Comments on: Documents to Go v10 Adds Office 2007 Support

DataViz has announced the release of Documents To Go Premium Edition 10. The latest version of the Office suite for Palm OS is now the first and only mobile solution to enable users to open and view new Microsoft Word and Excel Office 2007 files in their native format on their Palm OS device. An update which includes full Office 2007 editing support and Windows Vista compatibility will be released later this year.
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serpico @ 4/3/2007 1:17:23 PM # Q
That's pathetic, I'm using Office 2007 and I can't even get a patch for free for my version that came with my TX. No thanks. I'll just save my created files on the SD card and transfer back and forth if required. One less thing to sync during hotsync. I don't need any new features.
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OpenOffice support?

onestar @ 4/3/2007 3:09:54 PM # Q
This is all well and good, but is there support for OpenOffice?

Support for OpenOffice would make this a much more attractive piece of software.

One by one, the penguins are stealing my sanity.

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We want OPENOFFICE support!

Radu Coc @ 4/3/2007 5:04:10 PM # Q
OpenOffice is the future. Micro$$oft and his ofice suite is the past. So, support for .ODT format will be MUCH more apreciated.

RE: We want OPENOFFICE support!
dukat @ 4/4/2007 5:18:35 AM # Q
Definitely agree!

OpenDocument (which is not OpenOffice only!) has been approved as official ISO standard and will be the document format of the future. Even M$ has (reluctantly and with slight force) released add-on support for OpenDocument.

DataViz OpenDocument support should be high on their priority list!

IIIe -> m505 -> T3 -> Treo650 -> Treo680

RE: We want OPENOFFICE support!
javispedro @ 4/7/2007 1:17:51 PM # Q
Call me when they offer full OpenDocument read/write, text, spreadsheet and presentation support.

Up so far there are FAR more OpenDocument documents out there than "Office Open XML" ones. As their marketing says, "Dont get caught with a file you can't open.". Well, thanks god there are a few OpenDocument-.doc converters online...

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Typical Dataviz...

dws90 @ 4/3/2007 7:00:58 PM # Q
Add one new feature, and charge a $30 upgrade fee.

I hate to admit it, but Docs to Go is the best office suite available for Palm OS right now. Nevertheless, I absolutely hate the company's practices. It's already one of the most expensive Palm OS apps in common use, and having to pay $30 once every 6 months is incredibly annoying.

Solution? I'm not buying any upgrades. I'm still using Version 8, and I'm doing fine. Maybe I'll upgrade when there's truly a new, useful feature, not just another file type.

RE: Typical Dataviz...
ctnice @ 4/4/2007 9:42:50 AM # Q
Yeah, I agree with the above poster... I purchased v 9.0 less than 5 months ago... Their support e-mailed me to let me know that they would have been happy to award me a FREE copy if I had purchased within the last 90 days... But instead, now they are asking for another $30.00! I have ALREADY PURCHASED/UPGRADED this product 3 times...

So they basically are counting on NEW business as I would venture to guess that they are going to be losing MANY LONG-TIME customers such as myself. DATAVIZ has squeezed already squeezed their last $30.00 out of me!

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Palm should put on CD rather than force into ROM!

joad @ 4/4/2007 12:25:30 PM # Q
I wish Palm would stop putting outdated versions of DTG into the ROM where we can't remove it. Even with the Dataviz tool you are screwed - the current version has to stay in RAM anyway otherwise the ROM version will preside and create errors. And upgrading a full version will be a real treat.

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