Comments on: Rumor: palmOne Working on Palm OS 6 Upgrade
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RE: Price???
Was upgrading from Windows 95 to 98 free? 98 to ME? get the idea.
RE: Price???
RE: Price???
But then you jump to the conclusion that they are ready to release the update.
Just because the OS has released doesn't mean that they have an upgrade version ready to release. Of course, it would make sense that they DIDN'T have it on their website until they were close to having it finished (what better way to keep all those annoying 'is it ready yet' emails from coming in).
RE: Price???
Generic Casio > Psion 5> Palm Vx > m505 > Sony N770C > T625C > NR70V > Toshiba e310 > T/T > HP h2210 > T/T3
StarTac > Ericsson T28m > 39m > T68m > T610
RE: Price???
Since I don't do any wireless with my T3 except BT, the update doesn't appear to hold much for me.
EXCEPT- the protected memory. Maybe I'll get fewer Fatal Exceptions requiring a reset. A poorly written app, or one that I didn't realize was too old for 5.1, won't take the whole OS with it. (This is a great feature in OS X for the Mac. XP has it, too?)
This alone may be worth the price of admission. But I'd wait until I see what apps break, and how soon the authors/developersdevelopersdevelopers catch up.
No doubt 6.0 will be available with the T4.
An armed society is a polite society.
PalmOne Won't Confirm It
We're the people we've been waiting for
RE: This is it.......
RE: This is it.......
I'll buy!
Moderator, Daily Gadget
RE: I'll buy!
It's more "Don't alienate your support base."
Jon Acheson
"All opinions posted are my own, and not those of my employers, who are appalled."
T|T4 with OS 6, the first OS 6 release
This could put a lot of pressure on Sony with its new, not even released, Clie TH55.
Interesting, very interesting
- Solo
RE: T|T4 with OS 6, the first OS 6 release
RE: T|T4 with OS 6, the first OS 6 release
In theory they should - except they have a worse track-record for offering upgrades.
RE: T|T4 with OS 6, the first OS 6 release
Handspring Visor Neo --> Sony CLIE PEG-T665C --> palmOne Tungsten T2
RE: T|T4 with OS 6, the first OS 6 release
My NX80 has over 15mb of flash ROM.
RE: T|T4 with OS 6, the first OS 6 release
some of the TTs has got pathetic 4MB of flash! TT2, TC, T3 has got 16MB
RE: T|T4 with OS 6, the first OS 6 release
Generic Casio > Psion 5> Palm Vx > m505 > Sony N770C > T625C > NR70V > Toshiba e310 > T/T > HP h2210 > T/T3
StarTac > Ericsson T28m > 39m > T68m > T610
What about OS 5.4 ?
RE: What about OS 5.4 ?
RE: What about OS 5.4 ?
Will Tungsten T users benefit?????
Is it even likely that the original Tungsten T will be upgradeable???
or will we have to buy an whole new handheld???
RE: Will Tungsten T users benefit?????
What do you think, sirs?
RE: Will Tungsten T users benefit?????
RE: Will Tungsten T users benefit?????
Palmone originally promised us a os 5.2.x upgrade, and we're still to see that materialize. We have a capable processor too, if palm will ever publish an api for the omap's dsp. Being the first arm palm, you'd think palm would treat us with a little more respect.
Unfortunately, the T|T reminds me more of a failed project in progress than an actual finished product. I was devoted to palm before the T|T, however this lack of support has pushed me over the edge. I know i'm ranting here, but if an 18 year old can notice an unfinished product, imagine what a corporate user with no devotion to a product line will think. That is after all the market the T|T was originally targeted at, wasn't it?
RE: Will Tungsten T users benefit?????
Not a rumour - a statement from PalmSource's Michael Mace:
from the article:
"We're designing Palm OS 6 to be upgradable onto Palm OS 5 hardware. In other words, we're looking at the footprint of products like the Palm Tungsten T and we intend to work within those constraints."
