Comments on: PreDevCamp Goes Down This Saturday

PreDevCamp The long planned, unofficial grassroots Palm Pre developer event goes down this Saturday, August 8th. preDevCamp is an independent not for profit group that aims to help facilitate developer coding sessions, application development and meet and greets about the Palm Pre and WebOS.

Interested attendees can check the site for the nearest location. The event is being planned and held in over 60 locations worldwide. San Francisco's event will be held at Palm Inc.'s headquarters in Sunnyvale.

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Double Standard?

CFreymarc @ 8/5/2009 1:27:13 PM # Q
Let me get this straight. This is an "unofficial grassroots Palm Pre developer event" and "San Francisco's event will be held at Palm Inc.'s headquarters in Sunnyvale." This has my head scratching.

How can you not condone an activity like this but have your corporate facilities used for the event?

In the distance, someone is singing "Who let the dogs out?"

RE: Double Standard?
SeldomVisitor @ 8/5/2009 1:28:21 PM # Q
Palm is hosting the event so they can send their own employees to it, making it appear that the "developer" interest is high.

RE: Double Standard?
freakout @ 8/5/2009 4:07:05 PM # Q
Oh, enough with the conspiracy theories, Mulder & Scully. The San Fransisco organiser of Predevcamp was having trouble finding a good location. Palm offered their HQ as a show of support for the whole thing. End of story.
RE: Double Standard?
jca666us @ 8/5/2009 5:47:20 PM # M Q
Show of support?

I guess so; it won't really cost them anything - it's more an effort by Palm to show they're "reaching out" to the dev community.

An effort to "look good" as opposed to "being good"

>Palm is hosting the event so they can send their
>own employees to it, making it appear that the
>"developer" interest is high.

Something they can use to get some positive free press - after the fiasco of the "CreepyGirl" ads.

RE: Double Standard?
freakout @ 8/5/2009 6:20:46 PM # Q
^^ They are reaching out to the dev community, you half-wit. Giving away copies of the developer book, too. If this isn't "being good", pray tell what is?

Maybe they should implement a black-box review process for all apps, shut down all competing channels of distribution and petition the government to make jailbreaking illegal? Is that "being good"?

RE: Double Standard?
abosco @ 8/5/2009 6:32:22 PM # M Q
Maybe they should hack their way to another company's ecosystem without having to do any of the legwork like building a platform.
RE: Double Standard?
freakout @ 8/5/2009 6:51:05 PM # Q
^^ Like OS X using SMB to emulate Windows networking, for example? :P
RE: Double Standard?
jca666us @ 8/5/2009 6:53:53 PM # Q
>Giving away copies of the developer book, too.

Woohoo!!! How about they release a native SDK - no need, because we all know how fast HTML and JavaScript are!

Freak, when are we going to start seeing those O3D arcade games written for the Pre - LMAO!

>If this isn't "being good", pray tell what is?

Officially condone and support the event...oh wait, that might cost Palm a few $$$

>Maybe they should implement a black-box review process for all apps, shut
>down all competing channels of distribution and petition the government to
>make jailbreaking illegal?

No; that's Apple. Instead we'll get a lax approval process, crappy SDK, slow multitasking, lackluster graphics support, partially debugged code, poor hardware build quality, and a less than stellar user experience (but it will include a *real* keyboard) - that's Palm.

>Is that "being good"?

No; they should hack into itunes...oh wait, already done that...

Hmmm...they should hire a few ex-Apple folks...oh wait, done that too!

RE: Double Standard?
jca666us @ 8/5/2009 7:06:45 PM # Q

>Like OS X using SMB to emulate Windows networking, for example?

Not quite - SMB was developed by IBM and is free to use.

Microsoft extended it for their use (V1.0 and V2.0)

All unix-like systems use SMB; it's free.

Apple doesn't need to "hack" into it to make use of it (unlike Palm's itunes hack).

SMB is an open standard - Apple's syncing via itunes is not.

RE: Double Standard?
freakout @ 8/5/2009 7:48:15 PM # Q
^^ USB is also an open standard. Apple were the ones who originally perverted that standard* by using the vendor ID as a lockout code, a purpose for which it was never intended.

*See, it's called "standard" because anyone can use it. If you go deliberately locking out competitors it doesn't exactly jibe with "standard", does it?

Weren't you satisfied the last time you were comprehensively steamrolled on this subject? Here's a link, so you can relive all your losing arguments and save the rest of us the bother of scrolling past them again:

RE: Double Standard?
jca666us @ 8/5/2009 9:03:25 PM # M Q

Ethernet is a standard - the same way USB is a standard.

palm is the one subverting the USB standard by using apples vendor id.

look up the actual order of events.

palm is trying to piggyback on another companys work. Time for palm to write their own sync sw

RE: Double Standard?
ssid12 @ 8/5/2009 10:15:14 PM # Q
freak stop feeding the troll. We all know where jaca$$ stands.... he hates palm and wants it to fail.

I for one am interested in what will go down in these devcamps. If people come out thinking hey we can write some good apps without too much hassle then this will be a win for the webOS platform. App development is the next big hurdle for Palm, cos when all those GSM and Verizon Pre's come out early next year (and you know they will) the most decisive factor behind webOS will be apps.

This is way more important than itunes sync or writing their own sync management software. Mark/Space has done a great job in the past, leave it to them.

RE: Double Standard?
freakout @ 8/5/2009 10:40:47 PM # Q
freak stop feeding the troll.

my bad, I know. sorry. One last kick and I'll stop...

palm is trying to piggyback on another companys work. Time for palm to write their own sync sw

And still you don't get it. Palm is giving users the option to sync with whatever they want. It's the whole underlying principle of Synergy. Your data lives wherever you want it, and webOS aggregates it for you. Their role is to make sure they're compatible with all the most popular services, not force users to switch to their own private ecosystem.

Palm isn't "piggybacking" on anything except their users' free will.

RE: Double Standard?
jca666us @ 8/5/2009 11:08:00 PM # M Q
freak, stop sucking up to palm.

don't you have a rock to crawl back under?

RE: Double Standard?
BaalthazaaR @ 8/7/2009 9:54:59 AM # Q
jca666us wrote:
Ethernet is a standard - the same way USB is a standard.

palm is the one subverting the USB standard by using apples vendor id.

Palm complained to the USB Implementers Forum that "Apple is illegitimately using its USB vendor ID as a lockout code"

RE: Double Standard?
jca666us @ 8/7/2009 1:50:30 PM # M Q

Bitching about apple is cheaper for palm then developing their own sync software.

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