Comments on: Samsung Develops 4Gb Flash Chip, Fusion Memory

Samsung Electronics has announced the world’ firsts 4 Gigabit (Gb) NAND Flash memory chip in a 70 nm process. The new chip is aimed at mobile devices from handhelds to mp3 players. In addition, the company announced a new concept single chip memory solution, called fusion memory.
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EthiopianFlash @ 9/30/2003 8:12:26 AM #
"new concept single chip memory "

Can you make cookies with these?
(1st post)

chinchorrero @ 9/30/2003 8:43:58 AM #
Incredible 4Gb.
I want one.

"Life is Too Short"
RE: Cookies?
GHaavy @ 9/30/2003 8:44:40 AM #
I prefer my cookies with multiple chips.

I'm not a smartass in real life, I just portray one on the web.

I telling ya..

helf @ 9/30/2003 8:44:53 AM #
Samsung is the new sony. They are coming out with loads of crap.. This is cool.

RE: I telling ya..
Strider_mt2k @ 9/30/2003 5:08:12 PM #
No, that would be the new Sharp. lol ;)


Timothy Rapson @ 9/30/2003 8:42:22 AM #
So, 4 gigabits is how many megabytes? 512? On a single chip? How many chips are in a typical flash card design? 8?

If this is so, are 4 megabyte cards on the way this year?

And the biggies; how much $$$$ and how fast?

With one chip sollutions of 512 MB, I expect to see a huge extension of the UX50s design incorporating flash memory right inside. If some kind of flash ROM (now a day "Read Only Memory" has become a huge misnomer as virtually all ROMs are now rewritable) chip has to be included for the OS anyway, and you can put in one with 512 MB, you have room for hours of music and video without even paying for a flash card. That is something I predicted would happen a year ago. I don't often get to be right about such predictions. Even Foo and Mike Cane's critics get predictions right more than I do! But, I saw this coming. This new huge Samsug push makes it a virtual certainty.

RE: ????
helf @ 9/30/2003 8:52:49 AM #
*sigh*.. Gb != gigaBYTE .. duuh..

These are 4gig chips.. NOT 4meg chips..

RE: ????
Timothy Rapson @ 9/30/2003 8:56:34 AM #
sigh back

These are gigaBIT not gigaBYTE. Anyone who really knows for sure who could comment and clarify care to respond? Any news on how the price would compare to current prices? The trends seem clear, the only difference here is that there appears to be a way to crate memory cards without any support chips as the support is built-in somehow.

Of course, that support is probably for standards like MMC, SD, and CF cards. Sony and Lexar will almost certainly need to add their own controller chips for their claim to the fastest I/O. That will keep MSPros selling at a premium price. I want out of that Sony cash cow treadmill. Sony would have to do something pretty big to get me to buy anything now.

RE: ????
Timothy Rapson @ 9/30/2003 9:02:03 AM #

On rereading, now I see what your are commenting on, Helf. MY BAD.

The second line [i]should[/i] read "4 Gigabyte". The rest of the OP should express what I wanted to know, though. Is the rest of it right?

RE: ????
ronpro @ 9/30/2003 9:59:50 AM #
Actually, 1Gb is approximately 1024Mb so these are about 5120Mb (not 512Mb as you suggested).

RE: ????
helf @ 9/30/2003 10:29:29 AM #
d'oh, it does say gigabit :) Sorry.

RE: ????
maven @ 9/30/2003 11:20:54 AM #
What Timothy understands, and apparently some of you don't, is that 4 Gb is 4 gigiBITS, and 4 GB is 4 gigaBYTES.

These chips are 4 Gb (gigabits) Since there are 8 bits in a byte, that means these chips can hold 512 MB (megaBYTES) of data. Now, if a card is produced with 8 of these chips on it, that will result in 4 GB (gigaBYTES) of memory.

Now, since we are all clear now, the questions are: "how much $$$$, and how fast?"

I doubt anyone here could answer either question though.

RE: ????
s_teve @ 9/30/2003 12:37:23 PM #
Could someone please tell me

1. is this 512mb
2. is there an sd 1 gigabyte chip at present


RE: ????
Altema @ 9/30/2003 12:55:21 PM #
Good thing we did not mention nybbles...

RE: ????
Timothy Rapson @ 9/30/2003 1:18:28 PM #
Well, I am going to predict that by the time they get into cards and into a store a year from now, they will be 4 gig card and will sell for $1000-2000. This will keep the current price structure for flash cards in place. That structure has been almost halfing prices and dropping the bottom sizes of cards as fast as it adds new sizes at the top.

The next big move for me would be to see 1 gig cards for $100. I think CF has reached $200 or so for 1 gig and $100 for 512 MB. The SD maxes out at 512 currently and goes for more than $250. If it all falls from there to where the 4 gig cards are $250, then maybe by the time these are in full production we will see 1 gig cards for $100.

RE: ????
HandyMan @ 10/1/2003 4:28:19 PM #
Never mind SD... think of how big the CF (and CFII) version will be. We already have 8GB CF, soon we'll have 32GB memory cards for all those 23megapixel cameras shooting in RAW mode.

RE: ????
shurcooL @ 10/1/2003 8:40:37 PM #
HandyMan is right.

more memory means worse usage of it, so u might think u're getting more when in fact that is not the case. think back many years ago, when people had 40 megabyte hard-drives and were more than happy with that amount. i hope you see what i mean.




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