Now there is no way in hell we can take this to mean that OS 6 - including PACE and OS 5 APIs that will also be part of the newest OS - will fit in its entirety on 8MB flash that most T|Ts have. So im not exactly sure what he was thinking here. Though i doubt that PalmOne will give upgrades to OMAP devices (the T|T, T|2 Zire71, etc), if it did there would have to be some sort of compromise (at least on the small flashROM devices such as the T|T - dont know of the other OMAP device ROM sizes). Maybe they would have to drop PACE for devices with this upgrade? Other OS 6 specific ('advanced') features? Because it is going to be more modular (or so it has been stated by PalmSource) it should be easier for lisesees to make customized version of OS6 for different devices, allowing them to add and drop features/modules/components to fit said device.
RE: Will Tungsten T users benefit?????
They should know that unhappy customers are bad customers.
If not PalmOS6 (which might be too bloated for our T|T..) then at least an update to 5.2+.
RE: Will Tungsten T users benefit?????
Palmone has already stated that they are not planning a os 5.2x upgrade for Tungsten T users. They most likely will not learn from this. The only upgrade path for a T|T user is to buy a new palm, since realistically speaking palm will most likely be unable to fit an upgrade on the US T|T's.
RE: Will Tungsten T users benefit?????
RE: Will Tungsten T users benefit?????
RE: Will Tungsten T users benefit?????
RE: Will Tungsten T users benefit?????
As far as any upgrade is concerned, I'll believe it when I see it.
If either upgrade is ever available, I'll buy it (my wife has my T|T now and I got a T|3 for Christmas).
Probably why SanDisk WiFi card is delayed
RE: Probably why SanDisk WiFi card is delayed
RE: Probably why SanDisk WiFi card is delayed
RE: Wording reminiscent of...
We're the people we've been waiting for
RE: Wording reminiscent of...
FWIW a friend at PalmOne said that a TC update was in the works, but that it was a 5.x release NOT 6. I tend to believe my friend more than this letter to PIC - but no one else will of course.. :-)
ROM Size
Tungsten T: 4MB
Tungsten T2: 8MB
Tungsten T3: 16MB
Tungsten C: 16MB
Tungsten E: 8MB
Zire 21: Not flashable
Zire 71: Not flashable
Conclusion: The update could either be for the 8MB devices or for just the 16MB devices.
Handspring Visor Neo --> Sony CLIE PEG-T665C --> palmOne Tungsten T2
RE: ROM Size
1. T|C & T|T3 are the priciest of Palm's current offerings (the T|W black sheep aside) and most "fitting" to be upgraded (and have users who care about such things).
2. They are Palm's most powerful handhelds CPU-wise and also the only ones with more than 32mb memory.
3. Most likely to be purchased and deployed in corporate/institution environment.
I think that if a T|T4 with OS6 onboard is released, it'll likely be nothing more than a "pre-flashed" T3 w/ improved battery life and possibly 64mb StrataRam or an ATI graphics 2D controller.
Going out on a limb, I wouldn't entirely rule out an upgrade to 5.2.x for T|T users, if for no other reason than to remove Graffiti 1 and squash as many bugs as the free ROM space permits.
RE: ROM Size
RE: ROM Size
The memory of your Tungsten|T actually has 8257536 bytes.
So, we T|T owners are still fair game... hopefully...
RE: ROM Size
RE: ROM Size
ROM Size 16MB
Flasheable (only EFIGS)
But I dont think ne1 is going to make an upgrade for the Zire71's .
RE: ROM Size
If it is a bug, wouldn't the developers of FileZ already have caught this and made some corrections in the information readout?
RE: ROM Size
RE: ROM Size
I ran Filez on my T|E and it shows ROM size as 16MB and RAM size as 32MB. What's up with that? A person here posted the E's rom as 8MB.
Anyway, is it flashable?
RE: ROM Size
RE: ROM Size
FileZ is wrong, the US TT has 4MB ROM. Don't know why the developers have not fixed it yet. I found out the hard way after purchasing JackFlash for OS5.
RE: ROM Size
I definitely won't be purchasing the first batch of OS6 PDAs. I'm pretty sure I'll be keeping my T|T until it dies... or I win the lotto. Whichever comes first.
RE: ROM Size
RE: ROM Size
"Life is what you experience between racing games"
Why palmOne?
