Comments on: Adding Vibration Alarm to the Palm TX

Palm OS programmer Dmitry Grinberg has done it again. Shortly after he added a voice recorder to this Palm TX, he has now figured out a way to add a vibration alarm to the TX. Dmitry says it cost him $12 in parts from radio shack. He has posted an image on how to set it up on the internal circuit board and has posted drivers as well.
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Dmitry dude, you are the man!

Konstantin @ 12/15/2005 6:32:35 PM # Q
Well done.
Could help to have a web page with both mods 'slained.

RE: Dmitry dude, you are the man!
legodude522 @ 12/15/2005 7:47:20 PM # Q
Awesome. Where does the vibrating unit go? Does it add bulk?

Palm m125 December 25, 2002 to March 24 2004 > palmOne Zire 71 March 24, 2004 to March 31, 2005. Tapwave Zodiac 1 April 18, 2005 to November 2, 2005 > palmOne Zire 72 November 2, 2005 to present
RE: Dmitry dude, you are the man!
dmitrygr @ 12/15/2005 9:55:50 PM # Q
bulk? it is the size of a small button cell battery. [from old nokia phone]

Software engineer at
TH55/U + T|X2 + T|E2 + Zire 72 + Zire 31 + Visor Prism + WristPDA
RE: Dmitry dude, you are the man!
joad @ 12/15/2005 10:30:58 PM # Q
I guess the wholesale price of this part killed their pricepoint on this model... Poor Palm... I guess it COULD be done afterall.

With them skimping the mid-high range models out of vibration, voice, and so many little extras that make PDAs usable... why don't they just go on to sell empty cases with a screen and we can pay the neighborhood solderjockey to put together a decent PDA for us?

It seems Dmitry has managed in his lunch hour to do greater improvement to the Palm PDA than Palm's entire design team has done in 3 years. Have they slipped into a coma or something? The cute new casings are nice, but you can only fool people so long with the bling-bling mumbo jumbo...

RE: Dmitry dude, you are the man!
dmitrygr @ 12/15/2005 11:14:50 PM # Q
but they would have to program for this too, not like the mic mod. i had to write a driver, not just solder some wires. this was MUCH more complicated then the mic mod.

LED is comparable difficulty. in fact the drivers are almost the same as well.

Software engineer at
TH55/U + T|X2 + T|E2 + Zire 72 + Zire 31 + Visor Prism + WristPDA

RE: Dmitry dude, you are the man!
specterss @ 12/16/2005 3:25:55 AM # Q
A long time ago, in times of PalmPilot, some geeks posted, how to upgrade memory to 2MB and beyond, add IR, LED, charging battery ... and all this ended with palm m505, when only small group managed to upgrade it to 16MB and never posted the software fix, instead they keep secret for themself.

Thanks to Dmitrygr, that those happy days finaly seems to came back to Palm scene.

RE: Dmitry dude, you are the man!
LiveFaith @ 12/16/2005 10:34:53 AM # Q

Would you please apply for a job over at Palm! You can use us all as a reference. Oh wait, Palm probably reads here to, so forget that part about references. :-)

Pat Horne;

RE: Dmitry dude, you are the man!
dmitrygr @ 12/16/2005 1:18:18 PM # Q

>Would you please apply for a job over at Palm! You can use us all
>as a reference. Oh wait, Palm probably reads here to, so forget
>that part about references. :-)

applied for an internship.
was denied

Software engineer at
TH55/U + T|X2 + T|E2 + Zire 72 + Zire 31 + Visor Prism + WristPDA

RE: Dmitry dude, you are the man!
twizza @ 12/16/2005 1:47:27 PM # Q
You can't be serious. Well then again, technical competience is not the same as the team functionality...i wonder what their reasonings were from an HR standpoint (illegal to tell info I know, but its a wonder in my head).
RE: Dmitry dude, you are the man!
dmitrygr @ 12/16/2005 2:45:14 PM # Q
why? do you think i know?
it might be illegal to know but i do not even know myself

Software engineer at
TH55/U + T|X2 + T|E2 + Zire 72 + Zire 31 + Visor Prism + WristPDA
RE: Dmitry dude, you are the man!
hkklife @ 12/16/2005 3:02:09 PM # Q
Ok so that's Kirvin & Dmitry down 1 each when applying to the Palm companies.

