Comments on: Treo 500 Due This Week
Contrary to previous speculation, it appears this mystery device is not going to come in Palm's new, smaller Centro form factor, but will be a larger variant thereof - somewhere between the Centro and the new 680/75x style.
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RE: 500p
FoleoCentral is the news, opinions & review blog about the Palm Foleo Mobile Companion
RE: 500p
But this WM thinghy is going to be launched first, probably.
FoleoCentral is the news, opinions & review blog about the Palm Foleo Mobile Companion
RE: 500p
>Contrary to previous speculation, it appears this mystery device is not going to come in Palm's new, smaller Centro form factor, but will be a larger variant thereof - somewhere between the Centro and the new 680/75x style.
did you read this?
RE: 500p
As of next month or so, Palm will be using 4 formfactors for their smartphones:
(from smallest to largest)
1. Centro. CDMA on Sprint. Runs FrankenGarnet. Tiny keyboard and 320x320 touschscreen.
2. Treo 500. GSM on Vodafone initially. Runs WM6 Standard. 320x240 non-touschscreen. Appears to be a bit wider than the Centro with a bigger keyboard to accomodate its "widescreen".
3. Treo 680/750/755p. Nearly identical models for CDMA & GSM a modified, antenna-less version of the traditional Treo 600 design.
4. Treo 700p/w/wx. Slightly larger and thicker with external antennae. Very slightly larger keyboard and LCD than the 680/750/755p.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: 500p
Like I've told you on several occasions: no way in he11....
Palm Vx (a classic) -> Palm 505 (*yawn*) -> Dell Axim (slooow...) -> Palm TE (great) -> Qtek 9090 (great idea, lousy platform) -> Nokia 6630 (a toy) -> iMate SP3i (not bad) -> Nokia 9300 (can't sync notes!!) -> Treo 650 (awesome) -> hw6915 (almost perfect)
RE: 500p
Palm Vx (a classic) -> Palm 505 (*yawn*) -> Dell Axim (slooow...) -> Palm TE (great) -> Qtek 9090 (great idea, lousy platform) -> Nokia 6630 (a toy) -> iMate SP3i (not bad) -> Nokia 9300 (can't sync notes!!) -> Treo 650 (awesome) -> hw6915 (almost perfect)
RE: 500p
I didn't say anything here about GPS here! True, I was hoping for it a while back but after the Fooleo debacle I pretty much gave up hope on Palm EVER getting it together--certainly on the Treo line, at least. This just goes to show that Colligan's comments about a "Mercedes" high-end Treo were more hollow promises. It's the most critical season of the year for product introductions and Palm is trotting out two "downgraded" entry level models. Remember when October was the time when Palm traditionally released high-end Tungsten devices!?!
And wi-fi? It's not going to appear as standard BUT I'm still hedging my bets that Palm will release a Palm-branded miniSDIO wi-fi card in the near future. It can utilize the wi-fi drivers that are built into all of their WinMob Treos (or made available to download for WM devices only if not). Something just like this one, in fact:
In one of the odd Palm nods to usability while still staying in the stone age, I could see them doing future Centro/Treo 500 designs with mini or microSD slots under the battery with an extended/deeper cutout to accomodate the longer wi-fi cards so they don't protrude out of the device (see the pics in the link above). Then Palm keeps the carriers happy (no wi-fi standard), can advertise their new products as wi-fi compliant to end users like us, and have another overpriced Palm-branded product to sell at their stores & kiosks.
By the way, isn't it funny how expansion cards were all the rage a few years ago? But now companies are either going without removable expansion media at all (Apple), downgrading in size/speed/usability (Palm) or going with card slots that are under batteries and/or otherwise nearly impossible to reach (nearly all new dumbphones on the market)? Companies still see expandable memory in devices as a threat to their bottom line. It's like digital camera manufacturers are operating in a universe separate from all other CE products on the market!
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: 500p
== "...I have decided to...focus all of our energies on delivering our
== next generation platform and the first smartphones that will bring
== this platform to market. We will, of course, continue to develop
== products in partnership with Microsoft on the Windows Mobile platform,
== but from our internal platform development perspective, we will focus
== on only one..."
pretty much explain about that Mercedes...
Way to go Palm.
<> that is my tech blog. There are many like it, but that one is mine.
RE: honestly
By then apple will have released iphone 2.0 or 3.0
RE: honestly
<> that is my tech blog. There are many like it, but that one is mine.
I guess dropping the touch-screen was a mistake
These mistakes are not the sort that Jeff Hawkins would make. It's interesting to know how much influence he has on Palm's products these days. What's going on there?? :))
RE: I guess dropping the touch-screen was a mistake
As i write this, he's whittling down a block of wood to find the perfect foleo 2 form factor! :/
RE: I guess dropping the touch-screen was a mistake
1. What will the battery capacity battery be? My guess is 1200mAh. Fixed or removable? And will it share the same battery design with the Centro?
2. 2.0mp camrea & BT 2.0 is quite nice for a lower-end Treo....and the screen resolution trups all current WinMob Treos. Touchscreen aside, this thing might really steal sales from the 750! Palm needs to release a 320x320, WM6 Pro refresh of the Treo 750 *ASAP*. And even a mild refresh of the 700wx (755 formfactor, WM6 Pro) wouldn't be bad for the CDMA market. I'm really surprised Palm hasn't tried to update their existing WM Treos so far....unless, as SV has hinted at time and time again, they are going to let the Taiwanese ODMs do all of their heavy lifting so that can put all of their energies on the final FrankenGarnet devices and (presumably) getting PLinux bug-free and eventually to market.
3. Since this one can use A2DP for stereo headphone purposes, does that mean we might luck out and get a proper 3.5mm stereo headphone jack on the Centro?
