Comments on: More Treo 750w Pictures Emerge

Rumor: A number of new Palm Treo 750 pictures have been shown up this past week. The new model is expected to debut in Europe on Vodafone on Sept 12th. The Treo 750 will run on 3G/UTMS networks and is powered by Window Mobile in an antenna-less package. Read on for a few of the device shots.
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Another Palm defeat snatched from the jaws of victory

hkklife @ 8/28/2006 1:03:57 AM # Q
They keep Athena but jettison the industry-standard SD (should be SDHC at this point) memory in favor of mini-SD?? WTF?

And this is done at a time when SD is finally becoming a serious contender to CF in capacities, $/mb value and in transfer rates? WHO at Palm needs to be flogged over this latest bungle!?! This is Palm's worst move since...err, releasing the LifeDrive.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P

RE: Another Palm defeat snatched from the jaws of victory
freakout @ 8/28/2006 1:42:17 AM # Q
Are we sure it's Mini-SD? That slot looks like a perfect fit for a regular-size SD card. Holding my SD card beside my 650, the proportions seem right.

I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650
RE: Another Palm defeat snatched from the jaws of victory
Surur @ 8/28/2006 4:38:45 AM # Q
This picture shows it particularly clearly.

from here

For your convenience I have enlarged it...

and added some contrast, plus the miniSD logo for comparison.

The M and i is particularly clear, as is the sweep of the D.

Even clearer in this negative image.

Its quite unequivocal.

Once you know what you are looking for it can be seen in the other image too.

Its quite clear the first letter is an M.

Notice the SD symbol is just an S and D, no M's.

The case is compelling and clear - the 750v has a miniSD slot, not SD.


They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
Hey!! I made associate writer at PDA247. Come see my nattering over there!!

RE: Another Palm defeat snatched from the jaws of victory
freakout @ 8/28/2006 5:38:38 AM # Q
Damn you Surur, why do you have to be so methodical in crushing my hopes? ;)

I guess that settles it. If the next PalmOS GSM Treo has a MiniSD slot, I'll be sticking with my trusty 650. With my shiny new 4GB SD card :D, and the promise of 8GB+ cards further down the road, the next Treo will actually be a step backwards in storage capacity for me! Not to mention the price of replacing my current 6GB of storage in a new format.

What a ridiculously stupid decision! Shame on you, Palm. What on earth are you thinking?

One can only hope that Palm are still going to support standard-size SD cards in some future model...

I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650

RE: Another Palm defeat snatched from the jaws of victory
Surur @ 8/28/2006 6:06:23 AM # Q

There are some who are speculating the Nitro will have a full SD slot while the Lennon has miniSD. As you mentioned, the slot is certainly wide enough, but I understand it also contains a reset hole.


They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
Hey!! I made associate writer at PDA247. Come see my nattering over there!!

RE: Another Palm defeat snatched from the jaws of victory
freakout @ 8/28/2006 6:52:52 AM # Q
It just seems so bizarre for them to switch formats like that. They must know that a large percentage of their customers are going to be upgraders; are they so brazen as to assume that we won't notice the extra hundred-or-so dollars that replacing our memory cards will add to the cost?

As someone who paid waaaaaaay too much for his unlocked GSM 650 (it was a crime of passion, dammit!), I'm not going to spend that kind of money again if the next Treo doesn't let me bring my storage with me. Especially when miniSD is such an inferior product!

Perhaps they assume that since they're trying to crack the European market, not many people have Treos anyway so no-one will care. Perhaps upgraders don't make up much of the sales. We'll have to wait and see I s'pose.

I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650

miniSD's not so bad
marcol @ 8/28/2006 6:59:38 AM # Q
Max capacity miniSD I can find is 2 GB, max transfer rate 150x (22.5 MB/s):

Both of these specs are currently higher than SD I have in the 650 now and I'd be happy enough with a card like that. Cost might be a bit of an issue. The fast 2 GB ATP card is best part of $100:

but if one thing's for sure, it's that memory card prices drop quickly, and of course you can get slower cards for less. Here's a few more links:

Generic 2 GB, 19 MB/s, £40:

Generic 2 GB, 12 MB/s, £33:

SanDisk 2 GB, 10 MB/s, £70:

Generic 2 GB, ?? MB/s, £23:

Cheaper still if you're willing to buy via eBay.