I'll leave it to others...less bashful than myself to expound upon this statement and say something about how that's allegorical to the current state of each company. ;-)

P.S. At any rate, Dmitry, excellent work time and time again. I admire the combination of hardware AND software dev/hack/mod skills! Have you, by chance, applied for an internship with someone like MaxmumPC, Handheld Computing or Mobile magazines?

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

RE: Dmitry dude, you are the man!
Frenchie @ 12/16/2005 4:08:34 PM # Q
When i get a TX i am so going to pull off these mods. Has someone sent in the story to yet?

The world will end in 2006. Just as it was predicted in the bible along with the release of Microsoft Longhorn.... :p
RE: Dmitry dude, you are the man!
fflonnoy @ 12/16/2005 11:29:46 PM # Q
?You have a PayPal account we can send donations to
RE: Dmitry dude, you are the man!
hkklife @ 12/16/2005 11:38:26 PM # Q

If you can somehow get the T5's Bluetooth stack onto the TX, thereby enabling proper BT DUN functionality that does *NOT* time out after a minute on CDMA phones (specifically, the Verizon Moto V710/E815/V3c) I'll personally send you $50 PayPal or cash.

Search through PIC's threads for my frustrations/concerns on Palm's BT crippling on the LD/TX. Very frustrating for us users that need Verizon's good voice coverage and cannot switch to a GSM carrier!

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

RE: Dmitry dude, you are the man!
dmitrygr @ 12/17/2005 1:17:54 AM # Q
@fflonnoy: yes if you were asking me, dmitrygr@gmail.conm
@hkklife: you've got yourself a deal when i return from my vacation (dec 26)

Software engineer at
TH55/U + T|X2 + T|E2 + Zire 72 + Zire 31 + Visor Prism + WristPDA
RE: Dmitry dude, you are the man!
hkklife @ 12/18/2005 10:37:24 PM # Q

All I need is *stable* Bluetooth DUN connectivity on my Moto V710/E815 and my TX. The same phones worked perfectly with my T5, T3, and Zire 72 and a colleague's Zodiac 2. But Palm broke something on the LD (won't connect at all to CDMA BT phones) and the TX (times out after ~1 minute). Now, the TX DOES work in a VERY limited fashtion (it CAN send/receive data as long as a continuous data stream is kept going) but if you are trying to browse web pages and read the text in them or do Mapquest or some web page that's input intensive (ie typing in an address) it times out.

Feel free to PM or email me if you need additional details on this procedure. I can personally verify the above combination of phones & handhelds that works and does not work. Also, none of my Moto phones were using hacked seams or unofficial firmware. Just a stock V710 firmware and the E815 with the ##DIALUP command issued to turn on BT DUN profile.

You WILL be my hero if you can get this working--and I can assure you that I will be good for the $. For the record, I'll offer an additional $50 for a bug-free Graffiti 1 library hack that doesn't cause Blazer to crash when inputting text.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX

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epp_b @ 12/15/2005 11:01:19 PM # Q
This guy is amazing! Only the left is an power/alarm LED.

Why hasn't Palm hired him yet?

if (!$broke) {

RE: Incredible!
dmitrygr @ 12/15/2005 11:12:10 PM # Q
actually i already did this :-)
i will need to test new drivers when i get my new TX and then will publich this

Software engineer at
TH55/U + T|X2 + T|E2 + Zire 72 + Zire 31 + Visor Prism + WristPDA
RE: Incredible!
LiveFaith @ 12/16/2005 10:36:40 AM # Q
Ya know, selling "new" TXs with the what-shooda-been-package (minus warranty) might be a nice biz opportunity.

Pat Horne;
RE: Incredible!
Sleuth255 @ 12/16/2005 1:33:14 PM # Q
Wake up Pat! You're sleeping on the Enter key!

RE: Incredible!
LiveFaith @ 12/16/2005 1:57:26 PM # Q
Sorry. :-o

PIC pays me $.01 per post and I need a little extra for Christmas this year.

Pat Horne;

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True Hacker

userwaldo @ 12/15/2005 11:10:49 PM # Q
Excellent work!

