Comments on: Rumor: New Palm OS Treo in April
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RE: I'll be VERY surprised if Verizon offers another POS Treo!
RE: I'll be VERY surprised if Verizon offers another POS Treo!
GSM phones are cheaper to produce/design and have better sales prospects on a global basis. However, CDMA handsets are sort of a necessary in the United States market.
I meant that a CDMA/GSM global Treo would be costly to produce/design/market. I know that the Sammy global handset on Verizon (to date their only offering) still commands a premium and is only available through their web site and select corporate stores.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
Palm's Global Treo
A "global" Treo would make a LOT of sense
but a GSM Quad band / EDGE ... Treo would be king!!
Palm already makes a quad band global Treo with EDGE - it's called a TREO 650!
Treo 650 specifications from Palm's website:
GSM/GPRS/EDGE model: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz world phone.
"It is commonly said, and more particularly by Lord Shaftesbury, that ridicule is the best test of truth".
Lord Chesterfield
RE: I'll be VERY surprised if Verizon offers another POS Treo!
Let me rephrase myself--again:
A global Treo for VERIZON (the Vodafone connection, anyone?) would make sense for them. Global, in this sense, is CDMA=USA GSM=Rest of the world. Global as in a single Treo handset that can alternate betweeen Verizon's mighty CDMA network in the States and the Vodafone et al GSM networks when abroad.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: I'll be VERY surprised if Verizon offers another POS Treo!
Verizon's mighty CDMA network in the States and the Vodafone et al GSM networks when abroad.
Fair enough but with the exception of the mid-West, Cingular and T-Mobile coverage looks pretty widespread and I note there are countless other GSM networks in the US:
Presumably Verizon's CDMA network covers the Mid-West as well.
Please enlighten us non-Americans with the advantages being on a CDMA network brings to the user.
"It is commonly said, and more particularly by Lord Shaftesbury, that ridicule is the best test of truth".
Lord Chesterfield
RE: I'll be VERY surprised if Verizon offers another POS Treo!
There are MANY areas in the USA that might just be a few miles outside major metropolitan areas that have a marginal digital CDMA signal, no GSM coverage, and where analog is still the strongest signal (and yes, I can personally account for this throughout the southeast & midwest).
Just because a GSM network technically covers a certain area here in the states does not mean that you'll be able to hold onto that signal or have a reasonable conversation without dropouts. The inherent nature of GSM phone designs means that the clunky looking but useful extendable antennae on many CDMA handsets still comes in handy in these fringe areas.
My Moto V710 improves by at least one bar on signal strength when pulling its (bent, crooked, and ugly) antenna out all the way. My Verizon RAZR, by comparison, despite good RF performance from sucha tiny handsets, usually has fewer bars than the V710 did even with its antenna retracted (it still has the stub extending out of the top of the phone).
For the time being CDMA is still a necessary evil for many users in the United States--especially those living in fringe areas, near the mountains, or in rural areas. Aside from THAT single strength, and overlooking any "fluff" like media content offerings, brand loyalty to a particular type of handset, or requiring EVDO data, there's no "real" benefit of CDMA.
It's just in its real-world rollout & solid roots in the USA that makes CDMA the best choice for *most* users. The # of CDMA to GSM business users I know here in the southeast is easily 4:1. Interestingly enough, it's housewives, retirees, and teenagers that I most often see sporting some nifty little GSM handset.
(that said, I am seriously considering abandoning Verizon in favor of a GSM Razr on Cingular so that I can regain BT DUN functionality--unless the Treo 800p on Verizon rumors SOMEHOW come to pass by March 15th).
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: I'll be VERY surprised if Verizon offers another POS Tre
Which might make sense except that the "connection" is tennuous.
Verizon is reportedly interested in buying out Vodafone's shares, either in whole or in stages. Vodafone has been "ecnouraged", apparently repeatedly, to dump their shares of Verizon's underperforming stocks.
If that happens, in either scenario, there isn't any "connection" and Verizon is a U.S.-only interest.
PalmPilot Pro (1997) -> III (1998) -> Vx (1999) -> m500 (2001) -> m515 (2002) -> ???
RE: I'll be VERY surprised if Verizon offers another POS Tre
As for technology and where it's moving, I know many ppl that are moving to T-Mobile or Cingular, BECAUSE they have GSM and they want to be able to use the same phone world wide. And I'd like to believe that among the ppl that buy expensive TREO phones, there's a higher percentage of ppl that travel and would like to be able to take their phone with them. In my mind, the universal access to GSM networks far outweighs the lack of coverage in the boonies in the US.