Not enough data storage capacity, Captain
freakout @ 8/28/2006 7:12:04 AM # Q
My problems with miniSD are three-fold:

1) Even though AUD $100 or so for a couple of 2gig miniSD cards isn't an exorbitant price, it's still money I'd rather spend on something else, like say, rent. It's too much to ask when your product is already so expensive.

2) With 8GB and even 32GB (although I take that with a grain of salt) SD cards on the horizon, miniSD seems to be an inferior technology.

3) I'm all for small memory cards, but there is such a thing as TOO small. miniSD cards are fiddly little buggers; sometimes difficult to insert/remove for spaz-moids such as myself, easy to drop and even easier to lose than a standard-size SD card. I mean, c'mon, SD cards are the size of a postage stamp. Is that really too big for a big, mean phone like the Treo? Even this delightfully slimmed-down one?

I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650

RE: Not enough data storage capacity, Captain
marcol @ 8/28/2006 7:58:37 AM # Q
Tim, I agree with what you say (except perhaps the fiddly bit - I've never actually used one so I can't really say), I'm just saying that for me it's not the deal killer that the 'defeat snatched from the jaws of victory' thread title might imply. Speed: fine. Cost: it adds some but not a very large proportion of total ownership cost. Capacity: I guess I'd have to say I'd like more, but then again I haven't felt a pressing need to upgrade the 1 GB card I have now. For me the sweet spot would be 16 GB - with that I could take all the digital audio I have with me and have enough of space left for other stuff; much less and I'm swapping stuff on and off anyway.

Palm NOT defeat snatched from the jaws of victory
Surur @ 8/28/2006 9:18:30 AM # Q

All the competing designs have mini (or even micro) SD in any case.

E61 miniSD
SE M600i Memory Stick Micro
HTC Tytn MicroSD
Moto Q miniSD

etc etc...

Like Compact Flash, the days of SD cards are rapidly fading also. Soon miniSD will be yesterdays news.


They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
Hey!! I made associate writer at PDA247. Come see my nattering over there!!

RE: Another Palm defeat snatched from the jaws of victory
marcol @ 8/28/2006 10:01:56 AM # Q
In a year or two I expect we'll be complaining if devices don't have several GB of flash memory built in.

RE: Another Palm defeat snatched from the jaws of victory
SeldomVisitor @ 8/28/2006 11:25:59 AM # Q
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Better Photos

roubaixpro @ 8/28/2006 9:24:25 AM # Q
Here are some better photos:

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Putting miniSD in a smartphone is ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC.

The_Voice_of_Reason @ 8/28/2006 9:51:27 AM # Q
Let's see... Palm releases yet another BRICK PHONE and decides to play along with SanDisk (as Garmin is doing with its GPS models) by using a needlessly-tiny, needlessly-expensive, needlessly-low capacity memory format. Great - let's all bend over and let SanDisk have a go at our a$$es. Thanks Palm - so much for designing FUNCTIONAL devices...

By the way, take a look at how much we're "gaining" by Palm using miniSD:

SD Memory Card miniSD Card microSD Card
Width 24 mm 20 mm 11 mm
Length 32 mm 21.5 mm 15 mm
Thickness 2.1 mm 1.4 mm 1 mm
Card Volume 1,596 mm3 589 mm3 165 mm3
Weight Approx. 2 g Approx. 1 g Approx. .5g
Operating Voltage 2.7 - 3.6V 2.7 - 3.6V 2.7 - 3.6V
Write-protect Switch YES NO NO
Terminal Guards YES NO NO
Number of Pins 9 pins 11 pins 8 pins


RE: Putting miniSD in a smartphone is ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC.
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 8/28/2006 10:28:30 AM # Q
By the way, Palm is not the only guilty party. Sony Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola, Garmin, etc are all building large devices that could just as easily use inexpensive standard-sized memory formats but instead spec tiny formats so that the memory cartels can fleece consumers again.

Well I'm done playing the memory games. I don't plan on buying any devices that aren't either CompactFlash, Memory Stick Duo or SD. Period. SanDisk, Sony, et. al can go fcuk themselves.


RE: Putting miniSD in a smartphone is ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC.
ChiA @ 8/28/2006 11:47:18 AM # Q
I think it's a conspiracy by the manufacturers to make these things so small that they'll be lost on a regular basis- a nice way for them to create repeat business.

