Comments on: Buy/Try Software from your Handheld with Addit

palmOne has developed a new Palm OS program called Addit, a database and electronic commerce application that makes finding and downloading applications much easier. The software aims to provide users with a list of applications to install, provide information about the programs, and then user can choose to buy or try it and install with the push of the hotsync button.
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Nice but I was expecting a real time option...

a3 @ 12/15/2003 1:00:14 PM #
Very nice idea. My only negative would be that a real time download is not available (or at least I did not read about it).

Former Tapwave's Helix fan, now a T|T3 fan.
RE: Nice but I was expecting a real time option...
bcombee @ 12/15/2003 1:26:13 PM #
If you have network HotSync, you could always sync your device wirelessly and use this service, even it it doesn't support an independent download connection.

Ben Combee, CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at
RE: Nice but I was expecting a real time option...
Altema @ 12/15/2003 3:46:51 PM #
I think I prefer direct download and unzip/installation on the handheld. Too bad PalmGear does not support wireless downloads. In cases like that, I locate the app on PalmGear, then nav to the developer's website, then download the app. Network hotsync is fine, but it can take a while (like when hotsync decides to backup ALL databases). Of course, some files NEED a hotsync install...


RE: Nice but I was expecting a real time option...
nrosser @ 12/15/2003 7:38:35 PM #
me too - can't believe in this day and age that an app like wouldn't support wireless fulfillment. That would make so much more sense.
Still having to be tied to a cradle is so...passe.

RE: Nice but I was expecting a real time option...
bcombee @ 12/15/2003 7:56:23 PM #
PalmGear indicated, back in May, that the second version of their StreamLync software was going to support wireless download. I wonder when that will be out.

Ben Combee, CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at
RE: Nice but I was expecting a real time option...
Toysoft @ 12/16/2003 1:28:17 AM #
Technically you can. Just install an unzip app like LightNzip and download the zip archive from your browser then have lightnzip automatically extract the zip file. You then select the .prc, .pdb, .jpg to nstall. check out lightNzip at

RE: Nice but I was expecting a real time option...
plucker @ 12/17/2003 3:27:03 PM #
> can't believe in this day and age that an app like
> wouldn't support wireless fulfillment.

Since it uses a modified version of the Plucker format
for the data content it's not a big surprise it won't
handle wireless (Plucker is by design an "offline"
tool). It's a bigger surprise that palmone will work
with a company run by James Fisher.

When Bluefish released "their" viewer in 2001 they kind
of "forgot" to mention that it was based on Plucker
(released under GPL) and that the source code should be
made available. When I requested the source from them
(and from their customers) I received threats from
James Fisher in return (or as he later put it, "If we
end up in court, I will bankrupt these guys."). Anyway,
FSF put us in contact with a great lawyer, Wendy
Seltzer, and with her help we were able to get the
source code with Bluefish's modifications (without
going to court:)

Now they claim to have created their own viewer that
can read the Plucker format. Apparently, they have done
all this without looking at our source code (although
they had already used our source code for their initial
viewer; go figure:) According to James Fisher palmone
will include AddIt in all future devices. Well, it's up
to palmone to decide if they want to risk including
that app...


RE: Nice but I was expecting a real time option...
tlshillam @ 12/17/2003 4:50:18 PM #
Real time options (such as downloading) would be a nice feature, especially with wireless networks getting ever more popular these days. Just put in a wireless home LAN myself the other day. I would sure like it if my Palm could connect to the network, perform downloads, etc. Palm really needs to start think about network connectivity. Having to use a cradle gets a little old--there's got to be a better solution out there. While I've been using my Palm for pretty much off-line use for many years, I think it's time to start thinking about connectivity. I'm sure my Palm would be much more useful if I could send e-mail from the comfort of my living room sofa.

As usual no mac support.

visorprismman @ 12/15/2003 2:25:28 PM #

As usual no mac support.


RE: As usual no mac support. @ 12/15/2003 7:08:59 PM #
And no Linux support. :(

So I cannot even try this stuff.

// Christophe Théron
// author of Chess Tiger for PalmOS

Bad news for Blue Nomad

aardvarko @ 12/15/2003 4:32:24 PM #
Yeah, I think PocketPurchase just got owned. :-(

Does this solve any important problem?

craigf @ 12/15/2003 10:27:49 PM #
Is this the most important thing PalmSource could/should be working on? Heck, is it even in the top 10?

RE: Does this solve any important problem?
GregGaub @ 12/15/2003 10:42:12 PM #
actually, it IS a bit of a problem. The vast majority of new palm users still barely know their palm can do more than address book and datebook, let alone the fact that there are 20g+ apps they can try out. If palmOne puts this app at the forefront so that people know IT exists, then there will inevitably be more software sales across the board. Now, the problem is getting Addit added to newbie's palms. ;-)

-- SeaPUG: --
RE: Does this solve any important problem?
;-) @ 12/16/2003 2:34:32 AM #
There is a problem, but no this does not solve it.

It's just too big.

