Comments on: New Liquid Lens Digital Camera Tech
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RE: first post
Out of curiousity, in PDA/Cell camera, is there any issues with the current lenses as far as bad focus and power consumption?
The Federation for the Responsible Use of Acronyms
RE: first post
There is a lot of application here and most of all, less moving parts. An microcontroller with some DACs and the right control circuitry replace a stepper motor driven rack and pinion system.
Thus, this is yet another "tactical to practical" transition thanks to DARPA. While Phillips is claming the invention, I'd bet good money there is an American DARPA document in some Philips researcher's desk.
But I have to say, seeing the technology this small is impressive.
Restorative Application of the Technology?
Sure, the technology to send images to the human brain via technology isn't effective yet. But as small as this camera is, it's not hard to think of a replacement eyeball as a possible future application. A permanent "base" in the eye socket, and the ball can come out at night for recharging.
Ok, peripheral vision would BITE, but for those who can't see at all, it could literally change their view of the world.
RE: Restorative Application of the Technology?
A Palm in one hand is worth 2 PocketPCs
: )
-Steve B.
RE: Restorative Application of the Technology?
Otherwise you couldn't be held responsible by the misses as to why you eye was always looking at someone/something.
as for taking it out to charge it you could use one of those new wireless charging mats in your pillow.
RE: Restorative Application of the Technology?
All you could replace is the human lens. And this is done everyday with small, inexpensive lenses made our of plastic or silicone during cataract surgery, which is the most frequent surgical procedure...
There are even now lenses available which can restore near accommodation, using the existing eye muscles. So this fluid lens has no place in humans..,
RE: Restorative Application of the Technology?
I never said that this might be used to replace a faulty lens. I said this might be used as a part of a prosthetic device to replace the whole eye.
Lens replacement doesn't do a darned thing for those who've lost an entire eye through accident or illness. There are no muscles left to which to attach the lens.
RE: Restorative Application of the Technology?
The hard part is creating a retina (the bit which transforms light into signals, like the CCD), and interfacing it with the optic nerve. We're still a few years off with that one. Although IIRC there have been limited trials already, going off a 5x5 pixel resolution or such.
RE: Restorative Application of the Technology?
Now, more seriously, I don't think this coud be used as a replacement for the human eye, at least not by now. How will you turn digital signals into analogic signals for brain decodification?
Too Sci-Fi for me...
RE: Restorative Application of the Technology?
As for being "too sci-fi", check out the the Dobelle Institute's web page at or read the report from TechTV at
Today's "Sci-fi" is tomorrow's reality.
RE: Restorative Application of the Technology?
In the workplace, people doing close work or inspections could find this useful as well.
Life is a great adventure or nothing.
Wow ……
This just blows me away - that thing is almost as good as a human eye at focusing - not to mention as small.
Now THIS IS james-bond class technology
Small and easy to lose!
RE: Small and easy to lose!
One Palm to rule them all!
uh, cost, anyone?
RE: uh, cost, anyone?
The Federation for the Responsible Use of Acronyms
Ultimate Plam!
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