It's funny how these cards have become smaller than the SIM cards which go into a GSM phone - I've not heard anyone grumbling that those SIM cards were too big to fit in the phone!

Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital. Aaron Levenstein

RE: Putting miniSD in a smartphone is ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC.
moofie @ 8/28/2006 2:50:46 PM # Q
Hmm. Windows Mobile, and it won't take my USB SD card? Meh. No sale. Wake me up when there's a GOOD replacement for my T650.

(that's not to say the T650 is ideal, just that it's better than anything else available ATM...)

RE: Putting miniSD in a smartphone is ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC.
AdamaDBrown @ 8/28/2006 4:26:22 PM # Q
Don't forget HTC, which has sadly taken to putting microSD cards in their latest models, having switched from miniSD. Pity. Makes me glad that I've been a CompactFlash loyalist all these years.

Using miniSD in a device this size really is silly.

RE: Putting miniSD in a smartphone is ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC.
freakout @ 8/28/2006 11:03:29 PM # Q
Well I'm done playing the memory games. I don't plan on buying any devices that aren't either CompactFlash, Memory Stick Duo or SD. Period. SanDisk, Sony, et. al can go fcuk themselves.

Amen. With a standard SD slot and the larger capacities it affords, my 650 will easily meet my portable media needs for at least the next couple of years. Since that's the main use I get out of mine, and one of the Treo's best features (robust media capability) what advantage does miniSD give the next Treo?

I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650

RE: Putting miniSD in a smartphone is ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC.
hkklife @ 8/29/2006 10:04:30 AM # Q
To the mini/microSD apologists:

Please list *three* noticable improvements/benefits that Micro/MiniSD gives manufacturers & users over standard SD/SDHC. And no, "new revenue streams from screwing users" doesn't count.

Give me an 8gb SDHC card (word is they'll be available in small quantities around Christmas or shortly after the new year) and I'll be a happy camper. I don't care if I can get a 1gb MiniSD card for the same price as a 1gb SD card--it's the large capacity and highspeed capabilities I'm after!

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P

RE: Putting miniSD in a smartphone is ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC.
twizza @ 8/29/2006 2:54:15 PM # Q
I cannot disagree with the sentiment that there are just too many Sd card standards. Really, SDHC is about as small a size as most people need (physically), but all of us could do with the larger sizes.

However, ever see a relative newbie to SD cards try to own more than one without getting forgetful...exactly. Having a small card that most will not replace anyways is not a bad thing. Of course, if you want people to own more cards, you need to put things with them that people would want. When I had Madden 2005 on my Palm (SD card) it was not only cool (except for the whole controling players thingy), people actually wanted to play the game because (gasp) it was on a card they didnt feel intimidated into taking with them.

Sometimes, just sometimes, I think we get too techie oriented for our own good and dont quite notice that there are a slew (much larger sprawl) of users who will never consider a device becaue of us always talking about more this, tweak that, and 'x' just isnt good enough. Mobile tech is really a matter of which colored glasses you are going to wear, and memory cards is no different than OS choice in this regard.

RE: Putting miniSD in a smartphone is ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC.
Surur @ 8/29/2006 3:07:02 PM # Q
I dont think many people will say miniSD cards are better than SD cards, just that we are stuck with what the OEM's give us (or we can always chose not to buy of course :( )


They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
Hey!! I made associate writer at PDA247. Come see my nattering over there!!

RE: Putting miniSD in a smartphone is ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC.
e_tellurian @ 8/29/2006 6:14:45 PM # Q
WiFi was not included? Some applications would like to see BT and WiFi. Much time and resources have been invested building a we-com industry of choices. Perhaps that is why duel RF chip sets exist.



Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
WiFi & BT? No strings attached

RE: Putting miniSD in a smartphone is ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC.
Gekko @ 8/29/2006 9:34:21 PM # Q

what has the we-com industry standardized on? miniSD, microSD, MS, SD, or other? has a choice been made? if so, who makes these choices? one man or many? choices are good as long as they don't interfere with interactivity and communication among users. it is important that we can interact on the same format so that our collective thoughts can help build the e-com network together. united we stand, divided we fall. peace.