RE: Does this solve any important problem?
Cutting Crew 2 @ 12/16/2003 10:44:51 AM #
It is a key opportunity for PalmSource and the development community that is so key to the ongoing growth and health of the platform to seek out and implement new channels of distribution that make it easier for customers of devices to become aware of, try, and buy, software solutions.

PocketPurchase is attacking it in a very deliberate manner, and seeing AddIt (goofy name, btw) arrive also fits with the opportunity that exists.

The very nature of product innovation means that many people will find it 'unnecessary' -- since it is the early adoptor personalities which will first envision the future needs (hence, the opportunities), and begin experimenting with ways to meet those needs.

Naysayers are to be expected-- in a sense, it is a form of validation, in fact!

Now, to correct the original comment: PalmOne was the partner-- not PalmSource. Hopefully, PalmSource is also seeing this opportunity and working in the shadows to encourage something even better... I think we can safely assume they have folks who 'get it' over there.

As to why PalmOne saw this as a priority? One can only conjecture...

Mike Compeau
Compeau-Fawkes Consulting
Mobility Marketing and Business Development

Dumb Idea, Dumb Example

Gekko @ 12/15/2003 11:50:06 PM #
"Gee...I forgot to download that Dictionary App I've always wanted....Good thing I have 'Addit' Installed!!! What a LIFESAVER! But it's too bad I can't use it now on my flight home to write my report. Boy, those guys at PalmOne are brilliant! What will they think of next!??"

RE: Dumb Idea, Dumb Example
Strider_mt2k @ 12/17/2003 11:29:47 AM #
The only convenience is the company gets your cash faster.
There isn't anything there that gets THE USER anything faster, easier, or cheaper.


This is totally retarded. What was Palm thinking?

;-) @ 12/16/2003 2:16:04 AM #
This reminds me of the app they talked about that users could install to rate apps that they would beam to each other. Sounds ok until you actually think about it for more than five seconds. Palm could have spent the money to set up a few booths in malls with beaming stations for users to try out new apps. That would attract attention and might actually sell a few apps.

Addit is a dumb implementation that will be completely ignored be newbies. Palm should have bit the bullet several years ago and invested the $$$ needed to make their own version of PalmGear, promoted the hell out of it and included an impossible-to-ignore link to it as part of HotSync or the Palm Desktop. For more sophisticated Palm owners with wireless capable Palms they could have also created the ability to browse this site and wirelessly download apps.

It's just too big.

Automated system updates also

PalmAndy @ 12/16/2003 3:36:24 AM #
I downloaded the software to get a free copy of SplashClock and discovered that the hotsync also downloads the latest system file updates. This is ON by default which I am sure Palm wants after the fiasco with the Tungsten E card problems. This way "newbies" will get patched also without realising it.


petew @ 12/16/2003 10:01:03 AM #
Shame it does't work over a firewall.

"Free" copy of SplashClock?

tmcrae @ 12/16/2003 10:16:49 PM #
After I registered Addit, SplashClock was indeed installed on my Tungsten, but only the trial version. No registration code has been emailed to me as yet, but it does show up in "My Addit Downloads" with the option to buy it for $9.95.

My understanding was that we were supposed to get a free fully working version of SplashClock. Has this happened to anyone else?

Galley_SimRacer @ 12/17/2003 3:38:48 AM #
I just received my registration code for SplashClock.

"Life is what you experience between racing games"
PalmAndy @ 12/17/2003 3:49:18 AM #
Somewhere in the readme/manuals/help etc etc there was something about the code being e-mailed to you within 48 hours. The trial lasts for 30 days and probably some "human" will issue the codes by e-mail.
oboise @ 12/17/2003 4:19:57 PM #
Best part was that after registering to try it out, get the free splashclock, and , OOOOOH, enter in the contest, I noticed repeated billings to my credit card for the same Splash Clock App. While talking to their support, they told me that I must be confused, as there was no promotion and I would have to pay for it, but they'd look into the problem with multiple charges. The next day after complaining, I received this email.

Dear Sir/Madam:

We have been made aware that the Addit software was a misleading in the way it managed the free download of SplashClock. Because of the way the program was set up, a handful of people actually purchased the application when it is meant to be a free token of our appreciation for registering Addit.

Please note your credit card was charged for the SplashClock application and you will see a transaction from Element5 listed on your next statement. However, the charges will be reversed within the next 24 hours. So you will also see a credit for the same amount.

We have also been aware that in some cases the transaction was sent more than once. If you have received multiple confirmations from element5, then this has happened to you. Again, any instance of the charge will be reversed. However, to make sure the transaction does not get sent again, please double check the following:

1) Go to My Addit
2) Tap Outbound transactions.
3) If SplashClock is in the list, tap it to highlight and then tap "delete".

Multiple sending of the transactions seems to occurs rarely, but it s bug that we have now identified. A new version of the software will be available shortly with that bug fixed. When you sync your device, you will always receive an application update and we expect to have the issue resolved within the next few days.

To their credit, all charges have been refunded at thisp oint, but I took the software off my pilot.

oboise @ 12/17/2003 4:26:22 PM #
Actually, I take that back. I still have three 9.95 charges showing. We'll see.


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