RE: I'll be VERY surprised if Verizon offers another POS Treo!
That is, unless you live in or travel throuch the boonies, as a lot of us do! Or in my case, Florida, which is a near wasteland of GSM coverage compared to CDMA and NEXTEL.
Handspring Visor, Palm V, Treo 180, Treo 90, Treo 600, Treo 650...
RE: I'll be VERY surprised if Verizon offers another POS Treo!
Ditto that comment. Mausoleum speaks from a position of sheer "good luck" to live in a strong GSM part of the USA. I wouldn't be nearly so naive to make such a sweeping generalization as the "vast majority of people , epsecially those buying smart phones, live in areas with good GSM coverage".
I'll also wager that the average CDMA user pulls in more $ in revenue per month than the average GSM user in the STATES. All of the business types I know who are on the road more often than not use CDMA simply for the good coverage in the 'burbs or outlying rural areas.
Me personally I spend more time stateside (like 99.99% of users) talking on the phone than globe-hopping SO no, GSM global functionality does not outweigh CDMA's large footprint domestically. Besides for the true jet set elite, a cheap GSM phone & pre-paid international SIM card can always be had...
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
Can this be true?
Didn't Susan Kalla get the propaganda^H^H^H^H^H^H memo?
RE: Can this be true?
I dont make the news, just spread it around (liberally) ;)
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
RE: Can this be true?
I don't see Palm abandoning their POS roots just yet and expect the Treo 700p to remedy some of the niggles of the 650.
Few people outside of this little gathering will give a monkeys that it runs Garnet - it'll simply be a smartphone that is easy to use and with good features.
Now Palm - please don't screw this opportunity up! The 700p is a sure-fire success if you don't cut the corners that have tempted you in the past.
April isn't far off and I'm hoping to see the 700p on European soil this side of the summer.
RE: Can this be true?
Tim Carroll
Your friendly customer service robot
(and big Treo fan)
RE: Can this be true?
No, but they'll soon understand the significance when their Treo crashes incessantly. Behold...I am Shiva (Garnet), destroyer of worlds (and phones)!
Contributing Editor,
RE: Can this be true?
Were it crashing incessantly (defined as "continuing without interruption") it would never STOP crashing.
And that's your dose of anal-ness for today! :P
Tim Carroll
Your friendly customer service robot
(and big Treo fan)
RE: Can this be true?
My 650 has been stable with the last update (firmware 1.71, software 1.20), at least it has after locking troublesome third-party background apps*. It might have taken the best part of a year for Palm to solve the (main) cache management bugs but now it's done it might not be a desparately bad thing if they stuck with Garnet for the next POS gen - presuming they can throw in faster radios (HSDPA would be lovely, thanks) without the whole thing falling apart that is.
Dell Will Announce Buyout Soon!
Load the wagon in your Schwabby ladies and gents. Little Palmie is about to get some props from Mickey D. Golden parachutes to go all around at Palm before calling the moving van out for the land of W. Dell Treos anyone?
* This article contians forward looking statements, but should not be construed as investment advice. Always read your prospectus before sending money. Never send cash. Look both ways before crossing the street. Don't go near the water. If you work for the SEC, please disregard this message. :-)
Pat Horne;
RE: Dell Will Announce Buyout Soon!
Why would Dell buy Palm now - when Palm's value is riding a high at the moment? They would have been more attractive 12-6 months ago.
Is it just me, or do certain folks here just live to shoot down every positive news item published here on PIC? And the missiles that are shot are usually pure unfounded conjecture.
One minute there's never gonna be another POS device, the next minute there'll be another POS device afterall, but Palm wont exist anymore. Instead they'll be owned by Dell and it's the end of the World yet again for Palm (according to the trolls).
If Dell do buy Palm - there's obviously a reason behind it and as a result we'll be seeing more of the Palm name, not less.
Rant over.
Have a nice day.
RE: Dell Will Announce Buyout Soon!
RE: Dell Will Announce Buyout Soon!
You're not supposed to say anything.
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
RE: Dell Will Announce Buyout Soon!
You're not too good at picking up on sarcasm, are you?
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
RE: Dell Will Announce Buyout Soon!
RE: Dell Will Announce Buyout Soon!
OK, so what's the improvement over the 650?
Did I miss something? The only thing of interest at all about the 700w is the "w".
RE: OK, so what's the improvement over the 650?
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: OK, so what's the improvement over the 650?
In fact, I'm not even certain that the new device will be a 700-anything. No Treo 650 user is gonna want to downgrade to a 240x240 screen - and Palm are well aware that the biggest slice of their market are upgraders. So my feeling is the spec will be better in several ways - but will be based on Garnet (but this wont matter if Palm integrate the functionality well enough and get the device properly tested and stable prior to launch).