Pen and Paper -> Palm Personal -> Palm Personal -> Palm III -> Palm -IIIx -> M120 -> Handera 330 -> M120 -> Zire71 -> ?
RE: True Hacker
DWD @ 12/16/2005 10:48:37 AM # Q
Dmitry for President!

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Give us some tech details please.

Konstantin @ 12/16/2005 12:37:11 AM # Q
How have you done it Dmitry?
Make a motor spin the weight is a matter of applying the current, right. So you made a driver that let you ground a pin? Or to pass +5V or something.
Please fill in the details.

RE: Give us some tech details please.
dmitrygr @ 12/16/2005 1:05:02 AM # Q
its a parts. a arm native extension that does the hardware handling and the API support of it and a simple 68k panel for configuration. the vibrator is tuend on/off with GPIO of course. i used the TXD of the serial port as nobody uses it normally. and i only redirect it when vibrating so it can still be used for other purposes at all other times.

for LED i used RXD of the serial port and a very similar driver

Software engineer at
TH55/U + T|X2 + T|E2 + Zire 72 + Zire 31 + Visor Prism + WristPDA

RE: Give us some tech details please.
ChiA @ 12/19/2005 6:42:44 AM # Q
Dmitry, just to be sure, is it possible for a Tx to have both the microphone and vibrating mod?

I take my hat off to your ingenuity! It's most impressive!

"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower

RE: Give us some tech details please.
dmitrygr @ 12/21/2005 1:18:47 AM # Q
@ChiA: yes

Software engineer at
TH55/U + T|X2 + T|E2 + Zire 72 + Zire 31 + Visor Prism + WristPDA
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I'm glad he's on our side...

Gekko @ 12/16/2005 10:53:33 AM # Q

and not Al Qaeda!

RE: I'm glad he's on our side...
ChiA @ 12/18/2005 7:45:36 AM # Q
Don't worry, if he was Al Qaeda I'm sure George W would HEAR of it, seeing how he likes LISTENING to Americans. If only "Tricky Di-cky" NIXON had said he suspected terrorists were hiding in the Watergate building, he may have been able to get away with it!


"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower

RE: I'm glad he's on our side...
Gekko @ 12/18/2005 1:20:26 PM # Q

hopefully they can trace/monitor liberals like you (the enemy within) who are working hard to undermine our country.

RE: I'm glad he's on our side...
ChiA @ 12/18/2005 8:22:21 PM # Q
Who said it was your country? I'm British and I don't think the British Empire ever gave permission for those pesky liberals in the American colonies who worked hard to undermine their British king and country then declare independence!

Therefore, from my perspective you're all liberals in the USA until you do the right thing by apologising for the Declaration of Independence and bring the USA back into the British Commonwealth!


"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower

RE: I'm glad he's on our side...
Gekko @ 12/18/2005 8:43:57 PM # Q

you lost the war fair and square. and you still owe us for bailing your limey asses out of WWII.

RE: I'm glad he's on our side...
AdamaDBrown @ 12/18/2005 9:56:53 PM # Q
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

RE: I'm glad he's on our side...
Gekko @ 12/18/2005 10:57:51 PM # Q

If you have connections to al Qaeda and you have known links to other terror groups, I have no problem that your phonecalls are wiretapped by special authority of the President of the United States as needed. I also have no problem if you are a terrorist and the CIA has to hang you upside down from your balls to get information out of you.

I have no interest protecting the rights of terrorists. The game has changed and I sure don't trust these weak-kneed liberals to protect us from attack.

Thank God Republicans keep winning elections.

RE: I'm glad he's on our side...
AdamaDBrown @ 12/19/2005 2:31:22 AM # Q
If you have connections to al Qaeda and you have known links to other terror groups,

And if you have no connections to anyone? It always shocks me that the same people who said that the government under Bill Clinton was running drugs and committing murder are so ready to believe anything that Bush says, no matter how divorced from reality.

Where, pray tell, is the evidence that any of the taps they ordered had anything to do with terrorism? If they were legitimate, why did they have to bypass the already extremely low bar of the FISA court? Why is it neccessary to use illegal intercepts instead of legal ones? Why don't they show us the convictions obtained from these taps? The entire reason behind public accountability was to prevent these kind of things from happening. In the past, corrupt government officials could arrange for someone to disappear under the guise of secret evidence, just on their word. From a little later in that document I mentioned:

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury... nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law..."

