Comments on: Palm Sherlock Shows up on Sprint Roadmap

Engadget Mobile has posted a leaked Sprint device launch estimate schedule, which includes a mention of a new device from Palm. No details whatsoever other than the code-name of Palm Sherlock and a June launch period.
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Hawkins' Next Great Thing...

hkklife @ 1/18/2007 2:55:40 PM # Q
or an antennaless 700wx?

It's inevitable the CDMA 700wx will be released with the 750 formfactor sometime in '07 for Sprint & Verizon.

So the only remaining questions are:

1. Will Verizon get the 700wx this month in its current form (with Sprint getting the "Sherlock" as an exclusive for a while)? Or are Verizon rather sour at Palm due to the lukewarm response to the 700w and 700p after all of the $ Verizon threw at Palm in '05?

2. Will Palm repackage the 700p in the Treo 680 formfactor, fixing some of the 700p's major bugs in the process?

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P

RE: Hawkins' Next Great Thing...
freakout @ 1/18/2007 6:31:32 PM # Q
(2) sounds like a smart idea if the long-overdue 700p ROM update won't be able to fix all the problems, as Palm's response to the treocentral open letter suggests. 750p maybe?

Maybe it's the Secret Third Business. A man can dream...

RE: Hawkins' Next Great Thing...
trellus @ 1/20/2007 12:00:01 PM # Q
Given that the code name suggests some kind of enhanced search functionality, I think it's clearly either the "mystery device" or (more likely) includes a feature set that is foreshadows it.

I think it could possibly offer built-in GPS and enhanced Google Search / Maps that utilizes location information; perhaps you could see a map of all the nearest ATMs, etc.

It might also offer a Google app that can search your Google Desktop Engine files (and gmail) and offer on-the-fly access to these files by downloading the file when you click on a search hit. This could work by having a Google or Palm hosted web server that communicates with an enhanced Google Desktop Engine on your broadband connection. Think of it as "Your World From Your Palm (R)"

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Sherlock on Sprint

zinzan @ 1/18/2007 3:07:44 PM # Q
From what i can see, it's the Treo 755 - a CDMA windows mobile device...

Still waiting on news on new PDAs.... still hoping!

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate"

RE: Sherlock on Sprint
Patrick @ 1/18/2007 10:49:31 PM # Q
Why would a CDMA radio require a model number change? They didn't do that for the 600 or 650.

RE: Sherlock on Sprint
LiveFaith @ 1/19/2007 7:48:16 AM # Q
This does NOT "replace" anything like the others. It's "new" to Sprint.

Pat Horne
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June launch?

freakout @ 1/18/2007 6:28:05 PM # Q
If so, that's kinda crazy. I'd wager anyone going up against Apple's hype machine when they launch the iPhone is going to get steamrolled.
RE: June launch?
drw @ 1/18/2007 6:50:08 PM # Q
Yeaahh.. Instead of Sherlock, how about Hemlock, Vaporlock, or Flintlock.

Anybody else notice the irony in Steve Jobs's iphone keynote where he says "we have 200 patents on this phone which we intend to defend vigorously", then they steal the name (iphone) which cisco owns the copywrite to.


RE: June launch?
t3h @ 1/18/2007 8:38:47 PM # Q
>Anybody else notice the irony in Steve Jobs's iphone keynote where he says "we have 200 patents on this phone
>which we intend to defend vigorously", then they steal the name (iphone) which cisco owns the copywrite to.

The further twist of irony is that Cisco's iPhone uses GPL'd software all through it and doesn't provide the source code, once again violating copyright (rather, copyleft, but the GPL technically is a copyright license).

It's also just a Linksys VoIP phone with a sticker saying "iPhone" slapped on the box. Obviously the name was so good that it wasn't anywhere within the manual, or even on the product itself.

Palm TX + 1GB SD + Motorola v3x = awesomeness

RE: June launch?
mikecane @ 1/19/2007 1:00:35 PM # Q
Another irony: If it's really called Sherlock, Apple will probably sue as it's a trademark for their search utility...

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t3h @ 1/18/2007 8:42:19 PM # Q
Of course, the question that we're all asking is: Does it have wifi?

Palm TX + 1GB SD + Motorola v3x = awesomeness
RE: Wifi?
LiveFaith @ 1/18/2007 8:45:28 PM # Q
Doesn't take a detective to see that it should. Maybe that's the reason for the code name after 3-4 years of begging Palm.

Pat Horne
RE: Wifi?
hkklife @ 1/18/2007 9:11:01 PM # Q
Does anyone know which US carrier currently is the most , ahem, "forgiving" towards built-in wi-fi in smartphones? I count two on Verizon (Samsung i730 & Audiovox XV6700). Cingular has, I think, just the 8525. Sprint only has the PPC6700.

At any rate, I wouldn't put too much effort into trying to decipher the context behind the "Sherlock" codename. I mean, the T|T was "Oslo" and look how little that had to do with the actual product!

Or for that matter, any of the following codenames!:

Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P

RE: Wifi?
SeldomVisitor @ 1/19/2007 7:52:59 AM # Q
> ...Maybe that's the reason for the code name after 3-4 years of
> begging Palm...

Then again, maybe the Marketdroids at PALM got a little humor and knew that it would be accompanied often enough by Mr. Watson (aka Dr. Watson)?

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Official Treo 680 battery fix is ALREADY out!!

hkklife @ 1/18/2007 9:24:36 PM # Q


Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P

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Does Palm Jekyll & Hyde show up too?

Gekko @ 1/19/2007 1:00:32 PM # Q

Now that's an appropriate code name!

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Whats happening to Palm's share price?

Surur @ 1/19/2007 2:39:59 PM # Q
Seems a major crash going on, with high volumes. What news did I miss?


They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
Hey!! I made associate writer at PDA247. Come see my nattering over there!!

RE: Whats happening to Palm's share price?
SeldomVisitor @ 1/19/2007 3:03:40 PM # Q
> ...What news did I miss?

Announcement of the iPhone?


RE: Whats happening to Palm's share price?
Surur @ 1/19/2007 3:37:40 PM # Q
I thought that 7% dropped happened a week ago already. Nothing else going on today? It looks like it will hit the 52 week low soon.


They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
Hey!! I made associate writer at PDA247. Come see my nattering over there!!

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Sprint releases

BurBeary82 @ 3/13/2007 1:00:13 PM # Q
I just contacted Sprint on Saturday night and referenced these release dates. The rep I spoke with knew nothing of a majority of them.

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