Time will tell - but for better or worse, I'm optimistic about the next POS Treo... it's simply too important for Palm to mess up and will hopefully be to the Treo 650, what the TX was to the T5.
RE: OK, so what's the improvement over the 650?
EVDO, 64mb or more RAM, Bluetootth 1.2 or better, 1.2mp camera or better, tweaked/slightly larger keys, 18-bit color depth screen, physically larger 320*320 screen, slimmer formfactor, smaller or no external antenna, higher-capacity battery, Push-to-Talk, improved build quality, internal storage memory ala T5, Wi-Fi SDIO card capable, FrankenGarnet 5.5 with some Cobalt bolted on etc etc ad infinitum.
The (realstic) possibilities for improvement are numerous. The theoretical list of possible improvements are nigh endless. There's still PLENTY of improvements to be made to an OS 5.x unit seeing as how the 650 had specs in '04/'05 that people expected in '04 on the Treo 600!
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: OK, so what's the improvement over the 650?
Those are all realistic. The real question, and only novel technology, would be EVDO. Will the new POS Treo have EVDO or not, thats the question.
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
RE: OK, so what's the improvement over the 650?
I would further hazard a guess that it will have a total of 128 MB of flash. Palm seems to like standardizing their memory buys, and they've used 128 MB on the TX and 700w. I'd expect the casing and keyboard, along with other specs, to be more or less identical to the 700w.
RE: OK, so what's the improvement over the 650?
Who wants to be that if the rumored Treo 700p/800p specs are real it's actually a 1.3mp camera with 2x digital zoom? They probably somehow twisted those numbers around to get 3.2mp. Sheesh!
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: OK, so what's the improvement over the 650?
3.2 Mpixels is a new standard. The upcoming Sony Erricson Wilma phone ( ) will have it. I think its too cutting edge for Palm however, and discredits the whole rumor.
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
RE: OK, so what's the improvement over the 650?
Even if they stuck with Garnet, there are lots of new features they could add...
- Ev-DO (if Garnet can be hacked to support it)
- Built-in GPS
- More memory
- Screen that supports turning off the white border (for improved video playback)
- Slimmer case
- Radically different form factors
- Improved browser with multi-window support
Just to name a few.
- Tapwave Zodiac News, Reviews, & Discussion -
RE: OK, so what's the improvement over the 650?
With that experience behind them, you'd think they'd be able to do even better with superior hardware, which makes me think the 700w's cam software might not be Palm's work.
Hpefully in addition to a superior screen, the 700p/800p whatever will have a superior camera too - even if the hardware is the same as the 700w.
Tim Carroll
Your friendly customer service robot
(and big Treo fan)
RE: OK, so what's the improvement over the 650?
Contributing Editor,
RE: OK, so what's the improvement over the 650?
HOW minor? 64mb RAM, 1.2mp camera, BT 1.2, EVDO and running Garnet 5.5? Same FF as the 700w.
Those are the "likely" specs I've been touting all along. Sprint or Verizon?
Why didn't Palm just make a running change and rebrand--or at least repackage all of the 650s in new Palm packaging?
I still don't expect a feature phone from least not in '06. Maybe if they have a strong year they might get around to one in midyear '07 or so.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: OK, so what's the improvement over the 650?
Hopefully, though, Hollywood will turn out to be the most interesting POS release of the year - irrespective of whether Palm finally do something useful & compelling with the LifeDrive concept.
Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos
You can see all the work and money Palm Inc puts into Treos. They are ignoring their handheld line. Reports show that handhelds sales are dropping fast. Well you know what I think? I BLAME PALM ITSELF. Handheld sales would not be shrinking if Palm made devices with
OLED screens
416+ mhz
A dpad without a middle button that hurts gaming
OS 6 Cobalt over ANY Fn kernel
Drive mode (not in TX like in T5)
Files file manager (not in TX like in T5)
A cradle like in the old days (single hand operation, no light)
Twin FRONT stereo speakers
A predictive keyboard like
And fix the Fn double stroke Ts, Ks, etc in G2.
Use a the same high quality audio chip found in the HP PPCs for no audio hissing.
A put the free Core Player and add concert hall and 3D audio effects for MP3.
RE: Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos
OLED screens
416+ mhz
A dpad without a middle button that hurts gaming
OS 6 Cobalt over ANY Fn kernel
Drive mode (not in TX like in T5)
Files file manager (not in TX like in T5)
A cradle like in the old days (single hand operation, no light)
Twin FRONT stereo speakers
A predictive keyboard like
And fix the Fn double stroke Ts, Ks, etc in G2.