RE: Putting miniSD in a smartphone is ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC.
Sleuth255 @ 8/30/2006 12:08:28 PM # Q
I believe its about the amount of real-estate taken up by the SD reader hardware inside the device that's driving the ever-smaller standards. Thus the microSD on the HTC TyTN for example (causing much gnashing of teeth and lamenting from former MiniSD equipped HTC Wizard owners hoping to update too btw). Have you seen what's inside that thing? Its a friggen Swiss Army knife... No way to even cram in a MiniSD reader into a TyTN from a hardware perspective.

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it is just a matter of time

neuron @ 8/28/2006 3:05:05 PM # Q
While I don't believe this slot is for MiniSD since the slot size is SD, I think it is just a matter of time all slots in cell phones will migrate into mini-SD. Palm has to do it finally.

RE: it is just a matter of time
hkklife @ 8/28/2006 4:51:25 PM # Q
Treos aren't "cell phones"--they're "smartphones" Palm doesn't have to do anything it doesn't want to.

With the widescale, POINTLESS abandonment of SD by "biggies" like Garmin and Palm who were a very early backer of MMC/SD, we may as well stick a fork in SDHC now. I see the MS/MS Pro/MS Duo/MS Duo Pro "evolution" repeating itself all over again.

SD comes out, then comes micro/mini SD, then fullsize SDHC then next year I guess we'll get micro/mini SDHC. UGH!

I'm going to side with Voice on this one. I've consolidated ALL of my electronic equipment to FAT32/SDHC supporting SD with the exception of my PSP which uses MS Pro Duo. I'm not going to buy anything else for the forseeable future if it doesn't use the memory card formats I've standardized on.

For something like a RAZR or one of the small Sony Ericsson phones, I don't really have a problem with microSD etc. but for digital cameras & "PDA" type smartphones such as the Treo, SD is a must-have.

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P

RE: it is just a matter of time
neuron @ 8/28/2006 5:22:01 PM # Q
Face the fact sir, treoes may be the very few SMARTPHONEs on market which use SD now (several BenQ's PPC phone also use SD). There is nothing wrong with mini-SD since the SDIO almost has no use for most of us (esp for Palm OS smartphone). When you buy a mini-SD card, it always comes with SD adapter free. The cheapest mini-SD 2gb from is only $18 after rebate, which is in the same range of SD cards.

The 8GB SDHC is nice, but only a few people can afford it within next three years (not out yet). I had the same concern when I purchased my first CF microdrive 4GB for $140 three years ago. Used only a few month in H2210, then I switched to treo 650. A big waste. Yesterday I ordered a 4GB SD card 150x from newegg for only $53. The technology always go forward, we will benefit from it finally(comparing my treo 650 with 4GB SD with h2210 with 4GB microdrive). I can predict that we may buy the 4GB mini-SD for only $20 in the next three year.

More details - do you believe me now?
Surur @ 8/28/2006 5:36:22 PM # Q
Some more info has popped up on that site. It confirms miniSD and NO WIFI

Codename : Lennon

Operating System : Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0

CPU Clock : 312MHz

ROM size : 128MB

RAM size : 64MB

Resolution : 240 x 240

Expansion Slots : miniSD (SDIO)

Wireless LAN : Not supported

Built-in Camera : CMOS sensor, 1280x1024 (1.3MP)

Customization to make it works similar to PalmOS Treo650. Example, Releasing of network (Press and Hold Power button) and some application that is added into the extrom like Speed dial software buttons plug-ins on today screen. Slimmer Battery compare to Treo650 makes us thinks that it will drain faster than 650. Having a hot swap memory slot but CAPPED will be difficult for us to use SDIO cards but it maybe plans to release their own branding SDIO cards to fit in.


They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
Hey!! I made associate writer at PDA247. Come see my nattering over there!!

RE: it is just a matter of time
neuron @ 8/28/2006 5:55:04 PM # Q
I hope Bill Gates won't be in the press. Why do they call it 750v not 700v since there is no upgrade from 700w?

RE: it is just a matter of time
freakout @ 8/28/2006 6:24:33 PM # Q
Expansion Slots : miniSD (SDIO)

How does SDIO work in a miniSD slot? Or is there a whole range of miniSDIO accessories, as well?

I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650

RE: it is just a matter of time
Surur @ 8/28/2006 6:47:51 PM # Q

I dont know about a while range, but there certainly is a WIFI miniSD card, and I saw a video out miniSD solution also.

Spectec WIFI miniSD card

Spectec miniSD to video card


They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
Hey!! I made associate writer at PDA247. Come see my nattering over there!!

More details - do you believe me now?
SeldomVisitor @ 8/28/2006 7:19:12 PM # Q

Why should we?

Because some random rumor-filled web site continues with literally-unfounded rumors?


Perhaps it's true, perhaps it's not.

But certainly is no further reason to believe anyone.

Including you.

[though you talk the talk and are interesting to read, that doesn't mean squat really, does it, when discussing rumors?]

RE: it is just a matter of time
Surur @ 8/28/2006 7:22:06 PM # Q

All true, but the high resolution picture posted strongly suggests the owner of the site has/had the device in their possession.

In the end, how do we know we are not living in Plato's cave? You have got to trust some evidence at some point.


They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
Hey!! I made associate writer at PDA247. Come see my nattering over there!!

RE: it is just a matter of time
AdamaDBrown @ 8/28/2006 7:52:48 PM # Q
I find it ironic, Surur, that those specs you posted, if accurate, pretty much debunk the idea of a "high end" Windows Treo. They are, in fact, almost perfectly identical to the Treo 700w(x).

RE: it is just a matter of time
Surur @ 8/29/2006 2:28:00 AM # Q
Adama, you keep putting words into Sagio's mouth. Its antenna-less, and has 3G wireless, and looks a bit better. I dont think anyone expected more. WIFI was always speculative.


They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
Hey!! I made associate writer at PDA247. Come see my nattering over there!!

RE: it is just a matter of time
heavyduty @ 8/29/2006 3:37:06 PM # Q
No Wifi!?

I've been waiting patiently for over a year, confident that the next version would offer Wifi, what with HTC's models and all. But no, they decided to cripple the danm thing (and I don't care about the OEMs). This really pi$$es me off: is it so fukcing difficult to get through their thick heads that we want Wifi!!??

Palm says it drains the battery. I say, let *me* worry about that, it's *my* decision whether to use it or not, NOT for you to decide it for me.

To top it off, Vodafone doesn't even offer flat rate 3G plans in Spain, so there really is no substitute for Wifi.

I'm so fed with this catching-up game by Palm. I'm outa' here, I'm getting myself an HTC, at this point Palm doesn't offer anything compelling enough to stay with them. And btw, I'll cancel my Vodafone contract as well - to he11 with them all!

Palm Vx (a classic) -> Palm 505 (*yawn*) -> Dell Axim (slooow...) -> Palm TE (great) -> Qtek 9090 (great idea, lousy platform) -> Nokia 6630 (a toy) -> iMate SP3i (not bad) -> Treo 650 (awesome... one year ago)

RE: it is just a matter of time
e_tellurian @ 8/29/2006 5:07:40 PM # Q
Will separate industry with its own capital resolve this?



Completing the e-com circle with a people driven we-com solution
WiFi & BT? No strings attached

RE: it is just a matter of time
Konstantin @ 8/29/2006 8:27:59 PM # Q
With VOIP application catching up, the decision to leave out WiFi was obligatory for Palm to be accepted more easily by carriers.

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Its a standard SD card

ChiLLFiRe @ 8/30/2006 5:27:32 PM # Q

I think its a standard SD card slot on the Treo...judging by the size of it...

"The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by WHO WE ARE and WHOSE WE ARE"
RE: Its a standard SD card
Surur @ 8/30/2006 5:41:01 PM # Q

And you have chosen to ignore all the other evidence?


They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
Hey!! I made associate writer at PDA247. Come see my nattering over there!!

RE: Its a standard SD card
Sleuth255 @ 8/31/2006 10:49:35 AM # Q
Sigh... thus the problem with the human race. We all too often choose to ignore the preponderance of evidence and instead cling to the one thing that supports our own hypothesis.

Hello! It's MiniSD! Let's move past this...

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Palm Treo 750v Officially announced!

xtian001 @ 9/12/2006 3:01:33 PM # Q
It’s here! Palm has the specifications of the new Palm Treo 750v (Vodafone release) posted on to their Euro site. The Palm Treo 750v has Windows Mobile 5.2 as its operating system, run by a 300MHz Samsung Processor and has 128 mb memory. It is quad band (850/900/1800/1900 and also support UMTS Bands 850/1900/2100. They have also apparently removed the antenna and now boasts and internal one. Again, from a screen size of 320X320 for the Treo 650, you now get 240x240.

More details posted here:

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