Comments on: Palm Foleo Details Leaked?

Rumor: In what appears to be an official press release inadvertently posted early in one of Palm's PR rss feeds shows a few details about Palm's expected product launch today. The device will be called the Foleo and is described as a smartphone companion product.

The press release goes on to reveal a few key points about the device, but is light on the details and actual specs, which we expect to hear more about after the official announcement and webcast. Read on for what we know so far...

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Paging Jeff Hawkins's brain

mikecane @ 5/30/2007 12:13:23 PM # Q
>>>"Foleo is the most exciting product I have ever worked on. Smartphones will be the most prevalent personal computers on the planet, ultimately able to do everything that desktop computers can do. [...]"

Uh, no. And, uh, no.

RE: Paging Jeff Hawkins's brain
SeldomVisitor @ 5/30/2007 12:19:09 PM # Q
And ..uh..maybe not.

There have been posts elsewhere suggesting the "news release" is a fake.

RE: Paging Jeff Hawkins's brain
madmaxmedia @ 5/30/2007 12:29:32 PM # Q
The idea is at least very interesting.

Smartphones will eventually become as powerful as desktop computers are NOW, and desktop computers are already about as powerful as most people need them to be (unless you're running Vista. ;-)

I assume this device would work as a standalone PDA as well? I assume most synchronization would be via Bluetooth? Will it have Wifi too?

I still don't know how large a potential market something like this has.

It's interesting, but obviously we need to see more. It could be a fake release, but I think a fake release wouldn't be as creative as this one is. Most fakers try to come up with something that is different but not competely new, to give an air of credibility.

RE: Paging Jeff Hawkins's brain
mikecane @ 5/30/2007 12:54:03 PM # Q
>>>Smartphones will eventually become as powerful as desktop computers are NOW, and desktop computers are already about as powerful as most people need them to be (unless you're running Vista. ;-)

Oh stop. Phones are going to go away. They will become a generic chipset component just as Bluetooth and WiFi have become.

This is one part of what the future will look like:

And it's due out next year.

RE: Paging Jeff Hawkins's brain
mikecane @ 5/30/2007 2:24:27 PM # Q
Just what I said, from hawkins himself (via Engadget):

>>>But it became clear the smartphone wasn't going to fill that role. It has a keyboard, nice display, except there's a problem. You need a full size screen and keyboard.

And so the answer to that is... A SUBNOTEBOOK!


RE: Paging Jeff Hawkins's brain
mikecane @ 6/3/2007 11:15:14 AM # Q
>>>There have been posts elsewhere suggesting the "news release" is a fake.

OK, tell me this has been like that episode of Dallas where the guy comes out of the shower and that entire last season never happened.

The Flopeo announcement was all a delusion of mine, right?


RE: Paging Jeff Hawkins's brain
SeldomVisitor @ 6/3/2007 6:17:41 PM # Q
> ...The Flopeo announcement was all a delusion of mine, right?...

It certainly is a delusion of someone.

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RE: Paging Jeff Hawkins's brain

Tere @ 5/30/2007 12:45:32 PM # Q
madmaxmedia said:
"It could be a fake release, but I think a fake release wouldn't be as creative as this one is. Most fakers try to come up with something that is different but not competely new, to give an air of credibility."

Unless it's disinformation from Palm itself. OTHO, why disseminate it only hours before the real deal...

We'll have to wait and see.

- Tere

RE: Paging Jeff Hawkins's brain
mikecane @ 5/30/2007 12:55:12 PM # Q
If it's totally fake, then there is always hope for something that is at least *less* disappointing...

I wondered myself why only the first page of that release was captured when there was obviously a second page to it.

RE: Paging Jeff Hawkins's brain
madmaxmedia @ 5/30/2007 1:13:02 PM # Q
It's a bit out there (that part I like), but it does sound disappointing doesn't it? Mainly because Hawkins has built it up for like 2 years, ever since PDA sales started going down. I mean it doesn't even have Coverflow for god's sake, ha ha.

I think it's a Palm Tungsten C with Bluetooth and an extra sync application!! Woo hoo!!

RE: Paging Jeff Hawkins's brain
mikecane @ 5/30/2007 2:25:21 PM # Q
>>>I mean it doesn't even have Coverflow for god's sake

2nd funniest line ever on PIC!