Use a the same high quality audio chip found in the HP PPCs for no audio hissing.
A put the free Core Player and add concert hall and 3D audio effects for MP3.
A camera with flash.
Vibrating alarm.
Thinner stylus!!! The big fat ones on the T5 and TX are simply not as responsive as the one on the T3. HPs cheap little pointy plastic styli are much more enjoyable to use.
The Handheld is a Niche Product with a Limited Future
Twin FRONT stereo speakers
Palm doesn't even bother putting a mic into its handhelds, a Palm with twin stereo speakers will never see the light of day!
The future is in the smartphone - handhelds have remained a niche market whereas smartphones have a broad appeal.
It all boils down to this - most people don't need "the computer in a pocket" that is the PDA, but most people have the need to be in touch with work colleagues, friends, families, associates etc. The smartphone meets that need by voice or email wherever the need arises.
"It is commonly said, and more particularly by Lord Shaftesbury, that ridicule is the best test of truth".
Lord Chesterfield
RE: Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos
Sorry to bust your bubble, but most people don't need a Smartphone either. Feature phones are more than capable of handling these tasks, and are more affordable.
Contributing Editor,
RE: Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos
RE: Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos
Kitchen sink
EVDO radio
Digital Video Recorder
No battery Life
Please VampireLestat, do the rest of us a favor and buy a laptop. They come pretty cheap these days so I've heard.
If you feel like you're under control, you're just not going fast enough.
RE: Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos
If Palm is serious about keeping strength in the company, it needs to have handhelds complements its smartphones.
The things I list ALL exist in other PDAs. Palm is either too incompetant to incorporate them into 1 device (unlikely), or more likely unwilling because a) the price point would be too high b) they just DON`T CARE! Ed Colligan is a Handspring guy, he lives and swears by phones, always has, always will.
He says that his favorite PDA is the LifeDrive. HA! Like I believe that...
Featurephone/Smartphone - It's a matter of Semantics
Feature phones are more than capable of handling these tasks
I've not seen a single decent definition of why a featurephone is different from a smartphone other than a featurephone having less features than a smartphone - the distinction between a smartphone and featurephone seems rather arbitary to me.
I point again to the Sony Ericsson K750, W800 etc phones which, with the exception of a large screen, EDGE and the Palm OS, they functionally do everything the Treo 650 does and yet they're not regarded as being featurephones, yet alone smartphones.
For me, some say smartphone, others say featurephone, it's all a matter of semantics. My point is, whatever you call these phones, they are the things that have the mass appeal and market - not handhelds.
"It is commonly said, and more particularly by Lord Shaftesbury, that ridicule is the best test of truth".
Lord Chesterfield
RE: Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos
RE: Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos
Please VampireLestat, do the rest of us a favor and buy a laptop. They come pretty cheap these days so I've heard
I'm sure VampireLestat will as soon as there's a laptop that fits into the palm of your hand which leads onto the question, can the OQO be considered a laptop/notebook?
None of the features VampireLestat listed are impossible to incorporate into a handheld, it's technically possible for a device to incorporate all of her features TODAY!
It's healthy to innovate and for people to think "what more can I do with this device". If everyone had your frame of mind then humanity will still be living in caves and cooking over open fires, after all, a cave is a nice warm place when you have a fire going, what more could you need?
"It is commonly said, and more particularly by Lord Shaftesbury, that ridicule is the best test of truth".
Lord Chesterfield
RE: Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos
RE: Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos
Maybe this is the sign of progress, how all of these lines are blurring/converging. Maybe in the future we'd all just carry around handheld devices which do everything - phone/camera/computer/music/ID etc. When a large screen (or if it's needed in the future) a keyboard is required they can be connected as appropriate.
"It is commonly said, and more particularly by Lord Shaftesbury, that ridicule is the best test of truth".
Lord Chesterfield
RE: Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos
Multi-tasking offers more work for PDAs too.
When was "convergence" about one? One what? One economy with one thought, with one style, with one choice?
To some convergence was/is about expanding our choices so we may interact with more economies and more people that share the value of innovative digital thinking.
How many people want to have the choice to interact with a we-com virtual wallet that interacts with other choices too? The PC will grow literally bigger. What will people choose to interact in their future with when spending their capital?
The purpose with an industry is so we may work with all and not to exclude the core groups.
If the phone rings and you decide to purchase at the same time do you have that choice? One choice works if we stop thinking of other people. Usually when one is talking on the phone one tries not to be distracted. Telling someone you will purchase and talking about the purchase at the same time seems a good choice too.