No person means no person. If we have actual terrorists who can be proven to have done something, anything, then convene a grand jury and indict them. Surely, with all that excellent evidence that the government must have to justify locking them in a cage for years at a time, it would be easy to obtain a conviction. And grand juries are secret, hence no danger of releasing classified information. So it sounds a little fishy to me, this argument that we can't try and convict these guys we've grabbed.

Remind me, how many terrorists have we caught in this country? The Lackawanna Six? Even the guy who was in charge of arresting them said that they weren't terrorists, they were just harmless idiots. Anyone else? No? How odd. Even with that huge, unguarded Canadian border and all the other loopholes? Perhaps they're not nearly as big a threat as some people would make out for political gain.

Their entire case in favor of the spying, the lawbreaking, the torture, and the disappearences comes down to "Trust us, we're the government." Given their record, I can't buy that.

RE: I'm glad he's on our side...
Surur @ 12/19/2005 2:51:46 AM # Q
If you have connections to al Qaeda and you have known links to other terror groups, I have no problem that your phonecalls are wiretapped by special authority of the President of the United States as needed. I also have no problem if you are a terrorist and the CIA has to hang you upside down from your balls to get information out of you.

I've heard Gekko has terrorist connections ... Jeff Kirvin told me ...


They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...

Eunuch Geeko
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/19/2005 4:44:23 AM # Q
I've heard Gekko has terrorist connections ... Jeff Kirvin told me ...


Too bad that Geeko has no COJONES for the CIA "to hang [him] upside down from"...


Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

The Palm eCONomy = Communism™

The Great Palm Swindle:

NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:

RE: I'm glad he's on our side...
ChiA @ 12/19/2005 5:40:23 AM # Q
Gekko said you still owe us for bailing your limey asses out of WWII

I think we should be grateful for the sacrifice all allied nations made in the fight against the Axis tyranny. Putting things into perspective:
- around 25 million Soviets died fighting the Germans, more than all the other allied nations put together.
- it took some persuasion (ie Pearl Harbor and Churchill) before the USA decided to get involved in what was the ultimate war on terror.
- as far as owing the USA, the US economy made quite a nice profit from the war materiel provided to Britain, the Soviets and other allies.
- it was in America's interest to get involved in the European fight as Nazi Germany was an ally of Japan. Hitler wouldn't have stopped at Europe, if he'd been left alone it would only have been a matter of time before he used New York or Washington DC as a "test site" for Nazi Germany's version of the Manhattan Project. - Left alone, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan would have invaded the USA. It's better to fight the enemy on their turf than on your own as it's their turf which gets smashed to bits.

So, let's do the honourable thing and acknowledge that the Allied WWII victory was a group effort.

"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower

RE: I'm glad he's on our side...
ChiA @ 12/19/2005 6:14:58 AM # Q
Gekko said: I have no interest protecting the rights of terrorists. The game has changed and I sure don't trust these weak-kneed liberals to protect us from attack.

Thank God Republicans keep winning election

Ahem, but how come the Republican George W Bush didn't protect you from 9/11? In the interest of balance,the Democratic Clinton didn't prevent the first WTC attack either, so we can see these issues of terror and freedom go beyond the usual squablling of party politics - they affect us all irrespective of whatever party you choose to support.

Gekko, maybe you should move to North Korea: mobile phones are banned and their government routinely taps ALL phones. Let's face it, I've not heard of any Al-Qaeda attacks there. It must be a swell place to live as you don't hear any North Koreans complaining about their government.

So maybe the US goverment should emulate North Korea and tap everyone's phone just to be on the safe side. After all, a terrorist could break into your office or home and be using your phone whilst you're sitting on your toilet!

Oh and by the way, I'd bet even Gekko would say he's a member of Al-Qaeda if the CIA had him hanging by his balls.

"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Let's keep politics OUT of Palminfocenter.
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/19/2005 1:29:26 PM # Q
Please keep politics + religion out of PIC. Thanks.


Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

The Palm eCONomy = Communism™

The Great Palm Swindle:

NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:

RE: I'm glad he's on our side...
Gekko @ 12/19/2005 4:56:53 PM # Q

so that there's more room to hear yourself talk?

Keep trying, Geeko.
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 12/20/2005 4:52:32 PM # Q
Did you say something, Geeko?