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I Cross My Fingers

Alpha1220 @ 5/30/2007 1:08:58 PM # Q
& hope that this press release is, in fact, disinformation (or the work of an internet hoaxster - this seems the more likely of the two possibilities, as it wouldn't make much sense for Palm to release a herring only hours before the announcement)

After so much hype, for this to be the crowning device of the touted new product category would be a disappointment, to say the least.

The whole 'smartphone companion' concept seems troublesome - I read it, and I get this immediate sense of 'too many steps'; another device, another link, another thing to carry, another tool to interface, etc. It seems a ponderous concept, against the whole palm ethos of simplicity and efficency and minimization of steps which was what made its original devices so popular - a nexus of ideas that (?I think?) Hawkins embraces ... purportedly

If this is the device to be announced, it also adds another nail to the coffin of the sans smartphone camp. Preaching to the choir, I know, but the days of Palm (software/hardware) as a focused handheld company (my traditional definition: full functionality without the involvement of a mobile phone company) seem to be more and more stuff of memories.

Oh well, I'll be waiting and watching, as I have been for many many years. (Dusts off Palm IIIc, weeps, moves on, and contemplates the iphone)

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A vision a mobile computing that makes sense.

VampireLestat @ 5/30/2007 1:15:29 PM # Q
- Lugging around a laptop is never going to fly with the masses.

- Like Mike said, people don't need to carry Windows XP, they need to carry 'data'. So if you are using MS Office, Sun's OpenOffice suite or Dataviz's Docs2Go, it makes no difference. As long as you can carry your .xls .doc files with you. So a proprietary Palm OS over Linux is not a problem at all.

- Treos will play the role of on the fly, quickly grabbing tidbits of info. To not look like a fool in public you have to have a slim device near your face, not some huge flat odd looking slab of a device that will make people look at you funny.

- Treo, with their screen size and mini keyb will never physically be able to offer a full mobile computing experience. There is a usability/productivity threshold that needs to be passed before mass adoption will occur; and the Foleo might just be that device.

- If a person is outrage at the idea of having 2 devices being optimized for their role, then they likely don't need to do mobile computing.

- The best thing in the long run is for Palm to focus on mobile computing devices like the Foleo and eventually come out with a tiny super slim 160x160 micro Treo that has barely anything inside of it, and it communicates with the Foleo as the 'home base'. You can even think of a nano Treo that seamlessly snaps into the home base Foleo and offers additional processing power, emergency battery life sharing (Foleo to Treo and Treo to Foleo), an enhanced 3rd speaker for louder movies (or simulated surroud), the Treo would act as a 2nd screen (dual monitor), etc

RE: A vision a mobile computing that makes sense.
VampireLestat @ 5/30/2007 1:17:48 PM # Q
Now don't tell me that is not exciting.

RE: A vision a mobile computing that makes sense.
VampireLestat @ 5/30/2007 1:22:07 PM # Q
And think about it people...

You could get a call from someone, tell them:
"- Umm Joe, could I call you back? I am at the office right now and since you are long distance I want to switch to my Foleo's VoIP. Call ya back in a sec ok?"

Treo could then interface with the Foleo to do EVDO/Wifi Voip and perhaps even videophone.

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New or re-packaged?

OMEGON @ 5/30/2007 1:26:01 PM # Q
If this new item can print various documents without making the user go to yet another vendor ( or more than one) and hope for compatibility, then great. If not, then to many of us it will be a failure. Lets hope this important feature wasn't left out! For $500, it better be there! I think we all want this to succeed.
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The official PR-fluff is out now

SeldomVisitor @ 5/30/2007 1:35:31 PM # Q
Nuff said.

RE: The official PR-fluff is out now
SeldomVisitor @ 5/30/2007 1:37:45 PM # Q
And PALM's website has a flash demo, home page.

RE: The official PR-fluff is out now
SeldomVisitor @ 5/30/2007 1:42:39 PM # Q
Nice laptop.

RE: The official PR-fluff is out now
Scott R @ 5/30/2007 1:48:30 PM # Q
They've totally lost it. They're introducing a laptop-sized/priced device that's focused on email? I can just imagine that they let Hawkins "go off and do his magic" without any input/questioning by anyone else. He probably doesn't use a laptop for any real work and thinks that there are millions of people just like him. I'll be interested to see how their stock price is affected by this.
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RE: The official PR-fluff is out now
rrfranczak3 @ 5/30/2007 2:05:33 PM # Q
according to their home page this will be out during the summer....know what????....uh...I can wait.....for $500+...uh....I can really wait!!!!!!!!!!

After my divorce, my Palm is my best friend...Palm Pilot that is.......
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