Will keeping track of our own information reduce the cost to the enterprise?
completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
RE: Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos
People like VampireLestat will never be satisfied with any pda. The device would either not have enough features crammed in (features I might add that VampireLestat would probably use 3 times in the device's life) or it would cost too much, or it would suck at battery life, or it would be too slow, or it wouldn't turn the lights on in the house, or it wouldn't connect to the latest and greatest fill in the blank, etc.
Palm will never deliver a pda like this, especially with frankengarnet os. They have proven it time after time, that is why so many power users get frustrated.
It would be great to see the LifeDrive genre continue to evolve. If they get the os right it could easily change the idea of computers all together. Will that happen? That's up to Palm to decide.
If you feel like you're under control, you're just not going fast enough.
RE: Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos Treos
Credible Treo 700p sighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
64 MB flash free
1.3 Mpixel camera EVDO!!!
POS Garnet 5.4.9
Shadowmite agrees its real!!! No photo yet!
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
RE: Credible Treo 700p sighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes, also
* same form factor as the Treo 700w
* 312 MHz processor
* rumored August release date.
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
RE: Credible Treo 700p sighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cannot wait until seeing a pic though. That would make things a bit better. So far it sounds exactly the same as the 700w in design. Hopefully, not the same usability nasties ;)
RE: Credible Treo 700p sighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
Says who?
If this guy's got it in his hand and he just "called Sprint to activate it" I'd say it's going to be out pretty much when the analysts said it would: Mar or Apr at the latest.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: Credible Treo 700p sighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, its very exciting. This is much more credible that the Treo 800.
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
RE: Credible Treo 700p sighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its from a craigslist ad which seems to be associated with this device.
sprint treo 700 wow $650 obo - $650 (saratoga)
Reply to:
Date: 2006-02-01, 10:09AM PST
This is for a brand new treo 700 for sprint this still uses the palm operating system but has a lot of new added features i got a good deal on the phone so i bought it but its just too much phone for me... Hence i dont know a lot of the features on the phone.. the phone does come w/ charger, earpiece, and usb cables.This phone has the EVDO technology which allows broadband access to the internet. i am asing 650 obo this will not come out until August this year for sprint be the first to have it in your neighborhood! I cannot post pictures of it because of liability reasons so if interested give me a call
shay 323-251-8614
no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
RE: Credible Treo 700p sighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
First picture. Similar quality to the Treo 700w. Probably exactly same hardware.
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
First Treo 700p PICTURE!
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
RE: Credible Treo 700p sighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
RE: Credible Treo 700p sighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
Noting the software, it would be smart for Palm to give all carrier this software update; just to make carrier support issues easier (for the next year anyways).
RE: Credible Treo 700p sighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ironically, I don’t think this is enough. Cobalt would have been a better idea of an upgrade in my opinion not for the sales, but for what it would have meant in terms of Palm's feel for the platform. Right now, after seeing those pics, I don’t see much interest on their side at all. I really now more wonder if they are prepping some flavor of Linux that will do what they want better than PalmOS and WM do.
RE: Credible Treo 700p sighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, it really stands specification to specification with the Treo 700w (except for the higher rez screen). Expecting Palm to release a much better competitor was not realistic.
The biggest news is that they managed to shove EVDO into Garnet. Who says Palm 'codemonkeys' arnt talented ;)
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
RE: Credible Treo 700p sighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder what other "small" tweaks or improvements it might have over the 700w?
Has anyone noticed if the physical screen size is larger than the 650's? I'd personally like to see a BIGGER 320*320 screen since none of us are gettin' any younger eyesight-wise...
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
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I'll be VERY surprised if Verizon offers another POS Treo!
I think Palm is going to start retreating to relative safety of the more global GSM market and leave the WinMob Treo(s) for Verizon & Sprint to scrap over. If anything else, it's easier to rebadge/repackage a GSM product for sale with other carriers in other markets than to try and bend over backwards to customize your products to the fickle demands of the two big CDMA carriers (custom VZW UI anyone?).
While on the topic of international phones, I've got a lot of firsthand experience with the Samsung CDMA/GSM Verizon global phone (it uses a SIM card provided by Vodafone). A "global" Treo would make a LOT of sense but CAN Palm handle the R&D effort/costs required?
All of this is a moot point if the carriers do not develop new pricing structures ASAP for all you can eat EVDO data plans. From what I've seen with Verizon's EVDO rollout, the initial results (aside from their streaming VCast TV thing) have been rather underwhelming in regards to the handset implementation & actually taking advantage of EVDO.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX