Comments on: First WebOS Homebrew Apps Begin to Appear

homebrew apps webosNow that a method for side-loading apps onto the Palm Pre has been discovered, a couple of enterprising webOS hackers have released some of the first homebrew apps for webOS.

Via PreCentral, the first of such apps is a simple Tip Calculator from renowned programmer jwz. His program also includes the full source code. Another app that works to customize system sounds, called Pimp My Sounds, has also been loosed, but was quickly pulled due to numerous bugs.

For additional background and instructions on this process checkout the Pre dev wiki.

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That doesn't sound secure

legodude522 @ 6/23/2009 5:16:34 PM # Q
So all the user would have to do is open the link on the Pre to install it. That doesn't sound very secure at all. Am I missing something?
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RE: That doesn't sound secure
Eternal_Visitor @ 6/23/2009 10:05:59 PM # Q
really, is that any less secure than anything else mobile these days? I think palm would be wise to let this homebrew movement flourish.
that's how I see things. you think I'm wrong? well, that's the way you see things.
RE: That doesn't sound secure
SeldomVisitor @ 6/24/2009 3:07:32 AM # Q
> ...I think palm would be wise to let this homebrew movement flourish.


I think Palm has no hope of controlling it at all.

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looks better than the android calculator

anika200 @ 6/24/2009 12:12:54 PM # Q
That calc already looks better than the one my friend has on his G1.
RE: looks better than the android calculator
DarthRepublican @ 6/24/2009 12:53:24 PM # Q
I have a G1 and I agree totally. On the other hand, I also have a Pre and the calculator is attractive but extremely simplistic. It's a huge step down from the powerful calculator available on older Treos.
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A tip calculator?

Tuckermaclain @ 6/27/2009 6:44:27 PM # Q
Palm OS had alot of programs similar to this. One that I thought was most useless was one that you could track stuff you lent to friends. I hope this is freeware.
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