Comments on: Cingular to Acquire AT&T Wireless
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Oh Joy!
[Admission: I don't own a cell phone. Hate them. I’m the only person in my office, only person in my profession that I know, without one. They are over hyped status symbols for most users, mildly convenient, incredibly annoying and overpriced. We all got along fine in the days without them. And if you drive while talking on one, you should be shot.]
RE: Oh Joy!
This means their are now fewer forces in the water to bring prices down. Anyone remember when night and weekend minutes started at 7? I do. IT was standard. But away that went. How useful was it to have those minutes not kick in until 9? maybe if you live on the east coast and all your friends and family live in the west.
Because of recent competition, and number portability, we have now seen sprint drop its night and weekend minutes back to 7. Prices have dropped sharply. Now, our choices are Cingular, Verizon, and (ughh) Nextel (ugh). So, that leaves us with 2 (nextel doesn't count; if you want a walkie talkie, radioshack sells them for cheap, and doesn't have a monthly rate for them. You buy, you use! much cheaper) real choices for Nationwide coverage.
IT is real easy for just 2 companies to work out price fixing schemes. I am not saying that it will happen for sure, but let's just say that the desire to undercut competition will surely dwindle after this goes through.
I have had both services. AT&T was much better, from a call service standpoint, as well as Customer Service issues. I have had nothing but problems with Cingular since signing on, in that department.
RE: Oh Joy!
A couple of years ago I ditched my AT&T monthly plans for my wife and I and switched to their prepaid plans. If you don't use a phone all that much, this is a much less expensive way to go; we average about $20 per month for 2 phones that are used sparingly.
Of course, all this probably goes out the window now with AT&T being purchased...
RE: Oh Joy!
As to getting along without computers and PDAs...there is not a day that goes by that I don't curse Bill Gates and imagine his neck being slowly squeezed between my clutching hands...go to Windows Update and click on View Installation History, read it all, and then tell me MS has any freaking clue about what they are doing...oh, a new "feature"...throw it into the OS without any idea of how it will interact with anything else or even what will happen if someone overflows a buffer...whatever that means...but, it sounds like something that they might should have checked in advance of putting it on millions and millions of machines.
I'm one of the more tech savvy in my office, but the more I learn, use, and rely on technology...the less I like it. There may be all kinds of downsides to collectively chucking all our computers, PDAs and cell phones out the window...but, a peaceful afternoon would not be a casualty. Bring back carbon paper and the aroma and pleasing blue ink of Ditto copies anytime.
RE: Oh Joy!
People will surely disagree w/ me but i liked AT&T at least in my area & places i traveled, i had coverage. & in general the service was good to me. (i've had them for 4+ yrs). I was hoping that Vodaphone would've stepped in then it would've kept the competition up & possibly opened up for some good international oportunities. Plus most of all i think it's going to suck that all the jobs that lost b/f of it. Sure it will create synergies, but i don't think the combined Co will be better than 2 separate Co.s [i hope i'm wrong] but i don't see them now using their new found capital to expand into areas that weren't covered.
I'm now thinking of who i may want to move too... i like the GSM system, but... orange isn't as nice a color a blue ;-)
I've been happy with AT&T as well
The GSM network for AT&T has been spotty, although it has gotten much better lately.
RE: Oh Joy!
Economies of Scale and Consolidation is GOOD FOR CONSUMERS
NO JOY AT ALL.... Sprint is next!
I don't think this is necessarily true in the wireless industry. For example, where are all the price cuts after T mobile bought out Voicestream? All the broohaha about "economies of scale" across the Atlantic turned out to be complete FUD. In fact Tmo charges it's customers about the same price as ATT and others when it comes to international roaming charges and rates. This merger was mainly a strategic move by Cingular to make sure it's one of few big ones to remain standing at the end of the consolidation frenzy. The next victum unfortunately of this trend seems to be Sprint with Verizon as the likely suitor...However there are rumblings that Nextel may make a move as well...
I support
RE: Oh Joy!
RE: Consolidation, synergy, etc...
They spin all this stuff about enabling better service for customers, but the simple fact of the matter was that Cingular figured it was cheaper to expand by buying AT&T Wireless than building out their existing company and infrastructure. Does this result in cheaper and better service for customers? It might, depending on competition and other factors. But the primary motive is profitability.
Not that that's a bad thing, it is what it is. With all the providers before, it was only a matter of time before a few basically lost and exited the market. At that point, they become good deals for the winners.
I imagine the greatest benefit to customers will be combined coverage area of Cingular and AT&T.
RE: Oh Joy!
I haven't looked to see where Cingular might have better coverage than AT&T. But this would be a win for customers, too.
The real opportunity is in increased revenues for the companies that will, hopefully, translate into more spending on network upgrades and expansions.
And if you don't believe the there's any competition in the wireless industry then turn on your TV and tell me what percentage of commercials you see are for wireless service these days.
Had to Happen
We will probably see more of this. Sprint is in a very weak cash/debt position. Nextel has issues with its spectrum. Specifically Nextel's users are causing interference which is hurting public safety users.
In the end we might end up with 3 or 4 carriers, which will be an oligopoly and not necessarily a competitive market. But who knows, the reduced operating expenses which will come from layoffs redudant workers might make the operations more cost effective. That could result in lower fees and by the way we in the US pay some of the highest fees in the world for cellular service.
RE: Had to Happen
Regarding the relative cost of wireless, please realize that Europe is a very small, very dense area when compared to the continential US. Thus, you need a lot fewer towers in Europe, which drives the cost down.
Life is a great adventure or nothing.
How will it compare to Verizon?
Maybe now I can finally get a Bluetooth phone.
RE: How will it compare to Verizon?
RE: How will it compare to Verizon?
Cingular will have to dump AT&T spectrum?
Cancel them and move to unlimited
looking for a palm with a 320x480 screen with 802.11b integrated.
RE: Cancel them and move to unlimited
No thanks :)
RE: think about it
I was given this from my boss and I don't have the sync software and will this work with win XP?
RE: think about it
Time For Me To Switch?
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