I would suggest you look down to find the root of all your own problems before starting your obviously high-powered day ;)

Am I a member of Hamas? No. White Anglo Saxon Protestent actually - you americans (small a for small ***roach) do like your hatreds simple, don't you. Wrong. Been here probably longer than the Irish have been in New York?!

Which brings me to a question I have...the Irish have long understood what it is to be downtrodden by an ignorant power (the colonial british)...when did you sell out?

Where do We Go Nowwwwwww?!

- Sir Axl de Rose, 1986

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
rage @ 3/21/2003 1:13:24 AM #
I am with you
the sensible one

world is going to be better with a man ake you
and worst because of warlord like bush

RE: YES!! More PalmOS Smartphones!!!!
JonathanChoo @ 3/21/2003 10:55:52 AM #
Liam... Whatever...

Current gadgets: Palm Tungsten T, HP Ipaq h5455, Ericsson T68, AMD Athlon XP 2400+ (2.3Ghz), 1Gb PC3500 DDRAM, Hercelus ATi Radeon 9700 Pro

Is that a trackball?

rsc1000 @ 3/18/2003 9:51:21 PM #
Maybe its just the way it looks in this photo - but seems like a trackball. that would be interesting.

RE: Is that a trackball?
Georg @ 3/19/2003 12:55:41 AM #
I have played a bit with this phone at Cebit show.

This is not a trackball, its a camera!!!!

I will get mid of April a preproduktion unit for some tests.

Marketing will start end of May in Europe with GSM.

Price? probably 250 Euros?

RE: Is that a trackball?
rsc1000 @ 3/19/2003 2:58:10 AM #
>>This is not a trackball, its a camera!!!!

Isn't that kind of a weird place for a camera? Thats ussually where a rocker-switch or d-pad would be.

RE: Is that a trackball?
jojo @ 3/20/2003 11:31:23 AM #
Be caredul. Better to check its quaility (both hardware and software) very seriously.

Groupsense PDA Phone Info Website

lcohen @ 3/19/2003 4:42:13 AM #
It does not mention what O/S but it seems to be the specs for a palm device.


RE: Groupsense PDA Phone Info Website
gilbas99 @ 3/19/2003 9:32:06 AM #
There's another one with a clamshell design, also Dragonball equiped:

RE: Groupsense PDA Phone Info Website
CameraAssistant @ 3/19/2003 10:33:13 AM #
Not for the U.S.

It only works on the European GSM fequencies.

Too Bad!

RE: Groupsense PDA Phone Info Website
··metaCOREtex·· @ 3/20/2003 4:11:22 AM #
an OLD dragonballVZ?!?!? .. @least put in a superVZ! or better yet, the MX1!

RE: Groupsense PDA Phone Info Website
jojo @ 3/20/2003 11:33:48 AM #
It is just a rendering and it shows absolutely nothing.

RE: Groupsense PDA Phone Info Website
jojo @ 3/20/2003 11:35:51 AM #
For CameraAssistant,

If you know how good it is. You will glad to know it does not avilable in US.

SDIO instead of cheap camera

robrecht @ 3/19/2003 10:47:46 AM #
Great phone, EXCEPT SDIO would be much better than cheap camera.

Thanks, Robrecht
RE: SDIO instead of cheap camera
jojo @ 3/20/2003 11:44:26 AM #
Did you check and test the phone by yourself? Even it has SDIO, it might not be as good as you thought.

Hey! Its the goofy Zire buttons!

JKingGrim @ 3/19/2003 2:57:38 PM #
What is it with companies putting this clumsy cripled button design onto PDAs?

cicifan @ 3/19/2003 6:50:55 PM #


fwiw IMO

great board here......dump the political stuff please.

god bless all

that is most likely MY MISTAKE!!
cicifan @ 3/19/2003 7:08:26 PM #
Nevermind and thank you for the info!!!!

go jot!

RE: Hey! Its the goofy Zire buttons!
cyruski @ 3/20/2003 11:02:55 AM #
but the phone is.. it's.. wow. very small.. i was shocked to see that it's the size of t39.


wilsonwilson @ 3/26/2003 10:04:42 AM #
The appreance seems not so good, I like Samsung's i330 model much more.


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