"We are Borg."
RE: Why palmOne?
You may be a race car driver at heart if you refer to leaving your driveway as "Turn 1"
RE: Treo 600
Btw, there is a new software patch for the Sprint Treo600 available on the handpring site if anyone is interested...
I support
Ed, how credible is the source, and have you been able to get independent confirmation from Palmone support?
RE: Skeptic
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RE: Skeptic
RE: Skeptic
RE: Skeptic
I think they will not do the upgrade coz. it could take many people upgrading T3 instead of buying T4 (if thats the name).
Thank you very much for your inquiry.
If a upgrade is available then you would be able to. We do not know at
this time if or when a OS 6 will be availably.
Upgrade to current PDA's before new models???
RE: Upgrade to current PDA's before new models???
- Weight and size of new model doubles that of T3
- Battery life becomes 30 mins
If you're not willing to choose one or the other, then you're going to have to wait for some pretty drastic advances in battery technology (fuel cell? Far off) and display technology (OLED, sooner than fuel cell). Neither of which will be soon.
Think about the big battery gains people get from turning OFF bluetooth on the T3. And bluetooth is MUCH lower power than 802.11b.
Also, keep in-mind that embedded WiFi suffers from interference issues from the screen, as well as shielding from the metal case. Last thing we need is to get WiFi only to have people whine about the range.
PocketPCs w/ built-in WiFi experience these very issues which people complain about every day (plus being infected with the PocketPC OS and all the problems that brings with it).
A much better option would be a portable battery-operated Bluetooth <-> 802.11b gateway device you could keep in your briefcase/pocket.
RE: Upgrade to current PDA's before new models???
>>- Weight and size of new model doubles that of T3
>>- Battery life becomes 30 mins
I agree in general but you are exagerating the difference here. Wifi as proved (sort of) by SanDisk in now smaller and less power than it used to be. Sychip just anounced a new design that uses even less power. Without the overhead/problems of making wifi work through the SDIO interface, a licensee such as palmOne or Sony could integrate these technologies into the handheld itself MUCH more easily than SanDisk (especially since they can customize the OS on the device itself instead of the massive headache of attempting a generic driver to run on all SDIO capable devices after the fact). In any event, existing wifi technology doesnt mean you need to double the size of a T3 in order to replace the BT with wifi.
RE: Upgrade to current PDA's before new models???
In it they talk about the Enfora case (external 802.11b receiver) compared to the internal WiFi of a Tungsten C or iPaq. Specifically:
"...the product can get 110 percent more distance than the Tungsten C with its embedded Wi-Fi. Their testing also shows the Portfolio to have a range 80 percent greater than an HP iPaq Pocket PC using a CF Wi-Fi card."
"The screen [on the PDA] causes noise that interferes with the embedded device ... not being on the internal side gives us better range."
RE: Upgrade to current PDA's before new models???
Sony will be releasing an OLED PDA in a few months.
It's just too big.
RE: Upgrade to current PDA's before new models???
They Must put Wi-Fi, Imageon and larger battery into T4, otherwise they wouldn't release it.
Probably it can be a bit bigger than T3, but not much, it's a technological profit - to use same technology line for two models.
I wonder, if they use OLED in T4 - that's only 1.5mm thick, so they have free place for additional battery power.
Future Online!
Sorry for my ENG :(
RE: Upgrade to current PDA's before new models???
My money is on this option. This external device could be the size of a pack of cigs. and could stay in your briefcase, or in your lap (which may also provide a birth control function)...
Help me out here....
RE: Help me out here....
If Palm is clever enough, they will keep their autoclose feature and understand "Running in the background" as an option.
RE: Help me out here....
I'd also like them to keep the same state feature in the current OS (leave a Memo, go back to Memo Pad and you're in that Memo where you left off).
RE: Help me out here....
palmOne to use other OSes?
Me? I'd like to see a palmOne Pocket PC.
I know: Heresy!
RE: palmOne to use other OSes?
Anyway, I've seen stranger things around like that lamer who put an peecee m/b in a G5 box.
T3/TC upgrade ?
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