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

The Palm eCONomy = Communism™

The Great Palm Swindle:

NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:

RE: I'm glad he's on our side...
Gekko @ 12/20/2005 9:51:34 PM # Q

Gaylord? Gaylord Focker?

How do you do it???
Adamz @ 5/13/2007 6:12:26 PM # Q
Hey, I am wanting to put a vibrating alarm in my palm TX. Could you please give me some information other then the picture on how to do it? I want to know exactly how to do it, and I would like to know what parts I need also.

Thanks for the help

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Any chance of more details?

VastheGreek @ 12/16/2005 12:43:28 PM # Q
It would be great to post some more screenshots of the whole "operation". I am looking forward to moding my TX with the vibration alarm, LED. I never used the recorder on my TT to be honest with you, but yes I would do anything to have those features on my TX. I got an old Nokia phone lieing around. Please let me know which model you used etc.

I got my soldering iron ready =D

Seriously we all need more info...

Thank you brother...

IIIxe -> TT

RE: Any chance of more details?
dmitrygr @ 12/16/2005 1:19:20 PM # Q
any modle. they all use a simple vobrator. the problem is fitting it into the case. there are 2 general types of mini-vibrators. the type old nokias use (looks like a button cell battery with 2 wires coming out) or the other time [palm TT uses this) {looks like a really small motor with a uneven weight on the axle). Either one works. the button cell one is easier to place in the case.

no more screenshots as i was toob usy DOING it :-) it was hard to close the case. anyways that TX is no longer with me. it is now sold to a happy new owner:

Software engineer at
TH55/U + T|X2 + T|E2 + Zire 72 + Zire 31 + Visor Prism + WristPDA

RE: Any chance of more details?
flatacat @ 12/17/2005 1:53:12 AM # Q
Dmitry, just had to say that you are Awesome! Definitely tops in my book!

RE: Any chance of more details?
visavo @ 12/17/2005 4:01:35 PM # Q
Is this driver compatible with OS4.1? I'd love to get the functionality to my good old Palm Vx

RE: Any chance of more details?
dmitrygr @ 12/19/2005 1:26:12 AM # Q
@visavo: no way. my driver is arm only, and in fact, not only PXA-270 specific, it is TX specific!

Software engineer at
TH55/U + T|X2 + T|E2 + Zire 72 + Zire 31 + Visor Prism + WristPDA
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Dmitry, you 'da man

CNerd2025 @ 12/17/2005 4:05:59 PM # Q
"You are the one, [Dmitry]..."

Seriously, I've been interested in modifying my PDAs for a couple of years, but I'm a high school student and don't have the knowledge nor money to mod something costing more than I can really afford. I love your mods; they're absolutely great.

My last gripe is bluetooth on the iPod. Not PalmOS, I know, but I figure the fact that linux is almost fully developed for the hardware, it wouldn't be too difficult to integrate. It would be more difficult with drivers, but I for one would be willing to help write them.

DIY Vibration, DIY microphone... ::grandma voice:: "What will they think of next!" -- perhaps in the spirit of "homebrew", a mod should be made to make beer. ;-)

"Never walk into a place you cannot run out of." --Richard Williams

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Vibrationa alarm for the T5

CyberCSK @ 5/31/2007 4:22:57 AM # Q
Hi everybody,

I own a Tungsten T5 and I wonder if the vibra mod would also be possible for the T5. Since the T5 has a slightly different board layout I could not find the pin for connecting the vibration (to find the VCC was easy). How can I find it for the TX? Trial and Error, measurement? I took a picture of my dismantled T5. Can anybody help me?


RE: Vibrationa alarm for the T5
CyberCSK @ 6/5/2007 6:09:32 AM # Q
Ok, I did it and now vibration alarm and the microphone work with my Palm TungstenT5 fine. I wrote a short description of how I did it. You can access it here:


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Т5 vibration alarm

HaZtile @ 6/30/2007 11:21:02 AM # Q
Could you please clarify me the following situation.
i have installed such drivers as vibrateext.prc and vibratepanel.prc
than i launch vibrate in preferences but occur an error "vibrate extention not installed not active, exiting..."
PS vibration isn't yet set in my T5.
So the question is, does these drivers support my palm and maybe this error appears only because vibration isn't set?

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