Comments on: Stephen King's new E-book

Wired has an article on Stephen King's new book, Riding the Bullet, the first major e-book only release. In a move suggesting that e-books are penetrating the mainstream market, King will be the first major best-selling author to release a book exclusively in electronic format. Peanut Press is the place to get it in Palm format.
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s @ 3/15/2000 11:09:02 AM #

Bought it, read it, great!

Somec @ 3/15/2000 1:09:49 PM #
I purchased a copy yesterday (before I heard and were offering free downloads) and installed to my Palm V with no problems. By yesterday evening, I had finished reading the text and was a satisified customer. I would have still purchased my copy even if I had known about the free versions simply to show that releasing novels and short stories on the Internet is a viable alternative to traditional publishing.
RE: Bought it, read it, great!
nwstrn @ 3/15/2000 1:18:02 PM #
I have purchased several books from and have always received first-rate service. It will be interesting to see the sales figures for King's e-book (if they're ever released)and in particular the comparison among the various e-book formats--Rocket e-book, peanutpress, Amazon, etc. I suspect that peanutpress will do very well.

Doomling + Keyboard support

I.M. Anonymous @ 3/16/2000 1:53:09 PM #
I emailed the creator of Doomling, and he stated that he would be interested in support palm keyboards in a future release. I believe this could make the Palm device a much more viable game system if this kind of device is supported. We'll have to see how things progress.


Free Version is Not Palm compatible

Tinuviel @ 3/18/2000 1:38:43 AM #
I bought the Palm version from and just finished reading it. The story is fantastic! Well worth the 2.50 even though it is a tad short. I would like to point out that the version of the story that was being given away by Amazon was the Glassbook version which can only be displayed on a pc. The palm version was only available from PeanutPress and was never given away.

I don't know about you, but the ability to take the story with me and read it anywhere on my IIIc (kind of like a real paperback except the IIIc is smaller and more convenient) is well worth paying for it. Also has anyone actually tried to read an entire book on their monitor while sitting at their desk? My eyes get tired after just 10 minutes of reading on a monitor. I prefer to do my reading curled up on the couch or while laying in bed. And I don't intend on lugging my 30lb pc and 17" monitor to bed with me.

My only complaints are about the reader itself. 1.The book and the reader show up as seperate applications on your main screen-This is rediculous! I have 30 stories loaded in TealDoc and none appear seperately from the application. 2. There's only 2 fonts to choose from in the PeanutReader and neither one is a bold style that is easy to read. You have your choice between the small hard to read font or large spindly hard to read font. 3. No color support whatsoever. Even the brightness bar turns black&white when you're in the PeanutReader application. Imagine how much better the front cover illustration would have looked in color...

I wrote an e-mail to PeanutPress outlining these concerns. Here is their reply.

>1. Both fonts are equally hard to read, The best font I've found so far is the bold font in TealDoc. It is far easier on the eyes than either of the 2 fonts you use.

The large bold font is not present on all devices we support (Palm PilotPro on up), so the Reader doesn't support it. This will probably change in a future release of the Reader.

>2. Why does the book show up as a seperate item from the reader in the main applications screen?

This is a feature. :-) Many users wanted to be able to tap on their books to open them, so we added this feature. Putting them into a different category cleans up your main display.

However, the new Palm OS (3.5) that's on your IIIc broke this mechanism when a new version of the owner application is HotSynced, so we'll be removing this feature in the next release of the Reader.

>3. Should support color.

This is something we're working on, but it's difficult given backward compatibility with all the Palm OS devices we support as well as WindowsCE devices, all of which use the same book file, so we're taking our time to make sure we get it right.

Thanks for your suggestions!


CmdrTaco @ 3/19/2000 5:09:10 AM #
I am about to buy the ebook but i wish that you could view the palm version on the pc or viceversa. I know it encourages piracy but the book is already protected by a password.... just ask it again if you want to load in pc softwar, perhaps even only allow printibg of one copy....
Just get both.
Tinuviel @ 3/19/2000 1:03:48 PM #
Just pick up the free version from Amazon for your pc and buy the Peanutpress version for the Palm. That way you'll have both and will only pay once. Of course you might have to wait a month before Amazon starts distributing it again...


Scott @ 3/20/2000 8:21:00 PM #


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