4. Will anyone in the US carry this thing? Does at&t care about ANYTHING Palm-branded anymore? Maybe Palm will just sell a cheap unlocked version of this to domestic customers via since I think at&t is still iPhone-obsessed at the moment. Does this one support 1900mhz?
5. Yes, ExPalmUser2, WinMob (is it still in WM6, actually?) has what they call "block recognition" which is EXACTLY the same thing as Graffiti 1. Astounding. Does M$ just pay Xerox royalties for this (I've always wondered that)?
While I love the Treo's thumboard, I'd still give it up in a heartbeat if I could get a decently-sized, bright 320x480 LCD on a Treo alongside a decent metal stylus and Graffiti 1.
6. Yes, Hawkins would make these sorts of mistakes. Just look at how it took the Treo to lose its ungainly external antennae and then again at the Foleo disaster. The lean, mean, and hungry Hawkins of yore wouldn't have made those mistakes. But the rich, content, and bored Hawkins of 2007 would not bother whittling down a block of wood nor would he employ a tap counter.
P.S. I wonder how many taps (and minutes) it would require to pair a laggy, crashing FrankenGarnet Treo with a Fooleo for BT DUN?
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: I guess dropping the touch-screen was a mistake
RE: I guess dropping the touch-screen was a mistake
Surur is still kicking around on TreoCentral nowadays.
TVoR is....ahem, likely not going to be appearing anywhere anytime soon
E-T I believe was banned from PIC.
Adama still pops in now & again but he's also had his fill of all things Palm it appears.
Chia....I suppose he moved on as well.
But yeah, I was just noticing the other day how a good number of the "PIC regular" have faded away recently. I think the combination of no compelling new products from Palm, the 700p fiasco, and the Fooleo debacle really shut the door for a lot of folks. And I'd imagine all of the big news from Apple has not helped matters for Palm either.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
it's weird - none of us know each other except for words on a screen yet in a way, we all know each other.
i guess someday soon each of us will move on never to be heard from again.
"Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: that man is here for the sake of other men." - Albert Einstein
I just can't seem to care about these incremental stumbles towards the edge of the cliff. I keep thinking to myself how they had to kill off the Foleo so someone wouldn't get distracted from their inability to stay focused, yet here we have windows mobile sloggig up the same old tired pixels.
Have you ever done email on a windows mobile device? It's a freaking joke. Slow as hell and funky too. So 'good job Palm' stay focused on what matters (the heard?) and keep those low res windows non-touch screens coming. Throw in a sprinkling of lame duck Palm OS systems. The market and I dare say the profit margin on featherweight laptop-like systems that communicate with phones has *got* to be greater than these lame hardware they keep throwing at the carrier walls to see what sticks.
An there's Apple putting out a PDA music player Internet device in the same form factor as their phone. What a concept. They've already got the production facilities running. It's like business school 101 existing product variant to extended market.
Thinking about Vista? Think again:
Want an alternative? Try this: or
I guess his hand stopped playing hard to get...
Me too phone - me neither sale
There are very many Windows Mobile Standard phones in the market, and this stands out for nothing but its fatness and ugliness.
A Palmux HSDPA Centro might grab my attention again; meanwhile, bye bye Palm. There is NOTHING interesting to see here, let's move on.
RE: Centro next to Treo photo
Gekko, you sure you want that?
RE: Centro next to Treo photo
RE: Centro next to Treo photo
RE: Centro next to Treo photo
Thinking behind the new design
Of course, there's another way to reduce QWERTY shock. (Cue the PIC 320x480 chorus!)
David Beers
Senior Wireless Developer
RE: Thinking behind the new design
Please, let's not even try to find anything exciting about this device.
Palm Vx (a classic) -> Palm 505 (*yawn*) -> Dell Axim (slooow...) -> Palm TE (great) -> Qtek 9090 (great idea, lousy platform) -> Nokia 6630 (a toy) -> iMate SP3i (not bad) -> Nokia 9300 (can't sync notes!!) -> Treo 650 (awesome) -> hw6915 (almost perfect)
RE: Thinking behind the new design
(Cue the PIC 320x480 chorus!)
I think the they all lost their voices from singing the same tune for so long that they gave up, walked to the local bar and are currently drowning their sorrows with beer and country music.
Thinking about Vista? Think again:
Want an alternative? Try this: or
RE: Thinking behind the new design
Now, Palm could at least help matters considerably by including a 3.5mm stereo headphone jack for all of the kiddies to to stick in a set of real headphones into and jam their tunes.
Yes, it looks less cluttered but what about the USABILITY of such a small board? I noticed a distinct difference in ease of typing between the 755p and my 700p due to the reduced thickness of the 755p (made it harder for my big hands to hold) and the marginally smaller keys on the 755p. The 755p/750/680 FF is as small as I'd personally ever want to get. Now, don't get me wrong, 320x480 + a tiny QWERTY board would be one thing....but going with an LCD that's even smaller than the current Treo size is just mindboggling.
P.S. It's a shame so few Palm OS apps are 480x320 friendly.....a modified version of the Treo 500 formfactor running Garnet with a small 480x320 landscape screen could be just the ticket!
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
== placement on the backs have changed ever-so-slightly; these
== phones are thinner, but not that thin; and... these designs
== look straight out of 1999. Look, we know you're trying guys,
== but you're going to have to do better than a BlackJack-aping,
== Windows Mobile almost-ran to win our hardened hearts back..."
RE: Giggle
It's only one of the most successful consumer electronics devices of all time... Not to say that this Palm phone will see similar success, but really. If Apple made it they'd be creaming themselves.
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what about a 500p?